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  • buck balls.mp4



This video marks a huge and exciting change for me. Thanks to all the support for these videos, I'm now able to finally properly invest in them a bit, and as of this video, I started using an actual sound library I'm paying for (Soundsnap) to get sound effects rather than random online free ones (which I'd usually have to heavily alter to fit my needs better, be less instantly recognizable so that it distracts people from the video itself, or make it sound sound like a completely different thing than what it was supposed to be if I couldn't find a closer match), miscellaneous ones I don't even remember getting but had in my project folders from like a decade ago, or trying to pull sound effects from games I know. Wow I wrote that in an awful way - whatever, the point is that sound effects have been a huge pain in the ass and now they won't be.


This change is really great because it makes a huge chunk of the work on a lot of videos go waaayy faster, and I can do more ideas I have, with more little details that make the videos feel more like how I want them to. Don't worry, I totally get how it's fun to have recognizable overused stock sounds sometimes, or sounds from random games that can be recognized as a fun little reference, and I'll still use those here and there, but I'm really pumped to have a proper library to make use of for any sound that comes to mind instead of every sound effect being its own sidequest like it was before.

I'm excited to invest more cash into the content the good folks supporting me want to fund. Pretty much all I've ever used for my videos is Paint.NET for when I need to edit an image, VEGAS Pro 15 which I got for like thirty bucks in a Humble Software Bundle years ago, Mirillis Action which I got like 6 years ago for when I need to grab video/audio from games, and Audacity (though recently switched to mainly using Reaper due to expanding my work in VO). The main feature of the videos is the voice acting of course, which I myself bring to the table, but suffice to say I haven't been working with much of high quality aside from my own voice.

I don't want to make the production value too high because ultimately the idea is that it's all shitposts. If I transform the vision too much, it's like I'm punishing you for supporting me. I believe you should keep getting exactly what it is you decided you wanted to support the continuation of - with the occasional fun surprise thing to spice it up, whenever those come to mind. I have no plans to change the channel's overall direction - I look to the videos I've already done in the past to help guide what I should do more of going forward. Not to say I'm afraid to try new things at all, but that's more of a "when there's a wild hair up my ass sometimes" situation than a real plan.

But sometimes I'm sure you agree that the additional production value can add a lot to the fun of it, at least on some videos. Plus, even with much more basic ones, having better tools just lets me make them fit even a shitposty vision more accurately, and just have more fun with it personally, which I think always comes across in the video itself making the end result more enjoyable for folks.

Anywho sorry for the long read - but I just want you to know that I do appreciate the monetary support, and want to use it to improve the experience that got you on board. I won't lie - primarily the money goes to just making sure my bills and living expenses are paid so I can work on this stuff as much as I do. But little by little, I'm finally not broke and paycheck to paycheck like I have been pretty much my whole life, and little by little I've finally got extra change in my pocket, and so I want to make sure that I'm utilizing your support in a way that benefits you.

I know all you folks have been super kind and just want to support me in general. You demand nothing of me. Absolutely nobody has come knocking to ask what it is I do with their money. I appreciate that. You've changed my life immensely and asked for nothing in return except that I keep doing what I've been doing - which of course is what I love to do more than anything else. But even though you're not looking to police how I use your support - *I* am, and I wanna make sure you see some results for all you put in.

TL;DR: I have an actual sound library now, thank you so much for your support.



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