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  • stop doing math.mp4



Tasch requested me to dub this. When I posted it, I thought people wouldn't really like it that much because I couldn't really figure out too many fun video editing things I felt like doing with it (which wouldn't be too much work and also would be enjoyable) so I pretty much played it straightforward for the most part. Turned out people really loved it.

Also turned out there's an account called Welcome To My Meme Page that makes posters like this. At the time I didn't know it, so I didn't credit them because I had no idea where this came from. You know, on the net, some images are just... around. It's like they've always been around somehow, with no clear source. I thought it was like that. I felt so bad about it that I asked them if I could dub more, crediting them properly. They told me I could, so I recorded at least 3 more. People really liked them, so now I just try to do another one every once in a while. They're very fun to do.



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