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  • DUKE.mp4



Where it all really began.

I made this dumb tweet and it took off. Whereas I'd had like 600-800 followers for the seven years or whatever I'd been on Twitter, this took off, boosting me to like 1500. It was then I said to myself "Okay, people probably followed because they want more like that. So I should deliver it." and everything just went from there.

I actually hate how I used to voice Duke, really way off model from either the original Duke recordings and even more off from the new ones like in DNF. Sounds like a cursed Duke Nukem knockoff toy on the verge of suicide. Which I'll admit, is quite funny in its own way. I thought about continuing to voice him like this just because it's funny, but I like voicing him the way I do now because it lets you do more entertaining stuff with emoting that works smoother, and while I don't think any of my impressions are *truly* super accurate and try not to let accuracy get in the way of fun too much, I think I've improved over time on accuracy to The King.



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