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/ Bunny




Spit painting is my favourite but I've definitely enjoyed your talking videos lately.


fast and aggressive eat eating! (or with brush)


Roleplay damnit!!!!! Twin fuzzy mics??? I'M AN ARROGANT SON OF A BITCH!!!

Steampunk Bunny

What roleplay do you want? Me thinking youre a carrot? Bahaha! Damn it!!! I need to make my rode mics cooperate with me then!


Sensitive ear/lens licking, kisses, and sucking. With layers, like ear massage, rain, soothing soft voice. I melt everytime. It's so relaxing and soothing. Thanks ❤️


Kidnap and interrogation, skyrim roleplay would be hilarious and relaxing at the same time. Mjoll or Aela. I'm still just a milk drinker lol. I'm a big fan of twin fuzzy mics with hand brushing, breathing and whispers. All of that combined gives me cookie monster syndrome and my eyes jiggle in all directions 👀 🍪

Steampunk Bunny

Oh, Ill kidnap you and force you to look at me torturing Sven in front of your very eyes. Or maybe he likes it, who knows. 🤷 Ah, the cookie monster syndrome. Isnt that contageous? Maybe you should keep yourself in quarantine. Well, I guess I have to bring out my rode mics. They are like my secret weapon.

Ajin Kujo

Maybe tascam licking? Seriously I don’t have anything in mind.


Ears I would prefer, but anything from you is high quality


Also your voice is just too soft, super super sweet voice;( I'm jealous


ear eating thats very right ear heavy. still a little left ear but like 95% of the time on the right ear and also with a tascam would be👌

Bruh Amongus

I know you tend to lick Sven’s ears a lot, but could you try licking his face? I’ve seen a few asmrtists jokingly do it but it was surprisingly tingly!