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Hi everyone! There's so much to say - I'm gonna try and summarize the important points in this post, but I'll be returning with much more in depth behind the scenes content and also more live streams as soon as possible!

So we've obviously been gone a while. Allison and I are officially moving across country next month, and I of course decided that now would be the perfect time to also shoot a large-scale film project! Me and Matt have been longing to make a western, and seeing as we're leaving Texas, it made sense to shoot one now rather than later. So we whipped up a 20-page short film script and jumped on it with all the knowledge and skill we've built up over ten years. All three of us are very glad that we did. It's been a very healing experience for us all, and personally has rebuilt my confidence in what we can actually pull off.

The story is about cowboy paleontologists, and the real life American fossil race known as the Bone Wars, as told from the perspective of a couple of workers hired to dig stuff up. Honestly can't even tell how good it is at this point, but we've had a blast either way!

We estimated five days of shooting originally, and have now completed five with one day left, so not far off! I'll also be spending a good day or two just photo-scanning things, so that after we move, I'll have everything I need to take my time with the edit. I'm employing a lot of my new VFX techniques to save time and money, and assuming it all comes together, we'll only have spent a few hundred bucks on this, though that's not including ALL the equipment we already collected over the years, which is a lot.

I can't wait to go into more detail, but for now I gotta get back to my massive to-do list, because we are still also moving in a few weeks. I only have this behind the scenes video because our friend Edwin Quinones showed up one day and put that together entirely on his own We definitely have more to come, plus LOTS of effects work that I'll try and stream or record or something. 

Hope you're all well, and we can't wait to see you again on Okay We're Up! Here's some bonus screenshots: