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Here is a sequence made with Anything AI, Hope you enjoy this creation, i Made a Story to go with it^^

Day 01
Link: Why do I have to dress like this, princess?
Zelda: I told you, we need to infiltrate the gerudo gang to bring them down.
Link: And I have to wear these clothes?
Zelda: Yes, you look like a woman, but enough talk, our mission awaits.

Day 12
Zelda: So did you get any information?
Link: No, but...
Zelda: But you're wearing makeup!
Link: No choice, doubts have started to emerge in the gang.
Zelda: I see, we'll have to play it tight, I'll suggest something.
Link: And what is it?
Zelda: A drug to feminize your body more. Don't worry, it's only temporary.

Day 23
Zelda: Oh my god...Link?
Link: Yes?
Zelda: Your hair, and these...
Link: Don't worry Princess, it's just to improve the infiltration, kinda like you.
Zelda: Sure, but...
Link: Trust me, I'll have that information soon.

Day 44
Link: Yo Princess.
Zelda: Link, I think we need to stop.
Link: Why? I love this mission so much.
Zelda: Look at you, you're becoming...
Link: Becoming what? It's just temporary, and from the way you look, you're in no position to tell me anything.
Zelda: It's for infiltration!
Link: Just like me, princess, just like me.

Day 65
Zelda: Damn it Link.
Link: What, Zelda?
Zelda: Look at you, you've got those tits!
Link: Yeah, and?
Zelda: You're not supposed to have them!
Link: Don't be jealous Zelda, you still have the biggest ones.
Zelda: Thank God I'm not going to lose to you!
Link: We'll see Zelda, we'll see Zelda.

Day 86
Zelda: Is this story true?
Link: Yeah, I lost my dick.
Zelda: Fuck you, how am I gonna get my pleasure?
Link: Keep doing what you've been doing for the past week, banging guys like a whore.
Zelda: Are you judging me Link?
Link: No I envy you, by the way, call me Lana now.

Day 107
Zelda: What's with the tits, Lana?
Lana: I can't help it Zeld, the effects of the drug are still working.
Zeld: Yeah, are they even natural?
Lana: Besides the drugs, yeah, can you help me tonight?
Zeld: Help you with?
Lana: Bang my first guy.
Zeld: I can't, Lana, I'm busy, but as soon as I'm free, I'll help you, baby.

Day 118
Zeld: Are you ready, Lana?
Lana: More than ever, I've never been so excited.
Zeld: You can tell, my little naughty girl, if you follow what I say, then you can do it alone.
Lana: I hope, wants to be the best whore.
Zeld: In your dreams Lana, I'm the winner.
Lana: For now, Zeld, for now.

Day 129
Lana: So Zeld?
Zeld: Fuck you Lana, you're on my level now.
Lana: I told you, I'm going to be the most famous hooker in New Donk City.
Zeld: Oh no, I'm going to defend my title of princess's whore.
Lana: Then may the best one win.

Day 140
Lana: Oh fuckin' hell, you're good man.
Man: ahhh no, you're in good shape...
Lana: No way, now you're my toy.
Man: I'm going to make you...um...stop...
Lana; No no, don't stop, I want to cum and win this title.
Man: What?
Lana: Get busy and fuck me, my submissive boy! Tonight, Lana is in charge!
