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Hi guys.

This letter is an example of what happens when a person does not understand the Patreon payment system. 

Believe me, I was as polite as possible and tried to explain to him that he was wrong. Of course, now this person is added to the blacklist, and I made a formal complaint to Patreon. Insults and psychological pressure are unacceptable. Hopefully Patreon will take action on this person.

Patreon has a large FAQ with detailed descriptions of its payment systems. But I will once again write about the payment system of my Patreon.

There are two types of payments:

1 - Monthly (type of payment on my Patreon)

2 - Up front

In the case of the Monthly payment type, you are not charged as soon as you became my patron. You are charged only on the first of every month.

For example, you became my patron on April 3rd. No money will be charged from you. This will only happen on May 1st. And then, on May 7th, I will send you the April reward. It's the only way this works. On the first of every month you are charged for the previous month's reward! On May 1st you will be charged for the April reward.

Up front works differently.

With this type of payment, money is debited immediately and then debited again on the first day of month. In this case, on April 1st you are charged for the April reward. May 1st you are charged for the May reward. This is how my second Patreon works, where I publish the Heilog Saga comic. But not here! Here - Monthly payment type.

The person who wrote that angry letter to me paid $15 on October 1st. He received the September reward on October 7th. Then, on October 23rd, he changed the payment to $1. On November 1st, he was charged for $1. And he began to demand that I send him the October reward for $15.

And you know what? I could send him this $15 reward. But he began to accuse me and called me a petty liar. Now he is not my patron and I hope he never will be.




Oof. The best way it was a polite message earlier from this person. Plus you are pretty active with the DM so I don’t understand his feeling. I « get trapped » but i didn’t understand completely the system, but it’s my fault np. People complaining like that and though because they pay, you are their slave exaust me a lot. I hope I was understandable sorry for my bad English !


Don’t bite the hand that feeds you; especially, if it’s a $15 meal at a restaurant and you only paid a dollar for it.


I mean, 1 English better, and 2, actually know what you're paying for 😂


For the amount of work you put into your art, $15 is pretty good deal. 😘


That is unfortunate. I support the creators on Patreon - if they deliver products, that's a plus. But that's just me.

E Kozak

Terms of service? TLDR. I will just rage so I get free stuff

Blayne Jensen

Why do they always want to do it the hard way? My wife and I are loyal supporters of yours.


sure its confusing for me too but i dont care. i pay a monthly fee and i get whatever i get! im doing it in the first place merely to support a great artist!

Frank Leo

From what you stated of his / her actions ... the person in question doesn't seem "not understand" / "misunderstood" Patreon's payment system because one has to possess a full understanding of the system to actually to accuse you on that ( basically, he or she is trying to pull a "scam" on you ) .


Some people just don't know how to read or comprehend what it stated. But it is that person's fault for not reading or understanding something so simple. It is not like patrons are forced to accept giving the money it is up to the patron to even agree to paying the fee as even it gives you an "Are you sure" type of button in to know if you are willing to actually pay the Patreon of your choice. Its also just like most people don't even read those Terms of Service and just hit the accept buttons. It is that persons fault. I'm sorry you had to go through with such stress Pry. But I can confidently say that I will continually support all you do. I believe you made the right choice in not sending him the rewards. It seems that they are just trying to scam you out of your work. And for me who may have missed your work in the past I would just buy it on gumroad. If that person really did care to support you and missed their chance they could have done the same instead of harassing you. Keep up the amazing work! Stay strong and positive you are amazing!


Patreon is to let you create and live with you art.We are here to appreciate your work,support you and having the chance to share so much with you.That kind of person can't be an art lover...and doesn't respect artists.Just my opinion.


Some people have the nerve to think that they know the system when in fact they know diddly squat. I've been a loyal patreon for a while to you and a few other artists and there's a few times when I'm not able to pay I'll cancel my patronage but I always come back at either a lower or higher onethan the kat month that I payed gor before cancelling. That idiot just hasn't a clue how the system works for any of the artists on here at all. Good on you for booting him off. I thoroughly enjoy the work you do, keep up the great work. Can't wait for the next great piece to come.


Dude was trying to be slick and scam yah. Paid 15$ for a then tried to change it to 1$ to hope to still get the 15$ reward. Then starts acting like a spoiled kid when he doesn't get his way. Good on yah for not giving in to his demands and calling his bluff. Patreon would never take his side on this argument. Just a crook.