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Hey guys! How are you?
I will start the new month with beautiful Jill! Have you already played a RE3 remake?




She so pretty


I played it, but I used the classic jill costume, not a fan of the remake

Viewtiful Joe

Jill's new design is both cute and badass

Carlos Vasseur

Looks awesome! Looking forward to the finished piece.


🙈 Not yet, but i have to. I have already missed the original and i don't want thats my pile of shame grow even bigger. And with this pretty looking sketch of Jill you force me to do it. 😆


I didn't just play it I completed it 100% All Records, Concept Art , Models and S Rank every difficulty ^_^ Inferno mode gave me a bit of a Challenge at least but I had everything done in about 4 days.