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PryPies I want to make a Wifu List, in which everyone will bring their wifu (no OC there) . This is a Waiting list of all your wifu, which I will draw 100%.

And I don't know how to choose the sequence. In order - who  to write the first comment with the character, Lifetime Support, by chance or other.

What do you think about Wifu list? Do you want it?  Which option seems fair to you?


Chris Harris

Have you thought this out. This seems like a big promise. And could lead to some frustration for some people.


Random is the most fair imo. Not everybody is in the same time zone and not everybody has the same disposable income.


This is not an additional art, because I can not physically draw it. This will be One of the characters of the month. But he will be one of yours.


I think random will probably be best since it’s fair and up to chance


While personally I would prefer lifetime support, I think in fairness Random is the best course of action.


I guess if you just did a random shuffle of the submissions and then followed that shuffled list it'd be fairest Or you could have a list of patrons on the relevant tier(s) and randomly sort them, then ask what they'd like in a DM a week or 2 before you want to start working on it. That way people can think about what they want and it prevents the issue of a person changing their mind about a request


For everyone like me who doesn't know what a wifu is : you're not alone! ^^


Random seems the best because it is the only impartial option that doesn't reward people for posting fast etc. I would say though that if you do get 50 it would be 4.167 YEARS to get them all done and that's a long long time. Perhaps you could do some combo pictures which has more than one wifu in it to speed things up. It's a thought :)


I would be either for "Lifetime First List" or Random, or a mix... like giving longtime supporters a higher chance (like if you have a bowl where every wifu would be written on a piece of papers, longtime supporter wifus have 2 pieces of paper... a bit like hunger games, the linger you are in the more names are in) but to keep it fair keep the max amount of "chances" for longtime supporters at 2 versus 1 of the more recent supporters

Chris A

I support random or longtime support. But, like Fusselkeks suggested above, maybe a mix? If not how they suggested, then maybe random but within levels? So at first it's random choice with everyone who's become a patron between day 1 and time x (like first year or something). Then once all those have been done you do random order of everyone who pledged between time x and the next six months. Gradually work towards the present, but random within the time period given. Also, don't overwhelm yourself. While this is an amazing idea and I'm all for it, I'd hate to see you get so backlogged or caught up in pleasing us that you end up hating your work. But however you ultimately decide to handle this, you have my support! Good luck!


I can't really think of a better way than a random draw each month (and I'm saying that as one who's consistently unlucky with such draws!). But whatever you choose, this is a really cool idea, and thanks for doing it!

Sogni Scuri

So we each nominate our top waifu you haven't already done (or just nominate her again if we want to see more of her)? You could prioritize them by overlap and maybe throw in some bonus points for lifetime support. For example, if six people request the same waifu, she gets done earlier.


You have to consider how many Tier 15 people their are as well at one a month you could be doing this list for the next few years lol and why i'm okay with that the question is are you? I'm supporting you regardless cause you're awesome and I love your Artwork though sometimes I do get tired of seeing the same characters over and over an constantly being voted in would be nice if you took ones out you've done half a dozen times already on new votes so people stop insta voting the exact same characters like Repunzal and oh Sammus and a few others lol

Bradley Boivin

As someone who is new around here, I have selected lifetime support AND random. If it's not too difficult, I would suggest random with higher chances for people who have been here longer.


Много букв, надеюсь будет вообще что-либо понятно :) На мой взгляд, при большом количестве подписчиков высокого уровня, что система в виде списка по одному персонажу на подписчика, что ранняя система со случайным выбором одного из предложенных являются просто напросто неудобными и если выбор не падает на желаемого персонажа много раз - это вызывает досаду и раздражение среди подписчиков. Считаю, что нужно либо просто напросто упразднить подобную систему выбора, либо например сделать другую систему отбора персонажей из этого Waifu листа. Например, составить данный обновляемый список, случайным образом выбрать из него примерно 10 персонажей и выставить полученный список из 10 имен в виде отдельного голосования в начале месяца наподобие проводимых тобой опросов по тематике игр, мультфильмов и т.п. При этом можно сделать так. чтобы если персонаж подписчика выиграл, не исключать возможность вновь добавлять персонажа. Персонаж выиграл - вышел из списка - подписчик выбрал нового - повторение процедуры получения списка к голосованию. Повторение данного списка каждый месяц. Надеюсь в данном описании вообще есть хоть доля смысла.

Tredok Vayntrub

Aww this is very sweet. I love seeing you trying to make the most out of patron, trying to incentivice people to upgrade their pledge or decide to pledge. I guess at the start should be random, and every new 15 tier patreon after the initial list has been made, should be added to the end of the current list, i am not how many you will make per month, and i am guessing it will be the same quality as the rest of the monthly girls. Will the patrons have an input in, say the pose, theme, or anything about the drawing? Or that will always be up to you? Thia reminds me of the pregnant versions of the girls, i don't think it was a bad idea.

Didi & Nok' Tus

Is this a wifu list or a waifu list? We're okay with either random or top tier. ;-)