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Hello PryFriends! Today you will talk sad Prywinko.

I need your advice and your feedback!

My Patreon is 3 years old. I always tried to make it better, give more art, several variants of each image, conducted voting, requests, added monthly animations. I want my patrons to get the most quality content. I really appreciate your support and try not to disappoint you.

But sometimes it seems to me that I'm doing something wrong.

 In 2016, I left office work to develop the Patreon. For two years now I have not taken a commission because I devote all my time to Patreon. I have wonderful, faithful patrons who have been with me for months and even years! New people come and go away. Fortunately, some of them remain.

This year, my Patreon seemed to have reached the top of his capabilities. Worse, the audience is decreasing.  I do not understand why this happens.

I also know that among my patrons there are those who support me only for the sake of sharing my art on the Internet. I'm not that popular and commercially successful artist, so this has a negative effect on my income. I'm trying to fight it, but without success.

Because of all this, sometimes my hands just drop. I'm depressed and I think that one day I'll have to close Patreon. I'm tired.

I want to hear your opinion. What do you think I'm doing wrong? What   you don't  like about my art and rewards? I know that many of you support other artists. Are there any rewards in their rewards that you want to see from me?

Excuse me, I did not want to spoil your mood or inconvenience. I just need your advice.

Please write your opinion!



I'm a creator too and I suffer from the same problems. I helps me a lot to speak to other creators because I realize that I'm not alone in this, and we sometimes find great solutions together to help each others. I think this is something that could help you too! :) I also opened an Etsy shop last year to sell older content and prints, in my opinion it's safer for us creator to have several options to make an income, just in case, you know... Something happens to Patreon :/


I honestly have no idea what you could be doing wrong - I’ve loved your work since I first discovered it. And it’s definitely not getting worse. If anything, you’re getting better and better.


Also I want to add : I really love your art and hope that you'll be able to keep working on it ♥ I'll try to promote it a little bit on social medias and hope it'll help! Good luck Prywinko!


I don’t have any advice, but I’ve been a subscriber for 7 months now. I saw some of your art online back in February of this year and thought it was really good! I really wanted to support your work, therefore you became the first and only Patreon page that I ever subscribed to. I don’t make much money, but your tiers are very affordable even for people like me :) You seem like a really nice person and your art is fantastic. Your comics are genuinely funny and in my opinion nothing you have done so far has been wrong. Your prices are very fair, and the content you get for the rewards I have no complaints with. If I had a problem I would have unsubscribed long ago. I wish I had advice to give you but just know that the people who do support you really do appreciate everything you do!


I dont think your doing anything wrong. I feel like your doing everything right. Ever since you started doing those recent sexier nsfw pics i feel like youv improved even more. I obviously dont want you to stop patreon and I cannot stop you. If you decide to stop then I’ll be sad and disappointed but we had a good run. Im just surprised that posted this post considering your work is on such a high and i dunno if it’s possible to get any better.

Richard Damoncord

I used to support multiple artists here on Patreon, then I lost my job, you're the only one I'm still supporting at the moment. IMO you do good art and at a rate that I can still support.


Honestly in my opinion, everything is perfect. I couldn’t be more happy with how you are running things, I will continue to support you as long as you keep doing what your doing. Your art is some of the best I’ve literally ever seen. I wish I could give you $1000+ a month! Just stay focused! Life has tons and tons of little bumps in the road! I have 2 people I give money to monthly. After this post I’m reducing the other one and increasing what I give you. It’s not much but I hope it helps in some small way. Please don’t stop!


Well I think first you need to establish your goal, do you want to make money or do you want to have fun? Sure there is a middle-ground but you have to start someplace or else you'll have a catch 22. With your new style, did you notice an influx of new patrons or did you lose some patrons? Maybe you need to reconsider things in terms of your reward structure. Also, if you feel you need a break from art, definetly give yourself some time off if you can financially. Personally I think you're art has gotten much better, though I'm not a complete fan of the new style for some characters, I respect that you've made that change. I would say you should do more social media, put yourself out there. Though with that you may find more people distributing your work without your permission, bit that means you are getting more popular, those people would not have paid for your art anyways as the same goes for all pirating. So don't think you've been losing any money. Also to add; You may not find much negative criticism here because many people who don't like the direction your art is heading may have already left. Negative criticism hurts, but it is also valuable information. Hope you're doing well!!


One of the main reasons why left about a year ago was the simple fact that your patreon was the only one that was HIGHLY impractical to download. Do not get me wrong I like high quality files but loading 5-10 GB every month was way to much, and was only really useful in some few month that had really outstanding rewards. You might consider to organize your rewards into 2 or 3 folders not based on content or even the patreon level, but simply by folder size. It does not concern me personally, but I am sure there are some that simply do not have the capacity or bandwith each month to download all the stuff.

tom jones

There's certainly nothing wrong with your art, which is fantastic. I definitely think you shouldn't devote all your time to Patreon, or any other single site - if I were you, I would at least consider going back to commissions. I have noticed that the monthly rewards are getting bigger in terms of file size - I for one wouldn't complain if there was less in a monthly reward, and you spent more time on other things. Pirating is never going to stop, any more than theft will ever stop. Just remember that your work is amazing and so are YOU!


Many thanks! I really appreciate that you've been with me for so long! This means a lot to me!


You are very kind, Anthony! Thank you! Your words touched me very much! (I should not cry!)


После твоего крика души у меня сразу поникло и так не самое лучшее настроение :( Честно, за полтора года, что я являюсь твоим подписчиком, качество и количество твоих работ только растет, прекрасно относишься к своим патронам, в целом, полностью устраивают все уровни подписки (на мой взгляд уровень в 10$ несколько менее притягательный, чем все остальные). Все это сподвигло меня поднять уровень с 5 до 15 и я не жалею об этом. Так что не вижу ничего что ты делала бы не правильно. Я заметил что у большинства артистов набирается определенное количество подписчиков (заинтересованная аудитория) и наступает уровень отсутствия роста, через какое-то время я считаю, что может произойти сдвиг но не понятно - в сторону увеличения, либо наоборот. Причинами считаю, загнивающее устройство капиталистической системы, которое обесценивает доходы людей (из-за всех этих экономических плясок я снизил в два раза количество средств выделяемых мною на Patreon). Опять же люди просто ни за что не хотят платить, любят халяву, либо опять же просто нет денег. На данную тему пока что даже не знаю чего и сказать. Будет очень печально если ты все-же решишь закончить свою творческую карьеру, зашедшую в стадию стагнации. Надеюсь ситуация начнет смещаться в лучшую сторону. Пожалуйста, не впадай в отчаяние.


Thank you so much, Mark! I really appreciate it! It cheers me up! ^^


When you change the tiers a few months back, I went from a $5 patron to a $10 patron because I wanted all the versions. If I wanted all the versions and didn't have the money to spend - and had been getting them previously under the $5 tier - I might have felt grandfathered out of content. Additionally the downloads you offer are large, mainly because of the animations and videos. If I had limited bandwidth and wasn't interested in them, it'd be a big investment of bandwidth each month for content I didn't care for. Maybe you should put the animations and videos in a separate download? As a final note, each month you have 1 disney character, 1 comic book character, and 2 other characters. Maybe you could try mixing it up every once in a while? Dandonfuga had a month last year when she did a large number of smaller, less involved pieces based on patron suggestions. Last month PinkLadyMage drew patron suggestions exclusively. I can understand the appeal of know what content of yours to expect each month, but some people can see that as a boring routine. I'm sorry you're going through this and hope my suggestions help. Also, I can't make paragraphs on mobile, so I'm sorry for this block of text.


I almost unsubscribed because it was difficult for me to understand how the rewards work. Perhaps after every post, clarify that the reward will be sent in the inbox on your set delivery date. Best of luck. I wish you more success. Hang in there.


I also would recommend that you have a download option of just the JPG files. Some countries have terrible internet. A quick large JPG download of the reward would make those people happy.


I don't know what I really can say, but I really appreciate your work since I discover your art. I only support one patreon, first time it was Sakimichan but I thought it was everytime the same work and I stopped my support. I think your work it's not the same because you choose lot of different character and it what I like and what I want to see. So good luck to you!


You are very kind, James! Oh no, I did not want to pity you and that you pitied me! You must not increase your pledge ! I'm glad your support ^V^


Thank you! The change in style did not affect the loss of patrons.  I also think that I should spend more time on social networks, but unfortunately I do not have time to be very active there >_<


Many thanks, Sunblaze! It is very useful! This month I will work on dividing the files into smaller archives!


Thank you so much, Tom! This month I will make a separate file for the images. A file with video and PSD will be seperated so that the reward is easier to download. I'll figure out how to make it smaller. Thank you!


I Personally think you should put your main focus on what is funn for you. Maybe drop in some comissions from time to time :3 and Play around With Styles and different tecniques. Have funn :D


Комментарий выше тоже для меня был проблемой, но с этого месяца, подразделив файлы по персонажам скачивать стало гораздо удобнее. Также сейчас пришло в голову, что далеко не всем необходимы PSD файлы и тайм-лапсы, но они хотят непосредственно сам контент. Возможно необходимо подумать, чтобы вынести данные элементы в отдельную подписку


You are my favorite patreon page. A lot of other artists are over exaggerating a character's assets and they end up with huge breasts. I prefer for the character to match more closely to the source material. You do a good job of this. I also like how you provide wallpaper versions of your art. I would suggest for you to provide downloads that dont include the psd files. I never keep them because of their size. I dont know if you can get in contact with patrons that have left your page, but if you can I'd ask them why they left.


Thanks for the new ideas, Jake! This month I will separate the files, that would be easier to download! Thank you! ^^


Many thanks, Batata! Yes, I will make separate files for download ^^


Honestly you are my favorite artist here on Patreon. I have supported some other artists, left a few due to my own financial issues. I agree with Zaraku about how you create your characters and look forward getting notified from Patreon that you have finished the latest creation. Not to mention your devotion to your supporters is way beyond most of the artists here. I enjoy playing with the psd files so see the differences in the layers and you creative mind. If you think your art isn’t good enough then you are dead wrong. Just look at all the support you are getting from this post. Keep doing want you do and makes you feel good. I would say don’t devote all of your time to this though. Life will get in the way and corrupt something you love to do and makes you happy. I have experience in that department.


Your work on the Characters is sexy and has a sweet touch in their expressions . Some of them i like more, some i like less but it´s your work as an artist to decide what kind of art you choose to do at first.My honest opinion is (no offence Prywinko)... for me, i´m not the biggest fan of Hentai or Pornart in your kind of drawings. It seems doesn´t fit your cute style of Girls and i think the erotic should not come from Porn in pictures, it has to come from "head-cinema" wich starts in your mind when you see a sexy picture. The other thing what dissapoints me (sometimes) are the simple Backgrounds (matter of taste i know). I was thinking of pause my patreon for this resons but i´m still thinking cause you are so dedicated in your art. :) For Ciri i had loved to see the drawing with her legs complete instead the more cloeup without complete Legs showing...


Thank you very much, Ryan! I'm glad that the PSD files are useful to you! Many thanks for your kind words! ;3


I fell in love with your art style. You constantly make amazing art and I never thought about quitting being your patreon. One thing that could be good idea is putting your 5 dollar or more patreons name on the end of time lapse videos or something. I have seen that people want their name somewhere and are willing to pay extra money for that :D Keep it up, we love your art <3


Been backing you a while and will continue doing so. Count me in the camp that thinks you ought to open up commission slots. I would happily commission you for some work, and even if someone steals it and posts it online, the commission was already paid for. So it's not like you lost money on a potential patron that's getting Patreon content for free.


If you were taking commissions, I would have already bought custom work from you. And if you want to not reduce the reward count, just make it clear that commissions will be included as part of that month's package.


I don’t think I have much advice to give sorry, but I’ll always support you, I think one problem is Patreon itself, they keep making changes without telling people and holding back charges. I think it’s not you, it’s just people getting frustrated with Patreon and how they’re stoping people from getting charged. I’ve seen people lose hundreds of dollars because Patreon cut them off XP

Medron Pryde

I've considered canceling my pledge with you for a simple reason. I haven't yet, but you are one of the artists that is on my bubble for a simple reason. I like to use good art of game characters in a screensaver on my computers. And due to those computers being in public, the images must be SFW. Even many of your technically SFW pieces are obviously suggestive of a NSFW version, and are therefore not usable for me. You do often have one piece a month I can use, but not always. Hence your position on the bubble of "do I or don't I" cancel my patreon. I recently canceled another patreon for a really good artist who's art style changed from SFW to totally NSFW. Even the clothed pieces were unusable due to that. I notice that much of your earlier work was more SFW in that way, and so I use more of your earlier work in my screensaver than I use your newer work. I would love it if you would draw more SFW stuff. But I also know that NSFW is where more of the money is. So it may or may not be worth it to you to draw both. I can't say. I'm just saying what would work for me.


Please go on, dear Pry! I adooooore your art. I passed from $10 to $15 recently to get all from you. If you remember, I purchased everything from the beginning. Your art is probably the best of all the artists I support here, and if you stop I will be certainly depressed. You have seen that in just a couple of hours a lot of supporters have written you kind words. Please don't leave us. Your make an awesome work.


Oh, sweety, I know how you feel. My YouTube channel and facebook page have quite a few views but little likes or subscribers. I do art when i can and it seems like people look at it, but don't support. Don't let it discourage you! You are doing GREAT! You are a successful artist with fans and a Patreon! You have teh talent and the guts to put your art out there on the internet for people to see and enjoy and the best part is THEY DO! Do your art because it is what you love and you love doing it! People will see your efforts and feel the love you put into every picture you draw, every video you make, and every animation you create. Just keep doing what you love to do and people will enjoy it! Don't worry about what people think or how many fans you've got, just do your art because you love to paint <3 You're awesome and don't let anyone steal the joy you feel when you create something with your awesome talent! ((CYBER LOVE!!))


have you thought about hosting a stream like some months/years ago? that was fun and could help engaging with your community... uwu

Didi & Nok' Tus

Our pledges have taken a hit, too. We knew when we changed levels and what we were offering, we would take some hits -- but every time Patreon messes around with things (like last fall, or the recent payment issues), our pledges and income have dropped. And it seems nothing we do helps! So, we understand where you're coming from. I wonder if maybe people think you're making more money than you are. We've kept our earnings visible, as well as our patron numbers, so people can see that and know we're not getting rich. But you're one of the best artists on Patreon, so maybe people look at your numbers and think "She must be doing as well as (some rich artist) -- so I don't need to pledge." Perhaps allowing us to see your numbers would help people realize that you're not making as much money as you should? It's been our pleasure to support you, and we were happy to upgrade to your animation level recently -- because you deserve it. We love you sweetie! Don't get too blue!


Hi Prywinko, big fan of your work. I think you must only continue with Patreon if you're enjoying it. You should do what you find most engaging and fun :) . I think you should ruthlessly chase and request deletion of your work from pirate sites. It is difficult and definitely not fun, but the rarer your work the more people that will come to pay up for Patreon especially if they know they can get a discount on your Gumroad. I also recommend you carve out a niche for yourself. A lot of your artwork is on the softcore side of things and a lot of the characters with exception of Kerrigan tend to be less complex than monster/demon girls. I recommend you play around with more complicated characters and maybe try dipping your toe into some slightly more niche stuff like that. As I find niche artwork is usually a lot harder to come by and people are willing to spend more/provide more support. Another example of a niche artwork would be transformation stuff for example (I'm thinking how well loboleo/locofuria/JollyJack does) and see how people react. Hope that advice helps


Hello Prywinko, it'd be a really sad day when you decide to leave Patreon. Your art is amazing and your little chibis for the polls and stuff regularly make my day. Also I tend to agree with Barcod that Patreon itself is the problem. They apparently grew too big too fast and now are getting greedy and keep making changes that screw the artists that helped them get to where they area, which throws off many patreons. So keep your head up and keep doing what you do best (maybe also take on commissions) and I'm sure you'll get through this low.

Tredok Vayntrub

Hey, i think what you are doing is great, of course there will be people that try to give your work out for free, that will always happen, but in my opinion you are doing great work i love it, i supported you for 3 months, and in my particular case i cannot afford to support you every month, but every time you have some drawings i am really interested in (Ciri, for example), i do believe it's worth going out of my way and spending 10+ dollars in your work. I do also believe that relying in patreon for your whole income is not a great idea, i think private comissions are also very important not just for economic well being, but for your artistic-creative process. About piracy, it's usually something that you can try to crack down onto, but it will consume more time and work than it's worth, although not entirely worthless, some sites will listen and take your work down, those are worth, but i believe that you are better off taking comissions than trying to crack down on every site that has some of your art. I hope you don't give up this career you've chosen, i love your work.


My Opinion is you might want to look at adjusting for commissions again. See what you can do to adjust for that. Patreon has become increasingly unreliable and extremely popular at the same time. This has caused issues in payments, in finding new artists, More people are flooding the service. Overall it seems Patreon just won't work as the sole income provider. So looking at new ways to monetize your art might be the best option, while trimming down and keeping your Patreon active. You have progressed a lot in your art, gifs, and animations. I am sure you could build a great portfolio and gain other sources of income to supplement your patreon.


Dear Olga, you’re amazing artist and a wonderful human being! I love your drawing, specially the cute comics you creating once in a while. Don’t give up, I appreciate you and your creations! You’re one of my favorite artists on Patreon and I’ll keep supporting you as long as I can, I hope you decide to keep going and keep creating cute chibis every month for the poll winners and funny comics that always brightens my day with joy and happiness, stay awesome Olga <3


Before i write this , sorry for the bad formatting, comment system in this website is at best, horrible. Well, ive been here for 35 months now, so i think i've only missed 1 month. I'll be honest, Your current style is not my favorite of all those ive seen from you but that's just my opinion. My favorite was the 2016-early 2017 period with all those bright lights, and cartoon-y and realistic mixture, with perfect balance. But again, that's just me. ****LINE BREAK*** Ok in my opinion, most of this stagnation comes from people either finding your rewards elsewhere (you know when i used to send you links, then i got kicked from that place and i couldnt anymore, that palce had ~400 people in it.). Secondly, Trend following, The art audience, specifically NSFW art audience, likes new trendy things, New game/movie came out? Do a character from there. Like, the perfect time for your ciri below, would be when cyberpunk 2077 gets out or a few days after the trailer came out, Thats when the hype is, if i had any artistic talents, i would do more elaborate SFW artwork that can be consider actually SFW and get my name out there, also I would try to make connection s with other artists so they can maybe help you cross audience and stuff. ******LINE BREAK**** Thirdly (kinda related to the second point), Well, lets be honest, the amount of people that actually support artists, to do so are far few and between and the general audience for NSFW arts isn't particularly known to be uh, fortunate enough to continually do support one artist. I'm not probably leaving your page unless you do, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Imo don't let anyone else tell you whats best for you, no one knows you better than yourself. If you feel like you dont't want the page anymore, do that. And if you still feel like doing it, continue to be here :D.

Michele Castelnovi

An advice that someone gave to me: no media will live forever. Patreon is wonderful, but one day it will go out of fashion. The only safe behavior is to prepare to change the platform. a friend of mine is an architect. He designs projects with PENCIL and refuses to use CAD and all other software. Incredible, no? Well, he's a bit old. What would you suggest to him? To learn how to use software. Maybe (but only maybe), if you have come to the point of writing, black on white, "maybe I close Patreon", maybe inside you there is a voice that tells you to look for another medium.

Michele Castelnovi

My dear: smile, rest, eat well, sleep. I am not wise enough, to give advice. But an old proverb suggests "Do not put your apples in just one basket": it is advisable - if you can - always diversify. Not everyone can. Each person has his own behavior, his routines, and some just fail to diversify. If you can not diversify do not do it. Diversify, how? perhaps, still accepting short commissions? Perhaps - as Miarhi said - with an even more marked difference between SFW drawings (which can spread your name on regular social networks) and NSFW drawings. Perhaps creating calendars, decks of cards, short stories ... I do not know. I see that many authors try to follow trends. But you have a "world" audience, from every country: it is impossible to know what is fashionable in Moscow and in Rome. Perhaps a solution is to recognize which country your followers are from, and focus on local trends.

Michele Castelnovi

I find your "chibi" adorable; and I find your NSWF "cute", but ... it's useless to tell you, there are things on the internet much more porn, more extreme, more fetish, more "peculiar". If you feel comfortable with porn, you can diversify into different perversions: it would be like fishing with a line and I love (and a ... bait!) People who do not know you yet. A lesbian kiss? A lesbian kiss between two famous people? A kiss with crossover between different fandom (Hermione kissing Elsa?) - dressed like pirates, or vampires, handcuffed, and so on ... Well, they're old ideas, someone has already done it. Sure. But you have a wonderful style. And the most beautiful element of drawing is that there are no limits to the imagination: you can combine Snoopy, Phineas and Han Solo, and reach three fandom simultaneously on social SFW.


Overall, I'm happy--you fill a niche for restrained / cute pinups that aren't as raunchy as other artists, but which always have a lot of personality. And I like the cute little touches like the comics and the chibi art. I will +1 what other people have said about commissions, they'd be great to see. Also, some artists offer a limited commission tier where each month of subsciption, the backer can commission a sketch, B&W piece or even full drawing. I've taken that option more than once, since it's a great way to see characters that normally don't get much fanart love.


One thing that I have noticed on gallery sites, such as g.e-hentai.net, some Patreon-based artists will, rather than hunt down and have removed all traces of their artwork on those sites, rather get ahead of such posts. They'll make their own galleries of their work, and, once the actual artist is doing this, the pirated galleries will receive less attention without the artist having to do anything about them. This means that the artist's self-posted galleries will receive more traffic, and those users who especially like their work will inevitably be drawn to their Patreons! \o/


Patreon messing around with their systems and policies constantly doesn't help. I'm lucky enough to be able not to care too much but I've still had to cut back some pledges on my list and I imagine others are feeling worse off than me. As for commissions, I think there is a middle ground that works, take commissions, possibly integrated into Patreon rewards (pledgersto a given tier get a percentage off, or only pledgers can get commissions, etc) and the commissioned artwork releases on patreon when you're done. The commissioner still gets their piece and as long as they're aware of it up front, it's still perfectly fair to them.


I've supported you for almost 2 years now, I've joined your patreon in November 2016, first as a $10 supporter and with later changes you made as a $15 patron, and I can't complain about any of your rewards. Yes I am supporting other artist, when comparing your rewards to theirs it is not that yours are less rewarding or missing anything, some offer tutorials next to the art and videos, but that is not a "must-offer reward". I am very happy in what you offer and even the possibility to vote/take influence in what you draw next is fantatic and makes me feel a bit like this patreon is a bit of a "group effort". I even got my boyfriend to join your patreon even though I could just have privately shared all the rewards with him, but we both like supporting you and think you deserve every cent of the money we pledge.


Thank you! To draw more complex backgrounds, I need to spend more time on the drawing. Each drawing usually takes from two to five or seven days. To draw more detailed backdrops, I need to spend even more time and eventually draw fewer characters per month ;(


I noticed that the changes that occur on Patreon more often negatively affect the patrons. P.S. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


Many thanks, Javi! ^3^ You are so kind! Yes, I got a big charge of energy and it really touched me T_T


Thank you so much, Asylumchild! I really happy see your kind words! *Cyber Love!*


Yes, I want to make a stream! But I'm afraid because I don't know English well and can not talk, just write. I'll try to do a stream this month ^^


To be honest, I do not think that openness affects, because many artists are closed, but the audience is growing. As Sakimi for example. But the Patreon website itself does not work well. He makes it difficult to get new patrons >_< Thank you so much! ^3^ I enjoy your support =^///^=


Well, I only recently stumbled upon you as an artist. As an artist, i love your work personally. I just like seeing your stuff and supporting you. I find your personality in your messages very funny and cute. No matter what you decide to do in the end, i’ll still follow you if there is a method to do so and be a fan. I think your patreon rewards are fine, but i’m new, what do I know? Erm, i joined your patreon to get the tifa rewards recently, and in time, but didnt recieve them. While heartbroken, i am still quite fond of your work.


Pls dun cry, i’ma cry 😭

Frank Leo

I don't think you are doing anything wrong. The way I see the issue is, the "problem isn't on your side" - first, we have Patreon's new changes which can indeed upset some people (and made them leave this site which affected all artists, including you, having patrons lost); then there's the issue of people might run into "money-issues" which force them to unpledge ...


Thank you so much for all your kind words, Fusselkeks! This mean a lot for me! T_T


Thank you so much, MechaPupper! Oh, i send you a message for clarify this ^^


I have multiple Patreon and non Patreon monthly subscriptions. Because of the sheer amount my limit is about 5€/$ per month and subsciption. On your 5$ tier the most important option for me was the .psd to create and print posters. With your tier rework a short time ago, you dropped the psd from the 5$ tier and i switched to 2$. I´m not interessted in nsfw stuff btw and your more explicit style in the last few months is not mine. Only my personal opinion, hope it´s helpful. I wish you only the best.


I dont think you are doing something wrong. I like your art and some pictures of you i dont like so much but i think thats normal. No one likes everything. :) I prefer the "soft" stuff and your "old" style. Your old Miss Fortune picture from January 2017 was one of the main reasons i subsribed to you (and also buy it from gumroad). I really liked the style. About the sharing of your Art hm... maybe you should make a Gallery on Hentaifoundry or something like that and posting one Version and the other Versions are obtainable via Patreon subscrition. Sorry for my grammar if its bad english isnt my first language :)


You have to do what makes you happy, and lets you survive. If Patreon is too much of a strain, or not letting you pay your bills... I hope you will stay, I like your art and will support you so long as I am able. But that's the thing, people come and go. The same is true for TV and games and the like. People will jump on early. Some will jump off almost as quickly, others will peter out slower, and some will be in it for the long hall. You could try a new style or more over the top eroticism, and it might pull in some more people. But it also might lose you others. Sorry if that wasn't much help. I've been on where you are, and on the other side. And there are no easy answers, at least in my experience. But for what it's worth, I hope you stay.


If you need to relax an take a break do so I won't be going anywhere long as your patreon is up i'll be supporting you because I love your Art. I loved the idea to let us add a character to be picked each month thats unique most patreons don't do this since thats still new give it time more people will come and im sure more will go too but that happens don't let it bother you to much theirs still a lot of us here. ^_^


I really like your work. But what drives work is passion. I really hope you continue your drawings. But if you think it's not enough, please try other paths. at the end of the day, it's you that matters. not us. Just maybe drop a few arts every week or month to let us know you're still alive. :)


Maybe try tutorials? Paint pieces of characters that are "trending" and "popular" for example, Attack On Titan, Boku NO hero Academia, RWBY maybe even paint humanised versions or gender bends of disney characters, If this all still doesn't work out- you can do commisions, I am sad you feel like this artists like you are SO UNDERRATED!! You deserve what sakimichan/guweiz/etc are getting, this isn't fair :(

Didi & Nok' Tus

We think taking commissions that are then shared as part of the patreon. We've had great fun with our commission level, when people have used it.


I admit that I have had mixed feelings about Patreon as a whole since it has existed. There are plus sides and negative sides to the community it has created, but I think one of the best pros is that it allows artists that struggle to create their own audience a means to make an income off of that audience. At the same time, I personally dislike how the consumer culture in the art community as a whole is pretty much requiring artists to crank out fan art pieces galore in order to ever get noticed, instead of being able to make original works and gather the same crowd. This saps away some of the creativity from the creator and some of the enjoyment for them as well. This is of course, an opinion. As a writer, my options for Patreon are rather limited. I've taken consideration of starting my own, but with the limitations I have in my personal life for the time I would need to invest, and how I would feel that my creative side would be controlled by the preferences of my supporters, I have chosen not to start it. Your art is excellent, you offer great rewards (more than I honestly cash in for, haha), and I think you interact with your followers in a fun way that many other Patreon users could learn a thing or two from. So, like in a comment above, I genuinely think it isn't anything on your end. There's lots of variables involved in using this site. Subscriber preferences are the most fickle things. Content that might draw in more followers could end up making you lose others. Then there's the factor of the growing competition from all the other contributors out there. Most followers have limited funds that they must stretch out to try and show their support for all the artists they like. If I could do that, I would, but I prefer the "quality over quantity" approach, and support other projects I was personally involved with. Your art is stunning, and you shouldn't worry that there is any issue with it, or your offered rewards. I myself support your art for the sake of supporting your art. I rarely even follow the links to the rewards. I hope to see you continue providing your works here, as I will continue to be a supporter. Don't let the roller coaster of this place intimidate you. I wish I could offer possible solutions to the dilemma you are facing, but perhaps you could contact other artists that you feel are doing well on Patreon and inquire on if they face the same problems? If they do, then there's definitely nothing wrong. :)

Sousou Gnom

Hy Prywinko, I can't really help you with an advice. For me, your pictures are great and I like them really. For me, you are one of the best and I hope really really, you will continue.


Hey Prywinko! Sorry to hear that you're feeling like this. I'm a bit late to the party and I believe you got some great suggestions from others. For what it's worth, I love your art style; and for as long as I can afford it and you keep running your patreon, I will support it. I believe the suggestion that putting some older SFW or even maybe some NSFW versions of your art, you could even publish new SFW versions, on other platforms can help. If you control the posted content then you can also make sure to expose info/link to patreon for people who like it and that also want to support. Unfortunately it is difficult to prevent leaks completely and I understand that it hurts you. The only good suggestion against this that I know of is to try and be the one that put up the teasers. I hope you will continue as I really like your art, but you should do what's right for you and what will make you happy. Much love and hope this helps a little.


Thank you very much for your idea. Pontus Franzén! I think this can help! I'll try it!


Hello Prywinko; First of all a big thank you, I love what you do a lot. But these last months, I found that your drawings are good but I did not find what made me capsize. what makes me decide to subscribe is the Batgirls. She is beautiful and especially well to detail, she has sublime eyes. I think that you were more heart in your old drawings than in the new ones that you fill to satisfy the subscribers. It is certainly an income for you but do not lose sight of the passion for drawing. Personally I'm not too fan of cartoons, maybe too provaquant. I prefer a beautiful drawing with a sexy touch, as you do for lips or freckles. Do not be discouraged, fight hop hop hop :) motivation, there will always be people who will love what you do. PS; googletrad :)