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Good night, PryFriends ^3^

Do you prefer the old method of sending an archive with images?




I'm a new guy. What was the old way?


This current way is easier to organize for me.


This is beautiful Olga^^, how we going to get it? You already sent the rewards.

Kim Åkerman

I'm assuming it will either be part of next month or she will send out another download link for it later.

Kim Åkerman

I probably preferred it as it was before. It won't zip the whole folder so you have to download it all piecemeal which gets a bit annoying.


three ideas...first idea still use google drive but when share it save it as one big zip.... second idea is still use google drive but the Time Lapse videos are now zip files in side the character folder or whole new folder call Time Lapse...last idea give a link to download at Gumroad


I like the option that Jim mentioned, by still using google drive but just saving the whole package as one big zip.