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It was brought to our attention that v18 has some problem so we wanted to post a quick hotfix for it - (SoR v18.1)! Please notice - this is the same build as v18/1.8, but with some fixes, improvements and most of the problems you've noticed solved. If you didn't run into problems with v18/v1.8 you don't need to download this.

Fixed in this build (18.1) vs v18/1.8:

  • -Fixed the missing eyes of the characters on the main menu.
  • -Fixed missing character eyes on the Mars ending scene.
  • -Fixed a bug where the player could not return to Mars Realm.
  • -Fixed building overlapping polys.
  • -Fixed an interaction issue.
  • -Fixed an issue where Baba Larga didn't load the correct dialogue.
  • -Fixed collisions of hidden actors.
  • -Level design fixes on Mars realm.
  • -Fixed genitalia misalignment.

This is the "normal" ($15 version) Roman's build. It has most of  the features now unlocked, but, you start with just enough dinari  (gold) to get you started.. so... you'll need to work your way up!

Citizens, bear in mind: Rome is still in development! There will be bugs! We are working very hard to have as little as possible, but at the end of the day, this is still a game in development, so it's nearly impossible to completely avoid them. We are always happy to hear about any problems you encounter so we can fix them ASAP for future builds. Please let us know if you find any.

Main New Things This (v1.8 / v18) Build Features:


  • New level: Mars Realm.
  • New character: Satyr
  • Quest Prepare For The Gods completion.


  • Dungeon II upgrade
  • Alchemist Lab (unlockable through ClaudiusProtractor when completing Valeria's questline)
  • Added 4 potions to the game: Nude, Love, Speed, Drunk potion. They are purchasable through the vendor outside your dungeon, or by bringing ingredients to Valeria when she has the Alchemy Lab in your dungeon.

Adult Content:

  • Added more love/fear adjusted animations.
  • Slave hit feedback animations improved.
  • Slaves sex/punishment animations improvements.
  • Genitelia animations improvements.


  • Interaction system improvements.
  • Dialogue system improvements.
  • Adjusted jumping.
  • Fixed a bug where the render scale would reset to low values.
  • Fixed wrong gender voice moans.
  • Fixed inconsistencies on materials.
  • Sequence fixes.
  • Dialogue fixes.
  • Level design fixes.


Coming to Next Build (v19):

  • Improvements for everything across the board!

We are growing fast, and we expect to have those upgrades within about 6-10 weeks. An official date will follow.




Please notice:

* If you can't un-zip the file, make sure to update your winzip.

** Please use chrome while logged into a gmail account to download the build if you are getting the "too many users have downloaded this" message when downloading.

For honor and glory of the Republic!
The Senate



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