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It was brought to our attention that v17 has some problem so we wanted to post a quick hotfix for it - (SoR v17.1)! Please notice - this is the same build as v17/1.7, but with some fixes, improvements and most of the problems you've noticed solved. If you didn't run into problems with v17/v1.7 you don't need to download this.

Fixed in this build (17.1) vs v17/1.7:

New additions:

  • Added smooth rotation of the character during whipping.
  • Added 2 new love and fear idle animations based on their status.
  • Added SoR application icon.


  • Adjusted physical animation strength of slave feedback during punishment.
  • Fixed UI bugs in punishment that could lose interaction control.
  • Fixed wrong gender settings for some characters
  • Polished the dominant partner and swap roles logic.
  • Fixes on the 3rd partner watcher in Amelia's quest.
  • Females are now available as a 3rd partner watcher in Amelia's quest.
  • Fixed incorrect behavior of restraints.
  • Fixed bugs with hair being offset.

This is the "normal" ($15 version) Roman's build. It has most of the features now unlocked, but, you start with just enough dinari (gold) to get you started.. so... you'll need to work your way up!

Citizens, bear in mind: Rome is still in development! There will be bugs! We are working very hard to have as little as possible, but at the end of the day, this is still a game in development, so it's nearly impossible to completely avoid them. We are always happy to hear about any problems you encounter so we can fix them ASAP for future builds. Please let us know if you find any.

Main New Things This (v1.7 / v17) Build Features:


  • New quest "One slave at a time" - Amelia's new quest, fullfill her request and enjoy her reward.


  • Added random name generator in the character creation.
  • Updated slaves stats UI

Adult Content:

  • New whip system: New whip has the ability to be aimed on the slaves. The hits are more consistent now. Particle effects on hit. New whipmarks that follow the whip hits. New animation for the whip.
  • Added ability to keep clothes during punishment.
  • Female sexy pickup animation


  • Updates to archery: Now properly displays UI information. Fixes on UI that could lockup the game.
  • Fixed tutorial UI that made the game lose input.
  • Fixes to cloth materials
  • Fixed numerous UI titles to the correct ones.
  • Gameplay and dialogue fixes


Coming to Next Build (v18):

  • New side-quests and a lot of improvements for everything across the board!

We are growing fast, and we expect to have those upgrades within about 6-10 weeks. An official date will follow.




Please notice:

* If you can't un-rar the file, make sure to update your winrar.

** Please use chrome while logged into a gmail account to download the build if you are getting the "too many users have downloaded this" message when downloading.

For honor and glory of the Republic!
The Senate



Thomas Lang

Is the support for German language in slave of Romes available or will this come in the future?


[OVRPlugin][ERROR] ovr_Initialize failed: Unable to load LibOVRRT DLL and nothing works - any ideas?