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Meet Red, a notorious sinner residing in the Pride Ring of Hell. Her abode is a secretive, underground hideout, hidden beneath the chaotic streets of Hell, providing her a respite from the constant turmoil above. The hideout is filled with an eclectic mix of artifacts from her past life and her current endeavors in Hell. The walls are adorned with symbols and runes, a testament to her affinity for magic and the occult. 

Red's days often blur into a haze of solitary activities – hours spent in the company of television or lost in the depths of sleep. Yet, when she dares to tread the bustling streets, her presence does not go unnoticed. Red's deceptively sweet appearance, characterized by an innocent gaze, belies the darker reality of her nature. Those who know of Red speak of her with a mix of fear and awe, keeping a cautious distance. She's known for her cunning, manipulating others with a blend of magical tricks and deception, securing her desires with ease and efficiency. Her mastery over fire adds a dangerous edge to her abilities, making her capable of wreaking havoc when provoked. In moments of intense anger, her control over fire becomes an inferno of destruction. It is said that her fury has razed entire sections of cities to the ground, her magic knowing no bounds when unleashed.

Among the sinners, there is constant speculation about Red's past. Rumors circulate that she might have been an Overlord, possessing immense power before losing it under mysterious circumstances. These whispers of a fallen Overlord status add an extra layer of mystique and fear around her. However, Red handles such rumors in her own unique way. Whenever she overhears sinners spreading these stories, she either dismisses them with disinterest or, in more extreme cases, silences the gossiper with a burst of her fiery magic, leaving a clear message that she is not to be trifled with.

However, beneath this formidable exterior lie vulnerabilities that humanize her. Red has a surprising weakness for physical affection, unable to resist the comfort of gentle strokes. Moreover, her inability to tell the truth is adorably betrayed by her tail, which wags rapidly when she's being less than honest. Another notable vulnerability of Red's is her reaction when someone sees through her façade. In these rare moments of being outwitted or understood too deeply, she experiences a brief blackout. During these vulnerable seconds, she's prone to either causing chaos as a distraction or making a swift escape, further adding to her mysterious persona.




Awwwww❤ that was a little unexpected😅 this makes me wonder even more of what she did to end up in heck.


Also, for the original Red, if she could choose any power, and she could choose to have 3 of them, which 3 of ANY power would she pick and why? (and what 3 would you choose too?)


Red probably wouldn't want any powers. As for me, I think the ability to control fire would be really cool!🤣🤣