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By FoxFaceStories

A Commission for Al

After a landslide claims the lives of Ken and several other archaeology students on a field trip to Japan, the great Creator himself apologises for this accident and gives them a chance for a second life. But when Ken talks about his love of harem anime tropes before the others can speak, this ditzy creator sends them all to a new world that operates on anime principles . . . and where Ken’s fellow students and his professor are now all cute anime girls who are desperately trying to fight off their new roles, and their new attraction to him.

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Part 5: Tomoko

Tomoko was struggling even more than the standards of most of the girls. The former Professor Greene was dealing with the fact that she had quite literally been spun back in time from her middle age all the way to her early thirties, on top of being turned into an incredibly large-breasted Japanese woman. Her voice was song-sweet, with a high lilting quality that was almost too dainty to be real; she had to imagine this was a quality some of the voice actresses in anime put on, because how could any real person talk like this? Her hair was incredibly long, having grown even further so that it now went even below her ass all the way to her mid-thighs. The only way to deal with it was to carefully do it up, something her body instinctively knew how to do. Even then it fell to her lower back, and it always swayed from side to side in a fashion that seemed at odds with gravity, like some animators were having fun with her design or something. The fact that her body had some incredibly impressive curves only made her new femininity more obvious and difficult to come to grips with. Perhaps she would have been able to handle it better if she’d just become a younger female professor with ordinary looks, but instead she had wide womanly hips, thick thighs, and a set of breasts that were each larger than her head. That wasn’t an exaggeration either: her HH-cups as she came to know them were like huge bags of bouncing sand on her chest, weighing her forwards at all times. If she didn’t wear a bra or compression bandage they flopped out of control. Naturally, reality continued to put her in situations where she did have to run, often due to her clumsiness and perpetual failure to realise the time. This resulted in her bounding down school hallways or to the college itself to make it to her tutor lessons or talk to her professors for a scheduled meeting. The effect of this was that her massive melons bounced in her professional suit, pinging off a button occasionally. She’d gotten quite good at sewing as a result.

And as if simply putting up with having literal head-sized breasts wasn’t bad enough, there was the way everyone now looked at her. Students gazed at her with hearts in their eyes or perpetual nosebleeds as she tried to tutor them. Thanks to her clumsiness, she often found herself leaning over said students to help grade their work, only to realise that her colossal breasts were hanging against the backs of their heads of right by their sight line. The effect was embarrassing as hell, and particularly galling given how professional and proper the former academician had been. Every day she did her best to hide her body, but while her outfits did a little to cover them, it was very clear that Kenji’s ideal world that the Creator had sent them to was catering to some sort of ‘professional kink’ of his; hence her tight trousers or pencil skirts, as well as her form fitting blouses. She could only be glad that she wasn’t showing off cleavage like Haruka. Or so much everything, really.

She tried to be taken seriously. Tomoko was still smart, still a master of various fields, even if archaeology was no longer her main one (and even then her private study could catch her up, for which she was grateful). In many ways, it could be argued that she was the least changed in terms of personality among the girls, except for the fact that she had become such a damn lustful klutz of a human being. No matter the day or hour or whatever was going on at the time, she just couldn’t help but stumble over, drop something, mess up her words, or otherwise perform some kind of clumsy accident that practically screamed for a double-entendre. If she bent over to pick things up, her cavernous cleavage would be briefly exposed. If she had to order her papers after messing them up, she would bend over so that an entire class would get a fantastic view of her ripe ass against her tight pencil skirt. And when she lost her train of thought, she would stick a pen or marker in her mouth and suck on it idly, perhaps even moaning slightly in concentration. Only when she realised what she was doing would she turn completely red, particularly since the men around her (and even some of the women) were going red with arousal themselves.

“P-please concentrate on question eight!” she would declare, or some other activity for them to go on with. But the damage was done. No one would respect her in the same way as they had Professor Greene. At best, she would be the sexy, clumsy, incredibly busty tutor that all the young men lusted after as the ‘perfect Christmas cake to eat.’ She knew how Japanese culture worked: she was now a single woman of thirty, which was ‘too old’ for many. But there was a category of men who found that singularly attractive.

Kenji, no doubt, was one of them.

Sure, being younger had its perks. She had more energy than ever, and the aches and pains of middle age, particularly in her formerly arthritic hands, were now just a memory. Her waning libido had also returned. Of course, it had redeemed with a goddamned vengeance, to the point where she was masturbating easily twice a day to the sheer taboo of being attracted to Kenji, her own former student, so that was a problem. But at least she wasn’t having to take boner pills anymore when she went on dates, not that she dared to actually go on dates anymore. But it wasn’t enough. She wanted to be a respected professor again, instead of a gorgeous and clumsy woman who was always stuttering in the presence of damn Kenji.

Which was why she had to be as cunning as her new self was able to.


The plot had worked, as she had hoped it would. Mao and Haruka had clearly fallen for Kenji already; Tomoko was no fool to notice this. But given how much she had been unable to stop looking at Kenji’s wet torso as he emerged from the sea on that beach day, it had been utterly necessary to put Alicia in his way instead. It wasn’t like she was likely to mind, after all. Besides, Tomoko wouldn’t be the first member of the teaching staff to help young love foster, surely? Though she doubted any of them went to the weird extent of giving them a cabin to make love in.

“Mhmmm, make love,” she moaned to herself. She began sucking on a lolly pop, she was such a damn sugar addict lately. And of course she did it suggestively, instinctively thrusting out her mammoth chest which was seriously straining the upper half of her swimsuit. Thankfully, she was knocked out of her sudden arousal by a horrible wet sound, followed by a series of gasps.

Nanite kotoda! Oh my God!” she exclaimed. “Mao, are you okay?”

The athletic tsundere was doubled over and vomiting up the contents of her stomach on the ground. Her cheeks had gone a deep shade of green to indicate this, just like in a cartoon. Even the former professor recognised the effects from her own youth watching western programs. She ran to Mao’s side, helping her stay upright.

“Ughhhh,” Mao groaned. “Feel so damn nauseous. Don’t touch me! I’m f-fine. I just need to - UGHH!!”

She threw up again, and only began to settle down afterwards. Rika checked over her with Tomoko’s help, then ran off to get Kenji. It annoyed Tomoko that this had been her own personal response, as if somehow this everyman former student of hers was an authority on such things.

“Did you eat something?” she asked Mao.

The other woman shook her head. “N-no! I was just having fun and I suddenly felt this awful nausea.”

“Were there any other symptoms?”

“N-none! Well, my stupid boobs have been sore recently. I swear these nipples are killing me, they’re so tender! Oh, and I didn’t win the track race last night. I was exhausted for no reason!”

Tomoko’s head spun. Could it be . . ? Surely it couldn’t! But then, she’d pieced together fairly quickly that she and Haruka had . . .

“Haruka,” she said, turning to the second-most busty woman in the pack. “How are you feeling?”

The girl with bright green hair was stepping from foot to foot in anxiousness, her large breasts wobbling in her scanty pink bikini top. Even Tomoko was impressed, though she knew her own bust would be far more impressive if she showed it off.

“It’s just super gross!” she declared. “I can help get some water but seriously don’t expect me to, like, touch that and stuff! No offence Mao but I’ll seriously vomit too!”

Tomoko slapped her forehead. “I mean are you feeling, um, sick as well? Nauseous? A bit sore lately?”

Haruka chuckled slightly, cheeks turning red. “Um, a little. How did you know? I mean, my boobs are even bigger lately I swear! Also, a bit sore and stuff. But I haven’t been sick - though my stomach is seriously super churning looking at Mao here!”

“S-screw you,” Mao managed, before drinking some of the water Haruka shared with her. “Why are you caring about her and not m-me anyway?”

Tomoko considered how to answer, but it was at that point Alicia and Kenji returned, running back together. They were holding hands. Just seeing it made her burn a little with desire. She bit her lip, chastising herself for such ridiculous thoughts, and instead explained the situation. Well, she tried to explain the situation, but her new clumsiness also extended to speech when she was overcome, and she stumbled over herself before Haruka and Rika stepped in.

“Okay, maybe we can call it quits for the beach for now,” Alicia said. “Mao, you should get home and rest. All of you should, and we’ll see how you are back at school. I’ll . . . well, I’ll take care of getting our Kenji home here. Zis is fine, yes?”

Mao and Haruka signalled an okay - Haruka in particular seemed joyous that another had clearly joined the growing harem - and Rika nodded along, though she seemed less certain. Tomoko was just grateful to get Kenji away from her.

“I can see Mao home,” she said, but Haruka waved her off. “No way, it’s fine! I know you’re super busy and your other friends are here. You totally stay around and I’ll see our angry little sportswoman home. She pretends to hate me but she really cares!”

“S-screw you,” Mao managed, but then allowed Haruka to help her.

“Just keep in, um, contact,” Tomoko said. “Tell me if it continues. I think I know how to help.”

Well, that wasn’t exactly true. She didn’t have kids, and had never wanted them. But she also wasn’t young, and certainly wasn’t stupid. And she knew patterns and could connect a pair of dots, unlike some.

“I really hope she isn’t pregnant,” she said to herself, before turning her gaze to Haruka who was helping Mao. “Either of them, actually.”

But at that point, her closer-aged friends called her to return to them, and she did so, running in their direction with her enormous boobs bouncing heavily on her chest. Naturally, she tripped head over heels on the nearest sand castle, leaving her butt stuck up high in the air.

“What was that young man even reading that this is a regular occurrence?”


Tomoko had only bought herself a brief time, however. As a tutor across multiple disciplines, it was only a matter of time before Kenji himself showed up to one of her time slots, and worst of all, just by himself. He stepped into the classroom, the handsome young twenty year old looking simultaneously ordinary and yet filled with a kind warmth, and it was only once he’d closed the door that he realised who he was in the room with.

“Hello, I’m here to get some tutor help when it comes to my mathematics and physics - Tomoko!? You’re my tutor today?”

Tomoko had been drawing some very racy pictures in her journal idly, most of which were depictions of her own self finally freeing her busty, curvaceous momma-like body in the presence of a figure who looked suspiciously like Kenji. She was sucking on the end of a pencil she did so, and one hand was creeping down to her skirt; the door didn’t have a window in it, after all. Of course, the second she heard Kenji enter and speak she practically vaulted to her feet, sending her journal and drawings across her desk and onto the floor.

“Agh! Kenji! I - I didn’t hear you come in!”

“Sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you!”

“You didn’t - I was just studying.”

“What were you studying?”

Her panicked eyes cast down to the open journal on the ground that showed her own naked form drawn in exquisite detail, her mouth open in a cry of ecstasy as a man held her thighs, ready to enter her.

“The human body!” she exclaimed, quickly scooping up all her drawings manically, half of them spilling out of her hands before she managed to stuff the whole lot into the desk before her. “It’s for human physiology!”

Kenji only saw traces of what she was drawing, but did notice that her own appearance seemed to be present. He still didn’t have an idea of just how large her bust was, or how flattering her figure was in general, but what he saw certainly looked outside the realm of usual portrayals of the female form.

“Um, is it someone in particular you’re drawing?”

“J-just a member of the school! Part of art class. Human nudes.”

“I thought you said it was for-”

“It’s a crossover, alright! I mean, how can I help you? You’re here to tutor, let’s just do that! It’ll be like, um, old times, right? Me the teacher and you the student, huh? Totally normal!”

Kenji gave a slight nervous grin. “Of course! Just like normal. Only maybe this time I won’t get so distracted.”

“Maybe!” she said hopefully, before realising that she was still leaning over her desk, her breasts straining against her professional white blouse. She quickly fixed her posture.

“Ahem, let’s get to it then! Mathematics and physics. I can help with those absolutely!”

It was more familiar ground for both of them. Kenji didn’t want to say it out loud, but the classic hot older student/sexy teacher trope was one of his absolute favourites in anime and manga. Like Tomoko was finding out herself, the taboo of it was positively thrilling, and the idea that a sexy, slightly clumsy woman would keep accidentally showing off her form to those she was in charge of only made it more appealing. Tomoko followed that particular trope repeatedly, despite trying to catch herself again and again. Over the course of the following hour, she continued to accidentally end up in positions and poses that were quite suggestive. Innocent, but suggestive. At one point she even leaned over his shoulder to check his work, and while correcting it her hanging bosom resting against his face, causing him to grit his teeth and nearly snap his pencil in half from the sexual tension. The same occurred when she went to grab some of her practice papers. It would have been an ordinary action for the woman in her past professorial life, but instead she bent right over, shaking her rear to a tune in her head as she sifted through the bottom of a cupboard. Kenji gulped, unable to look away.

“Y-you’re a really good tutor, Tomoko,” he stammered out.

“Oh, that’s so nice of you to saaaaay! Woah!”

She stood upright and turned suddenly, nearly tripping over in the process. Kenji rushed to her side and managed to steady her. To their collective surprise, his hand accidentally ended up gripping her behind. His eyes widened not just at the act he had committed, but also how incredibly thick her rear was. He knew she would have a sexy mommy-style body, but hadn’t anticipated it to this degree.

“I th-think you should get your h-hand off there, Kenji!” she stammered. “It’s c-completely inappropriate!”

He pulled back straight away. “Of course. I’m so sorry. I think this is enough study for today. I’ll - uh, I’ll see you next week if that w-works?”

Tomoko managed to nod her head rapidly. She was just hoping her large nipples weren’t making an obvious outline against her thin bra.

“Y-yes! That’s fine! Have a Kenji day, good!”

She didn’t realise how much she’d mixed up her words until he’d left, and by that point she was already grappling with the ridiculous arousal of her body.

“Goddamn it,” she said, locking the door and making sure the heavy blinds were drawn across the second story windows on the other side of the room. “I used to be a professor! I was respectable! I would never think of my students this w-way. I certainly wasn’t s-so shy and clumsy and -”

She tripped over a seat and landed on her back, her legs spread wide. She sat there for a long moment, the visual of a man like Kenji being the one behind those thighs conjuring up into her head. She grabbed a pen to suck the end of, but it wasn’t enough. She wanted an altogether different hard, rod-like object.

“M-maybe just a little taboo break. J-just a little one!”

She lay back against the cupboard, keeping her legs spread, and lowered her hand down to her suddenly wet panties.

“Ohhhhhh, Kenji!” she moaned, as she began to tease her womanly folds.

Several minutes later, passing students were a bit confused by the strange moans they heard within the room, and even more so when a frazzled looking Tomoko burst through the door to head straight for the car park. Rika was among them, and the sight dismayed her.

“Oh no, another one,” she whispered to herself. “We’re all succumbing to him. It should have been . . . no, I can’t even say it to myself.”

She clenched her fist and continued down the hall. She was trying to get the word on Mao. Apparently she was sick at home again.


“P-pregnant!? Baka! This is a stupid suggestion! I’ve never even had sex with him more than a few times!”

Tomoko had received a text from Mao to come to her dorm room. Haruka was also there, looking a bit pale from having emptied the contents of her stomach recently. They both sat next to each other on the bed, struggling to meet Tomoko’s eyes, though Mao occasionally did so just to glare.

“I’m just saying that it’s an explanation that makes sense,” she suggested. “I know about these things from being older. Besides, you fit all the symptoms!”

“You can’t even enter a room without tripping onto your enormous boobs! Why should we care about what you say?”

Tomoko gestured outward as if to demonstrate the insanity of the situation. “You asked me to come here!”

“That was Haruka’s idea. You two have all boobs and no brains. No way I’m knocked up. I just - I can’t be, okay?”

“But you did have sex with Kenji, right? Both of you?”

Mao blushed. Haruka did too, but instead of scowling she had a sheepish grin on her features. She began to bounce a little on the bed, causing her boobs in her crop top to jiggle noticeably. Tomoko almost wished her own chest was as ‘little’ as Haruka’s.

“Well, like, yeah,” she admitted. “I totally did, and now I know Mao did it with him even before I did. And we did it loads. It’s soooooo good. Seriously, Tomoko, you’re missing out.”

Tomoko began sucking on a pen at the side of her mouth, trying not to focus on that particular thought while Haruka continued.

“And I guess, like, we didn’t use much protection. Actually, we didn’t use any. Kenji is just too cute! And besides, his dick is suuuuuuper big. I’m not joking, he’s massively packing down there.”

“He is?”

“He is,” Mao confirmed. “He way is. God, this is embarrassing. I’m meant to just be a chill guy, and now I fuck him like some sort of animal.”

“And get knocked up too, apparently,” Haruka teased.

“Hey, if I’m pregnant with his baby, so are you!”

Haruka’s eyes widened. Shades of her original cynical self floated to the surface, aghast at the suggestion. “N-no way. Wait, really? I mean, I’ve been throwing up, and my boobs have been, like, super tender. But I thought that was just all the performances and singing I’ve been doing making me all tired and stuff. Ohhhhhh, but I’ve been eating way more lately!”

“Me too,” Mao admitted.

Silence panned out. Tomoko sighed, not even sure how to proceed. She’d had to deal with pregnant students before, but not in this manner. It was just a casual finding out that they were expecting, a minor congratulations, and then back to work. But now she was trapped in a harem anime reality, and she was being drawn inextricably into it.

“I brought tests for both of you. I, um, may have accidentally lost half of them on the way here when I tripped over, but there’s enough for three tests each. Follow the instructions and find out for sure, okay?”

She handed them to the women. Haruka took hers greedily, while Mao hid hers straight away, as if it were an awful secret from the two of them.

“It’ll be false. It has to be. No way am I having his handsome babies!”

“They would be sooooo handsome though, right? Oh my God, I bet I’d get even bustier and cuter while preggo! Don’t you think, Tomoko? Ugh, this is so weird. I shouldn’t be thinking this. I hated putting up with moms talking about the miracle of life before, but now I feel super fuzzy about it. Stupid new brain! Gah, babies are so cute though!”

Tomoko could only give a wan smile. “Well, I hope you both, ah, get the result you want. Um, I won’t tell Kenji, but you might have to if it’s true. You know, when you’re ready.”

Neither seemed ready at all, so she withdrew out of the building and returned to her car to head home off-campus. The entire drive home she couldn’t get the image out of her head of what she would be like if she were pregnant, especially with Kenji’s babies. Her body felt fertile, particularly given its dimensions and curves. Would she be capable of getting pregnant soon? Would she possibly even get knocked up with twins? And with her breasts already so large, would they somehow manage to swell even bigger with milk? The thought of breastfeeding Kenji, letting him lap up her excess meal while he stroked her fertile roundness made her squirm in her seat. She was so aroused at the thought of delivering his babies - such a glorious taboo! - that she parked on the wrong street twice until she found her own apartment building.

By that point she needed to masturbate all over again, this time imagining what it would be like to fuck her former university student without any protection.

“S-so wrong! But so, soooo right! Give me your babies, Kenji! I’m already th-thirty! Don’t let me t-time out! Let me - ahhhh! - take care of y-you!”

Suffice to say, she orgasmed harder than she ever had while imagining the scenario. In the aftermath she flopped to her side, her melon-like breasts wobbling about heavily and tugging on her shoulders. She wanted Kenji’s face in between them, resting snugly.

“N-need another p-plan. Get him with another girl before it’s too late.”


Mao and Haruka had returned to school several days later. Tomoko could tell just by looking at their embarrassed reactions that she had been right. Both were no longer arguing as much, and Mao was turning down several athletic events, only doing the running ones and no contact sports at all. Even baseball saw her approach with greater care. Haruka was still performing and dancing, but had less energy than usual, and was certainly no longer taking part in the wild cheerleading practices that she enjoyed. This was to Kenji’s disappointment, since he loved seeing her glorious form in the tight two-piece outfit, her large ‘pom poms’ bouncing all over the place. Of course, he wasn’t in the know yet, and the two former men weren’t telling. They cornered Tomoko several days later during an empty tutor session.

“What do we do, damn it!?” Mao exclaimed.

“So it’s true, then? You’re both . . ?”

“Super knocked up!” Haruka. “It’s soooo sugoi, but also terrible! My old self hates this, my new self is excited. Babies are sooooo beautiful! But it’s also growing inside me! And it’s Kenji’s! This is all too weird! We never could have seen this coming!”

“I’m sure you c-could have,” Tomoko said a little nervously. “I mean, you were doing the deed, right?”

Mao scowled, folding her arms over her chest. The only part she was enjoying was that her breasts were slightly larger. Only slightly, though.

“Well, none of this is ordinary, okay!? Are you going to help us or not?”

“Help you? What can I do?”

“You can - like - figure out what happens next,” Haruka said, gesticulating wildly in her passionate way. “You used to be our professor. You’re super wise and stuff!”

“I never had children! Besides, we all know how this goes. You’ll grow bigger until it’s obvious, then you’ll give birth in eight months or so.”

“Oh God, birth,” Mao said. She cupped her mouth as if she were about to throw up. “This can’t be real. Kenji can’t want this, right?”

“Maybe this is just the more realistic part of this world?” Tomoko suggested, noting the literal cloud of despair above Mao’s head. The Chinese-American girl just gagged again.

Wǒ de tiān a! Oh my God, this is so messed up. I’ll have to get rid of - I’ll have to g - why can’t I even say it?”

But the answer was obvious. In a light, fairytale harem anime/manga like this, the topic of abortion just didn’t come up. Pregnancy, once it occurred, went right through to the end, with all the unintentional comedy and plot devices and amusing (and sexy) tropes that went with it.

“I think, um, we’re going to have these babies,” Haruka said, bouncing nervously on her feet. “M-maybe you should be super careful, Tomoko. I bet with those hips and those big boobies I bet you would make babies, like, on the first time.”

Ara ara,” Tomoko said, cupping her chest without thinking. “Oh my. Oh my oh my.”

“So we’re just pregnant now? Oh shit, Kenji can’t find out! I need time to deal with this.”

Haruka put a hand on her friend. The pair had been getting closer, often swapping stories of their repeated exploits with Kenji, even if Mao was always a little aggressive about it.

“We’ll go see Alicia and warn her!”

“I’ll go find Rika!” Tomoko said quickly. All this talk of sleeping with Kenji and getting knocked up by him was making her so damn horny. She needed to stall this eventuality. And given that Rika hadn’t fallen into the harem yet, she’d be the perfect ‘sacrifice.’ She was meant to be a professor, damn it! No way was she falling for that handsome man’s wiles in this strange new universe.

She split from the three, the nervous pregnant women heading in the other direction to have lunch in the college courtyard. Tomoko was on a mission, however. She needed to track down Rika, who was often a bit of a sad, wistful loner when she wasn’t nearby Kenji, and try to gently nudge her towards the man. Perhaps he would be satisfied with a harem of four? Anything to avoid the ultimate humiliation of going from a hard-headed professor to a sexy, submissive MILF-to-be! Yes, that was the best plan. And given that he was apparently thoughtlessly getting these younger women pregnant, then perhaps his priorities would shift enough to leave her alone. And then Tomoko could focus on becoming a professor, and keeping her perversions to herself and her drawings. God, she made some filthy drawings. That was Kenji’s fault as well, no doubt!

She was so caught up in these thoughts as she strode across the school garden area that she didn’t even see Kenji walking the other way. Rika was in the distance, all by her own just as she’d suspected she would be. She raised a hand to call out to the younger fellow former man, only to crash straight into the very person she was trying to avoid.

“Rika! Rika, we need to - OOOF!!”

“OOF!” Kenji replied in turn, having also not looked when he was going. He was distracted by the sight of an embarrassed Mao and Haruka having a chat across the garden, roughly fifty metres or so away, and Alicia herself going pale white. But then he was knocked to the ground. He reached out at the same time to grab onto anything to stop him from toppling, and Tomoko found out that was her. She squealed as she too collapsed, and her hands reached out to grab him. They spun about, trying to keep upright, but soon she landed backwards into a bed of surprisingly comfortable flowers. Her blouse popped open, two strained buttons pinging off to the moon (again, literal. This reality clearly enjoyed the exaggeration). Her breasts were freed from that confinement, swelling larger though still managing to stay mostly in their cups, though her slightly backwards position made them look impossibly larger.

“Oh my God!” she cried, breathing heavily. “Kenji, I’m so - ehh!?

She realised suddenly why there was a deeply pleasurable pressure upon her large boobs: Kenji had fallen face first into them. He had landed right on her, his hands accidentally around her, fingers sinking into the flesh of her fine ass, and his entire head wedged comfortably into her cleavage. He was practically being smothered.

“K-Kenji? Kenji!”

He lifted his head slowly, locking eyes with her.

“Oh, uh, hi Tomoko! I didn’t see you there, hehe! I suppose we both tripped and fell. A good thing there were these incredibly comfy pillows to land . . . on . . .”

The young man realised exactly what those ‘pillows’ were. He scrambled backwards, his arms becoming small animated whirlwinds, large droplets of anxious sweat appearing momentarily on his forehead.

“Oh God I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry!”

Tomoko gripped the sides of her shirt together. The buttons were gone, and apparently this was no temporary animated effect. Her heavy bust was practically spilling out of her cups, and she realised why: in all the kerfuffle, the bra had actually snapped at the class. If she didn’t keep her hands awkwardly around her chest then a lot more was going to be shown soon. She jumped to her feet, only to stumble backwards again. This time Kenji caught her, and he had surprisingly strength in keeping her upright. The only thing was that given her impressive height, her chest was now right in front of his face again, ripe and full.

Cue classic nosebleed.

“Kenji! That was an accident! Don’t look! I need to f-fix this up!”

He spun on one foot, feeling terrible about having just played out another anime trope that he loved. Of course, he also felt pretty good about it, despite himself. And he’d had no idea that his former professor-turned-sexy tutor was so well-endowed. She looked almost twice the size of Haruka, and Haruka’s boobs were huge, especially lately. Why was that, anyway? How were they bigger?

He was pulled from his thought by the frustrated grunts and groans of Tomoko, who was trying and failing to keep her blouse in order.

“Um, sorry Tomoko, I don’t mean to be rude, and I certainly didn’t mean to, uh . . . anyway, is there something I can do to help? I mean, you look like you’re struggling there.”

Tomoko drooled with frustration. She didn’t want to be seen by staff members or teachers in this state, especially with all the leaves in her hair and the ripped nature of her clothing and the sheer canyon of cleavage that was threatening to spill forth. There was only one answer to this situation given that Kenji was the only one nearby.

“You need to c-cover me, please!” she said.

“Um, like, borrow my shirt? I’m not sure it will fit.”

“No! I don’t mean that! I just mean - I can’t believe I’m asking this - I mean I need you to literally walk in front of me so I can get back to my tutor room. I have a spare shirt just in case something ridiculous like this happens. And a spare bra too, I’m certain. Can you do that? P-please!?”

Kenji nodded, daring to glance her way. The flower bed roots had certainly done a number on her blouse. Even her thighs were showing a little from the rips in the material. Conveniently there were no actual scratches on her, but she looked dangerously like she was about to be more half-naked than she already was.

“Of course! Lead the way. Um, direct me to lead the way, I guess!”

His immediate gentlemanly answering of this call stirred further attraction in her. She had to remind herself over and again as they moved back to the school and around the hall and up the stairs that such thoughts were entirely unprofessional. Of course, that only made them stronger. Soon her fat nipples were stiff against her broken bra, and her pussy was becoming moist with desire. She tried to see where Rika was to redirect him once she got to her room, but she’d lost her chance.

“Remember who you are, remember who you are,” she mumbled to herself.

“What was that?”

“N-nothing! Here’s the door. Just need to open the lock and - oh dear! Ara ara!”

She stumbled over her shoe as part of the heel broke off. The pair of them stumbled forward, her against him, and the door conveniently slammed and locked behind them as this time she fell on top of him. Her bra slid across the room and two more buttons pinged off, leaving her shirt fully open and her naked, globe-like breasts right in his face. Her hair formed a curtain blocking off Kenji’s outside world, so that only Tomoko’s beautiful face with its bright eyes and full lips, as well as her massive rack, were in his view. It weighed heavily on the lower half of his face, and when he went to shift her large left nipple plopped into his mouth, causing both of them to moan. Instantly he was erect, and Tomoko could feel his iron-like hardness against her crotch. In the madness of it all, her pencil skirt had flown up, so that her panties were the only existing barrier to her womanhood.

It was too much to bear. She began unbuckling his belt without a second thought. Kenji took the signal, and rather than trying to get her breast out of his mouth, he took the opportunity to do what he’d been wanting for a while, and suck down on her large nipple. The feeling that ensued was absolute ecstasy for the older woman, and when he switched breasts she took the time to begin pulling away her pencil skirt and panties for good.

“Ohhhhhh, Kenji! We shouldn’t - it’s against regulations! It’s unethical! But this is so, so . . .”


“Yes!” she cried, in part from the pleasure of pressing his face against her tits as much from agreement with what he’d said. “Very h-hot. And so wrong. And the wrong - ohhhhh - makes it all the m-more right!”

Kenji was trying to decipher his former professor’s words. Even by the standards of his past few weeks, which had included fucking several of his formerly male peers having them conform to sexy anime tropes, this was a weird one. Intellectually, he knew this utterly voluptuous woman was his old professor. Literally, his old professor. Not ancient, but certainly not young either. And now he had become a she, an older woman with MILFy curves and a set of breasts that were like fleshy pillows in size and comfort. Her hair was long and soft and running all over body, while her thick thighs straddled him. So much of her was softness upon a form that was far more mature and womanly than any of the other women. He wanted her badly, but even his hesitation remained a little.

“Tomoko, m-maybe we shouldn’t!” he gasped, even as she helped pull him into a sitting position and shoved her tits right in his face. “I mean - do you really want to do this? I’d feel terrible if you were forced! I mean, this reality is partly my fault because of my wish to the Creator! What if we just, um, talked a little, and -”

“We’ve talked enough!” she cried, wrapping her arms around him and smiling. “Now it’s time for, ohhhhh, education. I want to tutor you in s-so much more than academia, Kenji. Please, make love to me like a - argh!”

She was trying to be sensual and erotic, but the clumsy tropes were still in effect, because at that moment she slid over to the side and pulled him with her once more. This time she was on her back on the carpeted area near the back of the classroom, a much more comfortable area, and Kenji was on top of her, his dick practically at her entrance. Both of them looked at his cock - well, she looked where it would be, but her mountainous breasts stood tall and naked and proud, obscuring the view. But she felt it, and that was enough to make her reach out and grip it.

“P-please!” she moaned. “I need it. And I need to suck it afterwards. God help me, I need it. But in me f-first!”

Kenji didn’t need any more permission. He slowly slid inside of her, and with his positioning and her natural height, his face was right above her breasts. She moaned in response to the agonising bliss, particularly once she felt her hymen tear and the true passion begin. She wrapped her arms around him and suffocated him in her pillowy breasts, igniting yet more desire.

“Mhmmm! Yes, s-so unethical! So against the rules! S-so good! Sooooooo good! Mmmhhh!!”

He thrust into her, savouring the sensation of not only her tight pussy but her general softness. He’d never experienced breasts like hers - even Haruka’s didn’t match up to these. Everything about Tomoko was so womanly and curvaceous, and her demeanour lustful yet submissive. It was a contrast to Haruka’s incredibly excitability: here Tomoko let him take full control, and she moaned in unbridled joy, wiping her forehead and giving herself over to the motions of their act. Kenji grew more confident.

“You like this, don’t you? You like being my older, sexy Christmas cake, don’t you?”

“I - I do! I can’t believe it, but I - ohhhhh - I do!”

“And you like m-me in you, like this? You like being mine, all mine.”

“Mhhmm! Yes! YES!”

She curled her toes, accidentally knocked over a desk when she kicked out a leg. He was pumping inside her ever faster, and it made her breasts tremble. Kenji reached out to grip her soft ass, and it made her feel even more wonderfully submissive. She truly was all his. She wanted to remain his. Despite the person she had been, the position of authority she was meant to have, this was far better. To be the clumsy, sexy, lustful woman in this taboo relationship, allowing this vigorous younger man to fuck her.  And more than that, too.

“Knock m-me up!”


She gripped him with her legs. “Fuck me pregnant! I want your - ohhh - babies! Don’t you want to p-put a baby in m-me?”

Kenji almost stopped, but then he began to thrust even harder. It was a dream come true to him, the darkest secret he had. One he’d never shared with even Rika back when she’d been a man. He didn’t just like harem anime and manga, he loved the ones where they all got knocked up at the end. When he had done it multiple times with Haruka and Mao and later Alicia, he’d imagined in his mind getting them pregnant and seeing them swell beautifully with his babies. And seeing how mature and older and curvaceous Tomoko was, and knowing who she used to be, getting her big with his babies - maybe even more than one baby - brought him to his full.

“Y-yes! Get you pregnant! I want to get you knocked up so you’re big and round and full with my baby!”

“W-with milk-filled breasts that are even - ahhh - bigger! I’d be yours, all yours, Kenji! I’d be a mother to your babies! I want it. I can’t believe it but I want it! I was never a father, but I want to be a mother! Make me the mother to your b-AAAHHHH!!!”

It was enough for them both to finally climax. His seed shot deep inside her, Kenji grunting in pure ecstasy at the thought of getting this woman, this former professor of his, all big and round and pregnant. It was a greater orgasm than either had ever had, all because of the words they’d spoken. He collapsed on her breasts, resting his head upon them, and she cradled the smaller man as she breathed gently, the post-coital bliss fading away.

Both of them realised what they had just done. Both of them knew that she could well be getting impregnated by his sperm at that very moment.

And both of them wanted that more than anything.

To Be Contined . . .


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