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By FoxFaceStories

A Commission for Al

After a landslide claims the lives of Ken and several other archaeology students on a field trip to Japan, the great Creator himself apologises for this accident and gives them a chance for a second life. But when Ken talks about his love of harem anime tropes before the others can speak, this ditzy creator sends them all to a new world that operates on anime principles . . . and where Ken’s fellow students and his professor are now all cute anime girls who are desperately trying to fight off their new roles, and their new attraction to him.

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Part 4: Alicia

Alicia felt like she’d developed split-personality syndrome, or something. On the one hand, she was meant to be an anarchist. A radical feminist. A class-conscious eco-terrorist in the making who wanted to overthrow the patriarchy and replace it with a system in which women could finally make decisions about their own biological destiny, damn it! On the other hand, however, she had also become a very pretty half-French, half-Japanese woman with flowing blonde locks, a tall stride, and a set of legs and sense of fashion to absolutely die for. It was a betrayal of everything she had been. She had eschewed fashion as bourgeoisie capitalist excess, even parroted that it was secretly a way to control women by forcing them to be plum little objects to be subjected to the male gaze.

The only problem was that now she was Alicia instead of Alison, she loved being subjected to the male gaze. In her exorbitantly expensive outfits and trendy makeup and hairstyles, she was easily able to make men sway their heads in her direction wherever she went. Even her college uniform was - impossible - unique compared to those around her. In this new life her parents were incredibly wealthy, working as hardly-seen French embassy diplomats or some such, but all that was just backstory that allowed her to stand out as ‘the rich one.’ The Ojou-sama, as she had learned from Kenki. The ‘young lady’ of Harem anime and manga who stood out as classy, rich, elegant and sexy, while possessing a positively endless wardrobe of stylish outfits. She was also quite materialistic and haughty, both qualities Alison had been proud not to possess in her previous life.

But my, oh my did she possess them now, especially since her college outfit had a longer skirt of a far more expensive make, and its colouring was golden yellow instead of the standard black and white with pleated green skirt. In their original reality, no school would allow such a strange divergence from the uniform, but this reality was bound by the rules of harem-style fiction, and so all it took was one throwaway line about her rich parents ‘paying the right people for darling Alicia’s privilege’ and it was all settled. Hell, the outfit even gleamed, as if it were from a cartoon.

“I am a cartoon,” she mused to herself as she left to go to school. “A darling cartoon at that. A positively resplendent cartoon . . . why, or why has this happened to me!?”

She rode a bicycle each day. Something about that felt very French, especially how it blew her skirts in the wind in a way that conveniently revealed her luscious pale thighs. Men’s noses burst with blood every time she passed, and she simply giggled and posed a little, enjoying the way they took photographs of her. Somehow, no matter the situation, she was always perfectly photogenic. She’d even gotten Rika to test the theory by taking a photo of her while she pulled a face and fell over to the side. Nope, in the photograph she looked to be a gorgeous model, posing elegantly, her eyes betraying her new smug confidence.

The confidence was Haruka’s fault, she reckoned. The concert had been the previous night, and it had been practically impossible not to dominate the dance floor. Worse, when the lame nerd Kenji became the focal point of the whole thing, the world literally giving a shaft of light upon him and Rika as they danced romantically, something in Alicia had become very haughty and envious indeed. She’d almost considered doing something to sabotage them, such as paying off someone to stage an emergency, or simply making an outrageous announcement herself to distract them.

Thankfully, Haruka had run off crying about something or other, and Kenji had chased her loyally in a way that only left Alicia a little jealous. It also made her consider how wonderfully gallant he was.

But the true legacy of that night, as far as she could tell, was that it had pushed her over the edge into embracing Alicia for several hours, and that was a very dangerous thing. Alison had only liked being the centre of attention when throwing pies at climate criminals, or shouting invectives at misogynists, or proudly announcing her class-conscious acts when marching or speechifying against the Patriarchy. As Alicia, the incredibly gorgeous dress she had worn had instead been what she showed off. That and her earrings. And her other jewellery. And her perfect dance moves, all of which showed off her legs and overall slim figure. Instead of talking about political issues that mattered (did this world even have political issues that mattered? It seemed to bend around romance and love hexagons more than anything!), she instead talked about colour combinations, how cute others looked, what diets would be best to maintain their figures, and what clubs she could start or even take over in order to swell her following.

“I have a following now,” she muttered as she rode, her body automatically making the action look elegant and easy. “I would have killed for a following as my previous self. No one listened to me back then. But talk about pretty colours and stupid, wonderful outfits and suddenly all these stupid girls are gathering themselves around you to be your adjutants! Bah, they’re petty commoners just trying to get a taste of my refinement! I mean - ugh! These stupid bourgeoisie thoughts! I can’t believe Kenji has literally made me into a gorgeous French aristocrat! I literally am descended from royalty in this ridiculous timeline!”

Still, even as she said that, a hint of pride came over her. She was descended from royalty, and she was very high-class. And just a few weeks into her new, strange life, she already had a small army of fashion-conscious and needy girls attaching themselves to her like a little cult, all wanting to be like their Ojou-Sama.

“I guess it’s not totally bad,” she muttered to herself, blowing a few kisses to passerbys who were starstruck by her beauty. “But I’m not going to get used to it! I will be a rebel again! Even if I have to be a very stylish one!”

She continued to ride to college, swearing that she would indeed cling to her anarchist past. It would prove harder than she realised.


The following week was difficult for Alicia, for a number of reasons. Despite her agreeing to the general plan to ignore Kenji as much as possible, it was just too difficult not to run into him. The entire universe was bending to make them endure a series of meet-cutes and clashes. In fact, she even found herself moved out of her regular grammar class into his due to her high ability, and guess whose seat she was located just next to? Kenji’s, of course. With his regular, everyman good looks and gentle smile, it was hard not to feel her heart flutter a little bit. She tried to draw strength from the fact that Mao was in the same class, but despite her endlessly angry demeanour, the former stoner was strangely closer to Kenji than Alicia would have suspected, often finding excuses to touch him, or go to the bathroom around the same time as him, or generally laughing at his jokes before snapping at anyone who would dare comment on this.

“It’s not like I care about him or anything, okay?” Mao exclaimed after class when Alicia confronted her about this. “He’s just not completely terrible, alright? Besides, he comes and cheers my sports games, so I owe him. That’s all!”

Alicia wasn’t entirely convinced, but she had other concerns on top of this. She had discovered something very dangerous indeed: in the presence of Kenji, her appearance sparkled. Like, literally sparkled at times, when he looked at her, with rose petals falling from an unseen source all around her before disappearing. Just having his gaze upon her, or being near him, made her looks even more gorgeous and refined than usual. Her lips were glossier, her eyes bright and shining, her hair bouncing splendidly in ways that could have been from a shampoo commercial featuring a top model. It was just another temptation for her new personality to be near him, especially since he often stuttered and spluttered in her presence. One afternoon, she was simply walking down the hallway to her next class following the lunch break. Kenji was heading the other way, chatting excitedly with Haruka, whose overly-large breasts were bouncing eagerly in her top in a way that made Alicia practically roll her eyes. Alison would have thought she was a sellout to the entire female gender. Now, she felt a prickle of jealousy as well.

“That ridiculous woman,” she muttered to several of her near-identical acolytes, who moved subserviently beside and behind her. “Her proportions are all wrong, and she shows far too much flesh when one should tease invitingly. No class at all!”

She knew it was ridiculous of her to say, especially given that ‘class’ was practically a trigger word to her old Alison self. It was even sillier because of who Haruka had once been; the loathsome, vulgar Harold. Still, her followers murmured approval.

“Not as pretty as you, Alicia!”

“Her boobs are too big, yours are perfectly sized, Alicia!”

“Alicia-san, she could never measure up to you and your style! She lacks your fashion sense!”

“You’re absolutely right,” she said, and with that, she strutted forward, letting her custom-school uniform shine splendidly in the sunbeams that cast themselves through the hallways windows. Kenji and she passed in slow-motion - literally - and the entire moment turned into some kind of movie scene. Alicia smirked in his direction, her eyes confident yet sexy at the same time, her expression that of a woman who knew she looked good and was heads and shoulders above the rabble around her.

“Woah,” Kenji gasped. Haruka was saying something, giggling and bouncing and being all manner of excited in his presence, but whatever she was communicating was lost on him. In that moment, his entire attention was transfixed upon Alicia. Even back as Ken, he’d found her interesting, albeit intimidating. She was the only girl in their group, and despite her radicalism and refusal to go along with feminine norms, he found it hard not to be a little attracted to her. Now she was beautiful beyond compare, her refinement and style and command radiating from her as if she were born royalty.

Alicia recognised that look, and she too felt like royalty, particularly since Kenji almost bowed in her presence as he passed before catching himself.

“You did zis to me,” she noted as she passed. “So it’s expected you would be apologetically worshipful, don’t you think?”

“I - I do think. I very much do think!”

“Good! Now leave my presence before things get awkward. I don’t like to mix with people below my station, Kenji, not unless they can prove they’re worthy of my affection.”

The slow-motion effect ended, as did the rose petals falling around her. Suddenly they were in a hall again, and Haruka was looking a bit annoyed.

“What - what are you talking about, Alicia-san?”

Alicia had no idea, at least the Alison part of her didn’t. Why the hell was she quasi-flirting with this stupid geek of a man, even if he was handsome? But instead of backing down, she continued. Something about having a little personal army of sycophantic fashionistas made it easy to go ahead, and hard to summon her old self.

“Oh, I’m just stating ze obvious, dear Haruka. Your musical performance the other night was just to die for, by the way. You danced quite well, as did our Kenji here. But a J-pop performance is one thing, and a fashion show quite another.”

“A f-fashion show?” stuttered Kenji. Even now, having made girlfriends of two of the women (and therefore now technically already possessing an anime harem), he still found himself nervous in the presence of those not yet ‘converted.’ Hell, he still found Mao kind of scary, even as she fucked him senseless in hidden lockers and private spaces.

She smirked, particularly as her various fangirls all cooed and awwed at her brilliant idea. She adopted a radiant pose, a magical cartoon spotlight turning on, sound bite and all, in time for her to flourish her hands.

“Of course,” she said. “It would be utterly ghastly to be stuck in zis outfit of mine for too long. Fashion is an ever-changing thing, and how we dress is how we define ourselves, at least in cultured France! Wait, I’m not from . . . but anyway, I am willing to stop ignoring you Kenji, if you prove to me that you can be as appropriately stylish and confident in your manner as moi. Or better yet, if you can judge the right style for moi. How about zis?”

Kenji had never known anything about fashion in his previous life. He certainly didn’t know anything about it now. But he recognised a classic narrative trope when it was presented to him, and the ‘man reviews a thousand dresses of an attractive love interest’ was something endemic not just to Japanese manga but Western films and television shows. And while he was genuinely, truly trying not to be a creep in all of this, a small part of his id absolutely desired to take part. Alicia was a golden-haired goddess of a woman. Where Mao was all passion and tempest, and Haruka giddiness and bounciness (in two areas particularly), Alicia was like a living painting, a being of feminine grace and beauty. He turned to Haruka, who looked rather sceptical. She was holding onto his arm now, one of her large breasts squashed against his side. He had the feeling she was definitely going to treat him to some fun time after their next class, but for now his attention was on Alicia.

“I will do my best to prove myself, Alicia. I’d hate to disappoint you.”

Alicia briefly blushed. He really did sound like he meant it.

“Very well! My chauffeur will pick you up this Saturday. Say around ten in the morning? Be on your best behaviour. We’ll be going to the classy part of town. See you then, mon cœur.”

And with that, she continued walking away, her little entourage giggling and gasping and gossipping, and her curating it all. One little thing nipped at her original Alison conscience though: why had she just called that nerdy anime-loving freak ‘my love’ in French? Surely she didn’t mean that!

But then she had just invited him to judge her outfits, and that was also very much not like her.

Oh mon Dieu, what ze hell am I doing? This is the most unfeminist thing I can imagine!”

But then again, what could be more feminist than subjecting a man to the delights and achievements of female fashion? Surely that was an act of rebellion against the patriarchy, right?

“I think I should invite some of the others, just to be sure.”


Mao wasn’t interested,, but came along for some reason despite refusing to explain herself. Haruka was instantly in agreement to attent, and despite the prickliness between her and Alicia, she at least understood the possibilities of style. Rika was naturally the best other fit, with her demure personality and submissive approach to life. Alicia couldn’t get Tomoko to come, sadly, and this was a disappointment, as the Alison side of her had been hoping the immensely busty woman would at least distract Kenji’s attention so that he wouldn’t get too close to the French-Japanese woman. Things were getting a little dangerous on that front, particularly as she and he rode in the limousine together that Saturday morning.

“This is going to be sooooooo fun!” Haruka cried, touching Kenji’s leg before pulling back with embarrassment. “I really think I’ll need to find some super cute dresses that can fit my big bust.”

“Oh, stop talking about your big boobs!” Mao exclaimed, folding her arms over her flat chest. “We get it!”

“You’re just jealous you don’t have big tits like me and Alicia!”

Alicia rolled her eyes. “Please, mine are well-sized and respectable without being . . . over ze top, such as yours. Literally, in zis case.”

Haruka looked down and realised she was muffin-topping. “Oops! Sorry!”

She adjusted herself back into her cups, and Kenji sprang a nosebleed. It was Alicia that quickly fixed that, leaning across the space in the limo to clean his nose.

Zis entire ridiculous harem situation is your fault, Kenji, so be on your best behaviour, okay? Remember, you are here to prove you are even worthy of being around us, not to sleep with us, as ridiculous as that would be! Am I correct, girls?”

Rika nodded as eagerly as she could, but Haruka and Mao just fell into strange coughing fits for some reason. Kenji was bright red.

“R-right,” he said. “Of course.”

They arrived at the De-Luxe Mall not long after. It was an absurdly ostentatious building that was immensely oversized, to the point of literal cartoonishness. Alicia exited the limousine, taking the hand of her driver. Several manservants in separate cars, alongside numerous sycophants, all followed behind her subserviently. The harem girls and Kenji struggled to catch up with her impressively long strides. She was wearing a gorgeous knee-length red dress with tastefully bared shoulders and white rose patterns. It outlined her form well without being aggressively tight. She preferred things that flowed rather than clung. It was the essence of finery, and from Kenji’s mesmerised gaze, she could tell it was working.

“Do not look too much, Kenji,” she noted. “It is like the sun. Look, but do not stare. Besides, we have not even begun! Right through here, girls! I shall direct you. Who else, after all?”

Her sycophants laughed as one, but Mao simply groaned in annoyance.

“Let’s just get this over with! There better be some good sports bras here!”

“Ha!” Haruka teased, “like you need them!”

Storm clouds brewed over Mao’s head, but Alicia ignored it all. She was here to introduce the group to some style. What followed was a strong lesson in it, as she directed the girls through some of the most expensive outfits imaginable to their meagre new bank accounts. Naturally, she enjoyed being the one to foot the bill, but first of all came the parade of dresses and outfits to review, and naturally Kenji was selected to be the judge.

“I’ll make sure to wear something that really shows my girls off,” she whispered in his ear as she passed, making sure to let her large melons bounce. Kenji coughed, and it took Mao stretching in a rather obvious way to show off her athletic body to snap his attention to something else. But then the girls all disappeared into the various change rooms - which were naturally in a convenient semi-circle with him seated like a rapt audience member in front of - leaving him to judge what was coming. Alicia shut a curtain across the entire proceedings.

“Now girls, it’s time for me to fix all of you up. As ze resident fashionista of our new reality, it’s only fitting that I make you look like the glorious beauties you were meant to be, with me as the shining star!”

Rika raised an eyebrow. “Alicia, I thought we were trying not to go too deep into our roles. I mean, isn’t this the opposite of what we-”

“Oh please,” Mao sighed, “everyone saw you kissing Kenji at that party.”

“You didn’t! You were doing an athletics run! Besides, you make him go to all your track events!”

“I did invite him to the concert,” Haruka mused, smiling to herself. “It was a good choice.”

“This is what I mean,” Rika protested. “We keep bringing him to stuff. I’m so meek, like a little flower, all thanks to this transformation. Alicia, you’re meant to be a rebel. This is hardly you! What if you end up showing off to him too much and something happens?”

Once again, Mao and Haruka coughed and turned bright red. Only this time, they noticed each other’s reactions. Mao pointed at Haruka and made a gesture with her mouth.


Haruka likewise responded. ‘You too? When!? How!?’

‘After a game! It was an accident!’

‘Me too! After the concert!’

‘You absolute big-boobed slut!’

‘You’re one to talk, I bet you did him first! Ugh, why am I jealous?’

“Is there something to share, you two?” Alicia said, noticing the silent conversation between them.

“NOTHING!” they both yelled at once.

“Just show us what to wear!” Mao said enthusiastically and borderline out of character. Haruka echoed the sentiment, and it was enough for Alicia to continue. Only Rika remained suspicious, but soon she was swept up in the fashion experience.

“I know I should fight this,” Alicia said to herself as she picked each of the girls’ outfits, “but it’s just too much fun! I shall just have to be a feminist in fashion instead! Take down the patriarchy by looking far, far too good!”

And look good she did. They all did, even if Mao looked quite out of place with all the flowery outfits that followed. One by one they paraded before Kenji, wearing all manner of dresses and outfits that ranged from sporty (Mao looked particularly sexy in a high-class golfing outfit, complete with little half-cap) to racy (Haruka could not have shown more cleavage if she tried in her expensive crop-blouse with its silky texture) to the utterly adorable (Rika in her blue summer dress with its yellow sunflower patterns, complete with a twirling effect). Just like a classic anime montage - or even the western equivalent of the same genre - the girls cycled through clothes at an unnaturally fast pace, a camera flash effect separating their appearances. They wore cozy winter jackets, elegant ballroom gowns, two-piece summer outfits, designer blouses and jeans, fashionable sunglasses and headbands, and numerous other forms of wear that suited their bodies. Not everything quite worked: Mao looked ridiculous in her poofy pink dress, while Haruka quite literally burst open her blouse thanks to her large bust, causing a single button to ping right into Kenji’s forehead and stick there. And Rika, being the cute childhood friend, looked utterly uncomfortable (yet deeply demure and sexy) when wearing outfits that showed her midriff and cleavage.

But the real takeaway was Alicia’s utter command of style and beauty, just as she had planned. While Kenji had to hide his erection and clear lust towards the women as they strutted forward - Mao in a dominant fashion, Haruka bouncing, Rika holding her arms awkwardly - this was Alicia’s domain, and whenever she appeared alongside the other women the former wide-set nerd was unable to look away. She made anything look good, to the point where she literally shined in her outfits. One in particular she committed to wearing out of the store; a golden dress that shined much like her hair. It was a sequined cocktail outfit with an impressive matching shawl that then wrapped down around her waist and hung over one hip. It had a gem-studded collar and went over one shoulder, leaving the other bare. Her cleavage was present but tastefully teased, not fully shown off like Haruka’s but instead suggestive of more to be unwrapped. With one slide on the other side for her perfect thigh, the entire thing looked like a rich Christmas present to be unwrapped carefully, and only by those who were worthy.

“Well, mon cœur, what do you think?” she asked Kenji as she twirled about, letting him see her clothing in its entirety. Even the other girls ‘oohed’ and ‘ahhed’ as a collective, as did her army of sycophants nearby. Mao pouted, annoyed but clearly impressed.

“You look utterly incredible Alicia,” Kenji declared, gazing up at her like she was a golden goddess. “I can hardly believe you were the person you used to be. You have so much style now, you literally could be a supermodel! Or a socialite! Or both! Sorry, I’m saying all the wrong things. You probably don’t want to hear any of that, huh?”

She didn’t. Well, she was sure she didn’t. But her Alicia self was hungry for such comments, devouring them up in such a way that she got a strong dopamine hit for every compliment of her beauty and brilliance. And so as much as she wanted to snap at him for making her this shallow parody of womanhood, she was also unable to stop herself from embracing this new side of femininity. It was so very enticing, after all.

“Oh, Kenji, of course I want to hear it! I mean, I shouldn’t. I know I shouldn’t. But perhaps I was just a little wrong about who I was before. Perhaps it’s the French in me, or perhaps I’m just changing, or maybe I lacked perspective, but I feel rather beautiful and powerful as I am. So bring on the compliments! Bring them on!”

Kenji did. Having been given permission, they flowed freely now, and extended to others as well. “The dresses are just like out of my imagination. And the way it shows off your hair, and your makeup matches perfectly! Sorry, I don’t want to sound sleazy or anything-”

“Please do,” Mao and Haruka whispered together, before exchanging an awkward look.

“Oh, I’m sure you can make it sound quite refined and appropriate,” Alicia noted, placing a hand on her hip and posing with her hair over one shoulder. She looked like she could have been on the cover of one of those fashion magazines she had once despised. In fact, she quite wanted to be in that moment.

“We-ell,” Kenji said, looking round at the women, and being very aware of the relations he already had with Mao and Haruka, “I guess what I was trying to say was that you all have such perfect, um, bodies. What I mean is that you are all so beautiful, and I love how your outfits show off how unique and special you are! They make you look elegant and fancy, while also being fundamentally you. Especially you, Alicia. You’re in your total element!”

She grinned, soaking in these compliments. Haruka sighed happily, and Mao blushed while trying not to look touched. Even Rika was affected, having to wipe away little tears of happiness. She hid her face from view.

“Wonderfully put, no?” Alicia said. “And you’re right, this is my element. But I have other elements, my dear Kenji. In fact, I’m thinking of exploring one from my old life that I very much enjoyed, only this time in much, much greater style.”

Kenji gave a quizzical look. They all did.

“Where would that be?” he asked.

Alicia gave an appropriately long dramatic pause before striding over to one of the piles of clothing she had accumulated. She withdrew something she most definitely hadn’t worn yet, but made Kenji water at the mouth just to imagine it.

“Why, the beach of course!” she declared, holding up a bikini top over her chest and placing a large sun hat over her head. “In fact, I think we should all go there tomorrow!”

Their collective jaws dropped. Even after having so much sex with Kenji, the thought of wearing a bikini publicly was shocking to Haruka, and even more so for Mao. But seeing Kenji’s excitement wiped away any reluctance. Only Rika trembled at the thought.

“And this time we can judge you,” Alicia said, poking Kenji in the chest. “I like a man by the beach.”

It was all coming out of her, and there was no stopping it. What the hell was she doing?


Alicia tried to put the brakes on herself, but between the fact that the other members of the so-called harem were going, and the encouragement from her own little army of fashionistas, not to mention her own desire to hit the beach once more in style, it was impossible to get this train off the tracks. The beach was absurdly beautiful and idyllic, appropriate for their current ‘beach episode.’ Alicia arrived wearing a white bikini held together with golden hoops. She wore a large sun hat that could only belong to a woman of style, and sunglasses with horns that spoke to both her sense of fashion and power, as well as her new devilish streak. Her hips swayed as she walked, her D-cup breasts bounced spectacularly, and her perfect body shined thanks to the sun rays upon her carefully lotioned skin. Several of her followers arrived with her things, ranging from her parasol to her layback beach chair to her many swimming items.

The others didn’t take long to arrive either. Haruka wore pink - naturally - the former angry man compelled to be all sweet and bubbly. Her enormous F-cup breasts bouncing fully. Her wildly-coloured hair had changed again, this time matching her outfit, and she dove into the water without a second thought, screaming in excitement. Mao arrived after, trying to cover herself. She wore a beach top with long sleeves that nevertheless cut off high to bare her athletic midriff with its impressive muscles. She wore tight swimshorts beneath. It fit her completely, though in truth the original male her would have just arrived in boardshorts and smoked weed in a beach cabin the whole time. She had brought a number of balls and bats for beach baseball, cricket, and - of course - volleyball. Rika came after, wearing a modest blue one piece that nevertheless outlined her cute form. She looked embarrassed to be present, though Alicia felt her style matched her well. Lastly, there was Tomoko. She couldn’t make it the previous day, and almost looked like she wasn’t sure she should be here now. Her absolutely mammoth HH-cup breasts were barely contained in her dark one-piece swimsuit. She was also with several of her new friends of the same age as her; fellow tutors who she had invited along in order to give herself some plausible deniability.

“My, that young Kenji is rather cute for a twenty year old student, isn’t he?” one said, whose name was Aoi.

Tomoko slumped her shoulders, causing her enormous chest to wobble for what felt like a minute. “H-he is, I suppose. God, I can’t escape it!”

He had just arrived, and already all the women were eyeing him. Rika flocked to his side, grinning nervously.

“Kenji! We’re set up over here! Even Tomoko could make it!”

“Fantastic! I’d hoped to see all my girls - I mean, the girls - here. You all look so marvellous! This is seriously a scene right out of one of my mangas-”

Party Beach Girl Club,” Rika responded immediately, surprising him. She blushed, looking down at the sand beneath her feet. “I, um, remember it from when we used to hang out together.”

“Those were good times,” Kenji said. “I really miss them, you know.”

“I - I do too,” she admitted.

“Then why did you end our friendship?” he asked. “I don’t understand why-”

“Kenji! Finally you’re here!” The voice belonged to Alicia, who practically tore him away from Rika. “Let’s get zis top off of you. I think we all want to see what’s underneath, and besides it’s hardly fitting for a beach setting. It’s time we all enjoy ourselves, no?”

Haruka and Mao joined in on getting his shirt off, and each were dazzled - literally with stars in their eyes - when his impressive musculature beneath was revealed. He wasn’t mega-ripped, but he wasn’t lacking in the muscle department either. Mao and Haruka both placed a hand on his abs at the same time and gave a jealous cat-growl to each other.

“Hey, back off! I wanted to feel first!”

“Please, I’m the one with the big chest. He-”

They both realised what they were saying quite out loud. Rika was too distant to hear, and Tomoko was on the sidelines trying to slowly break her way in. But Alicia heard it all. Her suspicions already aroused, she began to put two and two together. Her inner radical feminist growled at the epiphany.

“You - you both!? Both of you!?”

“Shhh! It was just one time!” Mao said. “Or five times. Eight. Ten. Whatever!”

“Oh, we’ll I’ve had him waaaaaay more than that,” Haruka replied in a half-whisper.

Alicia shook. She was caught between wanting to admonish these ridiculous women who had given into this perverse male gaze of a fantasy, and wanting to join it herself. Angry that she hadn’t joined it first, in fact. Instead, she calmed herself, stood tall, and exclaimed out loud.

“Nothing to see here! Except our handsome Kenji, of course! But now that we’re all here, let’s get in zee surf! I am sure some here would do best to cool off.”

She addressed that last part to Mao and Haruka, but Kenji was on notice too. It was hard to hide a budding erection, and water was just what he needed. Not that Alicia was planning to give him a break.

“It is time to show them all what a true woman is capable of,” she said. “I shall summon power from old life and the new to take charge of this beach party!”


Mao was first in the water, easily outsprinting the rest. Haruka joined her, her enormous bust and wild hair (green again) bouncing in her adorable pigtails. Rika waded in alongside Kenji, unable to bring herself to continue their original conversation, but happy to be near him. It felt quite calming to be by his side again, close as friends once more. But it also felt wrong, only not for the reasons the others were experiencing. She was fighting something far older than their change, something that went right back to their teenage years.

“Something the matter, Rika?” Kenji asked. “Apart from the whole being turned into a girl thing, which I’m still very, very sorry for.”

She chuckled softly, stroking her brown hair with hands in preparation for the big dip. “Oh, nothing like that. I’m just thinking back to when we used to go to beaches like this. Well, not cartoon ones. But we had good times back then.”

“And just like then, there are very beautiful women around. You and I used to comment on how we’d never be so lucky to have them!”

She blushed. “Well, that may change. Only I am a woman now, though a plain one.”

Kenji looked at her like she’d grown three heads. “Rika, you are incredibly beautiful! I just didn’t want to say because, well, it would be awkward. But you are very, very beautiful.”

She swallowed. “Um, I think I better dive in. Mao and Haruka are fighting. Again.”

She dove under the water and swam as fast as she could away, unwilling to let herself expose her innermost feelings. It had been hard enough not to look at Kenji’s stomach, his shoulders, the muscles of his back . . .

Tomoko was also watching. She hadn’t joined in for swimming yet, staying on the sidelines a little and observing Kenji from afar. She had already tripped over more than once on a sandbank or a deckchair as she drank in the sight of her former student.

“So wr-wrong. So very wrong! God, it makes it so . . . naughty!”

She hugged her chest, causing her magnificently large breasts to push nearly up to her chin, and even exposing some cleavage at the top of her one piece swimsuit. She put the end of her glasses in her mouth and sucked on them a little suggestively without even realising it.

“Need to cool off. There’s just no way. It would be unethical! Oh, I need to throw another girl to him just so I don’t do anything!” She spotted Alicia wading into the water, all class and beauty, and Kenji looking her way. “Perfect!”

Alicia was more than happy to get the attention. She swam with perfect poise and precision through the water, lacking the aggressive speed of Mao but instead appearing like a water dancer. Her perfect legs were on display as she did a handstand in the water, and when she rose up she deliberately flicked her hair over in such a way that wouldn’t be out of place in one of those chauvinistic James Bond films when the Bond girl emerged from out of the sea. It was an image she would have hated once, but now she was discovering a strong sense of power in her new self. She could be a powerful force of femalehood by demonstrating the worthiness of womanly style, beauty, and rich refinement.

And besides, Kenji was watching her.

“Ah, sweet Kenji, like what you see?” she teased.

“Um, yeah. A lot, actually.”

“Hm! Well, I don’t imagine you can afford it. Like they say in zose cheaper shops: look but don’t touch, yes?”

She swam up close to him, practically daring him to touch her. But of course he didn’t. He was far too gentlemanly, and that was the problem. Alison was barely holding her Alicia self back, keeping her from pressing her body against this man and showing him what a true lady was like when it came to passion. She was now part-French, after all, and the French knew passion.

“Don’t worry,” Kenji said, putting up his hands in a placating gesture. “I definitely wouldn’t touch without permission, Alicia! I mean, not that you would give permission. You know what I mean! I just feel so bad that I’ve put you in this situation.”

“Whatever do you mean?” she asked, though she knew full well why.

He scratched the back of his head. Mao and Haruka were splashing each other with water, and it was a pretty sexy sight to see. Even Rika was getting in on the fun, and soon the three of them were all turning on Tomoko who was wading into the water far too slowly.

“Stop it! I’m a r-respectable tutor! I work for our school!”

“And you look all the better representing it as a wet beach babe!” Haruka exclaimed, hurling more water her way.

Alicia and Kenji shared a chuckle, until he turned back to her with a serious expression. “I’m glad they’re having fun, and maybe even coming to like their new bodies, but it’s not something they should have to adjust to. Even if, er, some have adjusted more.”

Alicia stood higher in the water, letting her full chest show in his sightline. She folded her arms beneath the white bikini fabric over her chest and raised an eyebrow.

“Yes, I believe Haruka and Mao have adjusted quite well, haven't they?”

“Um, whatever do you mean?” he said, parroting her words back.

“It means that I’m starting to suspect you’re already building a harem, mister! Yes, you are a regular charmer, no? Zis harem manga dream is becoming a reality! Admit it!”

Kenji swallowed. The others were all distracted, and starting to move up to start a volleyball competition. It was borderline stereotypical.

“Well, uh, maybe we had a little bit of, well, connection. I didn’t mean for it to happen, it just sort of did! I even asked them to see if they were certain, and I didn’t pressure them!”

“I bet you didn’t, little man,” she said dismissively. “But why not approach me first? I’m the most elegant, the most beautiful, the most rich and refined! Plus, I know the most about how to be a woman! In every way.”

She held his gaze for a long time. For a moment, it felt like something was about to happen. It took all her strength to pull back.

Mon dieu, what am I doing? This stupid new mental state I have is making me really want to be passionate with you, mon cœur. Ugh, but I’m meant to be a damned feminist! A rebel! An anarchist and socialist and revolutionary! Not this prim, proper beach beauty!”

“I’m sorry,” Kenji said. “Maybe if we get away from each other, maybe if-”

“The volleyball competition,” she interrupted. “Of course!”

That way she could throw another woman his way. Make sure Haruka’s big bouncing breasts grabbed his attention instead.

She didn’t realise that Tomoko already had the same plan, only it applied to Alicia. And it was already in motion.


The crowd cheered as the women played. The team was divided into two: Kenji, Rika, Tomoko, and Alicia on one side, and Mao, Tomoko, and Haruka on the other. In the best tradition of anime beach episodes, the bikinis and swimsuits of all the women had shrunk just a little, allowing for lots of bouncing, jiggling, and many a sexy bare midriff. Haruka and Tomoko were naturally the biggest (literally) standouts, but even Mao’s impressive hips and Rika’s lithe body were moving in appealing ways. Alicia danced about, proving herself almost Mao’s equal as the captain of her own team. The ball went back and forth, with those two women just as passionate in their approach. Rika tried to get the ball several times, but was too short and lacking in jumping power to be much help. Still, she actually seemed to be enjoying herself. They all were, smashing the ball into the air and becoming hypercompetitive to the point where Kenji was almost a little scared.

“You can’t win, Alicia!” Mao cried.

“I can and I will! You may have strength, but I have finesse! And zat is the far finer quality, mon cheri!”

Of course, there was little doubt that Mao’s side would win, especially since the energetic Haruka was on their side, as well as tall Tomoko. Even Kenji’s inability to concentrate because of all the beautiful women around them made it borderline impossible for Alicia’s side to get the scoring point, while Rika was barely keeping up.

And yet . . .

And yet somehow they were winning. Alicia’s own haughty, prideful nature - something which was absolutely part of her original life as well - would never let her see the truth, but the game had been rigged from the start. Tomoko was practically salivating at the sight of Kenji, and had known it was only a matter of time before she did something seriously inappropriate, and so she had beseeched both Haruka and Mao for aid in pushing someone else in front of the bus. And given how completely self-obsessed Alicia had been over the past few days, and their own embarrassment at her knowing that they had been sleeping with Kenji, they were all too happy to go along with it.

La victoire!” Alicia shouted as she once more scored a point, bringing the game to an end. Her side had been victorious, and despite the setbacks they had suffered she was flush with the thrill of triumph. Enough so that it sent her over the edge. “We did it, Kenji! We have won! You and I - and Rika I suppose - are ze winners! We won!”

She grabbed him and kissed him, planting her mouth right on his lips. It lasted only a fraction of a second before she pulled back, but it had been heaven. In fact, his kissing potential was quite impressive, given how well he had fitted her in that brief moment.

“It is, ahh . . . just a French congratulations, mon amour!” she said, trying not to lose her cool.

But already Tomoko and the others were seizing on this moment.

“Congratulations!” Tomoko said, clumsily inserting herself into the conversation. “As per agreement, the winners all get access to the prize beach cabin, of course.”

“Of course!” Mao said.

“Absolutely,” Haruka added.

Alicia and Kenji exchanged a look of confusion. “What do you mean? Zis was never said before!”

“You probably, um, weren’t listening!” Tomoko explained.

Mao stepped in. “Yeah, you were too haughty-toity to hear, sure. The comfy beach cabin with the super romantic view and stuff - it’s all yours now! Have fun!”

Rika raised an eyebrow. “This seems pretty susp-”

But Haruka clamped a hand over her mouth.


The group practically shoved Alicia and Kenji forward. The two walked down the beach, and by sheer convenience the afternoon sun hit, turning the sky a luscious, romantic set of pink and purple hues. Sure enough, there was a rather romantic looking cabin further down the beach, and sure enough the rather cunning Mao had broken into it after determining that its owner was not home. And so it was that the two stepped in, not quite sure what they were doing, but neither willing to back down. For all her pride, Alicia’s own heart was pounding. She had never imagined feeling this way about a nerd like Kenji, particularly one who viewed the world through such a male gaze. But now the male gaze was on her. It made her want him. To let him appreciate her. To make him understand how truly elegant she was in all things, especially sex.

“This actually looks really comfy,” Kenji said, stepping inside the cabin where the large bed was prominent, and the terrific view of the ocean outside the window. “What would you like to, um, do here?”

Alicia didn’t even war with herself, not like the other two. Instead, she synthesised. Her Alison self had wanted, more than anything, to break the status quo and raise female power. As Alicia, she rationalised that this was exactly what she was doing right now. She slammed the door, and cocked her hip to one side as she gave a sexy smile.

“I want to show you ze art of lovemaking,” she declared.

“You - what?”

She chuckled softly. “Look around, Kenji. We’ve been had. The others want us to make love. They want me to go the way of angry Mao and giggly Haruka. But we won’t.”

“Um, so you know about that. Sorry. I swear I wasn’t trying-”

“Hush,” she ordered, and he followed that order. She placed a finger on his lips, and slowly began taking off her bikini, freeing her perfect D-cup breasts. “We’re going to do much more than some silly manga hentai nonsense. You and I are going to - how do you say it? - elevate the material.

She stroked his back, lowering her hands to tug down his board shorts and free his fully erect penis. She moaned softly at its sight, getting out of her bikini bottoms with a cute little wiggle. She stood before him, naked and perfect, a gorgeous little half-smirk on her face.

“Don’t tell me you don’t want a taste of my beauty, Kenji?”

The nosebleed occurred, disappearing moments later. Kenji swallowed.

“You know, I think I’m getting more confident, because I can tell you that so long as you want it, Alicia, I absolutely want it.”

“Good. Because I’m going to teach you the power of womanhood.”

They made love. It wasn’t like the angry sex of Mao, or the wild excited lust of Haruka. This was a practised art. A dance. An agreement. A contract between two parties with numerous complex stipulations and orders and equations and steps, all laid out with delicate intricacy. If Mao’s dominance aroused him, and Haruka’s bounciness excited him, then Alicia was educating him. She kissed in numerous different ways, dancing her tongue on his, before rubbing his body with her fingers in all the right ways. She massaged his cock not in some brute force way, but bringing him ever closer to his full before denying him, teasing him so that the tension rose and rose. When finally she sat down upon him, with Kenji himself sat on the end of the bed, she made sure the act of penetration was done lovingly between the pair of them. She manipulated his hands over her breasts, turned her head back to kiss him as he thrusted. Her moans were calculated as they were honest, the shifting of her hips perfectly in time to his.

“Yesss, mon amour, I am close. Mon dieu, I am close! Do not stop! Prove your worth to me! I want us to arrive together. Ohhhhh, I shall wear many pretty things for you, and you will be in awe of my beauty!”

“Y-yes! I want that!” he declared. “God, I want that. You’re so pretty, Alicia. And you’re s-so damn good at sex. I want you to t-teach me!”

“I’ll teach you m-many things, if you teach me pleasure r-right now! I’m Alicia, and I am happy to be her. I know now what it is to be a true wom-aahhhhhhh!!!”

She came, and just as she had desired he came with her. His seed poured into her, making her body shudder. He gripped her breasts, and she gripped the hands that gripped those breasts, making him massage them so that her orgasms came even more powerfully. When it was over he flopped back onto the bed, and she on top of him. Alicia licked her lips, moaning softly as she turned around so that her chest was against his, her mouth breathing softly against his cheek.

“That, mon armour, is how one really makes love. No?”

Kenji could barely say a word, he was so overcome.

“Yeah,” he managed. “Wow. It seems I have a lot of learning to do.”

“It is a good thing then, that we go to the same school. I bet that was much better than Haruka and Mao.”

“B-better? It was . . . something else, that was for sure.”

Alicia smirked. The answer was good enough for her. Of course, there was the embarrassment of knowing she had been set up, so at least three other members of their group could reasonably guess what had happened. Still, she was content to lie here for now, savouring that she had taken ownership of her new self.

That was, at least, until Rika came and began banging on the door of the cabin, forcing the resting pair to quickly get changed before she too realised.

“You’ve got to come quick!” she yelled through the door. “Something weird is going on with Mao! She just threw up everywhere!”

It was a good thing Alicia didn’t notice the guilty realisation upon Kenji’s face. He just hoped this wasn’t his other secret fetish coming real. Otherwise things were only going to get even more complicated!

To Be Continued . . .



I don't know nearly enough about this genre to even guess at what's happening with Mao.