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By FoxFaceStories

Burt may live in a world of superheroes and supervillains, but he’s just a regular burglar trying to support his sickly mother and teenage sister with ill-gotten gains. But when he is hired to help break into a superhero vault facility, Burt accidentally triggers an artefact that gives him the power to turn into Meteor Woman, the superstrong and incredibly busty heroine. Now juggling two lives, Burt tries to stay under the radar even as his super person becomes an increasingly huge sensation.

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Issue 12: One Last Time

Screams. Explosions. Debris and dust and chaos everywhere. The streets were largely empty, but for the image of numerous superpowered individuals fighting, rounding up what they could of the escaped criminals, and fighting against the ever-growing mechanical monster that was housing Hyperion. Burt wasn’t stupid: he’d done his reading on the freak who’d hired him. He was a tech genius who’d literally implanted his body with all sorts of upgrades, a figure ruthlessly dedicated to overcoming his bodily limitations and establishing a dictatorship with him at the top. He’d almost died once in a fight, and his carapace-like armour had only grown in complexity ever since, designed to dish out painful punishment but also stop him from being harmed. Burt had the sense that the jackass was terrified of death, and would use any method to maintain his health and age and genius, all for the suffering of others.

Like the power of the Meteor. Could he even harvest it? Would he become a busty blonde bimbo-bodied type, too? Would the bastard even care, so long as he could laser his enemies to pieces? Shit, it’s not like his growing armour is having too much trouble at the moment, what does he need me for?

But the answer was obvious, because it was the same for every villain: more power, more ease. A body that could travel at lightning speed and intimidate up close and from afar, without the clunkiness of a giant mecha suit. It also meant that the suit itself might have some vulnerabilities.

Fuck, there better be. Because if I can’t get this power back, I’m just a random stocky dude in a sweaty button shirt and a cape in his hands.

Still, Burt ran towards the chaos. He managed to sneak past barricades, and when a hero he assumed was Tiger Heart tried to warn him back, one of the captured villains - Alonzo, maybe? - tackled him with green fists aflame, and Burt was able to advance ahead of that brewing fight. All the time he was reminded of how small and weak and vulnerable he was.

“How does Ralph stand it?” he gasped to himself.

Because he’s a goddamn hero, is how, he thought. Even back in male form his Kara-thoughts swept over him. A damn handsome hero who charges into danger knowing he could get hurt. Well, damn it, I’m doing the same!

His heart nearly exploded when he saw a helicopter fall out of the sky. A news chopper. Kaser Beam caught it with her tactile hard light lasers, but it was a close thing. Burt still rushed past: the great mecha was in view.

“I am worthy,” he chanted to himself, and the cape. “You’ll see. I am worthy. I’ll prove it, Meteor.”

‘There is nothing to prove,’ the voice echoed in his ears. ‘You committed an act of greed, of selfishness. You stole, and hurt a defender of the people.’

“I did,” he replied, coughing as he moved through the smoke. “And I’ll regret that for the rest of my life. Maybe I’m not worthy, then. But Hyperion is hurting people. I have to help.”

‘You do not have the power of the Meteor. You are vulnerable. You may die.’

“Lots of people die helping others. That’s what Ralph is doing right now: he’s broadcasting safe zones, interviewing survivors, helping connect families who’ve been split apart. I’ve got to do something.”


The cape went silent in his mind, but his own was racing. He passed through the acrid smoke and stepped into a scene of immense anarchy: heroes were fighting villains, and everyone was pulling clear of the immense mech that was scraping between two towers. It was easily over ten stories in height now, firing beams of energy in great strafing blasts that knocked individuals from the sky. The grill glowed, and from its maw came a terrible, mechanical voice devoid of pity or humanity.


“Fuck,” Burt managed. “How the hell do I even . . . Ralph!”

He said it too loud, before remembering that the reporter didn’t even know this guy named ‘Burt.’ The reporter was helping move a number of civilians from some blast. Lightning Lass had an arm on his shoulder as he helped move her.

“Uh, do I know you?” he asked.

Burt ignored the question and quickly got under Lass’s other arm. “I’m, er, a big fan of your reports.”

“Well, it’s always nice to have fans, and some help. You are?”

“Burt Conway. I work security. I was in the area and saw people needed helping.”

“Well, it’s the only thing I can do now that my equipment’s shot and my camera boy pulled a runner.” He gave a gleaming smirk, but the anxiety behind it was clear, and the innate heroism. It made Burt’s heart skip a beat. Goddamn, do I have it hard for this man. I could really have that pair of tits again right now if it meant I could smooch him with my girly lips. God!

They moved Lightning Lass, who’d taken another beating. There was a shelter by the side of the street, but who knew if it could stand the pounding that Hyperion’s mecha was giving to the pavement. Everyone was covered by ash and debris, but they managed to get her to the side, away from the crowd.

“Th-thanks,” she said. “Fucker got Signet Lance. Is he okay?”

“I think so,” Burt said. “I saw him being taken by an ambulance twenty minutes ago.”

“G-good. Things aren’t g-going well. Flame Dancer’s missing. Something’s happened at the tower. They’re saying Meteor Woman’s rogue. I don’t get it. She wouldn’t . . .”

“I agree,” Ralph said. “There’s no way Meteor Woman would go rogue. I, uh, know her quite well too.”

“Lucky bastard,” Lightning Lass said, noticing his blush. “God, I wish we could switch places. She is seriously so fucking hot, especially those big - ughh!”

She clutched her side in pain.

“Damn it, can’t even wax lyrical about that hot piece without being in pain. Fuckin’ Hyperion.”

“Just hold still, Lightning Lass,” Ralph said. He applied some bandages to her side, and she accidentally gave him a brief shock.

“Sorry!” she said. “Accidental reflex.”

“I’ll help,” Burt replied, and he and Ralph worked to help her as much as possible.

“Need to g-get back into the fight,” she said. “Especially with Meteor Woman m-missing.”

“Not yet, give yourself time,” Ralph said. “There are plenty of other heroes out there. And besides, I’m sure she’ll turn up. She has to.”

Burt looked at the man, taking in his features. He could read Ralph. Even while he lacked that feminine compassion that had increased his empathy, that understanding still lingered.

“You really believe in her, huh?”

Ralph sighed. “Of course I do. She’s saved my life. She’s . . . troubled. I don’t know how. But she’s a good person. I know it.”

“You sure she’s not just some shitty heel who played us or something? I mean, she’s just some big-titted blonde who can fly around showing off what the rest of us don’t have.”

Ralph shocked Burt by actually shoving him backwards. He nearly lost his footing. Damn, I’m not only weak, but he’s way stronger than I thought. Weird turn on by this point.

“Don’t say that about her,” Ralph warned. “Ka - I mean, Meteor Woman is so much more than that. She looks after the neighbourhoods that other heroes either ignore or just don’t think about. She helps old ladies cross the street! She tries damn hard when she’s new at this. Even when all the media and fans can focus on is her body, she damn well tries. She fucking cares, and I care about her, and . . . that’s that. If she’s not here fighting Hyperion, she has a reason.”

Burt nodded. Ralph couldn’t know it, but he’d grown the man’s heart three sizes that day. Unfortunately, another quake rocked the shelter, and a number of people screamed. Even Lightning Lass looked about with fear.

“He’s getting closer! Blue Trident’s construct line must be falling apart.”

“Then it’s time for me to go and face him,” Burt said.

The two looked at him like he’d grown a second head. In some ways, he was hoping to, at least in a way. Though his heart was beating like a jackhammer, he moved to leave the shelter, shouldering past a number of panicked individuals who were fleeing the madness above.

‘You would deliver me to the Hyperion? Are you mad?’

“Not crazy,” he said to the cape in his backpack. “Just determined. I’ve got to do the right thing.”

‘That does not mean you can have my power again.’

“It’s not power I want anymore. I just want to do the right thing, like I said. You can take the power away from me later if you want, but you need to give it to me now. One last time as a hero, so I can save lives.”

He entered out into the sun, though the sky was also raining ash and debris as the mech surged forward. It was only two blocks away, and pushing forward, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. Burt breathed slowly, closing his eyes. He was damn terrified, feeling like an idiot, and not just for that moment but for all he’d done while he’d held the mantle.

I could have been better. I need to be better now.

He took the backpack from his shoulders. It was the moment of truth. But then suddenly someone was approaching him, and he realised almost by a sixth sense that it was Ralph. He adjusted his glasses in a cute manner as he drew near. He had his recorder out, sensing a story even among the much, much bigger one ahead.

“Wait! We need to talk. What were you talking about earlier?” Ralph said. “Who are you?”

Burt bit his lip. “You wouldn’t believe me. I’m sorry Ralph, again. I told you I was a piece of shit, but I’m trying to make it up to everyone. I think this is the only way.”

“I - we have met, haven’t we? You can’t hurt that thing. No one can. Even Blue Trident is struggling. We need to get back to the shelter. Look, I can do an interview if you want to help on the human interest side. I can get a statement and-”

Burt shot his hand out and grabbed Riley’s in a surprisingly soft manner. He smiled, and for a moment felt like Meteor Woman again, even if he was damn short and wide and male.

“Hey, I told you before, remember? No recordings. You were pretty good about that.”

Slowly, something approaching a dawning realisation crested over Ralph’s face, but Burt was already moving forward. He withdrew the cape from the pack and flourished it around his shoulders. It was too big by half, and certainly didn’t work with his body type, but in that moment he didn’t care. Hyperion’s enormous mech was pressing forwards, advancing implacably like ten thousand storms coalescing together. Unstoppable. Invincible.


The mech halted, and its purple eyes darted about until they zeroed in on Burt.

“YOU!” it cried, its voice carrying like a tornado.

“Yeah,” Burt said. “Me.”

‘The power of the Meteor will change you, Burt. Permanently. Even if you gain the power for a short time, that does not mean I will let you keep it. If so, you will be trapped in your other body, a woman for the rest of your life, and an unpowered one at that.’

“It’s worth the risk. Hell, I’ll deserve it. Just let me be her again, and face evil one last time.”

The cape glowed, shimmering its approval. Ralph staggered back behind Burt as the transformation began, and the heroic and intrepid reporter fell silent, dropping the recorder from his hand as he took in a sight that Burt had taken such pains to hide until now. The mech roared, booming with fury as his form altered and twisted in a way that might never be reversed. Burt savoured the feeling of growth, gaining inches of height, his flab melting away to gorgeous ab muscles, his chest blooming into a set of incredible HH-cup breasts, his hips widening, his clothes shifting about to becoming the silver leotard, blue boots and gloves of her heroic identity. Her hair cascaded out, blonde and wavy and beautiful, and her manhood retreated into womanhood in a manner that could well be permanent. She shivered in a strange delight as the power returned to her. In seconds, she was Meteor Woman again, tall and voluptuous and mighty and utterly, obviously female.

It felt damn right.

This is me, she realised. This is who I want to be.

She turned and smirked in Ralph’s direction. He looked starstruck, and deeply concerned.

“Kara?” he said.

“That’s me,” she replied. “I told you I was complicated. Now get back, hot stuff. I’ve got a villain to fight, and I don’t want you hurt. I care about you too much.”

“But - but -”

“I’ll explain later Ralph. I’ll explain everything. I promise.”

She didn’t kiss him. That would be too soon. But she did embrace him, pressing her newly ample chest against his, and savouring his warmth. And then she looked him in the eyes with all the love she felt in her heart.

“Go!” she said. “I’ll save the day.”

Because I’m a goddamn superheroine. Check me out, Hyperion. I’m Meteor Woman.

To Be Continued . . .


Day Dreamer

Fabulous! Despite a few typos. Like Riley. 🙂

Ashley The Bat

Really great chapter. Few typos though.

Fox Face

Ah, darn! I'll go through and fix what I failed to notice the first time!