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By FoxFaceStories

A Commission for Al

The explorer ship Tiresias is nearing the end of its voyage when it is suddenly rerouted to check out a strange signal emanating from the surface of one of the moons of Jupiter. Liam Macklin is a young engineer on the ship, which has a complement of only six. But when he is the one to uncover a strange artefact, his life is changed forever. Slowly, as they voyage back to Mars, his body begins to feminise, in order to better house the new alien life that is growing within him . . .

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Part 4: The Changes

The great vessel was the result of years of work and passion, one that could take many of their people to the location of the signal. They were captivated by the thought of not being alone in the universe. The blue shimmer rose amongst them, and they celebrated with fervour. The twin suns danced in their loop, bringing the seven seasons in their chaotic orders. The dances had begun. The feasts laid out. And then, on the appointed day, the vessel was launched to great fanfare. Its long voyage had begun. It would seek out new life, and it would come in peace.


The dreams were blurry and easily forgotten. Liam considered that he likely experienced them over and again until finally each one in sequence became easier to remember while conscious. He had only idly mentioned them to Katz around the eleventh week mark, and the doctor had spun himself into a frenzy writing everything down to relay back to Earth and Mars. Apparently, the people there were very interested in dreams, particularly ones that followed a narrative sequence. From then on, Liam was asked to always focus on his dreams, and try to record them. In truth, it was much easier than focusing on his body, because those changes were far less kind. One in particular.

“Your male organs are getting smaller,” Katz said at the twelve week mark. “Quite noticeably so now.”

“I’m well fucking aware,” Liam said, trying to keep his voice level. It was hard not to be emotional. It was also hard for him not to speak in a higher register now. “Goddamn it. I wasn’t exactly packing enormous before doc, but I wasn’t tiny either! I swear my balls are shrivelling up. Isn’t there anything you can do to at least, I don’t know, slow it down or something?”

“I told you, we don’t have testosterone. Why would we? Hormonal stuff is for transitioning, and we don’t exactly need to do sex changes in space.”

“Except for mine, apparently,” Liam muttered. “I’m losing my cock and balls, and gaining a pair of tits.”

“You might not actually lose your genitals. Most men who undertake estrogen supplements experience something similar. Same with the breast growth. It may be that the appearance of a womb for your, uh, child, is the only actual distinct change. Everything else can be undone with hormone treatments back home.”

His words gave Liam some hope . . . but only for a week or two. That was because as he entered the second trimester, things began to kick into high gear. The journey was long back to Mars, and things were already simmering to a boil with the crew. Earth and Mars were demanding test after test, and the question of infection had yet to be settled. Abel Rotar was constantly wanting access to Liam’s information, and to inspect him personally. He was even less amicable than ever before, and was starting to argue with the captain over even trivial matters, most of them connected to Liam. It put everyone on edge, and it was easy for resentment against the changing man to build, which further isolated Liam. Soon, the medical bay was like a world unto itself for him, and when he did appear before the others, they looked at him funny. It took him a while to realise that while the changes to his body were agonisingly slow for him, he changed dramatically to them between his appearances.

“Holy shit,” Adam had said at one point. “I didn’t even recognise you! You’re, well, changing Liam.”

“I am well aware,” he said, wincing as he cradled his slightly larger belly. It was larger than he wanted it to be; he could have sworn it was larger than a woman at the end of her first trimester, which was often not even that visible. “I’m growing tits here, after all.”

“Yeah, I can certainly see that. Don’t let Petyr see them or he’ll get all weird.”

“Everything is all weird. And I’m not letting anyone see them. I can barely stand them myself. They’re so stupidly sensitive. What are you doing standing around talking to me anyway? I was just going up to the tubes to make sure the feeders were all working properly. You should stay away from me. I’ve got fucking cooties or whatever, remember?”

Adam just gave a comforting smirk. “Well, I was never afraid of cooties. Besides, curiosity got the best of me. You take care, Liam. I know we can be a tin sardine can of assholes packed together, but we actually miss you.”

“Yeah, my ass.”

“Is that changing too?”

“God, I hope not.”

Still, the interaction left him feeling a little better, even if Adam was noticeably glancing at that belly. It wasn’t a creepy look like with Abel Rotar at least: the older scientist looked like he was ready to lick his lips and take a bite. As if one famous paper wasn’t enough, he was practically getting ready to vivisect Liam. It put him on edge.

But the changes continued over the long journey, and soon it became clear from the tests and general judgement that Liam was not, in fact, going to infect anyone else. Hardigan made sure that some protocols remained in place, but otherwise Liam was allowed to re-enter the crew space . . . just in time for the Captain to also kick him off most of his regular duties.

“You can’t do this to me!” Liam exclaimed in a private meeting by the Captain’s bunk. It wasn’t even away from the others, though they’d all been kicked out. No doubt they were listening by the hatch, though.

“I’m sorry Liam, but it makes sense. We can’t have you running full-time hours any more.”

“But I’ve just been confirmed non-infectious!”

“That’s not entirely true; we’ve just mainly ruled it out. We have to take some precautions. Rotar has been clear on this: he thinks there could be carrier elements possible, even if highly unlikely.”

“Oh, for fuck’s sake, Captain, this isn’t-”

But Hardigan held up a hand, then gestured to Liam’s changing form. “Macklin,” he said, “I need you to take a good hard look at yourself and your situation. I know this is damn tough on you, and you’re coping better than others would in your situation, but your mental state is not in a good shape. More than that, you’re pregnant. I know you don’t like having it discussed out loud, but you are experiencing hormonal changes, random emotional outbursts, and frequent bouts of exhaustion, just like any pregnant woman would. Only for you, it’s worse, because you’re used to being a man, so the changes are even bigger. You’re clearly tired - for Christ’s sake, man, Petyr caught you napping in the ducts the other day.”

Liam looked at the floor. “I just . . . needed ten minutes, that was all. I set an alarm.”

“Not good enough, and you know it. We need to work around this.”

“But I’m the engineer, I-”

“Liam, we’re all engineers. You can’t be a spacefarer without being one. Now, granted, you’re the best one we’ve got, and more specialised at that, but we’ll make do and get you out for emergencies. Besides, we can’t have you going into the ducts anymore, at all.”

“Why not?” Liam asked.

Hardigan raised an eyebrow, causing the transforming male to blush. His hand lowered automatically to his twelve week pregnant belly, which had a defined curve to it now. The answer was quickly obvious.

“Oh. Yeah.”

“Yeah,” the Captain repeated. “In a couple of weeks, you’ll be getting stuck in there.”

Liam nodded. “With all due respect sir, this is shit.”

“I know. But every day we’re closer to Mars, and closer to answers. Just think on that. You go rest up, son.”

Liam turned, feeling once more humiliated but at least seeing the Captain’s sense. He had been getting more tired lately. He’d read once that the second trimester came with a boost of energy for women, and could only hope the case was true for him too. Of course, he’d also read that second trimester came with bigger boobs and more curves, and not just the belly kind. He was not looking forward to that possibility. He tried not to think about it, and opened the hatch to leave. He floated down the central space and quickly happened upon the rest of the crew, all looking far too casual, except for Rotar who was taking notes on his pad. He had a mask on. He was always wearing a mask around Liam now, as if he were still a danger, still a lab experiment.

“How did it go?” Petyr asked.

Liam folded his arms beneath his breasts, outlining them subtly. They were almost B-cups now, if not there already. When he was in regular grav they bounced a little. When he floated, they rose like little souffles. It was an alien sensation.

“You were all listening, what do you think?”

“Sorry, Liam,” Adam said. “It might be for the best, though.”

“Yeah, I hear those words a lot these days.”

Adam patted him on the back. “Hey, we still need you, man. No way am I going to be able to go into the ducts without some help.”

“”Ugh, ducts are the worst,” Petyr said. “Are you sure you didn’t get yourself knocked up with alien babies just to avoid that space?”

“I always liked it,” Liam admitted. “It’s cozy in there.”

“Ha! Perhaps that will be your nesting space when you’re due!”

They chuckled. The humour wasn’t so biting at this point, perhaps because everyone recognised how low Liam’s mental health was.

“So, what will you do with your spare time?” Petyr asked.

“Oh, you know,” Liam said, gesturing to his body, “keep growing a baby, lose my dick, probably get bigger tits.”

He was still wearing looser outfits, but not even they could disguise the changes to his form, or how soft and feminine his face was becoming.

“How big are they right now?” Petyr asked, but Adam caught him in the ribs. “What? A man can’t be curious?”

Liam rolled his eyes. “Keep it in your pants, Petyr. Even if I do become a woman, I’m not fucking you.”

“Ah, you better not become pretty then. That would just be insufferable.”

“I promise to become the ugliest woman possible just for you, if I do become a woman at all.”

“Here’s hoping that’s not the case,” Adam said. “Hell, it might not even be a baby in there. Isn’t there a lot of interference? Has there been kicking?”

“Nothing yet, and hopefully nothing ever. But it looks like a fetus from what we’ve seen. Fuck, if I’m pregnant with an alien spider . . .”

Rotar’s voice cut through the slight joviality. He slammed his hand against the wall for emphasis as he spoke. “That’s exactly what we need to be concerned about, and it strikes me as delusional that you are all standing here joking about this.”

“Lay off a bit, Abel,” Adam said. “We’re just participating in a bit of camaraderie.”

“Liam needs to be confined and studied,” Rotar continued. “He contains what may be the greatest scientific find of the century - of all of human history - and perhaps the greatest threat of all. Have you considered what might be growing inside him? Is it viral? Is it contagious once born? Will it spread the crystal’s influence? Our sample appears completely inert, but what is the life cycle process here, if it is one at all?”

Liam swallowed. He’d thought a lot about such things, especially since he continued to have those strange dreams. Instinctively, perhaps even a little protectively, he took a step back and placed a hand on his belly.

“We’re not confining him in iso for the entire journey,” Adam said. “That would be madness.”

“What is madness is that you’re not taking advantage of this opportunity, Mr Kim,” Abel said. “You could have your name alongside mine, but instead we endanger everything. We cannot trust that an alien influence is benevolent, or even neutral. We need to start treating Liam as an object of study, even if it sounds inhumane.”

“Fuck,” Petyr said. “Rotar, are you hearing yourself? Just because I joke around about Liam becoming a hot missy doesn’t mean I don’t see him as a person.”

The doctor spoke up for the first time. “I won’t allow it either. He’s my patient first, that’s the rules the captain enforces, Rotar.”

Rotar scoffed, turned, and floated away. “You’ll regret it. You’re endangering us all.”

It was like a punch to the gut to Liam. He was about to say something while the others gave their encouragements and assurances, but then he felt something else: an actual punch to the gut.

“Um, I’ve got to get back to my bunk,” he said.

“Don’t let him get you down,” Adam said. “Trust me, he’s an asshole, but harmless. We’re here for you, man.”

It was comforting, especially so in Liam’s emotional state, but right now his mind was far from those words.

“It’s okay, I just . . . I need to be alone. Something’s come up.”

He floated away from the group and made his way back to medical bay as fast as he could, even while moving more gently than usual. The entire time he had his hand on his gut. His breathing had quickened, and he was trying to come to terms with the strange feelings within it.

“No way,” he said to himself. “No way that was . . . was it?”

He reached the bay and quickly got into his bunk. He took off his shirt, uncaring that he was topless, his breasts now showing. They had gotten bigger, and were still sore. Normally, he’d lie there kneading them a little just to work out that soreness, but now both hands were placed on his stomach. He slowed his breathing as much as he could, tried to calm his nerves. Something that was almost like excitement coursed through him.

“C’mon,” he said. “I know I felt you. I know I did.”

And then he did. A stirring within him. Not a punch, not really. Just a shift. A little movement. A four-months along baby turning around and pressing against the left arc of his slightly-domed belly. It was a revelation.

“Holy shit.”

What else was there to say? It was unlike anything else Liam had ever felt in his life. He’d assumed if he ever felt the baby - if it could even be called a baby - kick, that it would just feel like a stomach lurch or an incoming bowel movement or painful pressure or something. But this was different. It was actual life, stirring inside him. Gently. Almost fragile. He waited, paused, holding his breath in.

And then it came again. Slightly to the left.

“Oh my God. That was bigger.”

The baby moved within him. It was still so small, and it was only lying down without distraction that he could even feel some of the squirming inside him, but it blew him away nonetheless. This was life inside him. Actual life. Growing inside him!

“I can’t believe this,” he said. “This is . . . oh God, this is so fucking wrong.”

And yet, despite himself, he smiled a little. A rush of hormones hit him like a freight train, and tears began to well in his eyes. He wiped them away, not knowing what to think. It was all too much. But there was no denying that a small part of him had an almost maternal connection to whatever life was growing in his belly. It was, in many ways, the first time any of it - the pregnancy, the changes - felt more than just a freakshow, and felt like what it actually was: a pregnancy.

“Oh God, I’m actually pregnant. Holy shit, this is actually real. I’m pregnant. I’m entering my second trimester with a baby. A baby alien, or a clone of me, or a living rock. God knows. But I’m actually fucking pregnant. Ho-lee shit.”

He laid there, hand on his belly, taking that all in. He stayed there for some time, just experiencing it. There were still changes happening, he knew: his sore breasts were tense with the promise of future growth, and his face felt oddly numb in places where the structure was changing. Even his rear felt a little sore, as if yearning to become softer and rounder. His legs had lost their hair, but were also looking more shapely.

“I’m becoming a goddamn Mom,” Liam said. “What the fuck am I going to do?”

There was no answer, and the prospect filled him with anxiety again. But there was also a sliver of something else, too small to even consciously recognise or accept just yet, but present all the same. A tiny fragment of excitement, of anticipation, had begun to stir alongside the child in Liam’s new womb.

To Be Continued . . .


Krishna Dudhee

So, just to know she is not just turning into a pregnant woman but an alien woman as well right?