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By FoxFaceStories

A Story Tier Prompt for Rilby

Jason is a young man out for a fun experience at the local club. But while trying to pick up women, things start to go very strange as others instead treat him as if he is a hot young lady named Sabrina. Jason tries to set the record straight, but every time he acts against this new perception, his body begins to shift ever more to match it instead. Worse, it appears that Sabrina is caught in the same perception shift, only she’s taking his life!

First Part

Previous Part

Part 6

Sabrina woke the man up the only way she knew how: by going down on her knees and licking his wonderfully hairy balls and cock until the latter hardened. She then placed her mouth over the stiff head and began to suck on it, bobbing her head up and down, all while using her delicate hands to stroke his shaft. The man stirred, and after several satisfied grunts she felt him shift on the bed, slowly waking.

“Ohhhh, f-fuck. Talk about the b-best wakeup alarm ever. Holy sh-shit. Ahh, don’t stop. Would you m-mind swallowing?”

Of course she wouldn’t. She always swallowed. Always. She literally couldn’t not. Cum was goddamn addictive, better than any drink or any drug. Now that her one-night stand - Gary or Greg or something, she’d forgotten who he was and could barely remember his face - was awake, she could focus on making him as pleasured as possible. She began to deep throat him, enjoying the taste of his cock despite herself.

Three years on and I’m still such a huge damn slit. God, that witch really did a number on me. This cock tastes so fucking good, it’s disgusting!

It was a good thing her body had that gorgeous mid-tone olive skin, because otherwise she’d be blushing real bad. As much as Jason had gained a female mind those three years ago, there was still enough of her old male self inside her that she never stopped being humiliated, embarrassed, and ashamed of her new predilections and behaviours. From wearing tight dresses that showed off her ripe chest and fantastic curves, to fucking every man with a pulse throughout the week, she had lived like a total horny partygoing slut, to the point that she was pretty sure she was being even more of a total nympho socialite than even the real Sabrina was.

She recalled these things, as she often did, while continuing to give her lover the best blowjob ever. He gripped her hair, attaining dominance over her, and that only made it hotter in her altered mind. She hated that, at least after she orgasmed. For now, it only made her hungry pussy all the more wet. She shifted about, her naked form positioning itself so that her perfect ass was right over his head now, her dripping snatch right before his tongue. He got the message, and soon it was flickering into her depths, his hands gripping her wide hips and squeezing as the pair formed a delicious sixty-nine position.

“Mhmmmmmm,” she moaned, her mouth too full to use words.

Why does my pussy have to be so f-fucking sensitive? I could fight that stupid witch’s magic and at least live a normal life if it d-didn’t feel so f-fucking good! Ohhhh - ahh! I can’t stop being addicted to these goddamn girly orgasms! MMHM!!!”

The pleasure rose, and it only incited her body to give him more pleasure too. He was just some handsome guy with nice muscles and an even nicer dig (why was it that she obsessed over big dicks so much now? Was she finally giving in to that part of Sabrina too?), but at least his apartment was nice. Upscale. Wealthy. Hell, it was how she made a lot of money and got such fine dresses to show off her sexy cleavage and amazing ass. The same ass he’d fucked last night when they’d gotten adventurous. She wasn’t a prostitute - she was damn certain about that - but she wasn’t averse to getting rich guys to buy her nice things, which in turn only made her hornier, which in turn only meant that she was always on some guys’ arm or getting fucked by him, moaning in ecstasy as he caressed her voluptuous body.

And I’ll b-be like this for life, she thought. Always sucking cock. Always taking it up the pussy, or the ass. Or giving titty jobs with my big ripe boobies. I’ll be Sabrina forever. I don’t even remember what it was like to have a cock between my legs, except for having a cock enter between my legs, and that’s a whole other - ohhh! - experience. If only I’d never stepped out, never ch-cheated - mmpphhh!!

It was a question that haunted the former male daily. It wasn’t that her life was one of pure suffering. She wasn’t in pain. Hell, she was compelled to stay fit and athletic and healthy, in fact. And it wasn’t like she wasn’t appreciated: part of her was quite pathetically even proud to receive compliments and second-glances from men and women. She was an eleven-out-of-ten, all things considered, and even for a former guy it could be an ego boost. But it was still a life in which she was now the submissive one. The one with the high voice. The one that cried out like a beautiful bird as a man came inside her. The one that had to deal with the trickle of semen running down her leg, or to feel a guy thrust into her wet spaces. She was the woman now, and her job was to look pretty, to gain men’s attention, to be a hot piece of ass, a sexy piece of meat to dangle before them. She had to worry about not getting pregnant, which had its own occasional scares, and to deal with her monthly visitor, which just plain sucked. She had to deal with the rivalry of other women who came nowhere close to her attraction level, and with harassers and assholes who liked to cop a feel as she passed or give awful come-ons about her huge tits. Oh, and that was another thing: the damn wobble-bounce-jiggle of her chest, the weight of her jugs, the expenses of bras and how tight they could feel. She had to put up with all of that, and the endless dents to her failing male pride, which had somehow survived through three years of being a hopeless busty bombshell nymphomaniac. It was a very battered male pride, though.

And now h-here I - ahhh! - am. Giving another blowjob to another man. It’ll never end. Ohhhh, I’m only, like, twenty four years old n-now. I’ll be f-fucking thousands more! And I’ll never, ever get s-sick of iiiiiiit! OHHHHHH!!!”

The orgasm hit her as the man’s tongue licked her clitoris, flickering over it in just the right way. She seized up, and in doing so sucked on his cock in a highly erotic fashion, causing his balls to tighten. She could always feel a man about to cum, and he did so dramatically. She couldn’t remember the last time her throat had been so flooded with warm cum. Naturally, she drank the sweet, salty essence right down, gulping it greedily and licking the head clean. Between quaking orgasms, of course.

I’ll never get tired of this, goddamn me! Stupid Sabrina! Stupid witch! Ohhhhhh G-God! I never made Tiffany this f-fucking aroused!

And that was another sad truth: she’d now not only been fucked as girl way more than a man, but been pleasured by men far more than her own girlfriend had been by her as a man. Not that Tiffany would ever know. As far as she was concerned, her boyfriend had never changed, and she and Jason were about to be wedded. The invitation had come in the male not long ago, and Sabrina had found herself compelled to travel out and give her congratulations to the pair. It was one of quite a few frequent meetings the swapped individuals had, and after Sabrina had found the tears of joy (and secret sadness) flowing as she hugged her former lover, she found time to be alone with ‘Jason’. The new Jason.

“So,” he’d said. “Can you still talk when you’re alone?”

“It’s the only time I can talk,” she said. “That is, if you mean the fact that I’m stuck in your nympho body, Jason.”

He sighed. “At least we still have that. Three years and it’s the only reprieve I get. God, looking at you, I still miss having those epic tits.”

“You can take them,” she said, covering up her cleavage as best as she could while sitting in the lounge room. “They’re too big. Too heavy. Too fucking . . . nice, when guys feel them. I can’t not act like you still, even after everything we researched last time.”

They had tried their best to track down the witch, and even consult other women who claimed to be witches and magic users for ways to regain control. But there was little that could be done: both their bodies moved on autopilot if they tried to betray their new roles. If they tried to tell anyone, they lost control, and if they acted too out of character, they lost control then too. Recently ‘Jason’ had taken to hanging up beads and trinkets in the hopes that this would make the effects duller, based on a book he’d ordered. The effect had been obvious: it was too out character, so he’d been instantly compelled to take his girlfriend to their apartment bed and fuck her brains out attentively again and again.

The results were obvious, as at that point Tiffany re-entered, stroking her slightly rounded belly.

“Sorry, I still get morning sickness sometimes! It’s a good thing it’s a quick shotgun wedding, or else I’d be showing quite a lot on a normal timeline.”

“You must be sooooo excited!” Sabrina said, hugging her friend and kissing her belly.

You were supposed to be my baby. Not that I wanted a baby, at least not for a while. But Tiff and I were an item. It was only one foolish mistake in a club, witch!

Now, if she were ever going to have kids, she’d be the one getting pregnant. While in the presence of Tiffany, ‘Jason’ couldn’t say anything. But he did sag a little slightly. Clearly, the thought of being a father was just as confronting to him as being stuck as a horny slut was for Sabrina. But then he touched his girlfriend’s belly and a genuine smile lit up, forcing the new Sabrina to relax back into the couch and take the image in.

At least she gets a family. Sure, whenever we have a private moment she complains about being hairy, about people expecting her to do rough manly jobs, about having a ‘gross penis.’ Sure, she misses her tits and her hips and her ass and all her good features, and her makeup routine and dresses most of all, but at least she gets this. Meanwhile, I’ll be fucking half the groomsmen in less than a month.

It was a thought that warmed her in the present, even as she swallowed down the last of her lover’s semen. After making sure to lick his cock clean again just in case, she raised herself and nestled up against him, making sure her heavy breasts pressed against his chest in that way that men loved. She loved it too. She knew she should hate it more, particularly since it was totally embarrassing how much men loved to grope and suck her boobies, but one could only live as a sexy-hungry partygirl for so long before succumbing to some base urges.

“You’re fucking incredible,” the man said, kissing forehead as she leaned against him. “Seriously, that was the hottest thing ever.”

Don’t I know it, she thought to herself. Would be really, really, really cool to be on the receiving end of a woman like this, instead of living as her. You know, for life. Forever. God, I’ll probably end up as some sexy trophy wife in ten years. If this body ever lets me settle down. At least I’m not knocked up like Tiffany. God, I miss Tiff. She was too good for me.

And that was the honest truth that came back to her in times like this. Often it hit her right as a man said something complimentary, or when she was perfectly relaxed in her womanhood, or feeling a cock enter her for the first time. It was that realisation that yes, she had cheated. She had stepped out and betrayed Tiffany, not just with any woman but with one of her close friends, and now this was their shared punishment. She wasn’t certain she deserved her fate, especially for life, but she couldn’t rightly say she didn’t deserve some kind of punishment.

“Well, if you think that was hot, just wait until you take me clubbing tonight,” she whispered sensually in his ear. “I’ve got a red backless dress that shows off these perfect tits like you wouldn’t believe, and it’s real short around my thighs too. You can bang me from behind or let me titty fuck you without me even losing the dress.”

Jesus, even I’m turned on by that sentence, and I’m not even attracted to chicks anymore.

“Goddamn,” the man said. “How did I get so lucky? You’re not . . . you’re not in the market for a longer-term relationship are you?”

She looked up at him, taking in his face for the first real time since the previous drunken night. He was pretty cute: rugged but not too rugged. Handsome without being so good-looking that he was full of it. And he had muscles. Real nice muscles. His cock was huge too; it was like being impaled, but in a really hot way.

“Mhmmmm,” she moaned softly, kissing him on the lips and climbing on top of him. It was still some time before she could milk his cock again, but she could certainly let him suck on her tits until he was ready. “I might be. Maybe. I’m pretty on the market, lover boy, but maybe if you’re really, really good to me, I can let you have a trail run of being my boyfriend. You’ve have to really please me though. Make me moan hard. And pay for some pretty dresses for you to tear off me at night, and in the morning, and during coffee breaks.”

“Holy fuck,” he stammered, even as she suffocated him in her cleavage. “I mean, hell yeah. I’d be up for that, Sabrina.”

“Me too,” she moaned, as he licked her left, very sensitive, nipple. “I’m a real horny gal, so having one guy satisfy me whenever I want could be a real upgrade. The kind of perspective shift I need, if you can convince me.”

God, I really mean that, don’t I? These words are pouring out of me, but having a steady boyfriend fuck me each day somehow sounds better than an endless stream of guys. Right? Doesn’t it? Jesus, this is embarrassing. I’d be someone’s girlfriend. A total submissive hottie. Fuck, I’m getting aroused just thinking about it. I bet that witch is laughing if she can see me now. What even is my life?

The man’s cock hardened; she could feel it against her lower belly as he placed herself over him. It made her squirm in delight, a familiar feeling for the former man. She wondered if ‘Jason’ felt a similar excitement from the other side, when Tiff mounted him, or wore a cute dress, or when he needed to deal with his morning wood. But there was no point thinking about that. ‘Sabrina’ was Sabrina now, and the best case scenario as the still-humiliating and hot prospect of being this man’s sexy armcandy.

“Mhmmm, I can see you’re ready to prove yourself,” she said, unable to stop herself grinning at the prospect of getting her pussy fucked by his giant cock.

“After that offer, how could I now? I really want you as my girlfriend, Sabrina.”

“Mhmm, and you’d be - like, such a hot boyfriend. There’s j-just one problem.”

He entered her, and she shuddered. She’d never get tired of that feeling, and that was the problem.

“What is it?” he said, grunting as he slid further inside her.

“Wh-what was your name again?”

The End


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