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By FoxFaceStories

A Commission for Al

The explorer ship Tiresias is nearing the end of its voyage when it is suddenly rerouted to check out a strange signal emanating from the surface of one of the moons of Jupiter. Liam Macklin is a young engineer on the ship, which has a complement of only six. But when he is the one to uncover a strange artefact, his life is changed forever. Slowly, as they voyage back to Mars, his body begins to feminise, in order to better house the new alien life that is growing within him . . .

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Part 3: The Insult

The signal came, and the people rejoiced. It was their first contact, their dream since they had first launched to the stars. Theirs was a vibrant civilisation, governed by equality and a love for the natural world. The crystals and minerals they groomed and grew could be shaped by their very minds. The signal was distant, but not unreachable, though it would take years to reach the destination. And so the great project began. The path to finding unity in this cold universe. It seemed like such a good idea . . .


The Captain had called another meeting, and it was clear from the seriousness that this was another emergency. Abel Rotar, Adam Kim, Petyr Ivanovish, and Captain Leo Hartigan himself were in the living space, and a heavy silence hung since the captain had stated that he wasn’t explaining what the situation was until Doctor Katz and Liam arrived.

“It’s about the boy though isn’t it?” Abel said, leaning forward and steepling his fingers. “He has a condition courtesy of our new element. We’ve barely managed any tests on it with our meagre equipment - we were not expecting such a discovery - but it defies categorisation. If he has been affected, this could be a great learning experience.”

“The boy may be a total, how would you say, klutz,” Petyr voiced, “but let’s not talk about him like he’s a lab rat, friend.”

Rotar rolled his eyes. “Better a lab rat than a wasted opportunity. Captain, if I could have access to him-”

“Not yet,” Hardigan said, and his voice was emphatic.

Adam bit his lip. “It is something to do with him though, right? Is he okay? I feel kinda bad for all the jokes.”

“Regretting that nasty fake vomit gag?” Hardigan asked. “Good. It was damn tasteless. I still don’t know how you baked that stuff up, but you’ve got a week on pantry duty for it.”

“Damn, almost not worth it.”

But the captain wasn’t showing even slight humour, and the crew’s attention turned to the sound of two figures descending the ladder to the low centrifugal grav of the living space. The doctor arrived first, scratching his balding head. Behind him was Liam Macklin, looking quite awkward in his work shirt and pants. They were looser than normal, almost too big for him. In fact, they must have been a size bigger, draping over his form. His eyes were sunken in and haunted, and he looked a little sweaty, as if from anxiety. He was wearing a mask over his mouth, and gloves on his hands. He smelled of sanitiser from the scrubbing chamber.

“Shit, you look terrible, comrade,” Petyr said.

“Yeah, okay, are you alright Liam?” Adam said.

Rotar said nothing, but leaned forward in fascination. Liam didn’t answer. He was barely able to meet their eyes at all. He was trying to ignore the itching and soreness in his chest, and the churning in his stomach.

“I’ll cut to the chase since you’re obviously all speculating,” said the forthright Captain. “This concerns Liam. Are you alright if we proceed, Liam?”

It took the poor man a moment to realise he was being addressed. He nodded slowly. “Might as well rip off the bandaid. I guess.”

Katz put a comforting hand on his shoulder for just a moment.

“Some of your suspicions are correct: Liam has contracted something as a result of contact with the new element: this crystal he discovered.”

“I discovered,” Rotar said, but the captain ignored him and kept talking.

“Simply put, somehow the crystal is changing Liam’s biology. Doctor, can you elaborate?”

Katz nodded, and Liam winced as the older man began. “I have run numerous tests which all confirm that Liam’s body structure is changing as a result of contact with the crystal. His bloodwork shows massively increased amounts of estrogen and greatly lowered testosterone. Ultrasounds confirm the development of a new organ that is entirely consistent with a human uterus. Furthermore, along with the matching symptoms of morning sickness, first trimester fatigue, and increased hunger, and-”

“Wait, wait, wait,” Adam said, parsing his way through this. “Am I hearing this right?”

“Liam is pregnant,” Doctor Katz said. “He is seven weeks along, which lines up with his accident on Ganymede.”

Rotar’s eyes went wide, and he stared at Liam with renewed fascination.

“You’re pregnant?” Petyr said.

“Yeah, I guess,” Liam said. Automatically, he lowered his hand to rub his stomach without even thinking. “It fucking sucks.”

Adam exhaled, looking almost sheepish in his shock. “This is not a prank back on us, right? Is this actually for real?”

“I can confirm it all with you,” Katz said. “I’ve already sent word back to Mars and Earth. This is bigger than one government. We’re awaiting instructions on how to deal with Liam’s . . . delicate condition.”

“You mean my pregnancy,” he said in an understandably sulky tone. “And my other changes.”

“Other changes?” Rotar noted.

“He’s developing breast tissue, and his body appears to be changing in other ways consistent with womanhood.”

“He’s actually becoming a woman?” Petyr said, marvelling.

“We don’t know that yet, but possibly, yes.”

“Jesus. Wait, is he fucking infectious? I don’t want to become some pregnant woman, goddamnit!”

“There’s no evidence of infection,” Hardigan said, crossing his arms. “But we’re all taking measured steps. We’re continuing our policy until we determine Liam is safe, and he is going to be confined to the medical bay for much of his non-duty time. We’ll organise shifts to keep things separate as much as possible. We’re all in uncharted territory here, so we go by the manual, alright?”

Petyr raised a hand.

“Yes, Petyr.”

“If Liam is non-infectious, and turns out to be a very attractive lady, what is the protocol then?”

Liam balled his fists and stormed back up the ladder. Tears were in his eyes.

“Goddamn it, Petyr, you moron,” he heard the captain say.


The truth of Liam being somehow impregnated by what had to be some kind of alien crystalline device was setting off waves across Earth and Mars. Naturally, the public knew nothing, and wouldn’t know anything until all the facts were in. Still, the Olympus team and members in Washington and Beijing were receiving a lot of data from Katz, and demanding more every day. It was infuriating for Liam, who was already miserable as a result of having to practically live in the medical bay. The continual reminder that his body was betraying him and becoming ever more female only made things worse. Katz was sympathetic, and did his best to give the young man his privacy as much as possible, but it was still important to be transparent, which meant relaying that the pregnancy was indeed progressing.

“One embryo, as far as I can see,” Samwell said, “but it’s hard to be sure at this stage.”

“God help me, if I’ve got an alien litter. Why can’t we fucking abort this thing again?”

Katz gave a weary smile as he took another sample of Liam’s blood. “Because we have no idea what you’re carrying, or how it will affect you, and also I have no equipment to perform an abortion anyway, because we have an all-male crew.”

“Had. I’m becoming a woman, remember?”

Liam sagged bag in the medical chair, which was reclining backwards to ensure his comfort. His hand rested on his belly, which just nine weeks in was not showing signs of growth. At first he thought it was just that he was eating more, but it had a tautness to it, a slight slope that was only evident upon feeling it, or when he stood up. But it was there. A pregnant belly.

“A goddamned pregnant belly,” he said to himself.

“Yeah, that’s something else, alright.”

Liam blinked back tears. He had been feeling more and more hormonal lately, like his emotions were unable to be controlled. Between the morning sickness - which wasn’t even in the morning, for as much as that mattered in space - and the constant exhaustion, he felt like he was being ping-ponged between rage and denial, and sheer overwhelming humiliation and sorrow at what was happening to me.

“Why me?” he whined. “Why the fuck is this happening to me? I wasn’t even a scientist on that damn trip. All I did was get bored and touch some rocks. I could barely even see the crystal shit!”

Katz placed a hand on his shoulder, as was his way. “It’s okay, Liam.”

“It’s not fucking okay. I’m turning into a goddamn woman. I’ve got a freaking baby growing in my stomach! What the fuck is up with that? Is it even human?”

“I don’t know, there’s some interference, like with the crystal signal. The eggheads back on Mars and Earth are going to be looking at it with their best though.”

“Goddamn it, so I can’t even know?”

“You’ll just have to rest up and take care of yourself, Liam. Try to keep sane. We’ll do our best here, but it’s on you. One thing is for sure though: you’re a trailblazer.”

Liam wasn’t comforted by that comment. He rubbed his stomach beneath his patient’s gown. It felt stretched. Sore. Like it wasn’t done growing. Which, he knew, was absolutely true. The same feeling was also mirrored in his chest.

“I’ll just focus on the work,” he said. “Keep being an engineer. Try to be normal.”

The doc nodded. “That’s the spirit. Get back to normal, as much as you can.”


It was easier said than done. Most of the crew avoided him like the plague, and shifts had to be organised, hatchways decontaminated and so forth, in order for him to do his vital work without others coming into too much contact. Liam wore baggy clothing to disguise his changes as much as he could, but even he couldn’t fool anyone with what was happening to his face: his skin had softened, and his hair was growing in thicker and longer, even as he kept cutting it shorter. His eyelashes had grown a little too, and his doughy cheeks had melted in to become more handsome. All in all, he was just shy of androgyny, all thanks to the massive amounts of estrogen being dumped into his system. The others noted it in ways he certainly didn’t appreciate.

“Well, well, it’s our newest female member,” Petyr remarked when Liam had passed his tenth week of pregnancy. “How goes the little one? A boy or girl, do you think?”

Liam grimaced. By this point, his belly had a slight but definite arc to it, though it was easily disguised by a loose shirt even in zero-g. But his chest had grown a little. Less than A-cups, but with nipples that were far larger and more womanly. They occasionally pressed against the fabric, making him wince as they did so.

“What. Did. You. Say?”

Petyr’s handsome blonde face contorted into a shit-eating grin. “I was just noting that you appear to be turning into a rather gorgeous young mother-to-be, comrade.”

“What the fuck did you just say to me, asshole?”

Petyr shrugged. “Your nipples are pushing against the fabric like little thimbles, young mother. Since you’ve forced us all into paranoid isolation, I don’t think it’s a crime to fantasise about whether you’re going to grow a big pair of milkers, da?”

Liam launched himself at the other man, screaming. Normally, the fight would have been an easy loss: Petyr was far more used to zero-g than he was, and the other man was stronger. Not to mention Liam was smaller, losing muscle mass, and freaking pregnant. But he had rage, a rage that burned with shame and self-hatred as much as anger at his crewmate. He punched and flailed and kicked, and seemed more like a screaming animal than a man by the time the Captain and Adam Kim pulled the pair apart. Hardigan ordered Petyr back to his station and set a host of other punishments on his head. Liam was sent back to sickbay with Adam as his guide.

“I fucking hate him. I’m gonna fucking kill him,” Liam spat. His heart was like a jackhammer in his chest, and it reminded him of the pressure just above it. The twin pressures of his growing breasts.

For once, Adam didn’t have a smart comment to say. He walked in silence until the anger had abated a little, then spoke. “He deserved the shit-kicking, at least. Maybe hold off on killing the pilot before we get to Mars, though.”

Liam chuckled darkly. “Not a bad idea. Where does he get off on that?”

“Petyr’s just nervous. We all are. You know, if it’s infectious.”

“You’re helping me head back right now. You’re not scared?”

Adam looked at him. “I’m goddamned terrified, but you’re still part of the crew. Besides, I’m terrified not to help you, after the lashing you gave him.”

Liam scoffed. “Hopefully that’ll be the last he makes fun of me for this.”

“Yeah, don’t count on it. But he’ll do it in moderation from now on.”

Liam sighed. It would have to be compensation enough. He thanked Adam when he was deposited back to the medical bay, and he lay down on his makeshift bunk there.

“Cheers for not being a total asshole this time, Adam.”

“Well, I like to mix things up a bit. Besides, I’ve got to be nice if I’m going to write a paper on you.”

“Don’t even fucking joke about it.”

“I am a scientist you know.”

“A geologist. Stick to your fucking rocks.”

“Ha! Like you can talk. You touching rocks got you into this mess.”

Liam surprised himself by smiling. “Just get out of here before these goddamn hormone changes make me start crying, or worse, start kicking.”

“Well, something else will be kicking soon, and you’ll be the punching bag. So get in your fun while you can. Take care, Liam. I’m sorry this is happening to you.”

He left, and Liam reclined, trying to refocus his thoughts. The doc had given him a lot of material on meditation and self-control. He didn’t much truck with it, but he needed something. His life was turning upside down, and people like Adam were being sorta nice while Petyr was doubling down on assholehood.

And then there were the dreams.

“Are they even dreams? Or am I seeing things?” he said to himself. Without realising he was doing it, he lifted his shirt and began stroking his stomach, until finally he fell asleep.

To Be Cotinued . . .


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