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Last instalment for this month! Big thanks to the commissioner for the extra parts. Hope you all like them.

By FoxFaceStories

A Story Tier Prompt

When a group of college students go south of the border to Mexico for spring break, best friends Angus and Jared decide to party a little too hard. Their insensitivity to local custom annoys a local bruja, who decides to transform them into a pair of Mexican twin sisters who can’t even understand English anymore. They can only turn back if they help her with the household chores, but things take an unexpected turn for all three.

First Part

Previous Part

Part 9: The Other Bruja

They had arrived at the address they sought: 43 Harlson Road, Bridgewater, Connecticut. It was a surprisingly appropriate address. Josefina and Amarissa had both sort of expected a more remote ‘lair’ so to speak, but given that the previous bruja - their appropriated grandmother - had effectively been living in a normal residential address in Cancun, who was to say what was normal for witches? This place was indeed further out though. It was located near the end of a winding road around a hill on the outside of town, barely connected to it other than area code. There weren’t many houses at all, they were all up long drives into the lush semi-forested area, and it was clear that the people that lived here valued their privacy. The two former men hoped that this would not be the case too greatly; Maria was the only one who could bring them their bodies back.

Of course, as Miguel drove them to the inlet road that branched off the already remote main equivalent, there was an awkwardness and silence in the air. Josefina clung to Marco in the backseat, while Amarissa kept trying not to look at Miguel. Both of the men were starting to feel that same sense of finality, even if they didn’t understand it.

“I don’t understand,” Miguel muttered. “You really think this is where we part ways? After all we have gone through, why not let us accompany you? You say this Maria may not be trustworthy, then let us have your backs!”

“No,” Amarissa said. “It has to be just us, Miguel.”

She sighed, resting back so that her curvaceous body was well displayed. In the warm weather she was wearing a sexy green tube top and short shorts that showed off more of her perfect olive skin than concealed it. Josefina was wearing something quite similar, albeit more pink, though her top was even tighter, and she wore a criminal short skirt instead. Marco evidently liked the look, as she wore those often. She was still complaining of the fact that her period hadn’t come, and Amarissa was starting to suspect she had minor food poisoning or something, particularly given how much she was eating lately. She had consumed far too many gross hot dogs from gas stations they had stopped at on the final legs of the journey.

“At least let me come with Josefina,” Marco put forward. He placed his hand on her back, and Josefina couldn’t help but shiver at his touch. He had gotten so bold lately, so manly despite his quiet and kind nature. She attributed that confidence to herself and their nightly (and often, morning) activities. It had brought him out of his shell and made him a new man.

“I would love that,” Josefina said, before catching herself. “But, um, I don’t think it’s possible. This is private business. You’ll just need to, um, drop us off for a bit. If we can’t come back quickly, we’ll call you and work something out. Don’t worry, we’re not abandoning you.”

She moved to kiss Marco, and he reciprocated. It was meant to be a quick peck, but the lustful woman couldn’t help herself; she enjoyed the warmth of being a latina hottie far too much for Amarissa’s tastes lately. The extended kiss resulted in a long moan from her, and Marco even went as far as squeezing her breasts with one hand and her ass with the other. It made her moan harder.

Miguel laughed. “Calm down, you two! I swear, you’ve made my little hermano insatiable. Go on, then. We’ll drop you off and have a brother's trip in town. Should be fun.”

Gracias for understanding,” Amarissa said. She opened the door to get out, but Miguel coughed.

“Do I get a goodbye kiss too?” he said, smirking, his eyebrow raised.

Amarissa rolled her eyes and sighed, but once more the woman in her rose up, instincts taking over. She grabbed Miguel and pulled him against her, her large chest squashing up against his lithe muscles in a way that drove her wild. Her large brown nipples stiffened in her tube top, rubbing against said chest, and it made her want to just get fucked by him in the car and not care about this nonsense. Thankfully, she pulled back and tapped him on the nose, regaining his senses.

“That should tide you over,” she joked.

“For now,” he replied with his trademark grin.

“For now,” she repeated, getting out of the car with her twin and beginning the walk down the side road, though she knew it was a lie. If all went well, the pair of brothers would never know what happened to them. It would be another mystery. It made her quite sad to think of, though she rallied. Josefina was doing far less well: she was already starting to tear up.

“I swear, you’ve lost all control of your emotions lately!” Amarissa declared.


The cottage was more old-fashioned. Rustic. Not broken down or ominous, though. Well, a little ominous to the two girls. It had been a ten minutes walk, longer than expected, during which they were very aware of how their butts and breasts jiggled and wobbled and their hips swayed. It had become normal to them, but the realisation that they would soon lose these forms brought a hyperawareness. Josefina was already thinking about how sad she would be too lose her amazing tetas and culo, whereas even Amarissa couldn’t deny how wonderful her hair was, or how damn hot her face was (even if Josefina had practically the same face). After her hermana hesitated to open the door, she was the one to knock several times. They waited almost a minute of anxious silence before footsteps sounded and the door unlocked, creaking open.

“I told you, I don’t take junk mail or solicitations,” came a voice, accented Mexican and sounding curiously similar to Senora Maria Lopez. For a second they almost thought it was her: after all, both cousins shared the same first name, but it was evident as the woman stepped into the light that she was only in her late forties, being much younger, and that she was also lighter-skinned. This was, as they had been told, Maria Rodriquez. She smirked as she realised they weren’t salesmen.

“Well,” she said in Spanish, assuming it was their speech, “you look like my kind of people. Si?”

“Si,” they said as one, before Amarissa took over. “Only, not quite. Um, we carry bad news. Your cousin Maria passed away recently.”

The woman sagged a little. “Been a long time since I heard from my namesake below the border. She was a good woman. What was it?”

“A stroke of sorts,” Josefina added. “Her daughter is carrying on without her. She sent us up.”

“And who exactly are you?” the woman asked. “You have the sniff of magic on you. Maria’s magic, if I don’t see wrong.”

The twins exchanged a quick glance. “Perhaps we should tell the full story inside,” Amarissa said. “We need your help.”


It was quite a story, and only the sexcapade aspects were kept under wraps, though Josefina couldn’t stop talking about damn Miguel, which made Maria chuckle. Even Amarissa noted his brother Miguel to be quite the man, which made her laugh harder.

“You really have gone native, ha! But then, if I still had a body like you do, then I wouldn’t hesitate, even if I were a white girl!”

“Ugh, don’t remind me of white girls,” Amarissa said, thinking back to Sasha and Haley and all the rest of the gringo jerks who had treated them like shit in the days before.

Maria spat. “I hate Americans like them. Almost makes me want to pay them a visit. But I’ll consider that later.”

“We just want to be as we were before. Please, this spell wasn’t intended to be permanent. You have to believe us. We’ve learned our lessons. Dios mio, we even came to really like the other Maria and her daughter Gabriella.”

“And her daughter Sofia!” Josefina added. “Ohhhh, she was such a little sweetie, that baby!”

“Don’t go baby crazy now, hermana, not when we’re so close to the end.”

“I’m just saying she was cute! I changed her more than you, so that’s saying something!”

Again Maria chuckled, particularly as Josefina began to eat another enchilada that the woman had made for them. The twin was ravenous, which confused Amarissa as to exactly what was going on with her health.

“Don’t be a pig, hermana. You’ll just throw it all up again!”

“Will not! I can’t help myself, I’m starving after being so sick all the time.”

“I’m surprised you aren’t really brothers in your other life,” Maria remarked, “but then perhaps being twins has made you more like twins. I can scarcely tell you apart.”

“I have bigger tetas,” Josefina bragged, thrusting out her chest as if she were a little tipsy. “At least as of the last week.”

“Show off.”

The bruja giggled. She had a sort of ‘cool hippie’ vibe about her, with all sorts of strange trinkets threaded into her clothing, and her hair braided in a New Age sort of way. Still, her cosy home was decorated with all sorts of strange spiritual-looking artefacts, some of which were creepy.

“Well, I’ve heard enough. I rather like the pair of you, and I believe you when you say that my cousin intended to reverse the spell prior to her death. I can’t say I ever knew Gabriella, but I doubt you forged this note from her. It’s too personal. And besides, I’m my own woman. I can end a curse if I think the individuals have atoned. And you lovely senoritas have certainly gone through enough, even if it is a bit amusing, no?”

The pair groaned with embarrassment, thinking on all they had done, and even what they were wearing. Even so, Josefina had to suppress a smile.

“Well, it had been embarrassing, but not all bad, right hermana?”

“No, not all bad,” Amarissa admitted. Her horny body became just a little more aroused thinking about her nights with Miguel. “But that’s precisely why we need to turn back, before we get far too used to this.”

“Fair enough!” the bruja said. “Alright then, let’s be quick about it. It’s actually not the most complex spell, and while unweaving another’s takes effort, I’m pretty damn good at this. Besides, this is magic from my own blood - extended relation, sure, but close enough - so I can have a bit of extra oomph when it comes to undoing it. I’ll need to draw up a magical circle, get the right ornaments and decorations, beseech the dead-”

“Beseech the dead!?” Josefina gasped.

Maria cracked up laughing. “Got you! No, you both just need to hold steady while I chant some things. It’s that simple. It’s good that you came to me too; this magic has aspects that affect your mental state. If you don’t change back soon, they’ll probably become permanent.”

“You mean we would lose ourselves?” Amarissa said, looking pointedly at her sister, who was getting far too accustomed to being a hot Mexican woman.

“Sort of,” Maria explained, directing them to the living room space. “But not quite. You would lose aspects of yourself forever such as being attracted to women - only hot hombres for you two from now on - as well as your sense of masculinity, ability to walk like a man, talk like one, and so on. But you would also be stuck with your current fashion sense - no way would you two be wearing those little outfits after becoming women unless the spell compelled you to like them, right?”

“They show off my figure,” Josefina said in a small, embarrassed voice.

“That they do. I bet my namesake never imagined you being stuck like this for so long. So let’s get you turned back, or else you’ll end up in male bodies but with female minds. Hard life to live! So hold still!”

It was surprisingly anticlimactic, all things considered. Both girls had anticipated a fight, or a hard explanation, or even some sort of bargaining to get this ironed out. After so many troubles they had gone through, it felt almost disappointing not to have one final hurdle, but Amarissa in particular wasn’t going to complain. She simply stood still as the older woman chanted, her language slipping out of Spanish and into something far more ancient and incomprehensible. Small tendrils of purple energy seemed to crackle in her hands, a far more impressive sight than the other Maria’s more stealthy curse. Even then, such ethereal aspects were barely visible; it was enough to confirm for them though that this woman really did have the touch.

“I order you to return to your true selves!” she finished, voice booming a little. “To your true lives! Now and without delay!”

Josefina cringed, clenching her eyes shut in fear. At the very moment the magic was cast upon her, she wanted to scream for Maria to stop. To change only Amarissa and not herself. She wanted just a little more time. One more night with Marco. One last painting from him. And a proper goodbye. Just one more day in the form she had come to enjoy so much would never be enough, but it would have to be. But now she wouldn’t have the chance, because the magic rippled over her, and Amarissa, who welcomed it gladly. There was just a small twinge of regret at the fact that she wouldn’t see Miguel again, or experience the joys she had as a woman again, but she knew who she was meant to be. She was meant to be Aaron.

The magic flooded over them, and when the strange sensations finally ended, only then did they open their eyes.

“Oh my God!” Aaron declared. “It happened! It worked! I’m me again!”

He ran his fingers down his powerful chest, over his legs, even cupped his manhood. Maria had even changed his outfit, much like the other witch. He was wearing a large white men’s top and a pair of casual jeans. His hair was short again. He didn’t have two large weights on his chest anymore. His hips could no longer be described as ‘babymaking’ in shape. His thighs were no longer soft, and his body had hair again. Even his voice boomed, that charismatic energy returned to it that had bagged so many women. He thought of a hot woman in his mind - a pinup model like Stacey Grey - and it pleased him.

“Thank fuck, I’m straight too! Jared, we did it! We’re men again. We can speak proper English and get our lives back and -”

He stopped as he looked sideways. Before him was a distractingly beautiful latina woman with mid-olive skin, luscious black hair, and a figure that wouldn’t quit. Her large E or F-cup breasts strained at her tiny top, and her midriff was driving him suddenly crazy. Despite knowing who it was, his dick hardened a little. A lot, actually.

Pervertido!” the woman cried, her voice sweet and accented. And then she unloaded a stream of confused Spanish that Aaron could no longer understand.

“Um, what’s going on?” Aaron asked, turning to Maria, who had a confused look on her face as well. “Aren’t you going to turn my friend back too?”

“She should have turned back,” Maria said, switching to English. “I’ve cast it twice now. It should reverse the spell unless . . . oh dear. Oh, why didn’t I sense that sooner. Oh, this is not good.”

“What is not good?” Josefina intoned slowly, struggling to speak English.

Maria grimaced, casting her hands out and feeling for some kind of energy in the air. She sighed when she was done. She began to switch between English and Spanish, the latter first to Josefina, who gasped and grabbed her belly in shock, clutching it and clearly not knowing what to think.

“What did you say?” Aaron said. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing out of the ordinary, and nothing magical either,” Maria said. She sighed a second time and flopped back into a chair from exhaustion. “But I can’t turn her back either. She’s stuck like that, for good.


“It’s what happens, young man, when new life is created. No magic can override it. It ‘seals’ the body and mind together, so to speak.”

Aaron frowned. “New life, what do you mea- oh. Oh no. Fuck now! That can’t be right!”

A lot of things suddenly made sense: the sickness, the constant eating, the tiredness, even the extra emotion.

“But it is, I’m afraid your friend went and got herself-”

Grávida,” Josefina said, stroking her stomach in shock and looking to her former sister and returned friend. “Dios mio.”

To Be Continued . . .



"Amarissa clung to Marco in the backseat, while Amarissa kept trying not to look at Miguel. " - pretty sure the first one should be Josefina. Also, in the last paragraph you spelled Josfina instead of Josefina. Otherwise great chapter.

Fox Face

D'oh! Foolish me. Greatly appreciated tgstuff1122. I will correct these immediately! Super thankful.

Tyler Thompson

it'd be funny if in the next part aaron asks to be turned back, so that way josafina wont be alone