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By FoxFaceStories

Burt may live in a world of superheroes and supervillains, but he’s just a regular burglar trying to support his sickly mother and teenage sister with ill-gotten gains. But when he is hired to help break into a superhero vault facility, Burt accidentally triggers an artefact that gives him the power to turn into Meteor Woman, the superstrong and incredibly busty heroine. Now juggling two lives, Burt tries to stay under the radar even as his super person becomes an increasingly huge sensation.

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Issue 9: That Felt Super

It was a secret date, not between Ralph and Meteor Woman, but between Ralph and Kara. Part of it was accidental. It came after having to change into her superheroic form to quite literally save a cat stuck up a tree (I couldn’t help my damn self. Stupid fucking hero instincts. Risking being stuck as a blonde babe just to save a cat!). As usual these days, she had a few hours before she’d be able to change back, and that’s when she received a text from Ralph on the burner phone she’d purchased, asking if she wanted to ‘catch up.’

‘How about you meet me at the ice rink in 20?’ she wrote.

‘I’ll be there.’

It was getting colder in the city, not that Meteor Woman needed to cover up with her super body, but this time she decided to rock up more anonymously, wearing a woman’s jacket and pants. She still looked utterly gorgeous, she knew, and part of her was starting to very much like that, but it certainly took Ralph by surprise when she tapped the man on the shoulder from behind.

“Oh my God, it’s you!” he said. “I’m sorry, I didn’t notice you without the, uh-”

“Tits out?” she said, amused.

“I was going to say the silver leotard and blue cape.”

“Nice save, smoothie. We gonna skate on the ice with all these other rinkers or what?’

He chuckled. “I just love the way you talk. I’d warn you about my two left feet, but I’m actually a damn good skater. I can go backwards and everything.”

“Well, let’s skate together and you can show me. Because I may be a damn superhero, but I cannot skate to save my life. That’s what you’re here for, handsome.”

Fuck I just called him handsome I called him handsome what the hell are you doing Burt?

They started, and for the next ten minutes he got her onto the basics. At least her female body was more elegant and dancer-like than her original, because so long as she held - and tried not to crush - his hand, she started to get the hang of it.

“There we are!” he declared. “You’re doing great, Kara. Just don’t almost break my arm this time.”

“I said I was sorry about that. I’m still getting used to all this strength.”

“So, is this a date?”

God, no way. I am definitely not dating a man.

But as much as she tried to think that, her stupid female instincts were in overdrive, and she found herself just as smitten as she looked into his confident eyes. “Of course it is, dummy. Just . . . a casual date.”

“I can do casual.”

“Don’t expect any kisses.”

“I know, that was a one time thing. Only one kiss from Meteor Woman at a time.”

“Exactly. I’m not handing them out around here. A girl’s got super stuff to do.”

They shared a laugh, and then talked about other things - how the Bulls would do in the next game, what Ralph was reporting on next - Hyperion, apparently, and general struggles with city life that were the baseline of their lives. And as they talked, and skated, and occasionally toppled against one another, Kara found herself drawing closer and closer to him, letting him place a hand around her waist, and finding excuses to press herself against him when they peeled off to the side of the rink. She was taller than him, and that too was kind of enjoyable, even if it made her topples more spectacular. But then she zipped her jacket down a little, revealing her top straining to contain her breasts, and he keeled right over. She laughed as she pulled him up.

“That was an impressively dirty trick,” he said.

“Sorry! I didn’t expect that! Are you alright? Lemme get a look at you, man.”

She did, up close. He looked fine. A little bruised. Handsome.

She kissed him, and this time the kiss was longer, more passionate than the one weeks before, and he returned the kiss just as passionately. He held her, and she held him, until they finally parted and she actually gave a little giggle.

What the fuck are you doing, Burt? He’s a dude! He’s got a damn cock! Ugh, but he’s so damn sexy with those nerdy glasses.

Her chest heaved as she continued to hold him, staring into those eyes. And then she made a fateful, foolish decision.

“Do you want to get out of here?”


There was no alcohol involved, so she couldn’t blame that. Nor was it purely hormonal: she was more emotional as Meteor Woman, but it wasn’t mind control. No, this was all her, and she knew it.

And she couldn’t help it.

Once they’d gotten into a private enough alley, she’d literally flown him back to his apartment, or at least to a convenient spot on the rooftop of the building he lived at. Her costume was beneath the shirt and pants, naturally, but he didn’t know that until he opened the door to his apartment and she strolled in and removed all over clothing except for her costume, sans cape and boots, which she summoned mere moments later.

“That’s a neat trick,” he said. “Um, welcome to my place. I know it’s not much, but I can make you a drink if you-”

But she was already kissing him again. Fuck, I want him so bad, she thought to herself. Want his lips on mine. Want his hands on my tits. His tongue on my nipples! God, I even want his goddamn cock inside me. Ohhhhh, this f-feels too good!

He kissed her slender neck, and she pressed her massive chest against him. She could feel his hardness against her lower belly, and she moaned as he traced his hands down her back and to her bare hips and thighs.

“Mhmmm, that’s n-nice.”

“Are you sure about this, Kara?” he asked. “I don’t want to take advantage of you.”

At that, she literally picked him up, and threw him carefully on the bed using her strength. She floated above him - again, literally - and began to unzip her costume, freeing her enormous H-cup breasts, which dangles pendulously before his gaze. The boots came off, the cape came off, and the leotard after it in full, until she was fully naked above him.

“You couldn’t take advantage of me if you tried, dude. Just fuck me already before I regret this. I’m so goddamn horny out of my mind right now and I need to try this before it’s all over.”

Before he could inquire what she meant, she lowered herself upon him, her taller yet feminine frame upon his smaller masculine one, and they began making out. Sure enough, he felt her breasts, squeezed her perfect ass, and soon she was ripping his clothes off - again and again, literally.

“My suit!” he cried.

“Mhm, sorry. Just need you out of it, big boy!”

Why does calling this smaller guy ‘big boy’ such a fucking turn on?

She didn’t much care why, really, just that it was. Ralph gave up any protests of taking advantage of her, and the pair made out passionately, feeling each other all over. She ripped off his pants - more carefully this time, though she still tore the fabric in her enthusiasm - and in moments he was completely naked, his incredibly stiff cock rubbing against her muscled stomach. It shouldn’t have felt so divine and right, but it did. It made her pussy so damn moist, but that wasn’t even the source of the best pleasure yet: her nipples stiffened with bliss as he squeezed and played with her tits. She pressed his face against them, suffocating him.

“Holy God, you are amazing,” he said. “I can’t even describe-”

“You love my big, round tits, don’t you? I always catch you peeking. Some sneaky reporter you are!”

“They’re hard to miss!” he protested, squeezing them again as she pressed herself over him.

“Mhmm, but soft to feel, right? All natural, sort of. Keep t-touching them. I love catching you looking at them. I love the way you’re so obsessed with them.”

“I’m just doing some journalistic digging,” he said.

“Then hurry up and grab your scoop.”

“A damn big pair of scoops,” he corrected, before sinking both hands into her enormous breasts. She moaned in ecstasy, her voice high and sweet and so very aroused.

“Oohhhhh, yes! Oh f-fuck, having bit t-tits is the best! Don’t s-stop! MMhm!!”

She kissed him, her body on fire, and before she could even grappled with what she was doing she was positioning her wide hips over him, thighs to either side of his waist, and lowering her womanhood towards his cock. She vital, she was strong, and she was damn well in charge, and that made her all the more desirous to fuck this man.

He entered her, and for a moment her eyes bulged. It was not like anything she’d anticipated. Her insides clamped down upon him, but he was penetrating her nonetheless, sliding into her moist tunnel deeply.

“Ahhhhhhh, ohhhhhh! Yessssss!!!”

There was no pain: her body was too tough. But there was pleasure, more than she could imagine. And then, when he reached his zenith of entry, she settled herself on him, and began to rock her hips with his, riding him. Her breasts bounced heavily on her chest, and he continued to fondle them as she looked down upon him.

Fuck. This is amazing. Even with everything, I’ve never f-felt so powerful. Goddamn, I want to ride him. Ohhhhh! YESS!!!

She vocalised that last part as well, beginning to slide up and down his cock. She lowered herself so that her big tits brushed against his hairy chest. They kissed lovingly, moaning in each other’s mouths. The feeling of her huge breasts squashing up against him was something else, and made all the better as she continued to ride his hard cock. Kara couldn’t believe she was doing it, but there was no turning back. She needed to cum, and cum hard, and she was getting so damn close.

“You’re amazing!” she cried, gripping him.

“Not so tight!” he gasped, and she relented.

“Sorry, super strength!”

“It’s alright. Here.”

He grasped her hips, and got back into the flow of it. Her hair fell in a perfect blonde curtain as she lifted herself up. She planted her hands on his shoulders, letting him fondle her breasts as she got closer and closer to the point of ultimate ecstasy.

And then it came. She came.

His cock shuddered within her, and she felt warm streams of his cum pumping into her. Ralph’s body went rigid, but hers shook, causing her big breasts to wobble all over the place. She arched her back, giving him quite the sight.

“Yes! YES! YESSSSSS!!!!”

She collapsed down upon him, still shaking from the orgasm, his dick still pumping its issue inside her. She clutched him, making sure not to crush her lover, and moaned softly.

“Hey, keep it down in there!” a voice echoed from the apartment space one over.

The pair exchanged a horrified look, then broke out into laughter.

“How was that?” Ralph whispered in her ear as she slid herself off of him and pressed her full chest against his side.

“S-super,” she said.

Holy shit. What the hell did I just do?

But despite all of Burt’s male pride being shattered to pieces, Kara couldn’t suppress a giant grin. She felt fantastic.

And that was the problem.

She got up out of bed like lightning.

“Is everything okay?”

“Yeah, I just - sorry! This is a lot!”

She was trying to cover her tits with her forearm, and they were doing a damn spectacular job of spilling over her arm instead. She looked like the world’s sexiest pinup and she knew it. She had to spare a hand to brush back her blonde hair.

Ralph sat up, alarmed. “Kara, I’m sorry. You seemed to be enjoying yourself. You seemed so sure. I didn’t mean - is everything okay?”

Tears blurred her vision. “No, everything’s not okay! It’s not you Ralph - you’re amazing. That was amazing. Fuck, it was way too amazing. Shit, it was so damn good I could do it again. And that’s the problem. You don’t know me, Ralph. Not really, deep down. I’m a piece of shit. You have no idea. You deserve better.”

She was getting her costume back on, but had to stop to wipe some of his fluid off of her leg. He passed her a tissue, and she thanked him, trying not to sob. He placed a hand up to her shoulder.

“Hey, it’s alright. I do know you enough, Kara. I know you’re a hero, and one that helps people who need it, in places others don’t think to go. I know that you care. I know that you go for the right baseball team too, even if your idea of a star pitcher is a little wonky.”

She chuckled through the tears. “You don’t get it. I won’t be around long. You’ll hate me. I’ve always been a total scumbag. I’m sorry.”

She kissed him, then pushed him lightly away. She put the rest of the costume on, swallowed, and took one last look at him.

“Just - just go easy on me,” she said. “When the news comes out. I - I don’t want to see your name under the headline. Please.”

And with that, she opened the window of the apartment, checked that no one was looking, and flew into the air so quickly that no one would be able to tell she’d gone. She raised herself up above the clouds and let loose a sonic scream to the heavens that tore apart a cumulus.

Goddamnit. I’m falling in love with a fucking man. A kind, sweet man. And I’m falling in love with this. It’s time to stop stalling. Tomorrow, I go to Hero Dome and steal their shit. Then I save Ma.

To Be Continued . . .


The Sheriff

let me guess, Hyperion is going to pop up halfway into the robbery?

Taki Kuroi

It's interesting how he can't break out of the only way he knows to solve problems. He could probably get one endorsement deal as Meteor Woman and solve his problems but that's never an option.

Fox Face

Real 'mad scientist should just sell his big robot revenge suit' energy, right?