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We reach the end of a long road! I hope you have all enjoyed this story!

Summary: When Tim learns that his lonely dad is making him move away from his beloved hometown in hopes of finding a family elsewhere, he makes a wish upon a strange stone that his best friends David and Matthew could always remain part of ‘his family.’ Soon, all three are shocked when the metaphor of the wish becomes literal and David and Matthew find themselves becoming Tim’s hot older sister Naomi and MILFy new Asian tiger mom Amy. Now all three must navigate their strange new relationships to one another.

First Part

Previous Part

Part Thirteen: New Family

Anthony arrived home to find Timothy and Naomi in a panic. They’d tried to call him a number of times, but it was only as he got out of his car to arrive home that he must have noticed the sheer amount of missed calls and messages. He’d turned his phone off while dealing with the taxation information for his hardware store. Now, he was confronted with the sight of his two children in near-tears right as he stepped in the door.

“Why weren’t you answering us?” Timothy demanded.

“We tried calling you a heap of times!” Naomi shouted.

“Woah, sorry. I had my phone turned off. Has something happened? Is your Mom okay?”

They both saw a moment of panic come across his face. “Is it about the baby? Shit!”

He strode past them to search through the house, calling out Amy’s name.

Figures, Timothy thought. Reality changed, and so did Dad’s memory. As far as he’s concerned, he’s got a new baby on the way and that’s totally normal. But poor Matthew is literally pregnant with my dad’s kid! She’s already had a crazy enough change!

He shared a glance with Naomi, who looked equally beleaguered. She chased after her new father.

“Dad! Dad! She’s not here! She’s not hurt though, at least I don’t think so.”

Tony whirled about: Timothy had never seen him so fearful. “What do you mean you don’t think so? What happened? Please, tell me!”

“She had a, uh, panic attack,” Tim said, thinking quickly. “The baby, well, it moved and it freaked her out.”

“Moved in an unusual way or . . ?”

Naomi coughed. “I think it just moved. She’s been a bit high strung lately. You know, about being an older mom-to-be.”

“She’s only thirty four Naomi. I mean, I know this is a big adjustment, you two being practical adults but with an infant along the way, but I didn’t think your mother would panic over that. Was there an inciting incident? Was something said?”

Timothy blushed red with guilt. “Y-yeah, of sorts. She was doing fine, but I think the baby just snuck up on her. She was worrying about how to . . .”

“Adjust,” Naomi finished.

“Yeah. I think it all got too much for her while we were eating pizza. Things were going well before that, but she suddenly started freaking out and crying and said she needed air, then she took off.”

“I’m going to call her,” Tony said. “It’s probably just the hormones. She’s entered the third trimester now, so-”

“She left her phone here,” Tim said, holding it up.

“Damn. I have some notions of where she may have gone. A few places. I think this is a job for a husband. I’m so sorry about this kids, I never should have turned my phone off. I didn’t realise your mother was in such a fragile place.”

No kidding, Naomi thought. You literally can’t, Dad. Your son’s fragile friend turned into your athletic adopted daughter overnight and you didn’t even question it.

Not that she had major complaints anymore. She had come to love her new form, its attractiveness and power, not to mention her dates. But poor Amy was another matter: the original leader of their group was now Tim’s biological mother, and was now pregnant with the man she used to call ‘Mr Johnson’, or just ‘Tim’s Dad.’ That had to do a number on one’s psyche.

Tony excused himself and left, asking them to stay put and contact him if their mother showed up. He got in the car and headed off, listing off some locations such as the hardware store (they might have passed one another) or the bus station (if she were really scared and heading out of town) or so on. It left Tim and Naomi together, and the latter was already acting in her new decisive manner, putting on a hoodie that pulled tight around her impressive bust and fitting her hiking shoes on.

“What are you doing?” Tim said.

“What does it look like? I’m grabbing a damn bike and I’m going to find Mom. I mean, Amy. Shit, she’s kind of both now, really. I mean, that’s what we were talking about before she got all super preggers all of a sudden.”

“Yeah,” Tim said. “I was . . . I was almost ready to accept it.”

“And you can’t now?”

“Having a new sibling is a crazy thing.”

“Yeah?” Naomi said, putting her hands on her hips. “Try getting a vagina, aging up over a decade, and then getting knocked up with someone’s kid right through to the third trimester. That’s crazy, and it’s what our Mom is going through right now. We need to help her.”

Guilt flowed over Timothy. I’m thinking of just myself again. Amy deserves more than that. I wished for to remain part of my family, and now she fully is. It’s time to be family.

“You’re right,” he said. “I’m stupid to complain. Where are you going to look?”

Naomi shrugged. “Dunno. I was going to ride up and down the neighbourhood. Maybe drop in on Matthew’s old parents. Apparently they’re neighbourly good friends in this life for her. I know she didn’t really get along with them when she was a dude, but she didn’t dislike them either. That makes sense, right?”

Tim thought. It did make sense, but something was missing. A small piece of the puzzle. Amy had said she ‘wasn’t meant to be any of this’ as she flew out the door. Well, waddled in a quick fashion, given her ballooning belly. Wow, that really would be weird, to suddenly have a baby moving around inside of you. Holy shit, Naomi can get pregnant too. The Wishing Stone really has set us on different paths.


“Wait,” he said, as Naomi got on her bicycle. “I think I know where she’s gone.”


Amy held her spherical belly as she sat on a log. She’d left the car by the old back entrance to the bike trail and gone on foot from there, but it had been a hard journey. For one, it wasn’t like she had the physical energy of youth anymore. She was only thirty four years old, but it was a big difference from nineteen. For two, she was now female, and lacked the muscle strength she’d once had. And for three, there was the newest addition in the form of the living being shifting around inside her womb.

God, my womb. It sounds so f-freaking real right now. That’s a baby in this belly. Wǒ de tiān a! Oh my God, I’m pregnant. F-freaking pregnant! With a baby. Bǎobǎo. What do I even do about this?”

It was the strangest, weirdest thing imaginable. She’d thought she’d experienced as much weird as she could possibly take. She’d turned into a woman. She’d changed race to Chinese. Her personality had shifted, leaving her a fussy tiger mom. She’d even become the actual mom to her best friends. Tony had shown her the birthing photos when she’d pushed out Timothy in this new timeline. Her face in those images . . .

Will I have to go through that? Oh God, I will. I’ll have to lie back and push and push and push a baby out of my d-dang vagina, all while screaming my head off in Mandarin, and holding Tony’s hand while he tells me it’s alright. I’m going to give birth. I’m going to f-freaking breastfeed. I’m going to be a mom, and this time I don’t get to skip the actual preggo bits.

She rubbed her stomach. Halfway up the mountain woods trail, when she’d paused for her fourth or fifth time for much-needed oxygen intake, her clothing had changed. She was now wearing a flowery maternity dress in a distinctly Chinese style, a cheongsam made to accommodate her rounded belly. It was at least quite comfortable, a fact which also annoyed her.

I shouldn’t be comfortable wearing a maternity dress. None of this is comfortable! I was finally getting used to my new life. I - I had sex with Tony. And it was good. It was d-darn good sex. Mhmm . . . he was good.

Her hormones lit up, another consequence of pregnancy, and she felt her sorer, larger breasts warm. They sat on her belly, busty and full and giving the promise of future milk. That was a thought that scared her. Actually having a baby in her arms and feeding it.

So why does it sound so nice?

Her thoughts calmed for a moment, and again when her baby kicked within her, pushing against her rounded dome of a stomach. It was by far the weirdest sensation she had ever felt, even more wild than growing a vagina or big F-cup (maybe G-cup now?) breasts. It dominated her front, her once-proud abs gone, and now that she was sitting the thought of getting up again was not appealing.

And yet . . . there was something strangely magical in it. A current of maternal feeling rose up despite her fears, and she found herself rubbing her rounded stomach softly. It was an action she’d often wondered as a man why pregnant women did it, but now she understood; it was a soothing sensation, and it seemed to calm the baby as well.

“It’s okay, my bǎobǎo,” she said in her lilting, accented voice. “It’s not your fault. I know it isn’t. I don’t hate you. I really don’t hate you. In fact, you’re not all that bad.”

The baby stirred again, making her giggle lightly. “Well, it sounds like you can hear your mǔqīn. Can you hear your mommy’s voice? Are you going to be a good little A-student in the future? Will you have your father’s eyes?”

God, what am I saying? What’s wrong with me. I’ve gone from rebel to a pregnant mother cooing over her future baby! I should hate this!

But strangely, she didn’t. Even sitting in the dark with just the light of her torch to guide her, surrounded by the foreboding forest, it was like her entire world’s attention had turned inwards. There was only her - Amy Liu - and her baby child. Part of her hoped it was a boy. Another part just wanted Anthony’s strong arms around her to comfort her. To make everything clear.

Don’t tell me I’m missing my new husband. Gah, these compulsions! I can’t believe I left without cleaning up the pizza boxes. And poor Timothy and Naomi are probably-

“Mom! Mom! MOM!”

She looked up, grasping her heavy belly out of sudden protectiveness. She was relieved and surprised to see that her children - yes, she automatically was thinking of them as her children - were running up the slope with their bikes beside them. They had flashlights as well, but turned them off as they approached.

“Mom!” Timothy cried, and to the astonishment of all three individuals - four if one counted the surprised baby repositioning in her stomach - Timothy actually hugged her. Tears were flowing from his eyes. “I was so worried about you!”

“I - I’m sorry, Tim. I was so scared.”

“I don’t blame you,” Naomi replied. “You suddenly went from flat in the stomach to WHOOM - preggers.”

Amy actually chuckled a little. She stroked her stomach gently. “It’s a lot to take in. And heavy. And weird.”

“Yeah, I think I’ll hold off on making babies anytime soon.”

Amy shot her a look. “Not until you’re married! But then I want grandchildren!”

There was a pause, then everyone laughed, including Amy herself.

“Compulsions!” she said. “It’s this new personality.”

“We know,” Naomi said. “But you’re still you in many other ways, Mom. Tim knew just how to find you.”

She looked up at her ‘son,’ who had parted from his hug and was now looking a bit sheepish. “This was always your favourite trail,” he said. “David - Naomi - didn’t like it as much because how much it took out of her, but you always said it got you away from everything and let you see things from a new perspective.”

“And I was right,” Amy said, looking down at her pregnant belly. She was amazed at how huge it felt on her, and how much it warped her centre of gravity. The baby was active and real and Tony’s and hers, and while the prospect of it - especially birth - still terrified her, there was a growing excitement and acceptance as well. A new perspective.

“I wanted to run away,” she said. “But I can’t run away from what’s growing within me. I’m sorry Tim. I didn’t mean to get pregnant. Your father and I-”

“Are a married couple,” Tim said. “I mean, not in the usual sense, at least from what we know, but I’m sorry for snapping earlier. Dad loves you, Mom. And I think you love him too.”

“I do,” she said quietly, looking down again. “It’s embarrassing as heck, but I do. He’s . . . he’s a good man. And handsome. And he’s also very good at-”

“TMI,” Naomi coughed.

“Sorry. But yes, I do love him. I needed to come out here to realise that I think I love this little one too, even if it still scares me a bit.”

“I didn’t mean for any of this to happen,” Tim said, sitting down beside his new mother on the log. “I was scared at first, you replacing my memory of my mother. She abandoned me, but that anger at her was important to me. But if I can’t have you as just my friend, Amy, I couldn’t be more lucky to call you my Mom. I really couldn't. You always were our parent. You took care of us. Guided us.”

“Yeah, and fixed us up when she wrecked our shit,” Naomi said.

“Language!” Amy snapped.

“Sorry! But it’s true. You’re still our friend, Amy. You’re just also our Mom. And we’re damn lucky. I didn’t ask to become what I am now, but I’ve learned to love it. Maybe you could learn to love this too?”

Amy thought about her new life. It would still take a lot of adjustment. And a lot of cleaning. And a lot more lovemaking with Anthony. Mhmmm, why does pregnancy sex turn me on? God, he’s handsome. I’m head over heels. Preggo hormones, I bet.

She gave a soft smile. The sky was getting yet darker, and small trickles of rain were starting to fall.

“I think, given time, I could,” she replied. “Now come on, we should get home. Your father’s probably worried sick about me, and all this dark and rain isn’t good for your baby sister or brother.”

The pair of siblings smiled.

“There she is,” Naomi said.

“We’ve got our Amy back.”

“That’s ‘Mom’ to you both,” Amy said, going all tiger mom again. “Now one of you help your mother get off this log. I . . . I can’t stand up on my own.”


Anthony was immensely relieved to get word that Amy had returned home. He probably broke a number of speeding laws getting back, at least Tim thought so judging from his father’s haste. He embraced his wife - the Amy Liu he had always deserved to have, and in this timeline always had - and even had to brush away a number of tears. So did she. The comfort of her kind, caring husband cemented for her that she had made the right decision to return, and to accept her place in this strange new family.

“Please don’t ever run away like that again,” Tony begged.

“I promise I won’t,” Amy said, letting him hold her again. She looked at Tim and Naomi as she said the words though, the deeper meaning of them clear to the pair. She wouldn’t be leaving. “I’m here to stay.”

Tony kissed her on the lips, and she did not pull away. In fact, she welcomed the kiss, though her eyes were still teary.

“I’m s-sorry,” she said. “I just became full of panic. I don’t know what came over me. It won’t happen again. I’m sorry to you all.”

“It’s okay . . . Mom,” Tim said. He’d called her such before, but there was a finality to the way he said it then, as if finally confirming that this woman, this former male friend of his, was now in fact his mother, and would inhabit this role.

I can’t believe this, but I’m actually looking a bit forward to it. How many people can say they’ve got a cool best friend as their mom? Well, okay, it sounds a little sad when you put it that way, but still!

Naomi was thinking much the same. She moved to embrace her mother also, and even dared to place her hand on her mother’s stomach.

“Geez, I can’t believe you hiked so far with this, Mom. You’re huge!”

“Please, I’m still not used to it!” she replied.

“Even after six months?” Tony replied.

The girls just laughed, though Tony was the only one that couldn’t understand the joke. He just sighed. “Well, I’m very happy I’ve got my whole family back,” he said.

“Me too,” Amy said, placing a hand around his waist, even as Naomi hugged her. There was an open space for Timothy as well, and after a moment’s pause he strode forward and embraced his new family unit. There was his sister’s athletic frame, his father’s joyful self, and his new mother’s pregnant belly pressing against him. An ordinary family to all outside eyes - and Tony’s own - but the rest of them knew different.

But still a family, Timothy mused. The Wishing Stone gave us all what we wanted, in a way. I’m staying here, my father is happy, and we’re all together.

And while it would still take a bit of time - and a nervous awareness of impending birth in a few months - he had a feeling from Amy’s smile that she would be okay. Naomi had certainly made her peace, and was already looking forward to her date tomorrow. And Tim? He’d come into his own at school too, and was looking forward to seeing his girlfriend also. They’d all been through a lot of change, and there were still many changes to come, especially for Amy. Maybe she could instil some of her previous rebellious instincts into her coming little one.

For now though, they had each other. As Tim had once said, the friends were family.

The End


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