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This month, we've had the Bessica Alternate Ending already, and I'll be posting the Transformation Convention very soon. However, between the insanity of the holiday rush, personal life, and the fact that it's a really fun but complex project to write, I've decided to split Transformation Convention into two parts. Part 1 will come this month, so Part 2 will come next month. As such, in January there will be just one epilogue or alternate ending to vote upon, and things will resume as normal in February. I'll also be continuing Harem Hijinks and other Deluxe tier stories too.

So be careful in your choices for this month. There is only one that shall make it! But before you can choose, first you can tell me what you are interested in seeing next month on the following subjects.

1. Mini-Stories

If you have a topic, story, concept, or specific change you would like to see next month for a mini-story, please comment below or shoot me a message and I'll add it to the poll coming in a couple of days. Please keep your proposals to 100 words please. I won't consider anything over this word limit!

2. Epilogues/Alt Endings

If you have a story you would like to see an alt ending to, or an epilogue too, please comment below or send me a message. You can even go further and describe what you would like to happen in this alt ending or epilogue. Two options will be chosen!

So, what would you like to see? Remember, can always do another epilogue or alt-ending to a story covered once before. A story can have more than one of these if you really want it and vote!

Also . . . MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM DOWN UNDER EVERYONE! I hope you all have a magnificent holiday season, regardless of your situation or faith or lack of or whatnot. All the best from me to you, and thank you so much for supporting my work! I'm glad people are out there that enjoy it.



Mini story: a Week After an Archeologist find a snake fertility idol in a tomb and becomes a horny snake cobra goddess naga monstergirl with big tits no legs and covered fully in scales and an unquenchable need to have sex and lay eggs. A day later while dealing with his new reality he see his buff roommate and caves at the need to fuck him and begs him too which he delivers


Mare-ied to the Job (Man to Breeding Mare TFTG) and Going Caving epilogue.


The Glass Ceiling: Woman gets passed over for a promotion, she should have got it, and the universe sense this cosmic imbalance and turns her into a totally hot guy but with her same accomplishments and qualifications. But to balance things, the guy who got the promotion over her is transformed into her horny bimbo secretary--as he didn't have anything to actually offer and was just friends with the boss's son.


Thought of a mini-story: To try and curb one of the many issues within a certain high school, a school counselor has a sit-down with the school’s queen bee cheerleader and the shy nerd she “loves to torment” by having them Roleplay as each other. Neither student knows she’s a witch, and has cast a charm that will adjust reality and their bodies to how they are pretending to be hoping to give the nerd more confidence and the cheerleader more kindness. Also, I want to suggest Monster College one last time if you need a space filler.


(Wo)Man’s Best Friend with Benefits “Hector is a successful Latin man living in LA with his Rottweiler Rex. His friends try to set him up with girls, but he has an embarrassing secret: He uses his families spellbook to turn himself into a gorgeous Latina girl on weekends. One night, while she’s transformered Hector is feeling extra promiscuous, and in a spur of the moment uses the book to turn Rex into a large, and well endowed man. Hector is further shocked as Rex takes to his new form fast, and takes charge suddenly, reversing roles as he teaches his former master all about doggystyle.” Didn’t wait til the last minute this time.