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By FoxFaceStories

Burt may live in a world of superheroes and supervillains, but he’s just a regular burglar trying to support his sickly mother and teenage sister with ill-gotten gains. But when he is hired to help break into a superhero vault facility, Burt accidentally triggers an artefact that gives him the power to turn into Meteor Woman, the superstrong and incredibly busty heroine. Now juggling two lives, Burt tries to stay under the radar even as his super person becomes an increasingly huge sensation.

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Issue 8: There’s No Place Like Hero Dome

It was still relatively early in the day, about 11am. As such, the mid-morning light cast the great Hero Dome in spectacular hues of light which reflected off of its many panes. It was located fairly centrally in Star City, in the centre of a great plaza where the first seven members of the Hero Society had fought off the ground zero of an alien invasion. Many buildings had been toppled, and in the rebuilding it was decided that their headquarters would be at the centre of a great park, along with monuments to fallen heroes such as Eyebeam and Green Sonar. It was a magnificent sight in all, but it made Meteor Woman incredibly nervous. Not only was she entering some of the more highly protected and secure parts of the great spherical building, but it was also the home of some of the most powerful heroes this side of the country.

Not to mention I’m here to steal shit. It’s not like they’ll need their trophies anyway. I get in, make some faces, maybe distracted Blue Trident with my ridiculous boobs, then get out with the stuff. Sell it, never become Meteor Woman again, and funnel the money to help Ma. Worse case if it all goes right is that Alexis is disappointed in me and Ralph writes about how I turned out to be a petty criminal.

Somehow, just thinking of disappointing her sister - and letting down the handsome reporter - made her heart drop suddenly. She swallowed, and tried to keep her focus on her Ma.

Besides, it took real fucking effort to go back to being Burt last time. I thought I might burst a blood vessel. If I keep switching back and forth like this I might get trapped as Meteor Woman for days, weeks, maybe even forever. God, imaging living with this chest forever. I’d never see my damn toes again. Not to mention bras are damn expensive. Thank God Alexis is tiny in that regard since I’m paying most of the bills.

There was a flash, a scan, and the card in her hand lit up a vibrant blue. The enormous doors, complete with the high-tech and even arcane-reinforced barriers, opened to receive them. Meteor Woman took a deep breath, trying not to look too nervous as she was led by Flame Dancer and Ice Shard into the inner sanctum of the east coast heroes.

She lost that same breath as she beheld the massive inner structure. It was a high-tech paradise, teaming with dozens and dozens of costumed heroes moving, floating, flying, and zipping between stations, practising against dummies and holograms and each other, and equipping themselves for missions across the globe. An enormous projection of Earth rotated slowly in the centre of the grand chamber, with numerous crisis points displayed where heroes were being sent to intercept trouble. There were also peaceful gardens, artificial waterfalls, and what looked to be an entrance to a grand cafeteria. It made her stomach rumble.

“Holy shi-I mean, shoot,” she said, as she took in the sights.

“We can swear, you know,” Ice Shard said.

“Yeah, sure, it’s just . . . holy fuck, right?”

“The space station is more impressive,” Flame Dancer said casually.

“You gotta be fucking with me, lady.”

God, they even had an aquarium wall. How can they afford all this and not my mother’s treatment?

Just the thought of it made her angry, and she used that anger to fuel her serious expression as she landed on the main floor. Ice Shard quickly peeled off with the so-called Red Rocket or whatever his final moniker was going to be, leaving Meteor Woman kind of bewildered until Flame Dancer told her to hurry along.

“Sorry, it’s just, this place is something else. Holy shit, is that Necro-Phantom? I thought he died.”

“He got better,” Flame Dancer chuckled.

“But - he died!”

“His name is Necro and Phantom, Meteor Woman, how do you think he came back?”

She bit her cheek, thinking herself a bit of an idiot for that particular impression. As she continued forward, Flame Dancer waved hello to a number of heroes including Polymorph. “I’ll give you the tour,” she said. “Don’t worry about the stares, that’s just people checking out the new hero.”

“Yeah,” Meteor Woman, noticing indeed that a number of people were checking her out as she walked, “I’m pretty damn used to that, alright.”

“What do - ah. Of course. Well, we’re a pretty heroic, good-minded bunch, but I’m not gonna lie to you, M. You’re probably gonna get some stares from the guys for the more typical reasons here too.”

Meteor Woman sighed, which caused her breasts to rise and fall like two bulbous mountains, unintentionally giving the heroes a show. One of them, a man with a rooster-like crest on his mask, accidentally walked straight into a pole. She couldn’t even blame him; the fact that her body automatically swayed her hips from side to side in a sexy sashay, all while her chest was thrust out made it difficult not to look so damn attractive. A small part of her even appreciated the fact that she was a showstopper.

I bet Riley would be jealous of all the other men giving me these looks. Not that I’m into him, really!

“Like I said, I didn’t choose the costume. It was never my intention to be this . . . showy.”

“Well, like they say, if you’ve got ‘em, flaunt ‘em. It’s not like my costume is exactly modest either. You’ve just got more of the curves.”

“I think Ice Shard took issue with that.”

“She’ll thaw. Heroes trend fairly good looking; peak strength and all, so it can get a little competitive. And you’re a newcomer who jumped straight to the top of the pyramid. Not that some people mind.”

They passed into the cafeteria as the tour continued, and Meteor Woman understood what she was talking about: a number of the men looked fairly appreciative, though a number of female heroes simply waved in her direction. Signet Lance elbowed his apparent best friend Lightning Lass. The gorgeous electricity-based heroine was halfway through her rice meal when she suddenly coughed at the sight of Meteor Woman entering.

“Urk! Ach! Signet, warn me next time! Holy shit!”

“I was warning you, woman.”

“I mean not so suddenly! Oh my God, is she joining the Hero Society? I seriously might die of happiness. She’s sooooo hot.”

“Do you think she can hear you? She might have enhanced hearing.”

“Eep! Oh God, please no. I’m crushing on her so hard. Is the boob window bigger?”

“I think that’s just your imagination. Be honourable.”

“It is literally impossible to be honourable in the presence of those tits. They’re like juicy watermelons.”

“Please, spare me.”

“You notified me! This is your fault!”

Meteor Woman couldn’t help but smirk and walk a little more confidently, a bit more of a sway to her hips and thrust to her chest than usual. She was pretty sure Lightning Lass was on the verge of fainting when they left the room.

The rest of the tour went smoothly, and fascinatingly. The Hero Dome was beyond anything she could have imagined, with technology that was cutting edge. There were numerous displays to defeated enemies and threats, including a life-size Gigantosaur skeleton in the lobby from when Tyrannus tried resurrecting the old lizards for, you guessed it, world conquest. And even more to Meteor Woman’s surprise was the fact that ordinary humans also functioned as civilian administrators, liaisons, ambassadors, and technicians, even security personnel!

Damn, why didn’t I ever apply here? Oh yeah, ‘cause I can’t stand superheroes. Irony is a bitch, huh?

They continued the tour, Flame Dancer pointed out a number of areas where Meteor Woman’s card wouldn’t have access yet, which included the armoury, the trophy room, and the archives: all locations that she took a great deal of interest in. The whole time, other superheroes waved hello, introduced themselves, or asked about her in turn. It was quite overwhelming:

“Hey, I’m Giga-Lad, I just joined a month ago. Are you signing up too?”

“Meteor Woman, nice work with that hostage situation! I bet the reporters love you now, huh?”

“So, uh, can I ask about the costume? I’m just curious, that’s all!”

“Don’t let the others get you down. You’re hot and you know it. If I had your figure, I’d damn well wear a costume just like that!”

“So what is the Meteor thing about? Is it really like a celestial patron deal?”

She tried to deal with the questions as best as she could, but it was obvious to everyone that this was all new to her, and she was trying to keep her lies simple and to a minimum. Flame Dancer seemed to sense this, because she took her down an elevator away from the group (and a conveniently present Lightning Lass) to where the Public Access was.

“You’re probably seen this before,” she said idly. “But I figure not being in the heart of the operation for a moment will help you. Besides, Blue is here.”

“I’ve actually never been here,” Meteor Woman said, as she beheld the museum-like and kid-friendly public access space.

“Oh. I’m surprised.”

“Couldn’t afford it.”

There was a pause from Flame Dancer. “I’m sorry. I’ve argued about free access but part of the agreement with the city is that we provide funding. The tours are the biggest source of income.”

“Yeah, I’ve heard the spill. Still sucks shit as a kid.”

“You couldn’t get a, er, low income coupon?”

Meteor Woman raised an eyebrow and stared back at her flame-powered peer. “Probably. But not every family knows the ins and outs of stuff like that. And sometimes you gotta trade stuff like that away just to keep on trucking.”

Flame Dancer nodded. “Shit. I’m sorry. I don’t really know this stuff much. I hear you’re quite popular around Cornwall and Metropole. Even the Narrows. I can see why.”

Meteor Woman smiled. “We’ll, there’s always the big tits, too.”

She laughed. “Sure! We heroines certainly get that kind of attention. But I’m glad you’re here, then. We need more heroes who grew up hard. We need the perspective - Lord knows I need it sometimes.”

“Yeah, I guess that makes sense.”

They moved aside as a couple of superheroes looked to be chaperoning a class of young elementary students. It made her currently-feminine heart swoon just a little.

Goddamn, kids are adorable. Damn female hormones. Fuck, I can actually get pregnant in this body, can’t I? Not that I actually plan on . . . fucking . . . anyone.

She gulped as she saw two familiar figures talking, both of whom were so damn handsome she swore she could feel her damn eggs percolating. One was the olive-skinned, stalwart form of Blue Trident. The other was Ralph Riley, taking notes and sharing a laugh with the lead hero. Laughing with those perfect lips she could still remember kissing. Clearly, he was following up on a story. At once, they both seemed to notice her entrance, and both beamed. She froze.

“Meteor Woman!” Blue Trident declared in his boisterous way. “Wonderful of you to join us! I’m so glad - I’d almost lost hope.”

Ralph was more restrained, though he did adjust his glasses in that cute way that made her bite her lip. “Meteor Woman, good to see you again.”

He had a magnificent poker face. It had been over a couple of weeks since the interview, and nothing had happened since the kiss. Even as Burt, she dreamed of doing it again. She had to swallow, then Flame Dancer had to elbow her to remind her to breathe.

“G-Good to see you both. I’m, uh, here on initiation.”

“Do you mind if I include that in my report as a side-line?” Ralph asked. “The public will be very interested to know that you’re thinking of joining the Hero Society.”

“Um, yeah, sure.”

“Fantastic!” Blue Trident added. “I had a good feeling about you, Meteor Woman. I was just telling Mr Riley here about Hyperion, and how his machinations are still ongoing despite his imprisonment: thanks again for apprehending that rocket fellow.”

She folded her arms beneath her chest by habit, accidentally emphasising them. Blue Trident went from trying not to stare at her bare thighs and hips revealed by her leotard to desperately trying not to stare at her cleavage. She even caught Ralph peeking by accident, though he was far more subtle.

God, they’re both so fucking good looking. Thank God this costume is made of good material or my damn nips would be piercing through it. Need to get back to being a guy before I develop a serious shoulder and forearm fetish.

“Um, it was no problem, seriously,” she said, trying to play it off casually, though she did brush her long blonde hair back behind her ear in the manner of every girl who's ever been in the presence of one of their hot crushes. “I just want to, uh, help. You know, get more involved and be a proper superhero.”

Blue Trident grinned. “Sounds fantastic!”

“It does,” Ralph said. “You’re certainly going up the ranks! I hope you won’t be leaving any of the little people behind?”

“Are you angling for another interview, Mr Riley?” she said, grinning.

He grinned. “Of course. You know I’d love one. That last went quite well, after all.” He said it in a way that was layered with subtext. Before she realised what she was doing she was speaking.

“Well, let’s do another if you want. Tuesday night? I know a good pizza place I can take you to.”

Ralph was momentarily flustered, but recovered well. “It’s a date,” he said. “Shall I pick you up or . . ?”

She flexed a muscle. “I think we both know I’ll be the one picking you up, Ralph.”

Why the fuck am I agreeing to this? Ughh, I’m meant to be doing a smash’n’grab job!

But it was too late.

“Shall I get a photo of your three?” he said, trying to stay professional. “It’ll be a good cap to the overall Hero Dome activities.”

Blue Trident couldn’t rush to Meteor Woman’s side quickly enough. He was too gentlemanly to put an arm anywhere near her, but his position beside her certainly gave him quite a view. She responded by putting an arm over his shoulder. She almost giggled at the way he stiffened in response.

Ralph took the photo, and then politely excused himself after checking it. It left Meteor Woman in the company of Blue Trident and Flame Dancer, and the former was clearly ecstatic.

“It’s truly great to have you,” he said, as they continued to walk on the makeshift tour. “I like to come here and give tours to keep me grounded. Also, the kids love the water shows with the dolphins. But from everything I’ve been told, you’re good at keeping our profession grounded: Flame Dancer told me about the neighbourhoods you chiefly work in. That’s good stuff. We need to do more in those communities.”

“Yes,” she said easily. “You do. There’s some sick people with some pretty rare conditions that can’t get treatment.”

He frowned. “I feel I’ve hit a personal spot. Sorry. We’re not a medical organisation, but if you give me a name I’m sure I can find something to help.”

Her heart briefly soared. “You could get a super doctor or something?”

“A regular doctor, but some are willing to lend a hand for us or provide a discount. You’d have to get full membership of course, and then -”

Her ears turned off. Discounts. Possible lending of help. A path to full membership that would take half a year or more. All vague promises, the kind that Sally had received all of her life. No, far better to get what she needed now, while her health could still be ensured.

“Well, regardless,” she said, pivoting. “I’m happy to be here. I’m looking forward to working with you guys and seeing if this is right for me.”

“I’m sure it will be,” Blue Trident said. “I’ve got a good feeling about you.”

She felt a painful twinge of guilt in her chest.


Sadly, Burt realised he’d have to play a longer game than intended. The armoury and the trophy room were both valid targets for robbery, but he’d have to choose his time carefully when there were the least amount of heroes during a crisis, and then smash and grab what he could in the least amount of time possible. But even for Meteor Woman’s powers, the initial phase fields protecting non-members from entry would likely halt his/her advance. So, much to the squat security worker’s chagrin, he needed to keep becoming Meteor Woman over the coming weeks.

Alexis was joyous to find out that her favourite heroine was joining the Hero Society, of course, and even more so when she found out that she was able to go on the Hero Dome tour. Burt had mixed feelings about it, particularly given where the money had come from. Still, he tried to act enthusiastic, and she interpreted his reluctance as just his superhero hate.

“You’re still super wrong about heroes, brother. Meteor Woman, Lightning Lass, they’re the best!”

Burt let it slide. He had other concerns, like the fact that changing back to his male self from his superheroic self took extra time these days. It was a mental struggle, as if his soul wanted to reside in that young, blonde, incredibly voluptuous super body, instead of his usual schlubby self. On some level he couldn’t even blame it. It could do such incredible things, even for silly purposes (he’d used the laser vision to carve ‘Meteor Woman Rules’ on a big rock by the old Adams highway, for instance). But it didn’t stop it from being damn stressful when he needed to return to Burt. More than once, he’d actually had to quickly steal some female clothing and walk around as a regular (well, as regular as someone who apparently had H-cup tits could be called such) human woman for a while, until he got the mental lock necessary to change back. And each time he summoned the power of the cape again, the Meteor’s presence whispered in his ear.

“You are becoming a true hero. Soon you will be able to shed your male form completely, and embrace being Meteor Woman for good.”

“Yeah, uh, sure,” he said, lying to it. “I’m still not totally sold on it, yet.”

“You must decide quickly. You are running out of time. I believe in you, Meteor Woman.”

It was weirdly encouraging, and the moment of change back to Meteor Woman was truly exhilarating. It didn’t matter that the paparazzi and media were trying to get showy snaps of her when she saved people from burning buildings or pulled in a criminal, or that the internet had a lot of jokes and memes about her ‘impressive meteors’. The truth was that it was truly fulfilling.

And then there was Ralph Riley, reporter for the Daily Star.

Damn Ralph, with his sexy, slightly nerd appearance, with his glasses and reporter’s suit and unflappable manner - unflappable until she struck a particular pose, or drew near enough to him that two particular parts of her nearly pressed against him, and then she could hear his heartbeat flutter with her super senses.

They did indeed have that pizza date, and she did indeed pick him up, quite literally, from the roof of the Daily Star building, and took him to her favourite pizza joint. The owner, a fat Greek named Spiros, was shocked that freaking Meteor Woman was visiting his store, and several of the other patrons took photos. She had to excuse herself from Ralph to sign a few things and be in a couple of selfies with apparent fans, but thankfully it was a tucked away joint, and Spiros made damn sure they weren’t too interrupted. He was a good one.

“Holy moly, this is good,” Ralph said, eating a slice of pizza.

“Told you!” she replied, taking one of her own. She was famished. “Spiros here does the best pizza on the planet, and - oh.”

A melty piece of cheese had dripped off the pizza and landed right on her left breast, part of it down into her cleavage. Her cheeks turned red, and she grinned sheepishly as she wiped it away.

“You can, uh, not include that in your interview,” she said.

“Sorry, I shouldn’t have looked!”

“Nah, it’s all good. They’re on display. Can’t exactly help it, after all.”

He raised an eyebrow. “You’ve said before you don’t get a choice in the costume. Sorry to hear that. If I may say so, you wear it very well, Meteor Woman.”

She smiled genuinely. “I rather think so. Beats what I wear in my day job.”

“And what would that be?”

“No way, reporter man, you’re not getting my secrets. I’m keeping my shit locked down tight.”

He laughed, and it was a wonderful laugh. “Well, I actually lied to you. Another interview would be lovely, but editorial doesn’t need one. I’m off the clock right now.”

She leaned forward over the table, aware of the image she was presenting.

“Then what exactly was your intention with answering this summons then, dude?”

He took another bite of his pizza. “I wanted to get to know you better. And, frankly, you kissed me, and I rather feel quite smitten.”

“Really?” she said, folding her arms and taking another bite. She was trying not to enjoy herself so much.

“Really,” he replied. “I meet a lot of fascinating people in my work, and scary ones too. But I’ve never met someone quite like you, Meteor Woman. Kara.”

There was a shiver inside her at the way he called her Kara. Why does that name feel so good? It’s like I’ve come to fancy it. Sounds nicer than Burt, that’s for sure. When she was occasionally stuck as a woman before turning back to Burt, she took on that name for a time. She could only hide her smile by eating more.

“I - I like you too, Ralph. But there’s shit you don’t know about me, too. Secret stuff.”

“I’d assumed as much. I know I’m a reporter, but I promise I won’t pry.”

“Thanks. I don’t know how much longer I’ll be in Star City, is what I’m saying. I just thought you should know.”

“Oh.” His disappointment was obvious, but he rallied well, holding up a beer. “I guess we’ll just have to enjoy ourselves while we’re here. Do you like baseball?”

Her eyes beamed. “I love baseball.”

It was the first of many successful dates with Ralph, as she juggled her time as a part-time security guard, frequent hero, and got to know more about the Hero Dome under the tutelage of Flame Dancer and Blue Trident. Alexis continued to stargaze at her favourite hero, and Sally’s health continued to worsen. Burt couldn’t put everything off together. Too many things were coming to a bursting point. Soon, he would reach the point where he would be unable to turn back from Meteor Woman, unless he acted fast. He’d held out a tiny secret hope that the Hero Dome could help Sally, but full membership was too far away. He couldn’t keep holding things off, no matter how much he enjoyed being Meteor Woman. Enjoyed being Kara.

But the catalyst for taking action only came when Meteor Woman made the mistake of sleeping with Ralph.

To Be Continued . . .


Day Dreamer

What a hot and awesome story! Cliffhanger... Looking forward to the next developments...