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By FoxFaceStories

A Commission for Waaaghan

The Norse trio are back again, but the stakes are low during a lull while fighting the occasional frost giant invasion. Because Tordis/Thor and Sophie/Sif are being far too glurge in their romance, their trickster goddess friend Lucy/Loki decides to ‘separate’ them, by making them experience life as the breasts on a pair of bimbos for a bit!

A sequel to Norse Goddesses 

Norse Goddesses: Lucy’s Fun

The frost giants and their allies had paused their attacks upon Midgard. This left Lucy, Tordis, and Sophie with some time to finally relax. You see, these three beautiful and alluring young women were no ordinary college students, and it wasn’t just their impressive curves and athletic prowess that marked them out either. Not long ago, they had been informed by Tordis’ own mother Olivia Din that they were the reincarnated gods of the Norse people. Olivia Din herself was Odin, formerly the Allfather and now the Allmother. They thought she was crazy at the time, but when she revealed her magic and changed them the truth was revealed. Tordis hadn’t always been a woman, and neither had Lucy. They had been Tony and Lochie, while Sophie had been called Sierra. But they were suddenly changed by the Allmother’s magic: Sierra became Sophie, a tall and incredibly elegant blonde with long and perfect hair and the power to cast impressive spells. Formerly a flat-chested girl, she was joyous to end up with impressive D-cups. She wasn’t so initially keen on the fact that her alter-ego was now Sif. Lochie became Lucy, the thinner brunette with a dashing smile and sexy charm, who could cast all kinds of illusions. She hadn’t wanted to change gender, but adapted quickly thanks to her own perverse nature. It was the nature of her alter-ego, Loki, after all.

And this left Tony becoming Tordis, a red-haired amazonian beauty who, though shorter than Sophie/Sif, had impressive athletic muscles and a gargantuan bust bigger than the other two combined. Her alter-ego was Thor, of course, and she had the power of Mjolnir to command.

At first, the three struggled with effectively being Norse goddess magical girls. The world remembered them as they were now, and at the very least Tordis and Sophie were still in a relationship, albeit a lesbian one after the change. But the big challenge was the very real series of invasions and incursions by the frost giants, who had woken from their slumber to invade Midgard and destroy the fledgling trio and their Allmother. At first, the three struggled to work together, often surviving only by the skin of their teeth. Yet as they trained and became used to their powers, and became more in tune and accepting of their female bodies, they also turned into a powerful fighting trio who could execute Odin’s will and keep earth safe. From those early days, the Norse goddesses eventually developed a love of their new selves, enjoying their forms and powers, and doing their best to live their double lives while keeping Earth, or Midgard as they now knew it, safe.

Which brings us to now. It had been nearly two months since the most recent frost giant invasion. Large wolves had been unleashed alongside a number of the great stone giants who aided their frost brethren, but even with a force of twelve great giants, they had been felled by Thora’s hammer, Loki’s dagger, and Sif’s spellcasting. For now, it seemed, the forces of Jotunheim had beat a hasty retreat to try and figure out a new strategy, which finally left the three of them to enjoy their lives as college students.

Or in Thora and Sif’s case, to enjoy being the loving lesbian couple of Tordis and Sif. The former was the star female athlete of the school, while the latter was its star cheerleader. A match made in heaven - or Valhalla, perhaps - and one they were enjoying greatly as they lounged up against one another on the grass of the sports field in the early morning. Tordis had just gone for a practice run, and was now relaxing.

“You were so sexy out there on the field,” Sophie mused, stroking her lover’s back. “My big sexy Thora, so powerful. I’ve really come around to you being this way.”

“Me too,” Tordis replied, “though you probably should call me Tordis here.”

“Please, no one is near us. And besides, you know how much I love knowing that I get to have sex with a goddess back at our apartment.”

“That is the fun part. I just feel like I’ve been so stressed lately that even this lull has made it hard to just chill with you.”

“Oh, I know what you mean. I love you, Tordis, so damn much. But gods of Asgard, even lying here on a perfect Spring morning when I should feel totally relaxed, I can’t stop thinking about what spells I should practice and perfect for the next invasion.”

“Right? Same with my lightning powers and hammer throws. This double life is hard. Not to mention I feel like I’m still sucking my studies lately.”

“Maybe we can distract each other from our anxieties for a moment?”

Tordis kissed her. In holding one another, their chests pressed against one another, her own big F-cups in particular. The two sighed from the sweetness of the act, wanting the other in a far more sensual way. There would be time enough for that at night, of course.

“Look who’s, like, at it again!” came a voice.

They broke their kiss, looking over to see Sophie’s cheerleader friends Annabelle and Patty walking to the edge of the field.

“I, like, know right!” exclaimed Patty, who had bleach-blonde hair and a curvaceous figure that was only missing in the chest area. “They just can’t quit! I wish I could find a gal like you two!”

“Awww, me too!” replied Annabelle, who was a sweet Asian woman who was quite the bubble individual.

Tordis and Sophie exchanged an expression of mild amusement. The other two were also lesbians, and best friends, and everyone wondered why on earth they weren’t dating each other. Perhaps it was their bimbo-like natures that were preventing them from seeing the obvious.

“What can I say?” Tordis said. “I just enjoy being with my hot girlfriend.”

“She is soooo hot,” Annabelle agreed.

“Yeah, so hot. Your hair is fire, Sophie!”

Sophie chuckled. “It didn’t used to be! Of course, Tordis here has the real hair of fire.”

She gestured to the bright red mass that Tordis now dealt with, and occasionally struggled over.

“Well, let’s just say we’re, like, super jealous of you two. Everyone knows you’re the coolest couple on campus. I wish we had a bit of that! But we’ll, like, let you get back to it.”

It was at that point that a fifth voice joined them, one that had apparently been present all along, lurking quite literally invisibly.

“I have a much better idea, guys!” Lucy said, her image flickering into reality beside them. The two bimbo cheerleaders squeaked, but she simply cast out her hand and silenced them magically. “Why don’t we make Annabelle and Patty’s wishes come true, literally!”

Tordis rolled her eyes. “Lucy, we aren’t supposed to use our magic so openly. Now the Allmother will have to wipe their memories.”

“Yeah,” Sophie said, “what are you even up to? And stop holding them in place like that!”

But Lucy just grinned. “C’mon, you guys! You know I’m the reincarnation of a damn trickster god! I can’t help it if I feel the itch to be a little trickstery from time to time. And frankly the last few weeks have been sooooo boring ever since we beat back that frost giant invasion. Sure, it was a stunning victory, but now we have to wait and train, wait and train, wait and train. I haven’t been able to play a good magical prank for ages, and now your conversation with Annabelle and Patty here has given me such a great idea!”

“Oh yeah?” Sophie said, who never liked Lucy’s antics, “and what would that be? You’re not going to turn them into animals or something. We had to work hard to make sure the equestrian team were no longer literally equestion last time.”

Tordis harrumphed. Lucy was still her best friend, but she’d been the one doing all the heavy work for that last time.

Lucy giggled. “Please, I’m far more imaginative than that! No, I was just thinking about how Patty and Annabelle here,” she gestured to the two women silenced and frozen to the spot, their eyes quivering in confusion, “are so jealous of what you both have. Not to mention that are so clearly jealous of the delightfully large bosoms you two possess. Now, as you know, magic can’t create something from nothing, at least not for very long. And given that you two are being just far, far too glurge in your relationship to the point where it sickens me, I think I’m going to solve a lot of problems and give some fun new perspectives for everyone!”

Sophie’s eyes widened as Lucy began to cast a magic spell. She raised her hands to counter it, ready to protect everyone - particularly the innocent bimbo cheerleaders who had done nothing but been sweet and slightly jealous - but it was clear that Lucy must have been practising this spell for some time, because she cast it so quickly and easily that it overwhelmed Sophie’s magical defences. Sickly green radiance shot out at all four of them, and both Annabelle and Patty were released from their holds. They stumbled backwards, just managing to right themselves, both shrieking.

“Like, what the hell!?”

“I don’t understand! Are we, like, high or something!”

“Not high,” Tordis announced, “but caught up in a ridiculous prank by the trickster goddess Loki. And now it’s time for her big sister Thora to teach her a lesson and - ughh!!”

She suddenly stopped, hunching over as a strange feeling swept over her. The same was true of Sophie, who was trying to examine the spell’s effect on her in order to reverse it. But even as she weaved her hands to make the right motions, her very fingers began to melt back into her palms, and then her palms back into her wrists, and her wrists into her forearms, and so on. The same was true of her feet and legs, and even the wonderfully luxurious golden hair upon her haid.

“Lucy!” she spat. “What in Hel have you done!?”

Lucy bit her lip, trying not to cackle. “You’ll see! Let’s just say you’ll all be bosom buddies soon, ha!”

Thora tried to summon her hammer, but as her hands no longer existed as well, there was no ability to do so. Even the surge of lightning within her was fading as her body collapsed into a fleshy blob. Her very eyes melted away, as did her hair and nose and mouth. Soon she was a living rounded ball of flesh, one that was becoming increasingly condensed. It was pure insanity, particularly since she could no longer talk or communicate.

‘What is happening to us?’ she thought, and to her surprise, Sophie answered.

‘I don’t know, but I’m going to kill Loki!’

‘We can - nngh - can talk to each other mentally!’

‘I guess, but that’s hardly - ahhhh - hardly helpful, is it? Gods, why does it feel like I’m s-splitting in half.’

‘B-because we are! Ohhhhh!’

It was a simultaneously discomforting and yet pleasurable sensation. Still floating in the air, they both split into two globe-like parts, which then reformed to become more teardrop in shape. A sensitive point pushed out from the centre, one that stiffened instantly. It allowed them to magically see forwards, right towards Patty and Annabelle, who were trembling in fear.

“Oh God, they’re, like, tits!” Patty cried.

“You turned them into big boobies!” Annabelle added.

‘No, she didn’t!’ Sophie mentally cried. ‘How could she!?’

‘Lucy, I will hammer you if you don’t change us back!’

“Relax!” Lucy called, “this is just temporary. I’m going to let you four enjoy some time together. This way, Thora and Sif can stop being so openly flowery in their love, and enjoy a new form of existence, while Patty and Annabelle can literally have some of what you have, while at the same time finally appreciating what it’s like to have some bigger racks. Sounds like a good deal to me! I’ll turn you back tonight, don’t worry! For now, enjoying being part of one another, literally!”

And with that, Tordis/Thora and Sophie/Sif were launched forwards. The two bimbo cheerleaders shrieked, but nothing could stop the magical collision that followed as the two Norse goddesses slipped beneath the cheerleaders’ tops. There they were subjected to the alien sensation of being connected to their new ‘owners’ on a biological level. Tordis and Sophie were instantly warmed by the connection of veins and fat and tissue. Sophie became  Patty’s large F-cup breasts, each boob nearly her own head in size, while Tordis - being already the busiter one, supersized Annabelle to the heights of HH cups, being actually bigger than her own head. They wobbled in their new tops, nearly breaking them apart until Lucy cast another spell to alter the top sizes.

“There!” she declared. “Don’t worry, everyone remembers you two always being like this: hot and busty and very sensitive in the chest, if you know what I mean. Enjoy the rest of your day and night, and I’ll see you then to get you all untangled! And have fun, my Norse sisters!”

And with that, she disappeared in a flash, leaving the confused cheerleaders groping their new chests, and the immobile Norse goddesses moaning mentally at the strange, pleasurable new sensations they couldn’t do anything about.

‘This is going to be one strange day,’ Tordis said.

‘You think? I remember a time when I wanted a larger chest, but I never wanted to be a larger chest!’

“Oh God, I can, like, hear you in my head!” Patty cried.

“I can totes too!” Annabelle replied. “You guys need to, like, get this all explained ASAP or I’m going to have a super big freakout!”

She bounced on the spot, causing Tordis to wobble heavily, which made her dizzy. The feeling of her fat nipples brushing through the top made her want to salivate; only she didn’t have a mouth anymore.

‘F-fine! I’ll explain everything. J-just stop bouncing s-so much. And get your hands off m-me. It’s making me f-feel weird!’


The explanation took a while, mostly because the two new cheerleaders were clearly as preoccupied with having big boobs as the crazy magic that had just happened. In fact, they seemed utterly delighted by this. Several times Sif had to take over the telling of their origin and nature of their power, simply because Annabelle had begun feeling her massive H-cups and pressing her boobs together to create a veritable canyon of cleavage. And then the situation was reversed, because while Patty wasn’t quite as obvious about it, she too was shaking her shoulders slowly to get a feel for herself, overjoyed to no longer be flat-chested. She even stroked her larger nipples several times before apologising to Sif, who was getting quite warm in response to the ministrations.

“S-sorry!” Patty declared. “You’re just, like, so dang sensitive! I can’t believe how good you feel!”

‘Trust me, the feeling is mutual. But also distracting, since I’m literally just attached to you now. Ohhhh, stop it! People on campus are looking!”

“Sorry! It just feels so good to see them checking out my tits now that I have them.”

‘Trust me,’ Tordis added, ‘I’m used to that. Damn it, Lucy, how could she do this to us?’

“At least it’s only temporary,” Annabelle said, though there was sadness in her voice. “So maybe we should, like, come to enjoy it, huh?”

“Great idea, Annabelle! I mean, we’ve got to head to classes anyway, don’t we?”

“Yeah, we do! Can you two, um, come along?”

Sophie mentally sighed. ‘We don’t have a choice, remember?’

“Oh yeah. Duh! Well, let’s just have some fun with it. I bet it’s super weird but super cool being a pair of breasts. That’s the super casual life right there.”

Tordis was about to respond in the negative with a fiery diatribe, but that’s when she halted. The two cheerleaders were heading off to their psychology class, one they were apparently both failing at. As they walked, the gentle motions caused the two pairs of breasts to rock and jiggle with a familiar motion, and it actually was indeed quite comforting and relaxing. Despite the lack of limbs and mouths and any kind of agency whatsoever, there was almost something genuinely meditative in the absence of these elements, because it meant that the two goddesses were actually forced to be relaxed. It was kind of hard to worry about studies and frost giant invasions when you were a pair of breasts pressing up against one another. Even the sensation of being packed tight to form delectable cleavage had its own pleasures.

‘This . . . isn’t all that bad, I suppose,’ Tordis whispered mentally to Sophie.

‘You’re not - mhmm - totally wrong. I’m still going to kill Lucy when this is done.’

‘Oh, absolutely. Ahhh, but for now, maybe I’ll just try to get used to this. It’s not like we can do anything about it, right?’

‘Not like we can steer our new ‘owners’, Sophie replied. ‘Except maybe to get them to finally see they’re perfect for each other.’

‘Are you certain about that?’

Sophie chuckled mentally, even as they arrived at the lecture theatre. ‘Tordis, I am the goddess of fertility and marriage, remember? And these two just need a little nudge, I think. Maybe we can help them.’

‘A relationship manager in the form of big sentient breasts. Gods of the north, our lives have become weird!’


The lecture went okay, as did the one following for their beautician course. Tordis even took mental notes, as she still struggled with makeup, being a former guy. Sophie relaxed more, even falling into a meditation like stupor that only a bit of heavy jiggling jolted her out of. Patty and Annabelle were still getting used to having such large chests, and they adjusted the pair constantly. Because of the sensations it produced, Tordis and Sophie stopped complaining about it after a while; it was, embarrassingly, quite pleasurable to experience.

The whole time, Sophie and Tordis worked to nudge the pair in the right direction, speaking privately to their ‘owners’ to give them little suggestions.

‘You know, you would look even cuter if you got a pushup bra at the nearby mall to make me look all the more prominent, Annabelle.’

‘Patty, don’t you think you and Annbelle would look so completely gorgeous together if you matched her dress style? You’ve got great legs, you should show them off!’

‘I see how you two look at each other. You should ask Patty out! C’mon, everyone knows you’re both lesbians but you never thought to ask her out? Don’t give me that garbage about you being just friends. I can sense you’re nervous!’

‘When she asks you out - and I bet she will - say yes! Trust me, it’s worth the risk. Sophie and I were once ‘just friends.’

And so on. With every comment while the girls shopped in the afternoon, their resistances were worn away. Soon Patty and Annabelle were getting quite flushed in one another’s presences, and Sophie and Tordis knew this quite well because it made their bosom forms light up with forms and arousal.

‘Ohhhh, they have it bad for each other. They’re making me so damn horny.’

‘M-me too!’ Sophie replied.

In fact, the new bosom pair were beginning to imagine what it would be like to be passive participants in a sexual situation between their ‘owners.’ But that would have to wait, because the moment finally happened. Annabelle pressed herself up close against Patty, her breasts against her friend’s side. It made Tordis and Sophie touch, causing them both to whimper a little and enjoy a different kind of intimacy.

“Say, Patty, I was thinking, and I know this sounds totally strange, but would you like to, I don’t know, go on a date and stuff?”

Sophie knew Patty’s answer from how much her nipples stiffened, arousing the goddess further. “Like, I would seriously love that!”


It was the classic date that so many on campus had experienced. The pair got their favourite takeaway and some alcoholic drinks, and drove Annabelle’s open top car up to Peak Overlook, a cliff-face at the edge of town that overlooked the valley area. It was a romantic location to be, especially because the sky was full of stars. Both had gotten dressed up, and Tordis and Sophie even gave them advice on how to really emphasise their busts. In fact, it felt quite lovely to have extra low necklines, even more than they were used to, simply so they could be displayed. From the wavy Patty and Annabelle couldn’t stop looking at their respective sentient chests, it was obviously working. It took Sophie’s warnings to keep their eyes on the road on the ride over.

“This is so weird, but so cool,” Annabelle said. “It’s going to be a total double date! Me and Patty, and you and Tordis!”

‘Definitely a different date from what I’m used to,’ Sophie replied.

“But not too bad, right?”

‘I guess not. In fact, I think I look rather pretty on you.’

“Lol, you could totally stay like this.”

‘That’s going a bit far! But I think we might have fun tonight, right Tordis?’

Tordis mentally agreed. In fact, her aroused mind was interpreting the word ‘fun’ in new and interesting ways.

But this night was foremost about Patty and Annabelle. The pair chatted about everything and anything, occasionally roping Tordis and Sophie into the conversation, but largely becoming increasingly close as they sat in the car overlooking the view. The dinner was finished relatively quickly, which gave the pair and excuse to get a little bit tipsy - Patty particularly since she wasn’t driving. Soon they were reminiscing about all their childhood experiences and how far they had come, and what they wanted their futures to be. Tordis and Sophie did the same for each other, and soon the goddesses wanted nothing more than to be touching again.

Thankfully, they would not have to wait too long. Patty had been shifting closer to Annabelle the entire time they were talking, and soon she was practically pressing herself against her friend, who was increasingly verging on becoming her girlfriend.

“You’re sooooo pretty Annabelle,” she moaned. “I love how hot you are, even without your big tits.”

“The big tits are pretty good though, right?”

“Soooo good. Can I - can I touch them?”

“Only if I can touch yours? Is that okay with you Tordis? Sophie? We don’t want to, like, take advantage of you and stuff!”

There was a brief pause between Tordis and Sophie, but deep down the pair of them knew what they wanted. Not just each other, but a more relaxing experience to finally let them blow off steam without any worry. Besides, it was going to be something very different and new.

‘Go ahead already,’ Tordis said.

‘Yeah, we goddesses are horny as hell and want some action!’

They didn’t need any more permission than that, because after a quick shared smile between the two girls in the car, they were all over each other. Patty moaned as Annabelle groped her breasts, and it left Sophie reeling as well. The favour was returned as Patty began to squeeze Annabelle’s immense chest, and Tordis found her mind literally unable to process words for a moment, her globular flesh was so sensitive.

“Ohhhhhh, I love this! I wish we could, like, be this busty all the time!”

“Let’s just enjoy it for n-now, Patty! Ohhhh, I can’t believe I waited this long!”

“Me either! We were, like, such, airheads not to be this into each other all along!”

‘Damn straight,’ Tordis managed to interject. ‘Now hurry up and strip down. There’s n-no one else here and I want your hands on me without all this c-clothing in the way!’

‘Agreed, lover! I want to f-feel Tordis against me! Give us that tit on tit action we love already!’

The two women giggled, obliging almost immediately. They removed their dresses and then their bras, and soon Peak Overlook was getting a very different kind of peak and look. The pleasure was undeniable, and the fact that they had combined bodies only made the bliss all the more unimaginable. In sharing that pleasure, it didn’t distribute it out further but amplified it instead. Soon both Patty and Annabelle were insatiable, sucking on one another’s tits as they reclined their seats to give them more space. They rubbed one another’s wet pussies, caressing their clitorises as they kissed. Their tongues danced in their mouths while they did so, but always Sophie and Tordis were there to remind them to give them some fun. So it was that Annabelle positioned herself over Patty and let her large breasts dangle against the other woman’s. They cradled their own chests and rubbed them together, letting their nipples slide over one another. It left Tordis and Sophie reeling

‘Oh Gods, this is m-magnificent!’ Tordis cried out mentally.

‘It is! Ohhhh, I could get u-used to this! This is the kind of relaxing fun I wanted!’

‘M-me too! Damn that Lucy for knowing us s-so well! That fiendish trickster of a friend!’

‘Let’s - ahhh - get out revenge by having the best possible time right now!’

‘Mhmm, agreed! I love you so much, Sophie! My Sif! My Goddess!’

‘Me too, my Thora! My lightning and thunder! Let’s c-cum together! All four of us!’

“Yesssss!” the two women agreed. They kissed, still pressing their bosoms together, still getting the other off between their thighs. The pleasure rose and rose and rose for all four of them until it could no longer be remotely denied. When the first of many orgasms came, it was powerful as any bolt of lightning from Thora’s hammer or magic spell from Sif’s fingers. They wobbled and jiggled heavily as the two ‘owner’s shuddered in unimaginable pleasure.

“Ohhhhhh, I love you Patty!”

“I l-love you too, Annabelle! Yessss!!!”

It took a long time for any of them to come down from the pleasure, but when they did, they all held together, with Tordis and Sophie squished happily in the middle.

Of course, there was another effect of Lucy’s spell that they soon found out, because it didn’t take long for all four of them to be ready to go again.

And again.

And again and again and again.

It was one wild night for the two cheerleaders, and even more so for the living breasts.


The next morning, Tordis and Sophie awoke completely naked, entwined in each others’ arms. It took them both a moment to realise that the magic had reverted, and that they still had their bodies back.

“Shhh,” Sophie hissed, before Tordis could celebrate more loudly. She nodded in the direction of the front seats of the car. There, the still-sleeping forms of Patty and Annabelle lay. They had lost their enormous chests, but perhaps to their future happiness, they had not reverted all the way back either. Patty had gone from an A-cup to an impressive C-cup, and Annabelle now had a pair of delightful D’s upon her chest. Not as big as they had enjoyed the previous night, but certainly an obvious upgrade.

Tordis grinned. “I guess we all had a bit of fun to remember,” she whispered. “I guess we better get out of here and leave them to it, huh?”

“Are they safe to know everything we told them?”

“Don’t worry,” came a familiar third voice, “I’ve made sure to wipe their memories of all the really big, earth-shattering stuff. These girls can just enjoy having a bigger bust from now on, and you two can be thankful for the amusing experience I gave you!”

Lucy was leaning over the side of the car, grinning from ear to ear as she looked over the naked pair. Tordis and Sophie winced, covering themselves.

“I should punch you to the moon,” the goddess of thunder snarled.

“Ah, but then you wouldn’t have the delight of my powers!”

Sophie snorted. “Or the constant pranks, which we are very tired of.”

“Oh? Are you telling me you didn’t enjoy your transformation?”

The two slid out of the car carefully and, still covering themselves, walked a little further away so as not to wake the slumbering new lovers.

“It . . . wasn’t all bad,” Tordis said.

“It had its ups and downs,” Sophie added. “Literally, from the bouncing.”

“And I guess it was kinda relaxing.”

“Certainly took my mind off some worries for a little while.”

Lucy clasped her hands together. “Then I’d say it was a success and you should be thanking me!”

“I wouldn’t go that far, Lucy.”

The trickster goddess just shrugged happily. “Well, let’s be off back to town then. We’ve all got lectures and studies and jobs to get to, and Allmother wishes to speak to us. Something important, I’m sure.”

“I’ll come as soon as I get my clothing back,” Tordis said.

“Same,” Sophie replied. “You brat.”

“Oops, sorry! I used the matter from your clothing to help give our friends over there some bigger busts. You wouldn’t take that away from them, would you?”

Tordis and Sophie exchanged a glance, then sighed.

“No,” they admitted as one, sighing.

“But I am not heading back to campus naked,” Sophie insisted.

“Me either!”

“Ah, but that’s where I’ve got you covered!”

Lucy wreathed another illusory spell - her specialty - and soon the pair appeared to be wearing their clothes from the previous morning. Appeared to be, because both of them could tell that they were entirely naked still, and only protected from scandal by the nature of the illusions covering them.

“You can’t just create new clothing?” Tordis said.

“Where would be the fun in that? C’mon, let’s go! I brought a car. But I’ll make sure to park the furthest spot from your dorm location just to watch you squirm!”

She had them over a barrel so, sighing, they followed Lucy, trying to feel normal about it all. But what she didn’t know was that a lingering mental connection was still present for the next few hours between the two, a chaotic byproduct of Lucy’s magic.

‘I’ve already got several revenge schemes in mind,’ Tordis thought.

‘Oh please,’ Sophie replied mentally. ‘I have a thousand. And I plan to implement all of them. Lucy won’t know what hit her!’

The End


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