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It's been a long journey of several months, but we're finally at the epilogue! I hope you've enjoyed this story! In two weeks I'll post a poll for what biweekly TF story you'd like to see next! 

By FoxFaceStories

Friendly Oaks is just an ordinary rural town, full of common people and professions. But beneath that kind surface there are all manner of rivalries, tensions, hypocrisies, and love affairs. When a Stranger wanders into town, the people of Friendly Oaks find themselves changing - literally - after encountering him. Some transformations are small, others massive, some well-deserved, some not at all. But the town won’t be the same once the Stranger is done with it.

First Part

Previous Part

Epilogue: Strange Things in Friendly Oaks

Polly was on her beat, as usual. The tall, statuesque stunner of a policewoman loved her job, even if it was still a little strange to imagine how much her life had changed. She’d once been a silly delinquent, prone to breaking the law and tagging buildings and fighting the law. Now, she was the law, even if the law in this instance wore sexy high black heels and always left the top three buttons of her officer’s shirt undone to show off her delightful cleavage. Her hips swayed elegantly as she moved through the central district of friendly oaks, her blonde hair bouncing, her ruby red lips in a perpetual smirk as she continued her prowl for criminals to rehabilitate. Certainly, more than a few were on good behaviour as a result of her ‘restorative practices.’

“Morning Officer Polly! You’re looking well this morning!”

The voice came from an individual she’d once hated, but now regularly caught up with. Jane Prisket, formerly John Prisket, formerly Officer John Prisket, was sitting on a bench by the small community park entrance, feeding her babies. It still astounded Polly to see her. She’d called the previous police officer of Friendly Oaks a ‘pig’ many times in her former life, but to see that the man had now become one, and a female one at that, was still quite a bit to take in. At least she was a humanoid one, with quite cute facial features (the wide pig nose and ears on her head even suited, somehow). She’d also lost a lot of weight, despite her piggish nature. The cause of that was obvious.

“Morning Jane! Lovely to see you! How are the little ones?”

Jane gave a deep sigh. “More than a handful, as you can see! Six babies of the same age is a lot to take care of. At least I’ve got the tits to handle them, right? Ha!”

She gave a half-snort as she chuckled, the same kind of laugh she’d made at bawdy jokes in her previous life. Indeed, her top was undone at the front, and she was leaning back so that five of her six children were upon her chest, suckling away at her large tits. Polly was pleased with her own Double-D’s, she couldn’t imagine six E-cups. Still, Jane actually seemed happy.

“They’re growing fast,” Polly declared. “Maybe soon you’ll be able to get some babysitting, maybe even join me back on the force.”

Jane snorted through her pig-nose. “Wouldn’t that be a pairing? Polly and the Pig-woman? Nah, I’m good kid. I still hate that Stranger for what he did to me, but I love my babies, strange as it sounds. I just want to raise ‘em right, maybe find a good husband to help take care of them. That’s something else that’s a little crazy! But then, no crazier than an Officer Polly in charge of the law, even if your approach is a good deal more . . . personal than mine was.”

The pair of them shared a laugh, and then Polly turned her head.

“Well, speaking of finding good husbands, look who’s doing a late run!”

A large garbage truck pulled to an impromptu stop before them. Out of it climbed Gabe, one half of the local trash collection service. The young man looked more handsome and confident than he ever had after the Stranger’s change to his life, even if he himself was not physically transformed. Polly almost wanted him to deliberately litter just so she could handcuff him and teach him some ‘lessons.’ She’d never do that, of course, the big reason being the other half of the garbage collection service pairing.

“Officer Polly, great to see you! And Jane Prisket! Looks like a bit of a Stranger reunion, doesn’t it?”

“It sure does,” Polly said. “I even caught up with some of the fishing folks by the lake this morning. Isabelle has a real mastery of those tentacles now.”

“We’re actually headed that way. Given how many live in the lake now, it’s worth us collecting the garbage from the bottom so they aren’t all living in litter. Hey, it gives us a pay boost, isn’t that right babe?”

The horn beeped, and Da-Eun waved from the seat in the truck.

“Sorry I can’t come down and say hello myself!” she called from the window in her cute Korean accent. “I have trouble getting out without Gabe’s help.

Gabe gave a sheepish grin. Everyone knew she was pregnant, and quite far along now. Given that she had been a stubborn know-it-all named Barrett in her previous life, she absolutely refused to stop working even as she got closer and closer towards labor. Still, there was something strangely attractive about her in the maternity coveralls, and the two friends had slowly adjusted to being lovers, and were now actually in love, even if it they could only safely admit it during sex or the direct aftermath of it.

“All good, Da-Eun!” Polly called, and Jane echoed the sentiment. “Just good to see that you two are - wait a minute!”

The sound of twenty two blaring loud and heavily modified Harley Davidson motorcycles rocketing down Main Street hit them just before the actual bikes themselves came into view. Polly’s eyes lit up in excitement and anger and perhaps just a little arousal, at the sight of the Spider Drider Gang tearing up the road at highly illegal speeds. All of them were spider-like in some way - some had eight eyes, some two extra sets of arms, others had fangs. They were, surprisingly, quite damn attractive. And at the absolute head of their mob was Spider Drider herself, formerly known as just The Spider. Her bike consisted of two Harleys fused together to accommodate her swollen rear abdomen, while her eight legs were perched in custom-fitted positions on the bike. Her busty upper half with its dark skin and flowing hair looked wild and free, and she laughed as she passed.

“Try and fuckin’ catch us, copper!” she yelled.

“Hmm, I think she’s growing eggs again,” Jane mused. “And I thought six babies was hard.”

“She’s not exactly raising them well!” Da-Eun called. “Good thing we got off the road, honey! I mean, Gabe!”

Gabe chuckled. “Well, they’re passed now, so let’s get back to it. Good luck catching them, officer. I doubt you’ll be able to fix Spider Drider’s ways.”

Polly was already running though, moving to the nearby station to get her own police bike out, complete with the sexy leather outfit that fit her so well. She giggled to herself.

“I may not be able to fix her!” she called, “but I think I may be able to convince a few of her gang members to rehabilitate!”

Especially that one with six arms. Just imagine what he could do for ‘restorative justice.’ Three pairs of handcuffs could lead to a lot of fun. God, being a hot cop was so much better than a lame delinquent.


Annabelle mooed as Robbie thrust into her from behind. It was such an animal position, and one she loved well. Her fat udder slapped against her thighs, dripping into the floor, but she didn’t care. She’d deal with that later. Her massive breasts bounced in her diner girl uniform, threatening to rip the buttons off, but she knew from experience it would hold. Robbie held her horns, pulling her head back a little and thrusting into her wet womanhood.

“M-mooo! You’re so moo-assive!” she cried.

“Speak for yourself,” Robbie said, leaning forward to cup one of her large, furry tits. It spilled over his hand, far too big to be contained. He unbuttoned the shirt expertly and pulled at her nipple, causing a spray of milk to erupt onto the floor. She mooed again. God, she was always so full. Always making so much damn milk. At least Robbie knew how to please her, turning her burdens into excitements.

“S-so close! I’m going to - MOOOOO!!!”

She came early thanks to him ramming his thick cock even deeper into her bovine pussy. She shuddered, and almost a litre of milk poured onto the floor, Thankfully, they were having sex in the diner storeroom, with a wide clamshell pool for toddler’s serving as their improvised ‘catcher’ for all her spilled milk.

“You’re so fucking amazing,” Robbie said as he extracted himself. She turned around and he nuzzled at her breasts, sucking more milk from each of her large nipples. She groaned at this.

“You’re the one who’s - mhmmm - amazing, Robbie. You still love me like this. Still accept me. Still find me-”

“Sexy as all hell,” he said, fondling her udder. “My fucking sexy cowgirl. Hey, it’s not like this town doesn’t have weirder.”

She blushed through her fur. “Yeah, but no one makes as much damn moo-ilk as moo-ee! It’s ridiculous! I’ve spilled so much and yet I’m still full as hell! Damn that Stranger.”

“I don’t hate him. He made you all the more perfect.”


“Besides, there’s no point crying over spilled milk!”

“Oh, you’re terrible! C’mon, I need to get back out there. Thanks for moo-aking my dreams come true as usual, babe.”

“Just let me go on the udder next time.”

She kissed him, her snout forming a good set of lips to lock with his - that had taken practice. “Just remember, I need it for work, sweetie.”

She exited out into the diner, having disappeared for a quick ‘fix up job’. She doubted it was all that secret to the town’s denizens, but no one made a comment. She quickly fixed up a button, not that her breasts or udder could be fully contained even by her modified uniform.

“Sorry about that everyone! I’ll get right on your coffee now! Milk and cream for everyone, right?”

After a parade of ‘yes!’es, she got to work, pulling out her udder from its support and pulling a teat. She had gotten damn good at filling coffees just right with her milk, and the people of Friendly Oaks loved it. Sure, it was weird at first, but no one could deny that her milk was the best-tasting and most addictive they’d ever had.

“Extra large cups for our centaur group, of course! I want to make sure you all have the energy you need for today’s run, especially you Gemima! I mean, Gary! I imagine leadership has its difficulties!”

She was speaking to the former female leader of the running group, who had then been overthrown by the misogynistic Paul and Aaron before being restored as a powerful male stallion centaur. No one could deny her authority now: she was a strong leader, muscular, and had a dominating presence. Her and Tiffany and the other head runners of the centaur herd. Once women who had been pushed to the side, they were now either stallions or mares who just happened to also have male equipment.

“Thanks Annabelle, as usual! Us furry people have to stick together, right?”

“Exactly!” Annabelle said with good cheer. “Though I wish I could run like you can. This big fat udder makes even a quick amble a bit difficult!”

“Ah, but you’ll make us run! Especially Paula and Ava here, right my beautiful harem girls?”

Two beautiful mares near the back of the diner (there wasn’t enough space for all the centaurs, the rest were waiting for their orders outside) blushed considerably. They had once been headstrong chauvinists, but now they no longer competed for alpha male dominance. The evidence wasn’t just in their female beauty either: enough mating had made their equine bellies swell noticeably lately.

“Y-yes, my stallion,” Paula stammered.

“No coffee, just milk please!” Ava said. “Our stallion says no coffee for our foals.”

Gary chuckled. “Funny how strange things have worked out, and yet so well. Just look at our Benjamin Lee here: what a man he turned out to be!”

Annabelle indeed headed to his table after Gary and the centaurs left with their orders. Her hooves clacked loudly on the floor, but she was used to it. What she was still sometimes surprised by was the sight of Benjamin Lee, the town nerd who had often been beaten up and she had felt sorry for, now looking more muscular and full of confidence, with a literal harem of gorgeous women supplicantly surrounding him. But then, that had been the Stranger’s doing too, hadn’t it?

“Oh Benny, you’re so funny!” the one called Daria giggled. She had once been Dustin, one of Ben’s primary bullies. Now she was an unbelievably gorgeous Arabian or Persian harem girl wearing a purple two piece outfit that left her luscious olive skin on display. She was pressed right up against him, and was not subtle about where she was circling her finger.

“Thanks, Daria,” he replied easily. He kissed her, clearly tonguing her as well, and stroked her bare thigh, causing her to shiver. “I really like you like this, you know.”

She sighed. “Don’t I know, master, don’t I know.”

“At least you’re not pregnant!” exclaimed Charlize. She was the gorgeous, full-chested and full-bottomed woman who had a wide set of babymaker hips, emphasis on babymaking. Her round belly looked to be in the middle of the second trimester and growing, and she rubbed it softly, trying not to smile.

“Admit it, you like it,” Ben teased. “I didn’t hear you complaining when I put that baby in you!”

“That’s because of all these damn compulsions that just make me so in love with you and your wonderful, manly body, Ben.”

He just chuckled, clearly having accepted this state of affairs, and gestured to Annabelle as she approached the table.

“Annabelle! Great to see you! Me and the wives thought we would drop by for some coffee and delicious pancakes. Charlize here is getting the cravings, and we suspect Thu is as well, isn’t that right my darling?”

The Vietnamese woman who had once not even been Asian, and certainly not as demure as she was now, nodded her head shyly. She was wearing a gorgeous white dress in traditional style, but she placed a hand on her still-slim belly.

“I believe I am with child, yes,” she said meekly. She tried to suppress a smile but couldn’t. Though she raged inwards from time to time at her fate, the former bully still felt a great deal of unnatural peace and contentment from not only being Benjamin’s submissive wife, but also his cook, his cleaner, and the future mother of one of his children.

“Well, congratulations are in order, I suppose?” Annabelle said. She grunted a little as some milk spurt into her maternity bra. “Mooo! Sorry, that’s my milk building up. Can I get your orders?”

They each gave their orders, all in their own style. She was used to it though; the main thing was that her customers wanted her milk, and God knew her body would always rise to the occasion to oblige. Her tail flicked behind her as she got their orders, then took their glasses and gave them some free milk on the house as compensation for the waiting period.

“Wait for me there, yon lassie!” came a strong Irish voice.

Annabelle turned, her udder slapping audibly against her thighs since she hadn’t tucked it back in yet. Emer - formerly Ben’s best friend Artie - was returning from the bathroom. She was a gorgeous redhead with cute freckles and a full chest. Annabelle sighed a little. She missed having a figure like that. Well, she wasn’t that gorgeous or full-chested, but she certainly hadn’t been a literal cowgirl with a tail, horns, fur, and a goddamned udder! Not to mention the hooves and constant lactation and the mooing and all that. Still, she embraced Emer.

“I’m glad you’re here!” she said. “I was worried you were at home, um, pregnant or something.”

“I’m still lucky not to be, but given how Benny is it’s only a matter of time, alas!”

She grinned saying it, though her awkwardness was clear. The two had bonded in an odd friendship since the changes - Annabelle with her odd body and Emer with her gender change and compulsions to be her friend Benjamin’s sexy Irish wife. It was an odd match, but the two were often in each other’s company when they weren’t with their respective boyfriends.

“Can I get you some milk?” Annabelle said. “Please say yes. Even after Robbie ‘helped’ me I’m still soooo full.”
Emer just laughed. “I’m sure he drank straight from the tap! But of course, honey! It’s good to hear things are going steady with you.”

“And how are you with Ben here?”

Ben waved, half listening in before Tina distracted him. She was the last of his harem, a former black man named Todd who was now a white-skinned, blonde-haired bimbo in a sexy pink cocktail dress. She was very clearly trying to makeout with him and take attention from Daria. The four of them, unable to bully their former mark, now often turned on each other in their efforts to please him and accommodate their old inclinations.

“We’re going fine. It’s taken a lot of adjustment,” Emer said, adopting a sexy pose out of habit. “I mean, we fuck constantly, even more than with his bullies. It’s crazy! But it’s been months and we’re not exactly turning back, and we’re still best mates and always playing games and shooting shit about comics and the like, so I think I can adjust. God help me if I end up in the family way like Charlize and Thu though!”

Annabelle chuckled. “I worry the same for myself! I get in these strong heats, and make so much milk during that we just don’t use protection! The Stranger never did tell me if I’m, um, compatible. I better be more careful.”

“Well, let’s warn our husbands and boyfriends together, shall we? Move this Friday night?”

“It’s a date!” Annabelle said excitedly, her tail wagging behind her happily. “I just have to bring a pump and a few buckets. Robbie will be keen!”

“So will Ben. Though I warn you, the rest of might show up too.”

She indicated to the harem vying for Ben’s attention. Annabelle marvelled at how lucky that man was compared to so many others.

“I best make up your food and drinks, or else they’ll be eating him up soon.”

Emer giggled. “Trust me, he’ll like it, the dog!”


Taraena relaxed on the beach, her luscious genie body smoking just a little, her legs fading together as they became purple fog that extended over to her lamp. She had to make sure not to forget to take it with her again: the last delinquent who had stolen it and tried to get a wish out of her had desired to be ‘powerful and attractive’, so she’d been forced to transform him into a dominating anthro-wolfman. He actually liked the change, the bastard, though perhaps he’d like it less when he went ‘full wolf’ under the full moon and found out that it wasn’t just the local ladies who found him attractive anymore, but the local she-wolfs too.

For now though, the Mayor of Friendly Oaks was enjoying the radiant sun. She was used to her gorgeous female body by now, and even enjoyed flaunting it. Sure, it could be embarrassing sometimes, and it was also literally impossible for her to wear more than a revealing genie outfit, but at least she was young and vibrant again. Besides, she hadn’t lost her taste for beautiful women, even some of the stranger transformed ones, as evidenced by the sexy mermaid named Tayah by her side, coiled against her on the beach. She had red hair and a green tail, just like from the movies. Of course, as also evidenced by the attractive merman on her other side looking quite pleased with himself, she also went both ways these days, and with a strong libido to match. Thankfully, these two together had matched her.

“This is the life,” she said. “The town is happy - well, happy as it could possibly be given the circumstances - and the lake restoration project is going, if you’ll excuse the pun, quite swimmingly. Wouldn’t you say so Isabelle?”

She called the last part out to the oily-skinned octo-girl with the rather thick figure. Not bad thick, but the kind of thick that was actually attracting the mereman seamen of the lake quite a bit.

“Just remember!” the woman called. “I get paid according to my worth in tentacles! I’ve got eight limbs not even counting my arms, and they’re all working this clean. I expect my bonus!”

The Mayor Genie laughed. “Oh, you’ll get it! Don’t think I’d forget that you’re my new Lake Zone Secretary either!”

Lillian was still on maternity leave, of course. It had been a sly move on her part, but the mayor knew well that she was regretting her wish to be a ‘queen’ quite a bit now that she was an endlessly pregnant bug queen. She had over fifty kids and counting, though at least it was giving the town a population boom, not that other transformees weren’t trying on that front also. That Benjamin Lee fellow seemed to have a whole harem waiting to have children . . .

A giggle erupted in the distance as several figures shot into the air in an orchestrated display. Luella, Vanessa, and Peyton had been the popular girls in town before, and they had retained their status in the lake community as beautiful mermaids. Individuals ranging from jellyfish folk to salamander men to other members of the mer community all watched and clapped at their performance. The Mayor rolled her eyes, though she couldn’t deny their talent. Unlike some, they had adapted perfectly after the initial panic - what girl didn’t want to be a beautiful mermaid, after all? And given the amount of wishes she’d tackled to let men and women become so, it seemed the acolytes of those three women would only swell in years to come. They would be trouble, that was for sure.

“Well, if it isn’t our gorgeous mayor,” spoke a familiar voice.

Talaena looked over to see the plant nymph Gretchen approached from the lake beach entrance. She was, like so many other transformees, very beautiful and strange at once. On her arm was an impressively hunky man, and on the other was a nervous looking fellow who looked to be in his twenties. It was no secret that since becoming younger and ‘going green’ that Gretchen was enjoying her youth again, all while sunning herself and enjoying the ‘taste’ of water in her roots when she put them down. Talaena had to respect that; more than anyone, Gretchen had gotten what she’d wanted from the Stranger.

“Gretchen,” the genie remarked. “I see you have some new friends with you. Still living it up in our new Friendly Oaks?”

“You know it,  youngun!”

“I’m actually in my fifties. You know that, right?”

“Bah! And I look twenty, but we all know I’m ancient even by your standard! And with my plant DNA, I’ll probably outlast everyone but you, our eternal mayor.”

“Come to enjoy the sun and water?”

“The sun, yes. The water? Absolutely. I’m going to put down roots and enjoy the sights and sounds of nature, probably out by Reacher’s Point. I still like my calm and quiet, and there’s a natural garden there that is just perfect. But this here is Liam. He missed out when the Stranger came through, and has been trying to find information on him ever since.”

“Oh, and what have you found, Liam? God knows the rest of us tried and nothing came up. He just turns up, causes chaos - some good, some bad, all of it weird - and never returns!”

Liam scratched his hair awkwardly. “Well, um, I didn’t find much. I know that he appears in mythology and legend going back thousands of years, though it can’t be substantiated. And that he apparently moved through a town in Australia recently, causing lots of weird changes there. But that’s all.”

Gretchen nudged him. “Go on, don’t be shy.”

“But, well, I feel like I, um . . . when the Stranger came through, I was sleeping. I was stoned, actually. I kind of feel like, well . . .”

Gretchen chuckled, and it had a gravelly quality that revealed her true age despite her beautiful nymph form. “Oh, I’ll say it then, young one. He means to say that he missed out, and given that you’ve got the power to transform people thanks to your geniehood, he’d like the chance. He’s been working up the will for months.”

Talaena stood up, drawing away from her lovers. She grinned at Liam as she approached. He was straining not to look at her cleavage, and that was something that shamed her a little, yet also excited her. It was a different kind of power to the mayoral kind, but she could use it when she wanted. Still, the kid seemed nice.

“You have to make a wish, Liam, you know that, right? It’s how this works. And I can’t tell you what you’ll become. My magic works in mysterious ways, just like the big guy himself. And I’m not talking about God here. I’m talking about him.”

Liam gulped. “I know. But . . . it’s something I want. It’s the attraction of Friendly Oaks these days anyway, right?”

“That it is, that it is.” She took her lamp and carefully placed it in Liam’s hands. The magic the Stranger had left her was a part of his magic. She wondered if it would ever run dry. She suspected not. He liked to bring change, and now that he was gone, it was her role to continue it. It wasn’t something she could bring herself to fight, and in this case, perhaps it would do some good.

“Okay then,” said calmly. “Make your wish, Liam.”

“I - I wish to be different,” he said. “Changed, like other people.”

The magic welled up inside the genie. It could go in so many directions, thanks to his vagueness. Perhaps that had been intentional. Either way, there was no stopping it now.

“Your wish is my command,” she said, and she snapped her finger. And the newest transformation in Friendly Oaks began. It would not be the last, not for a longshot.

Somewhere, far away, the Stranger smiled.

The End


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