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By FoxFaceStories

Friendly Oaks is just an ordinary rural town, full of common people and professions. But beneath that kind surface there are all manner of rivalries, tensions, hypocrisies, and love affairs. When a Stranger wanders into town, the people of Friendly Oaks find themselves changing - literally - after encountering him. Some transformations are small, others massive, some well-deserved, some not at all. But the town won’t be the same once the Stranger is done with it.

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Part 9: Mermaid Pool

The Stranger found amusement in one of his final locations. It was the afternoon now, and the heat was bearing down. The ancient being was immune to such effects, of course, but he knew well that humans were not, and where they would be going. For a small town, Friendly Oaks had an impressive public pool, complete with waterslide and diving board area. Numerous individuals were gathered around it of a variety of ages, but most of them were in their early twenties. The sounds and sights of young romance was in the air: boys discovering their first crushes, and young men flirting with young women and vice-versa. The women wore tantalising bikinis, the men showed off their abs in their swim shorts, and even older couples relaxed languidly in the luxurious heat, watching others play. It was a truly classic summer sight, and the Stranger felt his usual calling to disrupt it. To cause a little chaos. And perhaps even to make things a little more watery.

“Hey man, it may be a public pool, but it still has a cost to enter,” one man told the Stranger as he wandered forth.

The Stranger looked down at this individual coldly. He looked to be in his early twenties, with freckled skin and bright ginger hair. He looked quite nervous as he stared up at the Stranger’s chilling gaze, but was holding his ground nonetheless.

“I have no money,” he said in his strange, glassy voice. “And I am just passing through.”

“That may be, sir. But it costs five dollars. I’m going to have to escort you out if you don’t pay up or turn around.”

The Stranger smiled. It was always nice when an individual set him up. Of course, this was why he was drawn to this place; the chance for chaos was great, but so was the rhythm and rhyme of the thing.

“Your name is George, yes?” he said, pointing at the man’s nametag. “You are an employee of the pool?”

“Of the town, yeah. I help manage the pool service.”

“Hmm, and you are an able swimmer?”

“I don’t actually swim. I just run the entrance. Someone has to do it. Look, mister, I don’t know what-”

“Perhaps it is time you had your swimming lessons then, George.”

George went to say something, only to immediately freeze up. His limbs went rigid, and he began to shake. His eyes were lost in the gaze of the Stranger, his jaw lowered.

“Uhhhhh,” he said, before swallowing. He suddenly felt quite strange, as if a hundred small hands were running over his body, pressing down on his muscles and squeezing parts of him. “Your eyes - what are you d-doing with your eyes?”

“I am remaking you, George, to better suit your new employment. I suggest moving the entrance to the pool closer to the pool itself, however. It will make things more convenient for you.”

George realised what the Stranger was talking about as he looked down. Right before his eyes, scales were growing across his skin; all of it. He tried to scream, but was helpless to the alien sensation of bright, glistening green scales sliding into place across his form. His legs began to draw together uncontrollably, snapping into place alongside one another, even as his board shorts fell away. He would have shrieked if he could: his manhood was gone, having scuppered back inside him and leaving a strange scaled slit that was barely discernible.

“What - what - what -”

He could only stammer, even as his voice rose in pitch and his hair lengthened, becoming wilder and redder, full of bountiful curls. His waist pinched in, and two green scaled breasts emerged from his chest, not that he was a he by any measure now. He fell to the ground as his legs fused. They grew out longer, the twin bones joining to become a single length of cartilage that was immensely flexible. In moments, his feet flattened out and became a long green fin.

George could finally look away from the Stranger’s transformational gaze. He looked over his form and shrieked.

“What the f-fuck!? This has to be a dream! Tell me I’m dreaming!”

“No dream, George. You are now a good sight to have when entering the pool, rather than a dismal one. Of course, it will be harder to ‘walk people out’ now, but at least you can finally get your swimming in, instead of being trapped out the front. Enjoy your new form. I’m sure many boys will find it quite beautiful, once you are more comfortable with it.”

One final look at George, and the new green-scaled mermaid saw that her impressive C-cups scaled breasts now had a simple seashell bra to cover them. Her lower half had a simple transparent blue shawl of matching colour, clasped around the waist.

“That - that doesn’t help me!”

But the Stranger was already moving ahead into the pool area proper. Numerous individuals looked his way, startled by how a man could wear such a heavy preacher-style outfit in the hottest part of the afternoon, and by the poolside no less. He spied out potential targets, curious as to who might be deserving of change, whose change would cause the most amusing chaos, and who were in simply amusing situations to cause change.

The first individual became obvious. Another worker for the pool was carrying a variety of pool noodles, floaties, and other forms of equipment in her arms. She was clearly struggling, tripping over half her equipment and having to stop several times to pick up what she had already dropped. The Stranger preferred to make his changes up close, but he needed to work quickly to ensure a number of individuals were transformed quickly. So, from across the pool’s length, he placed his gaze on the woman, whose name was Isabelle.

Isabelle doubled over again, the young twenties woman struggling to carry it all. She was quite pudgy, with short black hair and a short stature. But this time, when she went to pick up her equipment, feeling quite embarrassed, something even more humiliating happened: her black one-piece split open right at the backside. Isabelle immediately straightened, blushing a deep red in shame. She dropped her equipment and made to cover her rear, only to experience something utterly foreign: something was sliding right out of her.

“Eeep!” she squeaked as she felt it grow, wet and twisting. She looked around, ducking back against a wall in the hopes that no one had seen anything, and inspected herself.

“Oh God, oh God,” she stammered, and for good reason too: a thick black tentacle with purple suckers was emerging from her backside. There was a dreadful twisting sensation, and then another emerged, followed by another, and then another. She groaned, struggling to stay on her feet as the rubbery black skin expanded across her form. Others were starting to look, but given that her swimsuit - which was being devoured by her new black skin to leave her utterly naked - was also black, they were all just seeing the pool girl flail about in confusion, and a number were already pulling out their phones, while others were shouting out to ask her if she was okay.

“I’m - ughhh - okay!” she cried in a panic, trying to hide herself. “J-just don’t look! I’m - ohhhhh!!!”

Suddenly she collapsed to the ground as her two human legs lost their bone mass, fattening to become rubbery tentacles the same as all the rest. They burst through her, each of them filled with sensation, her brain coursing with the information overload of now possessing eight lower limbs. Several closer individuals cried out in horror and began to flee, while others continued to film her strange transformation. Even her hair changes: it thickened, joining together in clumps and elongating.

“N-no! Not my h-hair tooooooo!!!”

But there was no stopping the Stranger’s effect, because in moments her hair was now octopoid as well, a series of thinner tentacles forming a strangely alluring set of living, writhing hair. The rest of her skin turned oily black, with that same purple underside to her tentacles. Her plump figure now looked more appropriate for her form, her breasts enlarging and nipples fattening so that she looked like a deliciously curvaceous octopus woman. She stumbled backwards, still trying to figure out her many limbs, and in doing so fell into the pool, whereupon they moved in concert to project her quickly across the pool’s length. People darted out of the way of Isabelle, trying to climb out.

But not all would make it, because the Stranger had already refocused his attention. First, he focused his attention on some sunbathing girls. They were beauties, all of them, young and nubile. The Caucasian blonde was named Peyton, the Asian waif Vanessa, and the dark-skinned one with the large rear was Luella. They were well aware of the attention they were receiving from the handsome boys, and their own status as the queen bees of their age group. Certainly, there was no doubt they would be leaving Friendly Oaks one day and heading to the big city where they could make greater waves at parties, clubs, music scenes, and all kinds of places that simply weren’t available in their friendly little town.

“Ah, but you are too beautiful to leave this place and deprive it of such sights,” the Stranger said to himself. “Far better for you to be lovely sirens, and draw more denizens here with your sweet songs and sensual forms.”

His eyes lit up, though few noticed now that their attention was on the flailing Isabelle, who was shocked to find she could breathe underwater. Neither did the three beauties notice, until suddenly their bodies began to tremble.

“Um, girls, do you feel a bit weird?” Peyton asked.

“What do you - ohhhh, I do feel a bit weird,” Vanessa replied. “My legs particularly.”

“M-me too,” said Luella. “And ya’ll are looking a bit weird. Your feet - my feet! What the fuck?”

They sat up from their lounging deckchairs and stared in shock at their feet. Much like George’s, they were flattening outwards, though even more than his. Their bikinis evaporated away as their legs fused together, the three girls screaming in horror.

“What the hell? What was in that fruit drink?”

“I don’t think this is the fruit drink, Vanessa! Something weird is happening!”

“Shit, it’s affecting that girl in the pool. Is it spreading? Someone help!”

But the boys didn’t notice those weird changes, as their eyes were locked onto the naked chests of the women. In fact, the Stranger’s magic made their respective breasts grow even larger. Peyton was already quite stacked, yet she ballooned larger, while the petite and slender Vanessa found herself suddenly possessing a large pair of ripe E-cups, while Luella ended up largest of all with melon-like HH-cups that overflowed her palms as she tried to contain us.

“Like, what’s happening to us!?” Peyton shrieked.

“I don’t know, but my b-bones are shifting! I can feel - it’s a tail!”

Vanessa was right, and Luella confirmed it. Each were growing mermaid tails, identical in colour to their bikinis. Blonde Peyton had a gorgeous blue one to match her eyes, while Vanessa’s was bright pink, her eyes shifting to match it instead. Luella’s eyes became golden, her tail a gorgeous yellow to contrast her dark skin. Each developed some fins along their forearms, and a small fish fin along their backs that was soft to the touch. Their hair also developed a slight shine of those colours. Small slits appeared at their necks, giving them the ability to breathe in water, which was a good thing, because their bodies felt unbearably dry.

“M-mermaids! We’re mermaids!” Luella gasped, her voice sounding suddenly musical. “Need w-water!”

“Quickly!” Peyton declared, voice also sounding like a sweet song. “To the p-pool! We’ll solve the rest later!”

Vanessa cried out as they pulled themselves into the pool. “This better be temporary! I don’t wanna be a fish!”

At this point the rest of the visitors to the pool were in a state of shock, amusement, horror, and simply disbelief. Many were still taking photos, while others were fleeing, and still others assumed it was just an odd performance. Some of the men were simply perving on the mermaids. The Stranger was amused by this; it was exactly what he’d intended with this change. The women were now undeniably luscious mermaids, with impressive libidos to match, and voices that couldn’t help but sing. Even now as they splashed in the water and cried out for help, their voices joined together in an accidental yet perfect chorus. It prevented others from leaving, hypnotising them to stay just a little longer. The sight of them also helped: they didn’t know it yet, but from now on they would find it literally impossible to cover themselves up in any clothing. Their naked bodies would remain beautiful and enticing for their now-elongated lifespans. A perfect little gift, the Stranger considered, for the attractions they would make for future visitors.

It also gave him time to turn his attention to other individuals worthy of being changed. He acted much more quickly now, using imagination and chaos to transform the pool area into an aquarium of strange new sea life. An athletic girl training to swim back and forth along the training side of the pool found herself endowed with an even more powerful body than before, her figure transforming mid-swim to that of a tough, buff, and sexy sharkgirl with enormous tail and impressive snout with sharp teeth. An older woman by herself in the pool ballooned out, turning into a curvy jellyfish lady, her one-piece bathing suit turning translucent and part of her, flapping gently with the bob of the current. She panicked over her new form, but with her limited mobility there was nothing to do but be grateful that a number of older individuals were also transforming into jellyfish people as well, and that they were all de-aged in the process. A couple of sporty jocks became frog men and frogwomen - the unluckier ones were the latter, as the Stranger figured it was best to change half of their genders for future breeding purposes. Others became other forms of mermaids and mermen: a clownfish pair and Japanese koi were among them. Some had even more radical changes, their flesh becoming seaweed, their movements slower as they shifted along the bottom of the pool, now existing like fantasy dryads or nymphs, beautiful yet tree-like in nature. The changes continued, easily the largest number that the Stranger had exacted on this place. A curmudgeonly older man even found his lower half that of a crab, just for the Stranger’s amusement, while a lounging sleeping beauty became an eel woman without even knowing it, her body buzzing electric yet failing to wake her.

Many managed to successfully flee, pushing past the siren music, but that was fine by the Stranger. They deserved to remain unchanged in order to spread the word of what was happening. His time at Friendly Oaks was near its end, and he had left the town greatly changed. Most denizens were still normal, of course, but this place would never be the same, and would be filled with strange and chaotic sights.

“Perhaps these girls and boys would benefit from shifting to the nearby lake instead?” he mused to himself. He walked away from the pool, idly transforming a young couple into a pair of cute anthro-salamanders as he did so.

There was just one place left to visit and he would be gone. He had enjoyed his time at Friendly Oaks. He wondered if these transformers would enjoy their new existences?

To Be Continued . . .


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