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By FoxFaceStories

We move ahead to a time when Benny has fully become a submissive, 1950's style housewife and a strong desire to give her husband children. She is finally happy and accepting her new life, but things are awkward when she has her old wife and her new family around for dinner.

A Deluxe Tier Epilogue to Moving In 

Moving In, Epilogue

Life was pretty good. Exceptional, really. To think, I’d actually been a little nervous to move back to Chareton nearly a year ago, and now I not only had my own place, a wonderful neighbour, and my own moving business, but a devoted wife as well. Not long ago, the woman who warmed my bed each night had been Benny, the affable, loveable neighbour who was also a serial cheater on his lovely wife Patty. Now, as a result of contracting Lumin’s Syndrome and a little bit of social manipulation on my part, she had become Bethany, the love of my life, and my actual wife to boot.

It was a fact I appreciated as I came home from another productive day at work. My transportation business had taken off, and I’d even rebranded it as Matt’s Movers, just for the nice alliteration and so people in the town could get to know my name. It had been hard work setting it all up, but Benny had been a great help in the early days, and so had Bethanie after she had changed fully, before her retirement to the stay-at-home housewife life. These days I had my own employees helping me out, but I wasn’t quite successful enough just yet to take my hands off the steering wheel, so long days could be the norm from time to time, and tiring ones at that. Which made it all the better the reception when I got home.

“Matthew!” my woman’s soft voice exclaimed from the kitchen as I entered through the front door. “I was getting impatient for you to turn up, darling! Just let me get this pot stirred and going and I’ll give you the welcome you deserve!”

I grinned as I took off my shoes and jacket. It was working up to be a chilly Autumn, but like the good housewife she was, Bethanie had set the fireplace going, leaving it wonderfully warm. I entered into the living room, but took a moment to peek into the kitchen. The former man was there, working on a fine dinner as always. The sight always made me smile, because she tried so damn hard at it. As Benny, barbecues had always been her specialty while her wife at the time Patty made the pastas and roasts and the like. Not so now; I had made it clear when I was molding her that I liked a woman who could cook anything, and now she had a borderline instinctual need to do just that.

“Smells wonderful!” I called.

“Thanks! Lamb stew with chips on the side, just how you like them, honey.”

I grinned again, though not at the food this time. She was bending over a little to adjust the oven, and it gave me a look at her magnificent ass outlined against the fabric of her dress.

“Looking good, sexy,” I said.

She turned her head back to look at me and gave a blushing, sheepish grin.

“Matthew! I said I’d be out in a moment! I still have my apron on and my hair is foul!”

“You look gorgeous,” I said, stepping forward. She straightened to face me, and once more I marvelled at the intoxicatingly sexy woman that was my wife, the one that had been my male neighbour for a short few weeks in what felt like a lifetime ago. You'd never believe it to look at her. She’s ended up quite the damn looker, with raven-black hair that fell over her shoulders, and icy blue eyes that are not cold but instead intense in their passion. She had a beautiful hourglass figure, right down to the wide feminine hips. Her breasts were perfect, large and full. Ripe, as I liked to call them, like blessed fruit that bounced and jiggled in a constant way that was utterly hypnotic, and yet still remained pert and rounded on her chest. They were normally E-cups, but she’d gone up a cup size recently. It was the same reason her hourglass figure was not so hourglass currently, and why her 1950’s style polka-dot blue and white dress fit her dimensions so wonderfully.

“How’s our little baby doing?” I asked, rubbing her belly as she embraced me. We kissed, and she moaned a little simply from the relief of having me presence. I was like a drug to her, I knew. I had ensured it, after all, during her initial change.

“Kicking,” she said. “He won’t stop! I can’t believe I’m so big already. I feel so fat, like a whale!”

I laughed and kissed her again. I loved the way she did her face up in that same 1950s pinup style, her lips red, her eyebrows refined, her hair in that gorgeous shoulder bob, perfectly treated so that it had an almost unnatural shine among its midnight darkness. She was literally the image of a classical submissive housewife, even barefoot and pregnant at that very moment!

“You’re not fat,” I replied. “You’re beautiful, Beth. So damn beautiful. Plus, you have no idea how much it turns me on knowing that I got you all big and pregnant.”

I caressed her stomach again but this time used my other hand to fondle her ass. It had blossomed a bit, but wasn’t too big. I knew it was sensitive though: I liked women with very reactionary erogenous zones, and therefore Benny had gained a lot of them when he’d become Bethanie.

“Mhmmm, I know. I l-love that you love my p-pregnant body. I just - ahhh - can’t believe it! It’s still so, so ridiculous! It’s so hard to take in sometimes!”

“Oh?” I replied, beginning to work on her breasts, raising my hands to cup them even as my own manhood became erect against her belly.

“Y-yes,” she sighed. “I still have dreams of b-being a man again. Of being Benny again, and married to Patty. And then I wake up and I’m not only a woman but the most dutiful wife as well, and I’m so deeply attracted to you, and I’m pregnant with your baby, and it’s just - it’s all so much!”

I began to unzip the back of her dress. “But you like it, don’t you?”

“I do. God help me, I really do. It’s the Lumin’s, but it doesn’t matter. Having your baby growing inside me just feels too right.”

She moaned, her swollen stomach against me. She was only five months along. I looked forward to seeing how she would be at nine months. Hell, for some reason even the notion of her giving birth made me aroused. Not because of the act itself - that was rather full-on - but because it was such a symbol of how far she had gone. Benny would be Bethanie completely, embroiled in the ultimate act of womanhood: birthing a child into the world.

“And I love having you like this,” I said. “So full of life. Belonging to me. So much better than Benny, right?”

“Ohhh, it’s s-so odd to hear that name.”

“Because you’re Bethanie now,” I said, sliding the zipper down further.

“Y-yes. Bethanie. It’s my name now.”

“And I’m your husband. You’re my wife. My pregnant wife. Pregnant, barefoot, and in the kitchen.”

“Mhmmmmm, yesssss.” She moaned again softly as I helped her slide out of her dress. Her body was remarkable, her breasts pushed up together to form the most magnificent curve of cleavage. She looked like a pregnant pinup model. Hell, I’d taken enough photos of her blushing features to practically make her one. “Soooo pregnant.”

“And not the last pregnancy either. You know I’d like three kids. Maybe even four.”

“Mhmm, so many! It’s just . . . so weird! Me! Pregnant!”

“What’s weird about a loving wife being pregnant to her loving husband?”

She gasped as I caressed her beautiful form. I slowly turned her around.

“N-nothing, I suppose. It’s not unusual. Just . . . I planned to get Patty pregnant one day.”

“She is, remember? Just not to you.”

“Ahhhh, I know. It’s . . . bizarre.”

“Well, you’ll have plenty to talk about tonight when she and her boyfriend come round for dinner.”

I had turned her around and was making her hunch against the counter, her backside presented to me. I was hard in my pants, and I wanted my wife. I wanted to hear her wail in pleasure, and remind her that she was a woman now. My woman. And she would be for life. But she looked back at me with alarm in her beautiful icy blue eyes.

“The dinner! Oh, we can’t do this now! The stew-”

“Can be a bit late,” I said, setting it on a low simmer. I turned the oven down to warm for now. “Right now, I’ve come home from a long day at work, and I’d like my wife to make me feel welcome at home.”

That was enough to bring her over. I could already smell her hungry pussy - she was quite a lustful woman - but I also had ensured she would be a deeply loyal woman, and eager to please as well. Even in the moments when Bethanie felt the strangest about her new lot in life, she still got a powerful drug-like dopamine rush from pleasing me. That manifested in many ways, from making dinner to giving footrubs to providing massages to dressing up sexily in 1950’s clothing for me, to what was about to happen now.

Sex. Quite a bit of it, in fact. An endless supply that always left us simultaneously satisfied and wanting more. And right at that moment, I wanted more of her from behind. It made me feel dominant, and no doubt reminded her of her new natural place, and how much she loved it.

“P-please!” she moaned. “Get in me then. We need to be quick.”

“We’ll take as long as we need, my love,” I replied, fondling her breasts in her bra from behind. “I want to hear you cum when I finish in you.”

“Mhmmm, that’s how I ended up like this.”

“It’s how you’ll keep ending up like this. And you’ll love it.”

I entered her, and she moaned as she always did, and soon I was thrusting into her again and again, enjoying the sweet sighs of my wife as I fucked her in the kitchen like the splendid, libidinous housewife she was.

“Ahhh, I n-never get t-tired of this,” she stammered, thrusting back against me. I held her hips as I did so, but occasionally leaned forward and used the length of my arms to fondle her divine tits. “Whenever I f-feel embarrassed or ashamed about b-being a woman - ahh! - I always feel glad when you’re in m-me! I remember how goooood it is to have you - ohhhhh - fuck me! Fuck me harder, p-please!”

I did so, thrusting with greater effort. Her bottom jiggled against my flesh, all while her pussy milked my dick expertly. She was a goddamned natural when it came to sex, and I couldn’t be gladder, because we had it a lot. In fact, it wasn’t long after she became mine and I proposed that she became absolutely baby crazy. Her body was demanding babies, all because I’d helped shape her into the perfect housewife whose form was just made for it. I was all too happy to give her what she wanted, even though the news had terrified her initially when it actually happened. There was something deeply fucking hot about getting my formerly male neighbour knocked up, and even hotter about fucking her when she was round with my child.

“You’re glad to be knocked up, aren’t you? Glad to be h-having my babies? You want them. You want everyone to know that you’re mine.”

“Y-yesssss,” she groaned, nearly reaching her zenith. “I do! I’m yours! Your sexy, pregnant wife! And you’re my big, strong husband! C-cum in me! I need it!”

I did. And when I came, she came too just as I’d instructed, and it was only afterwards that she hurried to clean herself up and get back into the kitchen, while I relaxed back in the living room..

I couldn’t wait to see how she interacted with Patty. It had been a few months since their last exchange, and part of me just loved seeing my wife reminded of who she used to be. Call it a small kink of mine.


“Patty! Lovely to see you! Come on in, your timing is impeccable.”

Patty gave a cute grin as she entered. Her hand was on her stomach, which was still largely flat for now, though the announcement had already been made.

“Thanks Matthew. It’s great to see you again. This is my boyfriend, Richard.”

I shook hands with the tall, dark-haired fellow next to her. He was quite the powerful looking man, and wearing a stylish button shirt with slacks. Patty had obviously found someone who was more of a man than what her Benny had become, particularly since she’d gotten pregnant so quickly!

“Great to meet you Richard.”

“And you, Matthew. I hear you’re married to my Patty’s ex now?”

“Please, call Matt. And yes, it seems she’s told you. It’s a whole thing. Come on in and I’ll tell you the whole story. It’s better with her present. Bethanie is just serving up the food now.”

“Sorry we’re late!” Patty said. “I had a bout of nausea.”

I chuckled. “Bethanie went through the same. Didn’t you honey?”

She rounded the corner to the kitchen table, carrying the last bit of the roast. It was impeccable as always, the food steaming deliciously before our eyes. She had fixed herself up again after our little bout of passion, and was wearing a new dress: a red thing with white flower patterns on it. It was still the classic 1950s housewife look, which made her certainly stand out. Patty gasped a little, and my adorable wife blushed as she set down the food.

“Well, Benny. I mean, Bethany. Your style has changed since last we caught up!”

“Um, it has, yes. I just . . . really love dressing up like this. And I know that my wonderful Matty loves to see me as his adoring housewife.”

Patty raised an eyebrow my way. It was partly amused, partly accusing. “Yes, I’ll bet he does. And congratulations are in order; you’re huge! I still can’t believe my former husband is more pregnant than I am.”

“You’ll get there honey,” Richard mused, though his eyes were looking at my wife with astonishment. “I’m not having my chain yanked here though, right? You really had Lumin’s Syndrome? You used to be Patty’s husband?”

Another blush on my wife’s face. “Yeah. I was. I’m very different now.”

“Not cheating any more, for one,” Patty snarked. “At least, I hope that would be the case.”

“I promise I’m not. I would never! I - I can’t!”

Patty just giggled. “Calm down, Bethanie. I’m just ribbing you after all you put me through. I know you’ve changed.”

“That she has,” I’ve said. “For one, she can damn well cook now. Have a seat everybody. We can tell Richard here the whole story.”

He could barely believe it even after we’d told it. I did most of the telling, with Patty giving her perspective. Bethanie remained shy and submissive throughout, a little embarrassed but otherwise content to serve out the food and fill up drinks where needed. She answered Richard’s questions as best as she could, making sure to give details about what it was like from her perspective.

“I can’t believe I was such an idiot,” she said, cringing. “Patty was just the best wife ever, and I didn’t treat her right. I deserved to get Lumin’s. Still, I hope we’re all happier now.”

“We certainly are,” Patty remarked, taking Richard’s hand. “After all, if you hadn’t changed, you wouldn’t have ended up with Matthew, and I wouldn’t have met my Richard.”

She clung to him rather possessively in the seat beside her. I couldn’t suppress a grin of my own. It was very clear that she was showing off to her former husband, and more than happy to embarrass him a little by letting her know exactly how much better Patty was now. I could have stepped in, but it was a harmless display, and besides, while my wife was dutifully loyal now, she deserved a bit of a reminder of why her former male self was a bit of a dick. A great friend of mine, and one that knew a hell of a lot about how to make good home-brewed beer, but a cheating dick nonetheless. It also meant that she got the message yet again about how much better she was as my submissive, voluptuous, and loving Bethanie, full with my child.

“That’s so true,” Bethanie said, clearly affected by this. Her eyes bubbled a little with tears, and at that point I put on a display of my own, hugging my arm around her protectively. She rested her head on my shoulder, taking comfort from me. “I’m so glad you found each other. Really, I am. I guess we all ended up pretty happy, huh?”

“We did!” Patty said. “And you’re pregnant! I know it’s been months, but I still can barely believe it. How do you cope, Beth?”

Beth rubbed her belly while she finished eating the next portion of her steak.

“By eating for two whenever I can, but still keeping an eye on my figure! And I guess by embracing being a housewife and future stay at home mom.”

“You don’t plan to go back to work?” Richard asked, mildly amused.

Bethanie glanced briefly at me. Again, that amusing little bit of embarrassment, but also the hidden joy in her new approach to life. “Oh, no, I couldn’t do that! Matthew here is my handsome breadwinner, and he takes care of me and will take care of our little bun of the oven while I keep things tidy and neat and joyous for him at home. Isn’t that right, darling?”

“Exactly, my gorgeous,” I replied, kissing her on the lips.

She giggled in happiness, particularly as I gave her a little loving squeeze on the cheek. Patty found it gut-busting, and took a moment to stop laughing.

“What is it? Patty, what’s so funny?” Beth asked.

“Sorry, it’s just - you’re such a housewife now! A real 1950’s one, outfit and makeup and hair and all! It wouldn’t surprise me if you gave Matthew here footrubs when he came back from work.”

There was a momentary pause as we all exchanged glances, and Patty realised.

“No! Really!? You even do that!?”

“And massages my shoulders,” I mentioned. “And cooks such wonderful dinners. Not to mention this didn’t happen by accident.”

I rubbed my pregnant wife’s belly, where our little boy was stirring within. She moaned a little; clearly he was shifting at that very moment. She rubbed the other side of her stomach before eating a bit more.

“I never thought Benny would be so whipped!” Patty exclaimed. “This is marvellous.”

“Well, he is my husband,” Bethanie replied demurely.

“I’m starting to get some ideas,” Richard said, but Patty slapped his hand playfully.

“Don’t you start! Don’t even expect me in those kinds of dresses. I’m a modern woman, thank you. Besides, we literally just had a cruise and you got me pregnant on it.”

“It was the bikini,” Richard said, smirking in my direction. “I couldn’t resist the look.”

“I know what you mean. Bethanie looks great in her swimwear, though she prefers one-pieces. Part of her aesthetic.”

Of course, it was part of my aesthetic, really. The one I had stimulated into her when she’d changed. Now she wore old-fashioned yet quite revealing one-piece swimwear to the pool and beach, which still showed her lovely bump and cleavage to the max.

“Well,” Patty said, holding up her glass. “Here’s to all of us. We’ve all changed quite a bit, Benny-Bethanie here more than most, but it seems we’ve all found happiness, and new little lives to come!”

“Hear hear!” I added, holding up my glass. It was red win, as was Richard’s. The women had juice.

“Hear!” Bethanie said, smiling through her slight shame. When she caught my eye though, she smiled ever brighter, and held her cup up higher. “I know it’s still so crazy, but I just can’t wait to be a mom. I want to have my Matthew’s babies so much!”

Patty giggled.

“Well, looks like you and me will be having lots of mommy walks in the future, Bethanie. How about that?”

My wife beamed. It was, perhaps, the remending of their relationship. Or perhaps a remolding of it to something new. I couldn’t be happier. I loved having happy neighbours.


“I think that went rather well,” I said.

“It did! So well. You were such a good host, honey.”

“And your food was delicious, my love. You’ve come a long way since being Benny.”

She blushed. I was already in bed, and she was undressing before me. She knew I liked the show, particularly when she freed her large, F-cup breasts. Her cleavage was spectacular, and I took plenty of photos; I loved the pinup nature of them, and much as she tried to deny it, her instincts loved the attention. That’s why she posed in them.

“I’m always getting better,” she remarked. “Same with the cleaning and my makeup. I thought I looked very pretty tonight.”

“You always look pretty. But you are also gorgeous. And very, very fucking hot.”

“Mhmmm,” she moaned, stripping off her panties. “I don’t feel hot. I feel pregnant. So damn pregnant. It’s hard to believe I’ve got a baby growing in me, but at the same time I keep dreaming of having more. I can’t explain it!”

She tossed her panties aside. She always slept naked. I was relatively sure she couldn’t not. Again, part of my own doing, not that I regretted it. She got into bed, and I wrapped my arms around her. I loved her fullness, her fertile curves. I loved the way this former male was swelling up with my child, and in just four months would be delivering it, her legs spread wide as she went through the ultimate feminine act. It turned me on knowing I had helped shape Benny into the servile and classical housewife she was now, and moreover that she would continue to have a strong desire to give me children, along with any other pleasures I wanted from her. It’s what made being the breadwinner all the worth it. It’s why I was head over heels in love with her, even if that love was accompanied by a love of occasionally teasing and dominating my wife.

“Well, whether it’s the Lumin’s Syndrome or just you now,” I said, “I think we should just enjoy it. Hell, my love, why don’t we work on practice?”

“Practice?” she said, as I began to caress her large, sensitive nipples. She moaned softly. “What do you mean by practice?”

“Well, your body wants to make me babies, right? And it’s doing a damn fine job making them. Why don’t we practice making the next one, just so we’re properly experienced when it comes time?”

“Ohhhhh, yes. That sounds d-divine. Mhmm. You c-could cum in me t-tonight?”

“That’s why I love you, Bethanie. You always say the right things.”

She groaned as we began to kiss, our hands running over each other’s body. I began to grow erect, and I couldn’t wait to plough my wife once more.

“Ahhh, I love you Matthew!” she cried. “I’m so f-fucking glad I got turned into a woman. I’m so happy I moved in and became your wife!”

I was too. And I was happy to keep her that way.

The End


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