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Summary: When Tim learns that his lonely dad is making him move away from his beloved hometown in hopes of finding a family elsewhere, he makes a wish upon a strange stone that his best friends David and Matthew could always remain part of ‘his family.’ Soon, all three are shocked when the metaphor of the wish becomes literal and David and Matthew find themselves becoming Tim’s hot older sister Naomi and MILFy new Asian tiger mom Amy. Now all three must navigate their strange new relationships to one another.

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Part Eleven: Mom and Dad

Dinner was awkward, though Anthony clearly wasn’t sure why. Brother and sister occasionally exchanged looks, both of them aware of what they had seen their ‘mother’ doing. To anyone else, seeing their parents flirting a little playfully and kissing one another wouldn’t elicit much of a reaction beyond some rolled eyes, but they both knew that their new Mom had once been their friend. More than that, Amy had once been a total renegade, a rule-breaker, a man who tested the boundaries and pushed back against authority.

Now, she was fussing over their table manners.

“Wash your hands before you sit down!” she snapped at Timothy, who blinked twice before going to the bathroom to do just that. “And Naomi, that shirt is too low! I don’t care what is popular right now on campus, but you can’t go showing yourself off like that! You need to have some modesty!”
Naomi barely contained her laughter.

“What is it?” Amy snapped.

“No offence, ‘Mom’, but you’ve got bigger boobs than me, and you don’t seem very good at hiding them.”

Amy blushed, but her face twisted into anger. “How dare you talk to your m-to me like that!”

Anthony played peacemaker before it all got out of control, thankfully. “I think that’s enough,” he said, making a placating gesture with his hands. “Naomi can wear what she wants, my dear. It’s not too bad, and we trust her judgement, don’t we?”

Amy nodded reluctantly.

“And you, my little bear, will not comment on your mother or her figure like that again, thank you very much.”

“Mom started it. And she does have big boobs! Look at that cleavage!”

Anthony practically choked for a moment. “Yes, I am . . . very aware. And it’s certainly not a dinner conversation.”

Amy harrumphed. I can’t believe she’s showing me such disrespect when - what am I thinking? She’s not my daughter, and I’m not some crazy Asian Tiger Mom. Mind you, Timothy’s school results better not be dipping just because he’s met this Mel girl. Ugh, there I go again.

“I’m sorry, Naomi,” she said. “You know how your . . . mother’s mind gets,” she said. Both of them knew what she was actually talking about.

“It’s okay, Mom,” Naomi replied as Tim returned. “It’s the same with me. Just feeling very . . . take charge lately.”

“Well, now that we’ve buried any hatchets,” Anthony said, “and Tim is back, let’s eat. Your mother has made us a fine combination rice and I for one cannot wait to taste her cooking. I think we can all agree the food is always excellent!”

Amy couldn’t help but smile a little at the compliment. Something about her man - even if she didn’t exactly want him to be her man in this new reality - complimenting her food just made her body light up. It also made her thoughts slide in other directions. She lowered a hand to rub his thigh beneath the table, and he did the same. She only pulled away when she realised what she was doing, and then got down to eating.

At least while I’m eating I’m not saying a bunch of total Mom things to my kids. I mean, to my friends. God help me, this is darn hard!

They continued to eat together as a family, Amy occasionally fussing over how to improve the dish for next time, and Anthony looking at her like she was just the most darling wife. She tried to ignore the feelings it brought up in her; she’s always gotten along and liked Anthony ever since he offered her a job when she’d been Matthew, but it was still way too weird being his actual wife! The fact that she’d actually given in and kissed him earlier was only a sure sign that she needed to get control of herself.

“Well, that was incredibly delicious!” Naomi said with a smile, having finished her whole plate. “Cheers, Mom.”

She got up to move, but Amy coughed deliberately.


“We say ‘pardon’ in this household, honey. And aren’t you forgetting something? Your dishes.”

Naomi rolled her eyes, the kind of open defiance she never would have committed to back as David, but she still complied. As she passed Amy, she whispered in her mother’s ear so that her new dad wouldn’t pick it up.

“You are such a clean freak now, what gives?”

“I can’t help it!” she whispered back. “Besides, you’re a sporty girl who listens to boybands, who are you to judge!”

Naomi actually giggled as she moved to the sink. Timothy, on the other hand, had barely touched his food. He was looking glum, and it made Amy glum too just to see it. A maternal feeling surged up within her, a need to comfort her son, but her Tiger Mom instincts were just as strong.

“Timothy, you need to finish your food! I’m not letting this go to waste.”

“Sure thing,” he said, failing to meet her eyes. He ate slowly, forcing down each bite.

It’s not fair, he thought to himself. This isn’t what I wanted for Matthew. It’s all my fault, and yet . . . I’m just so angry with him! How can he - she - stroll into my life like this and take the role of my Mom? As if she didn’t abandon me in the first place! God, it’s stupid, but I can’t help but feel this way!

Amy didn’t know what was wrong with Tim though, and neither did his father.

“Timothy, is something wrong? Is it about this Mel girl?”

“No Dad, that’s going great. It’s not that at all. It’s . . . other things.”

He shared a meaningful, if slightly hostile glance, with Amy. It actually astounded her, and she opened her mouth to say something, anything, that could clear the air between the new mother and son. But Timothy finished eating, and silently moved to the kitchen to clean his bowl, and then he went to his room. He was too angry at Amy, and himself, and the wishing stone and the world to confront these feelings yet.

“I didn’t want a new mom,” he muttered to himself. Especially not my friend. And especially not to have him be my birth mom in this reality. He was only a couple of years younger than me, and now in this timeline I literally grew inside of her! Ugh! It’s so fucking wrong!

Naomi saw Tim pass, and gave him a concerned look. “Everything okay, bro?”

“I’m not your bro, no matter how much this stupid wish made us siblings. And you’re not a girl, no matter how much you make out with Nathan Hayes.”


“Just leave me alone!”

He slammed the door shut, leaving Naomi in silence too. Wow, something’s eating him, and more than just the weirdness of Matt as his mom. What’s up with that?

Perhaps it was just her newfound confidence, or just her newfound acceptance of herself, but she decided to blow it off for now. She loved Tim like a brother - he was a brother now - but she was finally enjoying life, even as a woman. Besides, she had a call to make to Nathan, to work out their next date. She bit her lip in excitement.

“Those two can work out whatever is going on. I’m going to plan my outfit for my next ‘hike.’ Ha!”


Amy was about to head to bed. Anthony was already up there, but the prospect of sleeping beside him always made her nervous, and not just because her darn thirty four year old MILF body insisted on being very attracted to his surprisingly muscled form. No, it was also the comfort she found there, and the notion of being so close to someone else, particularly someone who slept in just his underwear, or sometimes purely naked. She had discovered that more than once in recent days when she woke to him wrapped around her form, and her sleeping comfortable against a very erect boner.

So instead of heading straight to bed, she knocked on Timothy’s door instead.

“Who is it?” came his voice.

“Your mother,” she replied in an authoritative tone, before dismissing that attitude. “I mean, it’s me. Amy. Your m-mother. Please open up, Tim.”

He did so reluctantly, though the anger was clear upon his face.

“What is it?” he said.

“What’s wrong?” she asked him. “Did I do something? I can’t control these changes, you know! I’ve lost over ten years of my life, young man!”

“You turned in my mom,” he replied, folding his arms. “I had a mother. She sucked. She left me and Dad, and I’ll never forgive her. That defines me, Mom. I mean, Matthew. Whatever. It’s been part of my life forever. And now, not only do I have a new Mom that I never gave permission to, but apparently she’s a copy of my old Mom, only she was here and loving the whole time. In this timeline you gave birth to me, for God’s sake!”

“And who’s fault is that? I didn’t make the wish!”

Timothy groaned, throwing his hands up in the air in frustration. “You don’t think I know that!? Of course this is all my fault! I know it’s irrational to be angry at you, but I am, okay? You’ve taken on a position in my family that I never got to experience; a loving Mom who was always there. God, it’s just so unfair, for you and me! Way more for you, but Naomi doesn’t understand either. She’s just gained a great parent and lost a shit one. But you . . . I spent my whole life learning about Amy Liu, and how she gave me and Dad up. I dreamed of meeting her again for years, of what I would say, and now she’s here before me but it’s not here, and she was apparently always there for me in this new reality, and something about that is just too much to process. I can’t do it, Mom. Amy. Whatever! So please, just leave me alone. You’re not my Mom, and I’m not your kid.”

To her surprise, a tear rolled down Amy’s cheek.

“I know,” said, trying not to choke as her throat caught. “I - I know that! I’m trying, Tim! God, I’m trying! I just . . . I can’t do this either. I’m sorry.”

She closed the door and bounded upstairs straight to the bedroom. She practically leapt into bed, and Anthony received her with more than a little surprise as she began to weep into the pillows.

“Amy? Amy, what’s up? Oh honey, are you okay?”

“D-don’t touch me,” she whined, still sobbing into the pillows. She pressed her large chest against the bed, annoyed at how curvaceous her body was, and how insistent it was at reminding her of said curvers. Her hair frames her face as she cried, trying to make sense of it all, and how much it had changed.

“Please, honey, tell me what’s happening.”

His hand hovered over her back, and then after some hesitation began to stroke it. She didn’t fight against it.

“I’m a bad mother,” she managed to say. “I shouldn’t be Tim’s mom, or Naomi’s! I’m a bad mother. I’m not meant to be a mother. I’m meant to be - to be -”

To be a man named Matthew, she thought to herself. Instead of Tim’s Asian MILF of a mom. God, this is so d-darn pathetic!

“Of course you are,” her husband replied, continuing to calm her. He pressed himself against her a little further, and once more she allowed him to do so. “You’re an amazing mother. You make great dishes, you keep the house clean, you teach both Tim and Naomi by example with your behaviour, and you push them to succeed.”

“I always pushed them,” she said, and it wasn’t a lie; she just pushed them in a more responsible way now. “But that doesn’t mean I should be doing it. I - I shouldn’t be here, Anthony. I can’t explain it, but this life is all wrong, and I’m only going to ruin it.”

“Oh honey, is this because of a fight with Tim or Naomi? They’re a handful sometimes, I know, but I think they’re just going through their teen phases. Well, Tim is. Naomi is always immature at the best of times.”

She chuckled. “But still real bright. She’ll be a park ranger someday.”

He smirked. “She will. Just like Tim will go far too. We’ve got some bright kids, Amy, and it’s all thanks to them having an amazing, smart, beautiful mother who keeps them on their toes.”

She managed to halt her sobs, even giggle a little. “It’s not. Though I did help, I guess, even before. But . . . oh, it’s just so f-frickin’ hard sometimes, Tony. My life has changed so much so quickly.”

“I don’t see how. Things have been pretty normal. But I guess they both are a little prickly because they’re obsessed with their new partners. It happens. We’ve got to accept that, and make room in our hearts for the people they choose to love as well. Just like I did for you.”

She snorted, turning over in bed to face him. “You don’t love me. You don’t know me!”

“Now who is being overly dramatic? I swear, sometimes Naomi really does seem like your daughter by blood with the way you carry on. Amy, of course I love you. You’re a fierce tiger of a mom, but you’re also passionate, and hard-working, and dedicated to leading by example and lifting others up, even if you’re pretty impressively snappish while you do it.”

She chuckled again. He was more right than he knew, but it also highlighted that while she had changed massively, perhaps her leadership qualities remained, and her desire to bring up others and mentor them. Now, instead of it being for her friends, it was for them as her children.

“You think?” she said, wiping away a few more tears.

“I know,” Tony replied, wiping away the rest with his own hand upon her soft cheek. “And besides, you’re not just passionate and commanding, but you’re also drop dead fucking sexy too.”

She bit her lip, trying to push against the pleasant feelings such words gave her. “Stop it. I’m super old!”

“Please, you’re thirty four. In the prime of your life, honey. And with a body that just won’t quit. You know I love your body, Amy.

He traced his fingers over her form, sliding them over her wide, childbearing hips before resting on her thigh. His other hand surprised her more: it caressed her soft check, only to lower down to her chest where her large breasts were perched. She moaned softly as he glided his hands over her nipples. They stiffened automatically, providing her with an electric jolt of wonderful sensation that left her wanting more.

“Wh-what are you doing?” she said, her voice half-gasping. “Ohhh, gǎnjué hěn hǎo - That feels good!”

“I love it when you lose control of your language like that. It’s so fucking hot, Amy.”

“Mhmmm,” she moaned. His finger was tracing over her nipple, cupping her large breast and squeezing it just right. She knew she had to get him to stop but his other hand was wandering to her buttocks, gripping it possessively in a way that made her sigh with need. “You n-need to stop. I can’t . . .”

“Are you sure?” he said, cupping her soft chin and kissing her on the lips. She looked demurely into her husband’s eyes. She had never been demure. Never so submissive. She had always been take-charge and strident. In fact, it was the one thing she had kept as part of herself after the change, albeit in a new fashion. But now she wanted nothing more than this man to take control.

“N-no,” she said, allowing him to continue to feel her. “I - oh God - I want this. It’s . . . jīngcǎi de. Wonderful.”

“Just you wait, honey. I’ll cheer you up much more than this.”

She gave herself over to him as he swept back the covers. His manhood was hard in his underwear, and it took little effort for him to remove it. His monster was unleashed, tall and throbbing, and it startled her to see it so up close and ‘threatening.’

What the hell am I doing? I can’t go through with this! Timothy will never forgive me! Naomi will never stop reminding me! But - but the compulsions are so strong. F-frick! I need this so fucking bad.

It was the awareness that she could at least mentally swear in this moment that spoke to how heightened her wanton lust was, because despite the internal Matthew in Amy’s head freaking out, she still began to remove her clothing with Anthony’s aid. With each article dismissed she drew closer to the point of no return, and when Tony pulled her in for another passionate kiss, tongue entering her mouth in a sensual display, he easily unclasped her bra with one hand. The move was devastatingly sexy, and it caused her to moan into his mouth.

“You like that, I know,” he said.

“I - I do!”

He shifted back, grabbing her panties and helping slide them off her wide hips. She could feel the moistness in her pussy, the need to have something fill it.

“S-so empty. Empty. Need you in me,” she purred.

Tony chuckled. “Happy to help with that, as alway my love.”

He gently lowered her onto her back, and she automatically spread her legs to receive him. Her breasts wobbled heavily on her chest, and for once she was actually proud to be so damn busty and top-heavy; her husband was staring at her tits with lust and awe in his eyes, almost as if he hadn’t seen them before. Which, technically, he sort of hadn’t, just not from his perspective. It made the moment extra special from Amy’s view.

I want him to suck on them. Holy shit, I have tits and I want my friend’s Dad to suck on them. No, not my friend’s Dad. My son’s father. My husband. I can’t see him any other way right now!

Nor did she want to, because at that moment he did exactly as she desired. He kneaded and groped her exquisitely full breasts, planting his pursed lips upon her nipples and drawing out every luxurious sensation. It was so odd, having erogenous zones upon her chest, but she wasn’t complaining by any standard; the feelings were too good, like electric zaps of bliss that shot down to between her legs, heightening the anticipation there as well.

“I fucking love how big your boobs are,” Tony said, coming up for air before pressing his face against her chest.

“They’re t-too big,” she whined.

“They’re perfect. Perfectly sized just for me. I love it when you show them off. Don’t listen to Naomi; I fucking love peeking at my wife’s cleavage when no one’s looking.”

“Ahhh - mmhmm - I love it when you peek! I love showing off f-for you!”

“In those sexy dresses. In those tight outfits. With these wide, babymaking hips.”

“N-no babies. I - ahhh! I need you in m-me though! Wǒ xūyào!”

Tony didn’t say another word. Instead he took her soft, dainty hand and lowered it to his massive cock. She was startling as she took it - she was actually holding another man’s cock in her hand! - but her instincts took over, and she knew exactly what to do. She helped position him as he continued to play with her breasts, and finding her entrance, she helped guide him in.


It did, weird and astonishingly amazing. His throbbing member parted her folds and slid deep inside of her. It continued to enter more and more, to the point where she went rigid with shock, mouth open but no sounds coming out. She spread her legs wider as he continued his implacable advance, and it was only just before her cervix that he stopped. It was like being filled entirely. There was no other way to think of it. Her wet tunnel massaged him, squeezing against his thickness to draw out every sensation.

“Ohhhhhhhh,” she moaned. “S-so big! So strong!”

“And here’s the fun part,” he replied. With that, he began to withdraw, and then enter again, and then withdraw, and then enter again. His rhythm was slow at first, and she was helpless to it, but soon she too began to grow more confident, shifting her hips in time with him. She wanted to cum, to feel what it was like to be a woman. Not just any woman either, but Amy Liu, the thirty-four year old mother of two who was experienced in the matters of the bedroom, and knew how to please her husband, just as he knew how to please her.

And my, was he pleasing her. Her moans became embarrassingly feminine as he continued to thrust into her. Her huge tits wobbled back and forth with each of those thrusts except when he lowered a hand to squeeze them, heightening the pleasure. She was close - so fucking close - and she was no longer even trying to fight off the inevitable. Even the thought of this man’s cum inside her couldn’t hold it off. In fact, it made her arousal all the stronger.

“Want your c-cum inside m-meee!” she whined. “I’m about to c-cum!”

“Me too!” he grunted, thrusting again, lowering himself to kiss her. “I’m going to cum inside you, honey. I’m going to fucking cum inside you, you’re so goddamn hot.”

He was so aggressive, it was a sexy bedroom change from his usual kind, welcoming self. A secret side just between the two of them that she never could have imagined. She clamped her legs around him, riding out the pleasure. He lowered himself, kissing her passionately once more. It was all too much.

She came.

“Mmhmm! MMMHHHMHPH!!!”

She moaned right into his mouth, her entire body quaking as several great torrents of pleasure rushed through her, one after the other. Women had it good, she realised.

Multiple f-fucking orgasms! Goddamn! I never could have imagined! Ohhhhhh!!

But the best bit was yet to come - or cum, as it were - because at that moment Tony siezed up as well. His manhood throbbed within her, and she could have sworn she felt his balls, his wonderful balls, pulse against entrance. Hot streams of his semen shot up deep inside her, flooding her tunnel in more torrents to match those of pleasure already rushing through her. She orgasmed all over again, and the two moaned as they kissed, losing all control.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of bliss, he collapsed upon her, his strong chest against her soft mammaries. He rested his face on her tits for some time, and she relished the feeling of his head rising and falling with her breaths. After long, silent moments of their post-coital breathing, he slid himself out of her and rolled onto his back, eliciting another moan from her. His cum oozed out of her pussy, and that too was freaking hot in her new perspective.

“Mhmmm,” she moaned.

“Feel better?”

She nodded. Words were beyond her now. She was all woman. All mom. All wife.

What have I done? I just had sex with my friend’s Dad!

But as she turned her beautiful features to face him, she could only see her husband. It worried her as much as it comforted her.

To Be Continued . . .


Halima Abdi

Looks like Amy still has a ways to go before she internalizes and aligns with her new identity, but she's making progress! I wonder if there's anything the rest of the family could do to help?