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By FoxFaceStories

Friendly Oaks is just an ordinary rural town, full of common people and professions. But beneath that kind surface there are all manner of rivalries, tensions, hypocrisies, and love affairs. When a Stranger wanders into town, the people of Friendly Oaks find themselves changing - literally - after encountering him. Some transformations are small, others massive, some well-deserved, some not at all. But the town won’t be the same once the Stranger is done with it.

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Part 8: Karmic Harem

Sometimes the Stranger does not dole out change for no reason, or just because it is in his nature. Sometimes there is also a sense of karmic justice in his approach to chaos and transformation. So it was with his next targets, who were located in the central mall at the centre of Friendly Oaks. The Stranger was always simply passing by, but his route was quite circuitous and irregular, and even he was not quite sure why that was the case. In many ways, he was a force of nature more than an individual, and sometimes he simply felt drawn to certain places without really knowing why, other than he could somehow sense where the next fruitful change would be. But once he got near enough, and the information of the universe flowed through his alien mind, then he understood.

Benjamin Lee was just trying to shop for the new Legacy Man II video game that had come out. He didn’t really have many friends other than a couple of fellow nerds, but they’d managed to scoop it up at the midnight release, whereas he had been too tired from his shift at the Chicken Finger restaurant he worked at to make it. So instead he had finished his day shift at his second job in the local market, collected what money he’d earned, and moved quickly to the mall. He was a scrawny nerdy kid with mixed Chinese heritage. He had to wear thick glasses, and to his frustration his teeth were noticeably crooked, while his stature was impressively short. All in all, it had made him a target for a lot of bullying and racist jokes back in high school, and sometimes it made him dread going out in public since his bullies were all locals.

“Hey Ben! How’s it hanging, man?”

He turned, startled, but sighed in relief. It was just his best friend Artie, a similarly nerdy kid with bright ginger hair and strong Irish freckles. He was similarly often bullied like Ben, and the two had often bonded over their shared status of victims, as well as their complete lack of success with women.

“I’m doing well. Are you here for-”

Legacy Man II? Hell yeah, you’re finally getting it? I got it last night! It’s so sick man, seriously. But no, I’m just here to grab some milk and bread for Mom and Dad.”

“They still getting you to run your errands?”

He sagged. “Yeah, I don’t have enough to rent like you do.”

Ben raised an eyebrow. “Well, I do have to work two jobs. Seriously, I’m tired all the time. I don’t even know when I’ll be able to even play this game!”

“Better than being the dork still living with his parents. Mom keeps begging me to move out and find someone. She really wants me to get a girlfriend.”

“I’d like that too. A girlfriend for me, I mean. No luck though.”

The two sighed together, bonding as always over their complete lack of success with women. As if to taunt them, Tara Sams walked past that very moment through the main area of the mall. She was the the hottie from their old year group, a Persian beauty with enticing features and who looked hella good in a sexy genie costume, as an old Halloween party attested.

“God, to have anyone like her.”

“She’s way out of our league, Ben, seriously. We’ve got more luck making out with - oh shit!”

Ben turned around, only to find himself being shoved back by a brutish hand. He sprawled to the ground, followed by Artie. He cringed in recognition at the tormentor who was already chuckling as the pair of them got up.

“Dustin,” he said.

The much bigger man folded his arms, grinning with a sadistic smile upon his features. “Guilty as charged, you little dweeb. Saw you checking out my girl? You think you can just look at my Tara and get away with it?”

“We weren’t looking, Dustin, we swear-”

But the punch came quickly against Artie’s stomach, causing him to collapse. “Clam it, you ginger-eyed little fuck.”

Several of his buddies fanned out, and the two nerds gulped. They may have been twenty years old now, but that didn’t stop these alpha jocks from tormenting them whenever they arrived. They were all big, beefy dudes who liked to act as if they were all still in high school, which they may as well have been, given what this ‘friendly’ small town let them get away with. It wasn’t like the mall was heavily populated at that moment, or like it had good security cameras to catch an assault. Hell, Officer ‘Piggy’ Prisket would likely side with them.

“I’m sorry Dustin,” Ben said. “We didn’t mean tol. We’ll leave. Please just let us go.”

“Oh, we’re not letting you go that easy, are we fellas?” Dustin said.

Several of his buddies laughed. One of them, an absolute lunkhead named Todd, stepped forward. He was even bigger than Dustin, but had all the brains of a brick.

“Yeah, you think we’re going easy on you, you little Japanese nerd?”

“Chinese,” Ben corrected.

“Whatever, it’s all the same anyway. You all look the same.”

Ben cringed at the racist comment, infuriated that he was still being mocked over his race. For extra emphasis, Todd raised his fingers up and stretched his eyes up in a disgusting parody of ‘almond eyes’.

“Awww, me so offended!” he said in a grotesque parody of an accent that Ben didn’t even possess. “Did me want good sex time with hot girl?”

Still, it got a rise of laughter from Chad. He was lean where Todd was wide, shark-faced where Todd was flat. But he was a malicious piece of shit, and had been the main instigator of subtle pranks against Ben and Artie when they were younger.

“These losers wouldn’t know a hot girl if one accidentally walked over them,” he sneered. “Hell, remember Nadia Springs? The hot black chick with the humungous tits and the ass that just wouldn’t quit? Man, black chicks are just the hottest. Can you imagine these guys even trying to be in the same space as a hot slut like her?”

“Certainly can’t!” Dustin said. “Let alone my Tara.”

“Let alone anyone,” Tyrone said. He was a handsome, muscled African-American jock who loved to party hard. Like Chad, he often had different women on his arms depending on the night, something the pair were boastful about quite often. “These losers are still fucking virgins, dudes.”

“We’re not!” Ben exclaimed, though he knew it was a lie. Artie tried to shush him, but he continued speaking. “I’ve had sex! I’ve even had a blowjob!”

It was not a convincing statement. Tyrone laughed the hardest, leaning over to flick the nerd on the nose. “Sure you have, kiddo. A nice blowjob from a sexy girl with big full lips and hot blonde hair, right?”

“That is right,” came a new voice. “He has. Or at least, he will, with your help.”

The voice sounded strange, like it was formed from crackled glass, its hoarseness not entirely natural. From behind the escalator leading to the second floor of the mall came the Stranger, looming over even Todd, who was the tallest of the bullying group. Both bullies and victims stared at this strange preacher-like figure in confusion, wondering who he was.

“Dude, this has got nothing to do with you,” Dustin said, “so clear off.”

“It has everything to do with me.”

“Oh yeah?” Tyrone said. “Well who the fuck are you, man?”

The figure smiled, his eyes glowing faintly. “I am just a stranger passing through. But I couldn't help but notice how you treated this poor young man and his friend. And it seems, Dustin, Todd, Chad, and Tyrone, that you have been treating them like this for some years. It is time for a change, I think. I am all about change.”

Todd scratched his head. “Dude, how do you know our names?”

“I know many things, Todd. Like how you wet your bed until you were seven years old because you were afraid of the Halloween decoration lurking in the old cupboard to your right.”

Todd froze, and the others looked at him.

“What the fuck?” Dustin said. “You back off, freak, or I’ll end you right here.”

But the Stranger ignored him, and turned instead to face Benjamin. “It is true that you are a virgin, Benjamin.”

“Y-yes, it is,” he admitted.

“But today things change for you. And possibly for your friend. We shall see.”

Chad and Dustin were already rushing forward by this point to grab the Stranger and throw him to the ground and deliver a harsh beating. But they never got the chance, because the mysterious Stranger turned faster than they could have imagined he was capable of, and locked his gaze upon them. They froze in mid-movement. In mid-punch. Todd was stepping forward, and Tyrone behind them all, and they too were locked into place.

“What?” Ben said, startled. “How are you doing this?”

“Observe,” the Stranger simply said, turning his gaze upon Dustin first. “You touted your Persian girlfriend as a thing of beauty. Let us make you in that image.”

Dustin tried to cry out, but instead his voice quickly turned to a high, almost sensual moan as his body began to rapidly transform. His skin darkened in tone until it was a gorgeous, unblemished olive. His shoulders shrank, his hips widened, and his waist became delicate and perfect, muscles not pronounced but certainly fit. A belly dancer’s midriff. His clothing separated into two garments, turning a bright purple and going sheer in some places.

“N-no! Stop this! What the fuck!?”

But there was no stopping it, not even as his limbs became slender, or his chest pushed forwards into a sexy tube top, forming an impressive set of DD breasts that were just aching to be touched. He let loose a high, almost orgasmic whine as his penis retracted back into his body, leaving him now entirely female.

“No! What the fuck!? Change me back, you freak!” he cried. But her voice was now female, and as she made to throw a punch she found it literally impossible; the ability to perform any violence at all was now lost on her. Instead of looking like an intimidating jock, she now appeared to be a sexy harem girl with a perfect hourglass figure, her eyes a startling hazel, her eyebrows thick and perfect, her cheekbones delicious.

“There,” the Stranger said. “Now here is change. From now on, you are Daria. You can be Benjamin’s submissive girlfriend as penance for all your bullying. You will feed him, dance for him, entertain him with all the complex arts of lovemaking.”

“N-no! You can’t - ohhhhh, my head! Oh God, what are you doing to me?”

“Making you compliant,” the Stranger said.

Daria turned to scream at Ben, to curse him out for bringing this Stranger along, at least as she assumed he had. But instead she gave a low bow, showing off her new and foreign cleavage.

“Whatever my master wishes,” she said. She sashayed her impressive body over to Ben’s side, and to the latter’s astonishment and arousal, pressed herself against him so that her luscious body made itself very known.

“Holy shit,” Artie interjected. “This is crazy. This is crazy!”

The Stranger simply shook his head. “It is not finished.” He looked at the now terrified three remaining bullies. He picked Todd next.

“You mocked this man for his race. A foolish distinction between mortals. Perhaps in your stereotyping, you have selected your own future.”

“Wha - what do those words even mean!?”

The Stranger smirked. “You will soon understand. Now change.”
Todd groaned as the transformation began. The stupid man took far longer than Dustin had to realise what was happening to him, or even that he too was becoming a woman. But as his features softened and his enormous bulk more than halved in size, even he couldn’t deny it, especially once his skin also turned olive, albeit lighter than Daria’s.

“Dude, what the hell? This feels, like, really weird!”

His voice gained an accent as he panicked. His eyes shifted, taking on the almond-shape he’d just made fun of, while his stature reduced until he was a mere five-foot-three. His figure became trim, elegant, and slender. Womanly. The former jock gasped as his hair grew out long and black and straight, all while his clothing shifted to become a gorgeous dress that looked to be an ao dai.

“What have you done to me?” she stammered, her accent now Vietnamese.

“Given you a new life as a servile wife, Thu,” the Stranger said. “But you need not worry. You will have more company to share soon.”

Chad and Tyrone tried to run, but their changes came rapidly, rooting them to the spot. The sadistic pranker who liked to insult others found his body darkening far more than the others, his hair becoming frizzy and black, his lips full and his ass incredibly impressive. His breasts surged forth even larger than Daria’s.

“Fuck you! Fuck you! I’ll kill you!” she cried, even as her hips rounded out to become a real set of babymakers. “I’m not going to fuck my loving Benjamin and make him know how much I care for him.”

Her eyes went wide as her face finished, and for once she had nothing to say. Tyrone on the other hand had gone completely silent. The dark-skinned man was going pale - literally. To his horror, his black skin was lightening more and more until it was a pale Caucasian.

“I’m white! You can’t make me white! You just - you just can’t!”

“You are right,” the Stranger said. “We should make you blonde as well.”

His frizzy hair took a reverse course to Chad’s, straightening and lengthening until it fell around his shoulders, a sexy dyed platinum blonde. His figure shrank dramatically, limbs becoming fine, face taking on a heart-shape. The man who had been so proud of landing hot chicks was now becoming one himself, and there was nothing he could do to stave off the growth of pouty lips that were perfect for giving blowjobs, or bright blue eyes and a cute button nose that would complete her blonde bimbo look. Whereas Chad had ended up in a sexy black dress fit for a club, Tyrone’s clothing transformed into a tight little pink crop top and tight pink skirt that left much of her new form on display. And she was a her now - both of them were - as their penises had slid back into their bodies and left a feminine slit in place.

“No, I’m not, like, a total bimbo or whatever! I’m meant to be Tina! I mean, I’m Tina, damn it! Not, like, a total sexy hottie who loves sucking cock!”

The Stranger smirked at the full-bodied and curvaceous Chad and the classical blonde bimbo Tyrone.

“But that is what you are now, Tina,” he said. “Just as Charlize here will know exactly how to use her body to please her new suitor.”

The four women looked at one another. Their minds raged with hate, despair, fear, and shock, but more overpowering than any of that was the strange lust that was rising up within them. Try as they might to fight it, but their former victim Ben was looking mighty fine to their new female instincts, and all of them were hit by an unnatural sense of submission to him. Even if they factually knew it was magically-induced, they couldn’t help but see him as their sexy master, to love and take care of and make every moment as pleasurable as possible. Slowly, they shifted around him so that Daria could no longer hog him: Charlize pressed her backside against him, flirting openly, while Tina pressed against his other side, folding his arm around her bare waist. Thu was more submissive despite her internal panic; she blushed demurely as she approached him, working up the courage to kiss him on the lips.

It was all too much for poor Ben.

“Um, this is really, really crazy. Can’t you change them back?”

“You don’t want them like this?” the Stranger asked.

“I mean - they’re really hot. And - oh God, so hot - but I didn’t want them to die and be replaced by dumb bimbos or anything!”

“Do not worry,” the Stranger said. “They are still themselves. Just with some new lusts and compulsions. I’m sure they will come to accept their new lives - they will crave you, after all.”

“You can’t turn them back?”

“I can, but I will not. Simply enjoy this, Ben.”

The Stranger began to move away, leaving Ben surrounded by the luscious harem who were increasingly failing to fight their interest in him.

“Ohhhh, I don’t want this, but you’re so hot!”

“I hate you Ben, but I need to take you back to bed right now!”

“I want to cook for you, please!”

“I can dance for you, then you can change me back. You have to! But I’ll belly dance first!”

It was Artie who stopped the Stranger, however. He actually ran forward and grabbed him by the sleeve, something few people had ever managed or had the courage to do. It almost impressed the Stranger as much as it aggravated him.

“Hey, what about me!” Artie declared.

“What about you?” the Stranger replied, half-turning.

The young ginger-haired nerd gestured to the scene behind him. “I was bullied too, not just Ben! How come he gets all the really hot action! I want some of that action too! It’s not fair otherwise!”

The Stranger grinned, and it was almost a little menacing. “You are right, of course. I was inconsiderate. You will indeed have a piece of that ‘action’, as you so call it, Artie. You are Benjamin’s best friend, are you not?”

He puffed himself up a little. “Of course. Known each other since we were kids.”

“Hmm. Then it only makes sense to give you a most honoured place-”


“-as his first among equals, his most beloved bride.”

“Yeah - wait, what? No! I didn’t mean that! I thought you were doling out karmic punishments. I don’t want to be a woman!”

But the Stranger was already gazing upon Artie, who could feel the pressures rippling across his body.

“Karmic sometimes, other times just because it is so. And I think Benjamin would appreciate a beautiful Irish bride, would he not? Enjoy your ‘action’, Emer.

The red-headed young man gulped as his body began to change, breasts pushing forth and hair becoming even more fiery as it grew longer. Lustful thoughts towards his former friend entered his mind, and already he got the sense that he was going to be quite the vixen thanks to the Stranger’s magic. This wasn’t at all what he’d wanted, but at least he wasn’t going to be a virgin anymore soon!

To Be Continued . . .


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