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Don't worry, the Greek Goddess epilogue and Morgan's Halloween Party deluxe tier rewards are coming this week! I've almost finished both of them, as well as Friends are Family next! Just been a busy month. For now, though, consider what you'd like for next month. This post is for you to tell what you are interested in seeing next month on the following subjects.

1. Mini-Stories

If you have a topic, story, concept, or specific change you would like to see next month for a mini-story, please comment below or shoot me a message and I'll add it to the poll coming in a couple of days. Please keep your proposals to 100 words please. I won't consider anything over this word limit!

2. Epilogues/Alt Endings

If you have a story you would like to see an alt ending to, or an epilogue too, please comment below or send me a message. You can even go further and describe what you would like to happen in this alt ending or epilogue. Two options will be chosen!

So, what would you like to see? Remember, can always do another epilogue or alt-ending to a story covered once before. A story can have more than one of these if you really want it and vote!


Ashley The Bat

Maybe an epilogue to Love Thy Neighbor where Trish becomes more accepting of her fate after having her first kid and experiencing being a mom?


Woman gets passed over for a promotion, she she got it, and knowing today's sexist world, turns into a totally hot guy but with her same accomplishments and qualifications. But to balance things, the guy who got the promotion over her is transformed into her bimbo secretary--as he didn't have anything to actually offer and was just friends with the boss's son.