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By FoxFaceStories

A Story Prompt Tier for Rilby

Jason is a young man out for a fun experience at the local club. But while trying to pick up women, things start to go very strange as others instead treat him as if he is a hot young lady named Sabrina. Jason tries to set the record straight, but every time he acts against this new perception, his body begins to shift ever more to match it instead. Worse, it appears that Sabrina is caught in the same perception shift, only she’s taking his life!

First Part

Next Part

Part 2

Jason briefly paused, not knowing what to even say. His girlfriend had just called him Sabrina, and her face was dead serious about it, even as she bounced with excitement at the prospect of more shots. She didn’t look to be pranking him at all.

“Why are you calling me Sabrina?” he asked, still holding the tray of shots.

“Um, would you prefer me to call you a hot slut or something?” she asked, giggling. “I know you totally want to tear up the dance floor and find some hot guys to take hom tonight.”

“Tiffany, this isn’t funny. I’m Sabrina. I mean, I’m obviously Sabrina.”

“That’s what I’m saying!”

What the hell? Why am I unable to say my actual name? What’s wrong with me?

Swallowing, he nearly dropped the tray. It was Kade caught them easily. His gaze lingered on Jason in a way that made the confused man deeply uncomfortable.

“Watch your step,” he said easily. “Don’t want to be tripping on those heels.”

“What heels? I’m not wearing heels?”

Kade frowned. “Oh, I thought they were . . . I don’t know women’s shoes very well. Anyway, saved the drinks for you, so I’d say that deserves a shot!”

He took one and gulped it down easily. It frustrated Jason that he was having to spend time with this man, but his mind was already racing, trying to figure out what was going on. He sat down by Tiffany in the seat he’d occupied before.

“What’s up, girl? You sure you haven’t had too much?”

I’m beginning to suspect I have. What the hell is happening? Was it that witch? There’s no way that dumb hex thing was real, right? She said something about us being stuck as each other just because I cheated.

His mind soured at that thought.

No, I didn’t cheat. It was just . . . stepping out for a bit. Besides, it was fucking Sabrina, man. What the hell was Tiff thinking bringing a total Ten in that kind of revealing dress to this club and having me meet her? That’s self-destructive on her part, not mine! I just had to . . . get it out of my system. God, I need a drink.

He reached and grabbed a shot to give him some liquid courage before he could think of what to do next, but a sudden strange compulsion came over him as he did. A sort of desire, or push. In his head, he could hear the strange woman’s voice, the one that had cursed him.

‘Make sure to toast to the girls of the night like you’re one of them, and then to the sexy boys too. It’s what Sabrina would do.’

“What the hell?” he said.

“What’s wrong, Sabrina?”

“I’m not - I’m Sabrina!” he replied, unable to stop his tongue from working on its own. “It’s nothing, alright. I just need a drink.”

“We should toast to all the -”

“No toasting, no way,” he said. He managed to push his will past the strange compulsion and gulp down his drink. It proved to be a mistake.

‘Fine, fine. Ignore the compulsions at your peril . . . Sabrina.’

Tiffany looked disappointed at her ‘friend’, but Jason was far more concerned with the voice in his head. It was that woman, the one that had claimed to curse him and Sabrina. And worse, her words were accompanied by a strange tingling on his lips, and in his hands. Shaking, he lowered the shot glass and stared in horror as his nails lengthened. He was a habitual nailbiter, much to his shame, but now those nails became elegant and perfect, of a length that was far more feminine, especially since red polish suddenly appeared upon them.

“What - that’s not - the fuck!?”

“Sabrina, are you okay?” Kade asked.

“You aren’t seeing this?”

“Seeing what?” Tiffany interjected.

“My hands! Look! They’re changing? You can’t see?”

He held up his hands, trying to ignore the strange sensation of the flesh warping and changing. His fingers reduced in length, but much more in width as well. Men never really thought much about his hands, and being a bit of a gym guy, he supposed his were a little bit sausage-like in some respects. Now, however, they reduced in size, slimming down to become positively dainty. The same was true of his palms, which lost the hair on the back of them, and shrunk proportionately with the fingers. The skin blemishes, the calloused bits from playing sport, the little scars from playing knuckles with the other boys when he was young, they all disappeared. In mere moments his hands were almost an exact replica for Sabrina’s hands, albeit without her olive skin tone. They looked ridiculous at the ends of his lean, albeit muscular male arms.

“Holy shit,” he said, trying to ignore the tingle in his lips. They felt like something was being injected into them, and true enough they puffed up a little, the lower lips especially, becoming full and womanly; of that he had exceedingly little doubt, given the state of his hands.

“I think someone has had a bit too much to drink,” Kade said.

“Yeah, or something else,” Tiffany added, smirking. “Are you sure you haven’t been slipped something, hun? Seriously, Sabrina, this is so unlike you. What’s going on? Are you seeing something?”

‘Better deny it, Sabrina. Stay in character, unless you want another change. Sabrina has lovely little feet, after all . . .’

The voice whispered in his mind, freaking Jason the hell out. He managed to clench his new hands, feeling the longer nails dig into his palms subtly.

“I’m - no, I’m fine. I was just pointing out my nail polish,” he said weakly. “Look how they change under the light, isn’t that cool?”

Both figures looked at his nails, and sure enough the neon lights did reflect well off of them in the club. Tiffany beamed.

“Oh yeah, they look psychedelic as! I’ll have to get that polish.”

“They look pretty hot,” Kade said, and Jason tried not to barf. His mind was putting all the pieces together and working out what was going on.

“I need to go to the toilet,” he said abruptly, standing up.

“Again already?”

“Y-yeah. You know us guys - I mean, shit! Us girls!”

‘Too late,’ the witch’s voice boomed in his mind. ‘That was a slip up. Try not to slip up!

Jason’s eyes went wide. He quickly turned on the spot and moved as quickly as he could away from the table. He needed to find Sabrina - the real Sabrina, and talk to her. She would be able to help, or at least know the real truth of what was going on. But first he needed some privacy to get his thoughts straight. He made straight for the bathroom, right near where that damn seductive beauty had first propositioned him.

Goddamn it, why did I let her convince me to fuck her? I should have turned tail and ran! Or at least organised to fuck her later! God, it was just one mistake! I’m sorry, God! If you are up there, use your magic to change me back or something! This witch thing isn’t fair!

But there was no answer, holy or otherwise. Instead, his feet began to tingle and change.

“No! Goddamn it! Fuck, fuck, fuck!”

No one could hear him over the loud beat of the music, though once more plenty of men were looking at him.

“Nice heels!” one said. “Give you a nice strut, sexy!”

“Fuck you!” Jason spat, but the man’s words made him wince, because at that very moment his feet shrunk significantly, becoming small and dainty much as his hands had. He had to actually grab onto a man’s shoulder to steady himself, and the man laughed, trying to catch Jason’s fall.

“Hey, had enough to drink? I can help you dance, if you want? You can lean against me?”

Jason was repulsed, and pushed away from the man. He only barely managed to keep on his feet, because his shoes reformed, losing much of their mass and instead becoming a set of high heels. He staggered, struggling to walk.

And then suddenly he didn’t.

‘Just a little mental change to help you along. More to come if you don’t play your role right. I said you’d understand each other, you two cheaters.’

“Screw you,” Jason spat to the air. He waltzed forward, now easily walking on heels. Humiliatingly, his ass swayed sensually from side to side, looking goddamn hot to the various men - and even some women - who only saw him as Sabrina. One hand even slapped his behind as he went, and Jason punched the man right in the mouth, causing his friends to laugh.

“I’m not a goddamn woman!” he yelled.

Again the voice returned. ‘You are really not good at this, are you? Remember to act your part! Sabrina has to do the same, and she’s struggling too. Why don’t I give you some further incentive, as well as a dose of reality on exactly why that man just pinched your delightful rump!’

Jason was nearly to the bathrooms, only to groan as another change took place. As expected, it was his rear that changed this time, and - volume wise - it was the largest change yet.

“Nhgghh!” he grunted. “Ohhhh! No! Ahhh, fuck!”

It wasn’t painful, far from it; it was oddly pleasurable. Somehow, that made it even worse. His ass swelled dramatically, becoming large and voluminous and stretching the very confined of his pants until they too reformed a little just to give some extra space. Sabrina had a fantastic ass, and now he did too: a near identical one, if not as wide due to the lack of womanly hips. Still, the flesh bounced, cheeks full and gorgeous - that is, if they were on anyone else.

Get your head in the game Jason, he thought to himself. She’s changing you every time you don’t act like a fucking chick. Play the part for now, you idiot!

But it was easier said than done. He kept a lookout for Sabrina, but she was nowhere to be seen. Instead, he found the bathrooms and entered, intent on viewing his own changed appearances - especially the lips he hadn’t yet seen - and to put a private plan together.

Too bad he entered the wrong bathroom. The male one.

“Oh,” he said to himself, instantly realising as numerous men turned his way and smirked. “Fuck.”

“Fuck yeah, more like,” one of them said. “There’s a free stall at the back.”

“Yeah, no thank you,” Jason said. “I don’t sleep with guys.”

He turned around and exited. The female one had a line, but he barged through anyway, finding a space despite the complaints.

‘That was very rude. Sabrina respects female etiquette, you know. It’s a girl thing at clubs. Perhaps you’d understand better if you were clothed like one - no bathroom mistakes that way either!’

“Stop this!” he yelled, uncaring how many of the women in the bathroom heard him. “I don’t deserve this! Just because I did a little cheating-”

‘A little cheating Oh, you have no idea what it’s like to be cheated on. Don’t worry though, you’ll have plenty of partners soon. Remember, Sabrina likes to get lucky a lot, and always with lots of men! And she has a lot of success when she dresses up like . . . this!’

Jason gave a defeated sigh as his clothes reweaved, joining together to become a single fabric. To his dismay, his underwear became women’s lingerie, tight about his cock in a way that was deeply uncomfortable. His smart shirt and trousers became Sabrina’s low cut red dress with its thigh-high hem, revealing his hairy thighs. It stretched tight on his shoulders and waist, looking ridiculous in the mirror reflection.

“I look like a hermaphrodite or something,” he said. Anger boiled inside him as he took in the sight of his changes. His lips were indeed like Sabrina’s, the kind that he would have loved to have wrapped around his cock, and had been so marvellous to kiss just earlier that night. He had good memories of those kisses, and they would have remained good, were it not for the fact that they were his lips now.

“Just gotta work this out,” he whispered under his breath as numerous other ladies moved about, entering and leaving. “Number one: I’ve been cursed, so magic is real. Number two, every time I don’t act how Sabrina would, I get changed further. Number three, Sabrina is changing too, probably into me. Number four, I fucked up - a little - with Sabrina, and that’s why this is happening. Just gotta figure it out, maybe come clean. Maybe wait on that actually. Maybe just find Sabrina and we can find this witch.”

It was a barebones plan, but it was the best he had. The dress felt odd on him, revealing far too much, but a small part of his brain made it feel a little more natural, just as it felt natural to walk in sexy red pump heels or let his ass shake a little from side to side. Something about the magic was compelling him to act in character: he could fight it easily, but it was increasingly feeling like a default setting he had to rail against, something which terrified him.

He left the bathroom, moving with as much confidence as he could muster around to the dance floor, intent on finding Sabrina. Unfortunately, someone else found him first, and it was the man from the male toilet block. He was reasonably tall, with just a little bit of a gut, and he looked at Jason like he was some feast to be gobbled up. His gaze lingered on the changing man’s torso, as if those magnificent F-cup breasts belonging to Sabrina were already on his chest.

“Nice,” he said. “Remember me?”

“Look, I’m in a hurry,” Jason said, trying to move past him to the main club area.

“Wait, just a moment! I was wondering if you wanted to dance? Or, if you want, we could go a little further. I’ve seen you around here quite a few times. I know you have a spot you like to take men and . . . do things with them. I could do things with you, you know.”

Jason was about to punch him, or say something suitably manly, but he quickly remembered the nature of the curse.

Oh shit. Oh shit. I don’t have to go through with this, do I?

The voice gave a quick reply, giggling. ‘It’s what Sabrina would do. She loves having her needs filled. Guess you’ll have to choose - another change, or a little friskiness?’

Jason swallowed. The prospect either way was horrible, but he had no idea if he was going to change permanently once it was all finished. His heart raced in his chest, and a terrible shiver came over him. Worse, there was that compulsion. That low-lying but insistent reminder that yes, indeed, this is what Sabrina would do.

“F-fine,” he said, trying to sound uninterested. “Just a goddamn quickie, alright?”

‘You can do better sexy talk than that, but it’s a start.’

“Hell yeah,” the man said. “I’m Mark.”
“And I’m . . . Sabrina,” Jason said, unable to say anything else. “Let’s go and . . . have a real good time. Hot boy.”

The voice giggled in his mind. ‘Hot boy? Oh, you are bad at this. I’m going to give you a boost, to help you along.’

Jason could have screamed. I don’t want any of your help! I just want to be me again!

But it was too late, because as he moved back to Sabrina’s little fuck den where he’d ploughed her not too long ago, new thoughts and words bubbled into his head and came out of his mouth.

“When we do this, would you like to fuck me or have me go down on your big, hard dick, sexy?”

Mark bit his lip, he was so excited. He opened the door and the two entered the hidden space, and he was already tearing at his pants. “Oh man, I’d love to have you suck my dick, but those tits are too divine. I want to fuck you against the wall while I feel them.”

Jason couldn’t decide which option was worse. How is this even going to work? It’s not like I actually - OHHH!! OH SHIT!’

Mark was already against him, feeling his body, rubbing his flat chest and commenting on how ‘amazing’ and ‘huge’ his tits were. Worse, his dick was hard against Jason’s ass, and only getting hard. It felt massive.

It felt hot.

Shit, why do I feel this way? Why the actual freaking fucking FUCK is this turning me on!?

It was Sabrina’s instincts, of course, and the magic guiding them. The excitement she would have felt was infecting him, and he found himself pressing his ass back against Mark, even as he lifted Jason’s red dress.

“Oh yeah, you’re so fucking wet,” Mark said. He reached around, and to Jason’s surprise and horror, began stroking Jason’s cock . . . very successfully. The poor man was bewildered and horny as hell. His new lover was pressing his dick against Jason’s ass, all while stroking his cock.

“Mhmmm, such a wet pussy you have. I bet you love it when I rub your clit like this, right?”

Jason gasped. He was unable to correct the man, and briefly did not want to. “Y-yeahh,” he moaned. “I - ohhhh God, that f-feels amazing. Why don’t you fuck my dripping pussy already and make me moan, gorgeous?’

Mark didn’t even reply. Instead, he entered Jason. The changing man groaned as, for the first and hopefully last time, a fully erect penis pushed into his asshole, penetrating him. The man continued to fondle Jason, drawing him nearer and nearer to climax. He thrusted a good number of times, and Jason found himself thrusting too, trying to imagine he was fucking a hot woman, though nothing could be further from the truth.

“Yes!” he cried. “Fuck me! Fuck me like I’m actually a - ahhh! YESSSS!!!”

Mark exploded within her, grunting in bliss as he came. Jason felt the tidal wave of cum entered him, and with that, he came too, spreading his seed on the wall right before him. Humiliation and rage burned within him. He had been victim to the compulsions, to the magic and instincts and words he’d been forced to say, but there was a far darker aspect.

Oh God, I did that willingly. I went along with it. Mark thinks he’s just had sex with the hottest woman in existence, and while he fucked me, I felt like that woman.

The voice returned. ‘Because you were that woman, Sabrina, or you will be so. You played your part perfectly. No more changes for now!’

Anger boiled inside Jason. He pulled his dress down after Mark extracted himself, and without another word he moved as quickly as he could, dashing away from the man.

“Hey, did you enjoy it?” he called, but Jason didn’t care to respond. He moved to the club, uncaring how frazzled he looked, or how much his ass was shaking. He needed to end this. He needed to change back. He needed to find Sabrina.

He found her quicker than he thought, up on the dance floor.

Just not how he wanted to find her.

“Tiffany, what the fuck are you doing with Jason?” he cried, though he’d meant to say ‘Sabrina.’

The pair just barely managed to hear him over the din of the music. They were dancing together, embracing, their lips locked onto one another in a passionate kiss. Sabrina’s ass was deflated, and she was wearing a set of trousers and male shirt that was too big for her. Her lips were without lipstick, and she appeared wider in the shoulders. Her breasts were smaller, though still in existence. And her eyes were filled with recognition of his own changes too.

“Er, kissing my awesome boyfriend?” Tiffany answered, before kissing Sabrina passionately on the neck again. “What do you think? Are you okay?”

Jason quaked. It was all too much. This was too much.

“Get away from him!” he cried. “You’re meant to be mine! I just did something unfathomable just to keep you!”

He said it loud enough that several people were startled, and Tiffany most of all.

‘Uh oh,’ the voice said. ‘Going waaaaay off script here. But cheaters never prosper, so why don’t I remind you - again - that you are Sabrina. And this change will go straight to the heart of the matter. Or, at least, the two big tits that sit over said heart.’

Jason’s chest began to tingle, all while he tried to think of how to explain himself. But it was too late; he was about to grow a big pair of tits to fill his new red dress.

To Be Continued . . .



Great ideas so far! Enjoying how it all unfolds