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By FoxFaceStories

Burt may live in a world of superheroes and supervillains, but he’s just a regular burglar trying to support his sickly mother and teenage sister with ill-gotten gains. But when he is hired to help break into a superhero vault facility, Burt accidentally triggers an artefact that gives him the power to turn into Meteor Woman, the superstrong and incredibly busty heroine. Now juggling two lives, Burt tries to stay under the radar even as his super person becomes an increasingly huge sensation.

First Issue

Next Issue 

Meteor Woman

Issue 2: Take My Card

Burt Conway, desperate thief, had gotten in way over his head. Way, way over his head. The short, heavier-set man was no longer short, heavy-set, or a man. Instead, after accidentally grabbing onto the navy blue superheroic Meteor Cape, he’d been transformed into a statuesque Amazonian woman with long platinum blonde hair, impressive muscles, and a bustline you could suffocate a whole parade in. He was now a her, in every way that counted except for his fractured, terrified mental state.

“Shit, give me back my body!” he cried. He tried to land, but only succeeded in flying backward, his cape fluttering to one side, dragging as he crashed through shelf after shelf of warehouse material. He managed to turn, only to scream as he headed straight at a metal wall. He smashed into it at over sixty miles per hour.

He didn’t feel a lick of pain, and the wall dented.

Burt pulled himself back, and he was still floating. He could sense some sort of control, almost like a psychic control over his form, but it was imperfect, without practice. It almost made him wish he’d stayed in space with that strange voice listening to the instruction manual.

“Calm down Burt, calm down, just have to - SHIT!”

He instinctively burst backwards and to the side, evading a purple ray that disintegrated part of the wall and caused the entire area to buckle and groan. With horror, he saw a section of the concrete ceiling collapse, and it was falling straight onto Black Jack and Joker, who were still trying to flee the scene. Again without thought, he sped forward and grabbed Black Jack, pulling him aside. But he couldn’t save Joker, and for a terrible moment he thought the poor man would be crushed.

Until Flame Dancer pulled alongside him, surfing on her flames, dragging the man along to the side.

“Nicely done, Silver!” she exclaimed. “Good to see someone cares about more than property damage. But, um, who are you?”

Burt squeaked in an embarrassingly feminine manner. He managed to zip around, still flying awkwardly and barely in control, and ended up heading straight into the maelstrom. Hyperion was in full armour now, and he was firing lasers and magna-beams and everything he had to take out the heroes. Blue Trident and Polymorph were keeping him at bay, or so it seemed: one of the villain’s drones sidled around behind Trident, and began firing up, as if about to explode violently. Burt may have hated heroes, but he didn’t want them dead. He cried out to warn him.

“Watch out!”

Instantly energy rushed straight to his eye sockets. For a moment he thought he would explode along with the drone, but instead an incredibly intense heat followed by red lasers shot from his eyes and disintegrated the drone. Trident looked astonished.

“Who the heck was that!?”

But Hyperion was surging forth, sending blade after blade from his suit to cut down his opposition.

‘I will have my powers, my dear heroes. I shall gain strength to add to my intelligence, and I shall flense you before the world when I control this city! I’ll cut your bones to atoms with - no. NO! NO NO NO!!”

Those glowing eye slits turned to face turned to face Burt, and the former male put two and two together. Oh God, I’ve stolen the power he wanted. That’s why he wanted the cape. Wait, did Hyperion seriously want to become a chick with huge tits?

The thought couldn’t be elaborated upon, as the villain rocketed up towards him, flames bursting from his feet.

‘I’ll kill you! I’ll cut you down, you insensate thief!’

Burt had no time to think. His entire sad, pathetic life flashed before his eyes. He though, great, here’s how I die, stuck as a buxom superheroine getting carved open by a villain. I’ll never get to help Ma and Alex. Except his worst fears didn’t come true. He yelled in horror, and a terrible eruption leapt forth from his mouth, a vibration that shattered parts of Hyperion’s suit before he could reach her. The air warbled with the power of it, and while he wasn’t finished, Trident and Polymorph and several other heroes took that chance to leap upon the villain and put him down for good.


Black Jack and Joker had gotten away, apparently. Good for them. But Burt was still surrounded by heroes as they stood or perched or floated outside the facility while the dreadful techno-villain was placed into a secure loading van and carried away. He was still in his crumpled armour, but its gadgets had been torn away. Half his face showed, and its pale expression was one of rage.

“No! You cannot beat Hyperion! Not when I’m so close! Whoever you are, thief, I’ll find you, and I’ll take what is rightfully mine!”

But then he was knocked out by a well-placed thrust by Trident, and he was carted away. It would almost be a relief, if the subject of interest didn’t immediately turn to Burt himself. He was still floating, trying to touch the ground and failing to do so, but he had mastered basic direction even if he looked a little lopsided. He was trying to ignore how his boobs wobbled a little, even in his tight outfit, or the distinct absence between his legs. Or, especially, how Blue Trident was looking up at her with an expression behind his mask that seemed a bit too interested.

“Well, it seems we have much to thank this newcomer for,” he said. “You arrived in the nick of time. How did you know Hyperion was there?”

“I didn’t,” Burt replied, which was sort of the truth. His voice was far too female for his liking, though at least it wasn’t overly sweet. In fact, it had a raw, powerful quality to it. “I just heard what was happening under there. Um, super hearing, I guess.”

“The facility should be sound-proofed.”

“Well, I guess they took down security, real good, huh? Anyway, I’ll be going now.”

But when he turned around, Flame Dancer was floating on a living flame right behind her, her expression sweet but sceptical.

“Hang on,” she said, “we haven’t even been introduced! You helped save lives back there, including the head of the Hero Society. That’s not nothin’, girl. Are you new?”

“Um, what gave it away?”

She chuckled. “Well, for one, you seem to be struggling keeping yourself upright in the air.”

“We all go through it,” Lightning Lass said. She was one of Alexis’ favourites, and it galled Bur that he couldn’t just ask for a photo.

“Those of you who can fly,” Signet Lance remarked, sighing.

“But seriously, thank you,” Trident said. “You proved yourself a capable hero, even for a novice. The power you possess, I’ve heard legends of the Meteor and its endowments-”

At that, Lightning Lass snorted with laughter. With his superhearing, Burt could hear her remark to Signet Lance: “Two really big endowments, huh? Hot!”

Blue Trident blushed. “I mean that you have clearly been chosen by this power, yes?”

“Uh, yes. It talked to me.”

“So you just ran into the vault without-”

“I’ve had the power a long time. I’m just showing it now. I can’t really explain it, I really should be-”

But Trident was insistent. He called water up from a nearby fountain and rose up near her. “I respect your privacy,” he said. “And if you do not wish to talk further then I understand too. The start of a heroic career is difficult, especially with trust. But I hope this at least forms some trust.”

With that, he handed Burt a ring. He smiled, and for a moment, Burt felt his heart flutter. Why the fuck is that smile making me feel warm? Why am I finding it hard not to look at his muscles? Shit, did this thing make me into dudes?

“It will grant you visitor’s access to the Hero Dome,” Trident said in his classically heroic voice, which now sounded weirdly attractive, “and if you wish, we can help you in your career to superherodom. You don’t have to be alone.”

Burt took the ring quickly and put it in the only place he could think of with spare space: his cleavage. Lightning Lass spluttered again.

“Holy shit she’s perfect. Signet Lance, is my nose spurting blood? Tell me if my nose is spurting blood, okay?”

“Your nose isn’t spurting blood. Be honourable, woman.”

“How can anyone be anything but dishonourable around a pair of melons like that? No wonder she can’t fly straight!”

Burt turned a deep shade of red, and tried (and failed) to right himself again.

“Th-thank you. I have to, um, go. I think I left the oven on?”

“Wait!” he called, as Burt started to move further up into the air to try and fly away. “At least tell us your mantle?”

“Um, my what?”

“Your superhero name!” Flame Dancer called. “You have one, right?”

“Uh, Meteor Woman,” he blurted out.

And then he flew away. Reporter cars were arriving, and police vehicles too, and he didn’t want to be anywhere near them. Still, it was a tricky thing to fly, and he ended up losing height and skidding along a by-road in his attempt to escape.

“Goddamn tits, why do they have to be so big? I swear I left two dents in the road there.” He grabbed his cape, flicked it back, looked over his body. “What the hell even is this costume? I don’t even have a symbol, just a ‘hey, look at these big tits’ sign! Who invented this, and how do I get out of it!?”

He sighed, gritted his teeth. Out of frustration he punched a streetlamp and dented it so much it became a Banksy art piece.

“Holy shit, I’ve got super strength,” he said. Flying, super strength, laser vision, some kind of hypersonic scream . . . I’m like an S-tier hero here. Alexis would be all over this. But it doesn’t help me!

He fumed, choosing to walk home instead of risk flying again. Unfortunately, it meant that he was immediately catcalled as he passed a busier section of town.

“Hey sweetie, nice melons!”

“New hero on the block, or just a costume? Come over here and I’ll show you some power!”

“Swing those hips baby, it’ll make your tits bounce all the more! You know you like the attention with a costume like that.”

Burt gritted his teeth, and tried not to laser them to death. It was only when he accidentally bowled a man in a suit over that he realised he hadn’t been paying attention to those in front of him.

“Watch where you’re going!” he snapped.

“I’m so sorry!” the man said, scrambling up. “I had my head in the clouds. Do you see them?”

Burt looked up - members of the Hero Society were flying overhead back to their base. He sighed in annoyance. Assholes. But when he lowered his gaze he realised that the man had lowered his also, and was trying very hard - and failing - not to stare at the two enormous globes shown off in Burt’s costume. It didn’t help that with his new 6’2 height, they were at the man’s eye level.

“Hey, my eyes are up here, bozo!” he snapped. “Who the hell are you, anyway?”

“Oh, sorry. I’m Ralph Riley, reporter for the Daily Star. “I - am I talking to a superhero right now.”

“No, just some schmuck who got superpowers and wants to go home.”

He pushed past this ‘Ralph’. He wasn’t a bad looking man, in fact he was annoyingly cute, with rectangular glasses, black hair with a spitcurl, and a modestly muscular figure. God, why does this body seem to be attracted to whatever man it looks at.

Unfortunately, he walked alongside her, keeping pace with her long legs with their bare thighs. Burt tried not to swing his hips when he walked, but his new pelvis demanded it.

“Dude, I said buzz off.”

“I know, but you can’t blame me for wanting an interview, if you really are a superhero. Your description matches something a friend on scene just put over by text.”

“What does it say?”

“Oh, it’s a bit, um, rude.”

He looked over Ralph’s shoulder and cringed. It read: Hot new superhero with huge tits spilling out of her costume! Got like five or six powers, maybe. New big story?

“Your friend sucks.”

“He’s more of an acquaintance. Please, would you tell me your name? Not your secret identity, obviously, though you don’t seem to wear a mask.”

Burt laughed. “Please, with these, who needs a mask?”

That did make him chuckle, both of them in fact. “But what is your mantle?”

“Meteor Woman, I guess.”

“You guess?”

“I’m new to this whole thing.”

“To being a superhero?”

Burt shook his head, accidentally setting off his breasts. “Yeah, sure. Why not.”

“And you do have multiple powers?”

“I’ve got four. So far. Flying, super strength, laser vision, some kind of shattering scream. I don’t know. Who cares? It’s all just lame superhero bullshit. I didn’t ask for this.”

Ralph looked gobsmacked. “Are you telling me you don’t want powers?”

“Dude, I don’t want any of this. I just wanna go back home. You stick that in your magazine and print it.”

He began to float into the air. Screw not flying, it was worse. More boob jiggle, too.

“You saved several people, apparently,” Ralph said.

It made Burt pause in mid-air. Yeah. Wow. I did, didn’t I?

“Was that not worth it?” Ralph prodded. He had his tape recorder out, and Burt’s super hearing picked up that he’d taken an image. Goddamnit.

“Yeah, obviously that was worth it.”

“You’d do it again.”

“Look, this is a long night and I’m still pretty new at this.”

Ralph passed him a card. He had to jump to pass it to Burt.

“What’s this?”

“My card. If you want a proper interview, or just to talk or whatever. You seem like you need a friend more than an interview, actually.”

Burt sighed, tucked that in his cleavage too. “What? It’s the only place this dumb costume lets me put it.”

“I didn’t say anything!”

“Your eyes did. Look, thanks Ralph, but no thanks. This superhero shit isn’t me, and I’m not cut out for it. I’m damaged goods. You have good night now, and don’t you dare fucking publish that photo, or that interview.”

To his surprise, the man nodded. More than that, he deleted both right before Burt’s eyes. “Promise,” he said. “Hope it works out for you, Meteor Woman. Thanks for your time.”

Burt took into the air.

I need to change back. He really was cute. Stupid busty blonde bimbo super body.


It was with exceeding caution that Burt managed to get back to the eighth floor apartment that he lived in with his mother and sister. Floating outside, he carefully pried the shutter open and slipped into his room. He had no idea if his condition was permanent or not, but his hopes were all on the latter.

“Turn back. C’mon, turn back!” he hissed quietly to himself.

He focused his energy. “There’s got to be a way. C’mon! Make me Burt again!”

There was a sudden rush of energy leaving him, and to his astonishment, his body slowly altered back to normal. His huge breasts reduced down to his usual chest, and his body hair regrew, and even his silvery costume with all its revealing aspects just became his black thief outfit again. In moments, even the long, gorgeous blonde hair had become his curly brown top once more.

“Holy shit, thank you,” he muttered to himself. “And let that be the end of that.”

He flopped into his bed, still unbelieving that he had just somehow been transformed into a voluptuous female superhero, and then promptly fell asleep anyway.

He dreamed of silver costumes, of flying through the city, and of people never quite managing to keep their focus on his eyes.

To Be Continued . . .



Fun, can’t wait to see more.

Ashley The Bat

Really fun, loving this story so far.