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By FoxFaceStories

A Story Prompt Tier for Spacebanana

Humanity is under threat of alien invasion, not that they know it yet. But this alien invasion is not interested in exterminating humanity, but simply turning its dominant species into enormous alien broodmothers to further their galaxial conquests. Unfortunately for 21-year old Allen and his family, that means big changes are ahead, and ones they might never be able to fully adjust to.

First Part

Previous Part

Brood Planet, Epilogue

Fifty years later, Allen was well used to her role. She was a hyper breeder, and the regularity of her role demanded that she continued to push egg after egg after egg from her ovipositor daily. Her gravid body was immense, and was still slowly growing; she would not reach the apex of her size, she knew, for another hundred years. The Zaar broodmothers and other superior roles in their hierarchy lived long, long lives, and she could reasonably expect another four to five hundred under her belt. Still, it wasn’t like she was unproductive with all that time: Allen pushed over a hundred eggs out of her body a day.

Her days generally went like this:

Wake up in the early morning, her body having automatically birthed a couple of dozen eggs while she was sleeping. Psionically direct hive workers to deal with said eggs while she fed on several tons of the pink slim that kept her body going.

Check on her sister: not part of her duties technically, but Sarah and she had been partners in the ‘workplace’ of the hive chamber for five decades now, and liked to engage in some conversation before all the moaning and grunting started. This also included double-checking any unique itinerary events for the day, which was not entirely uncommon.

Self-impregnation. This occurred at the same time as Sarah these days: they were ‘in sync’, so to speak. It usually marked the immediate end of their conversation, though the siblings held no mutual embarrassment over their shared pleasure: how could they after it happening daily for half a century? So sometimes they conversed still over the continued gasping and blissful cooing as their bodies made sure their wombs were filled with more eggs. Sarah, naturally, finished earlier, as she was not a Hyper Breeder. But as Nurse Mother this was also when her newest hatchlings - or more often mine - were attached to feed.

Then, begin birthing. This part was the easy one, even if it wasn’t ‘easy’, per se. Her body had transformed, bloated, and then further evolved to tackle it though, and now it came naturally to her. The contractions would always begin either after the self-impregnation, or sometime during, which could always get a little awkward. Allen would then simply follow the directions of her body: wait out the eggs that were making their way to her tip, and begin pushing the relevant muscles to disgorge them from her body. As she did so, she psionically directed the hive workers - many of them her own children - to help shift the eggs to appropriate creches within the superhive. This was the main duty of her day, and it would take hours. Thankfully, even among the pressure and discomfort, her body had also adapted to make it a deeply pleasurable experience. During this time, several of her more regal hatchlings would also be attached to her large pair of breasts to feed. Her milk was considered to be ‘royal milk’, and thus helping to rear future broodmothers, including the very occasional hyper breeders.

Then, there was the lunch break, as she liked to call it. Her body would exhaust itself for a time, and she would then have time to consume more of the pink slime and relax for a bit. Despite spending five decades as a bloated Zaar Hyper Breeder, she still liked to partake in human entertainment from her past life as a man: this included playing a specially adapted video game console on a massive screen that could extend from the ground, or to watch her favourite old movies, or simply read some books she liked. Sarah similarly had time to relax, and they often simply chatted and joked on just about any topic, exchanging light-hearted barbs. Sarah’s job didn’t really have ‘breaks’ really, because there were always hatchlings attached to her many breasts. She had nearly three hundred of them now, and so looked like a mother spider at times: numerous of my and her hatchlings - and those of other broodmothers across the city - all attached to her and feeding her endless supply of milk. Sometimes she needed more pink slime than Allen did. It was a source of endless amusement and frustration and discussion between them, and the sheer ridiculousness of how their lives had ended up as siblings never ceased to astonish them, even after years of this strange new dynamic.

After that, it was more birthing again, and often another round of self-impregnation. Around this time, their mother Heather would psionically speak to them, sometimes using the screen so they could talk ‘face to face’. Their mother, despite being a crucial Hive Administrator, always made time for her children, despite having produced many more of her own. She also kept them in contact with their father, though talking to him was sometimes a hassle. He hadn’t taken his role as Storage Brooder very well, and all of them agreed that his role wasn’t exactly the funnest, even when weighed against Sarah, who still often complained of how many ‘udders’ she continued to constantly grow or be flushed full with. Ethan was easily the largest of all them, now the size of a twelve story building laid on its side. His humanoid part was like a mere pimple when weighed against the rest of him. There was a reason his living space was effectively an open field with weather generation to stop him getting too cold or wet: few other places could house him. His overmassive abdomen was storing and very slowly birthing enormous eggs and even live caste creatures for the hive that were crucial for space travel. Hell, their dad had just about flipped when he discovered from Heather that he was literally birthing - over months, mind - the enormous organic components of future colony ships.

Still, they made contact when they could, even if he was constantly grumbling and complaining of being unable to move. Unlike Allen, who got breaks, Ethan was constantly having to deal with contractions and pushing, even though birthing took literal weeks or months for him. The siblings still couldn’t quite forget their father’s cowardice all those years ago, but they were sympathetic.

But once they were filled in on hive news from their mother, whose mind was able to conduct over one thousand psionic conversations at once, they settled down for the night with another round of feeding, nursing, and eating. The evening was Allen’s favourite part of the day. As if recognising that she needed a break, her body shut down its birthing for a time, and even Sarah’s milk production lowered so she could store more over the night. Allen and her sister could finally get some ‘exercise’, even if their ability to move was more dependent on their psionic abilities than anything else. They shifted their heavy burdens to visit one of the stations around their enormous hive chamber, or even visiting another section of the hive if they wished. Most often, they simply visited separate locations outside the hive, aided by their hive workers, and enjoyed the setting sun in the outside air while reading, gaming, painting, or engaging in some kind of hobby of their choice. Allen rather liked painting the outside and hanging them up inside the hive. In a few hundred years, she might even fill the interior.

Of course, things were about to change, and so her ambitions to ‘colourise’ the interior of the hive would have to be put on hold. She’d heard the rumours, of course, spread by other broodmothers across the city, including former friends. Ethan of all people had turned out to become quite the accurate rumour mill: his (or her) entirely immobile state meant that the more independent-minded workers and Zaar controllers had loose lips around the Storage Brooder. He passed information to his children rather readily, eager to anything to talk about, particularly since as much as they all still loved Heather, her commitment to the Zaar as Hive Administrator meant that she never passed on secret information: she had a job to do, after all, and operational security was one of them that she took annoyingly seriously. So it was through Ethan that Sarah and Allen learned the big secret of what was happening soon, and could only wait to find out officially from their mother.

It would not take long.


It was a completely ordinary morning several months after they first heard the big rumour. Allen had woken especially famished - she assumed she’d grown a little more over night - and so she quickly directed some nearby hive workers to move the eggs she had birthed overnight to the creches; the creches that were running out of space the last couple of months. That being sorted, she quickly directed them for her morning ‘pampering.’

‘I need some pink slime my darlings, please. Make it twice the usual dosage: I feel it’s going to be a big clutch I’m laying today. And can you massage my ovipositor on the left side; it’s a little sore today.’

‘Yes, mother!’ they declared lovingly. It stirred a strong maternal sensation in her.

Across the chamber, Sarah was yawning, having woken happily up a little later than usual. She stretched her many arms, already taking up the bundles of hatchlings offered by the hive workers and placing them at the breasts upon her chest: the bigger ones that would ensure they grew up to take more important leadership roles.

“Well, someone had a nice dream,” Allen remarked, amused.

“Ughh, I dreamed I was a hot cheerleader, and had a cute boyfriend and everything.”

“I can’t believe you’re still getting those dreams.”

Sarah chuckled. “Ohhhh, God, I’m full of milk this morning. What a wakeup. I’m starved. Is it just me, or am I producing way more lately?”

“You do have a lot more breasts, I’ve noticed.”

She laughed again. “Not the kind of thing I’d imagined would feel normal for my ‘brother’ to point out fifty years ago. Ngh, but you’re right. No offence, but you look bigger too.”

“I f-feel it. Do you think we’ll get news soon. Y’know, about the Big Secret?”

Sarah shrugged, causing half of her breasts to wobble heavily. Gods, Allen couldn’t imagine what it would feel like to have that many, or be so permanently engorged. But then she likely couldn’t imagine being so full of eggs and constantly birthing them either.

“Hopefully. I’m dying to f-find out. But first I need to eat. Give me that slime, kids! Nieces and nephews! All of you!”

The pair sent further psionic commands, and the pink slime tubes rose to their mouths. They ate furiously, their bodies needing the fuel, but continued their conversation psionically, speculating on the nature of the Big Secret, and when it would be revealed. Their conversation was only cut short when suddenly both of their bodies began self-impregnating, and they grunted and groaned, trying to keep eating as they were flooded with pleasure - and their own life-giving semen into their wombs.

It was only after that passed, and as Allen readied to birth, and Sarah readied to receive the latest bath of hatchlings to attend to the hundred or so spare udders she had available, that the enormous screen rose in front of them out of the ground, switching on as it reached its thirty-food high apex. Upon it was their mother, her enormous head with its immense crest showing just how incredibly intelligent and psionically gifted she had become.

‘My children,’ she communicated through her mind - she too was pushing out a couple of eggs, ‘I bring you very important news. News that I’m afraid will be very surprising, perhaps a bit confronting, but is necessary for our part in the Zaar Galaxial Hive and its continual expansion.’

‘R-really?’ Allen managed, pushing out three eggs and managing to suppress an orgasm. ‘What could it be?’

‘We’ve heard nothing!’ Sarah replied.

Heather raised part of her brow where an eyebrow once would have been. A mother always knew when her children were lying, even when they were each now technically in their seventies.

‘So, I can see that my former husband has been spreading rumours again. Well, he would know the truth of the matter then, given that he has spent the better part of thirty years birthing the organic components and living crew of what I will tell you now - just in case you have any misconceptions.’

Sarah and Allen exchanged a look. Both were hungry for information, even if just for confirmation and clarity. Sarah took another hatchling and began nursing it on her uppermost right breast, and then looked back to the screen.

‘Well, I for one would love to hear what’s going on!’ she said in the most obviously coy voice imaginable.

Heather just chuckled. ‘Ever my children, no matter how old you get. Well, I’ll be brief, and excited, since you’d had time to prepare for the official part of the news, and won’t be so shocked by it. Ugh - sorry, just had to push an egg out.’

‘Oh, just one?’ Allen teased.

‘That must be soooo hard, dealing with just one?’ Sarah added.

Again, Heather sighed. ‘I swear you two are in a permanent state of arrested development. Fine, down to business. We are, as they say, going intergalactic.’

‘Oooohh!’ Sarah gasped, faking surprise.

‘Quiet you,’ Heather said, her expression smirking. ‘I’m currently informing four hundred others of this circumstance, and still you take up much of my mental bandwidth. A mother’s work is never done.’

‘You’re - ahhh - ughh - telling m-me!’ Allen groaned, pushing out another clutch.

Heather nodded. ‘As you have no doubt surmised, the egg production rate of an entire race of eight billion humans turned into broodmothers is entirely unsustainable. Not even the hive organisation can keep the planet liveable like that for a century. Turning an entire planet into broodmothers alone is an astonishing act the Zaar had never done before, and sunk immense costs into. And the reason for this - and this is information we Hive Administrators have known for some time and guided our new civilisation towards - is that the Zaar Galaxial Hive is moving forward on its most ambitious goal in history: the colonising not of another world, but another galaxy.’

She paused for dramatic effect, and the drama was well-warranted. Both Allen and Sarah went eyes wide at this revelation. Allen even paused mid-birth.

‘Wait - we’re going to another galaxy? Like, not a new solar system, but a whole new galaxy!?”

Heather nodded. ‘Indeed. We are going to be the first explorers to Andromeda. I’m glad you didn’t know especially Allen, since you always were fascinated by space. Now I get to have the good fortune of telling you that despite everything - being a Hyper Breeder and all that - you will indeed be exploring the final frontier. We all will. Even Ethan - he’s excited to be in less gravity.’

Sarah and Allen looked to one another again. Neither could suppress their grins. Their bodies were hard at work producing eggs and feeding hatchlings, but the siblings’ minds were entirely focused on this amazing news.

‘Actually travelling somewhere,’ Sarah said.

‘Another whole galaxy. Sure, I’ll still be laying eggs and you’ll be feeding my hatchlings, but it’ll all be new, Sarah!’

‘Mom, this is exciting! You’re coming with us, right?’

‘Of course!’ she responded happily. ‘We’re all going together. In just one month’s time, to form a new hive - perhaps the most important hive in the Zaar collective since the original one. We’re going to make history, my young ones. Our family is going to the stars.’

Allen laughed out loud, pausing for breath.

“Finally!” she cried out, even as she pushed out more eggs. “I saw my first UFO fifty years ago, and now I finally get to be abducted into outer space!”

There was a pause, and then her mother and sister laughed.

“Well,” Heather said out loud. “When you put it like that, I guess this has been a long time coming.”

The End


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