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As voted by our Deluxe Patrons for this month - Transformation Wave: An interview with several individuals turned into hot anthros from the transformation wave, and how they are dealing with it.

Interviews from the Transformation Wave #1

The Transformation Wave was a freak event during which an unknown anomaly, identified as a sort of wave of energy, swept across Earth from the edge of the solar system. Electronic equipment was briefly interrupted for just a couple of seconds, but the true extent of the wave was discovered when individuals across the globe began to unexpectedly change, their bodies mutating. Some turned completely into animals, others gain hybrid forms. Some people merged to become one being, while others merged or divered in different ways, or simply changed gender, or regressed or advanced in age. The Transformation Wave affected nearly eight million individuals worldwide: nearly one in a thousand. Together, we at Changed Magazine have tracked down a number of these individuals for some snippets of what life is like after the Transformation Wave

Interview 1: Cyrus Hadley, Centaur

So, you're a centaur?

"Is that a question? Because if the four legs and tail didn't give it away, then the big stallion cock sure would have."

Yes, sorry. I mean, what was it like becoming a centaur?

"Embarrassing as all hell. I was just visiting my girlfriend's family's ranch. It was my first time meeting her parents. The family were showing me the many horses they raise as part of their ranch, and suddenly this wave of energy just hit us. Our phones all buzzed for a moment, and then it passed. Well, so I thought.

How did you transform?

"I just felt this incredibly pull. I can't quite describe it. I was near a pair of mares when it hit, and suddenly I just felt like I was connected to them somehow. My body twisted and changed, and Sarah - that's my girlfriend - looked at me in shock as suddenly I just, like, exploded out of my pants! I grew massive, and in moments I was standing on four hooves, with a tail wagging behind me, completely in the nude from the waist up. Even my top half changed: I grew a hell of a lot more muscular, and my body became hairy - hair for a man, not a stallion, at least - plus I got these horse ears of mine, and this kind of broad nose."

How did they react?

"How do you think? Fucking terrifying! Sarah's Ma and Pa even ran and got the shotguns to go put me down, but thankfully she talked sense into them, and they 'only' locked me in a stable. News reports started coming in that night and they put two and two together. They released me shortly after. Sarah even stuck by me as we hoped for a cure.

Of course, it wasn't just a physical transformation you went through, was it?

"Nah. That bit was harder to adjust to than the physical one, to be honest. Sarah and I tried to make it work, we really did. I took her on rides, and she even loved it! We couldn't have sex the proper way, but, well, she did . . . anyway, better not talk of that here. We found ways to satisfy each other, is what I'll say. But that connection I had experienced with those mares turned out to be more than just my physical transformation. Just as I was getting used to sleeping in a stable, having a big horse body and massive appetite and desire to run and all that, I was suddenly looking at those mares very differently."

You had an instinct to breed with them, didn't you?

"Ohhhhh, yeah. I tried to resist it. Sarah just thought my big cock was coming out of its sheath at the sight of her, but it was really those mares. My new nose could smell their estrus. And one night, I just couldn't resist it anymore. I broke into the stables of not one but two mares and had my way with them. I was terribly ashamed at the time, but I needed the release. I thought if I could just do it that one time, but the truth was that I was fucking those gorgeous mares for over a week before I was finally caught by Sarah and her Ma while they were out on a walk. Yeah, that was a lot to explain."

How has life been since?

"Not as bad as it could be. I managed to patch things over. For a time, they didn't know what to do with me. I explained everything to Sarah and her parents, and they came to their senses that this was a mental transformation from the Wave. But it wasn't until the mares were confirmed pregnant - mares they'd been trying to have bred for ages - that they saw the potential in me. That's what I've been doing since: I'm their champion breeder. They let me fuck all the mares I need and want, and so long as my virile stallion cock gets them knocked up with good foals, then I've more than earned some solid pay and good board. Sarah and I are good friends now. We can't be lovers for obvious reasons, but I've found my place. I never imagined I'd be one of those people famous for having sex with horses, but at least in my case I'm mostly horse myself, right? Here's hoping one day that gorgeous centaur lady up in Canada decides to come down and meet me! We've been talking online, so who knows what will come of it?

Interview 2: Jacob Stan/Jane Horace, Snake Woman

So, can you describe what happened on the day you both changed?

Jane: "I'll take this one, my dear. I wasss at the National Art Gallery, admiring a wonderful new painting being put up. It depicted the ssserpent in the Garden of Eden tempting Eve, though through the lensss of a rather . . . erotic nature. Art, as they sssay, challenges usss."

Jacob: "I wasss just putting up the painting, by the way. I'm not one for art, myself."

Jane: "Hey, I'm telling thisss one! Anyway, we were hit by the Transformation Wave, and my mental focus upon the serpent image - and its eroticism - must have affected it. I stumbled forward, and Jacob caught me. I felt hot and flushed, and the ssstyle of the painting was sssuddenly making me all hot and bothered."

Jacob: "Yeah, thanks for that."

Jane: "Shush, dear. Anyway, our bodies melted into one another, intermingled and recreated into a new artissstic masterpiece."

Jacob: "We ended as a sexy two-headed snakewoman, is what she meansss."

I imagine that must have been confronting, especially for you Jacob, to end up not just female, but one half of a 'two-headed snakewoman'?

Jacob: "Oh, absolutely. Ssstill weird, even several yearsss on. For one, we had to relearn how to control our body, and the fact that we don't have feet but a long, long naga tail is also sssstrange. Not to mention I'm not female: not just my voice and looks, but we share a pair of . . . fairly large tits."

Jane: "Such bassse language, Jacob."

Jacob: "She'sss and art snob. She doesn't like the way I describe the fact that we clearly have big, green-scaled E-cup tittiesss."

Jane: "They are rather . . . large, yesss. But you don't complain about them!"

Jacob: "I did at first, but that was nothing compared to sharing a body. Having to figure out when to give up control, and work together to ssslither along. You have no idea how ssstubborn she is!"

Jane: "Me ssstubborn? You're the one that made usss cover up out beautiful medusa-like body!"

Jacob: "Please, you're the medusssa, you got all that weird sssnake-hair. My entire face just looks like a big pythons, albeit pretty feminine, still."

So it seems you have quite conflicting personalities, and yet you say you've also achieved a good balance. What shared interest allowed you to come together - er, more than the merge, that is?

Jacob: "Do you want to take thisss one?"

Jane (laughing): "Oh no, I'm leaving thisss to you. Ssso much more amusssing for the former man to admit it."

Jacob (sighing): "Fiiiine. I'll just come out and say it: thanks to Jane's longing at the painting, and itsss subject matter, let'sss just sssay we're very, very horny."

Jane: "Pleassse! Such a grotesssque way to put it! Accurate, but grotesque. We are deeply libidinous now."

Jacob: "That's what I said? The Transformation Wave made us into a horny pair-"

Jane: "Technically, we are not a pair. We are the same organism, just with two functioning minds."

Jacob: "Well, we certainly orgasm twice as hard, that's for sssure."

Jane: "That we do."

I hear you both have quite a reputation now, in fact?

Jane: "Well, we fought it for a bit, and Jacob much more ssso. But the truth is that sssnakes have often been symbols of sin, of temptation, of lussst and pleasure. And who are we to deny our new nature? We have many, many parties with many, many friendsss, now. Several timesss a week, in fact."

Jacob: "She meansss orgies. And other formsss of experimentation."

Jane (moaning): "Mhmm, yesss. Such great pleasure. True art!"

Jacob: "It's a good thing I wasn't married."

Jane: "I am, my dear, but my wife enjoysss this new me, and you too, Jacob."

Jacob: "Ssso I've noticed. She didn't change, but is nearly as lusssty as usss."

Jane (approaching with Jacob rather sensuously): "Speaking of, fine interview, do you feel up for a bit of fun? We're getting very arousssed by these comments?"

The interviewer's recording ends here. They exited the building half an hour later. Curious. 

Interview 3: Abigal Peer, Elephant Woman

"Sorry for destroying your interviewing chair. I should have realised it wouldn't hold me."

That's okay. I should have thought to bring out the reinforced one. Are you sure you're okay on the floor?

(Snorting) "Trust me, I'm more than used to it. Plus, my big grey butt is pretty resistant to annoying carpet fibres these days."

 Glad to know. Can you tell us a bit about what happened when the Transformation Wave hit?

"Sure, though there's not much to tell. I was complaining to my boyfriend Stephen that I was trying to lose weight and sucking bad at it. We were in his bedroom at the time. We'd, ah, just had sex and I was feeling self-conscious afterwards. About my weight, I mean. I've always been a bit . . . stout. (She pauses to laughter, elephantine trunk raise as she does so). Stephen was telling me that he liked big women, but I was saying that I just felt like a big ole elephant, and that I wanted to feel sexy. That's when the Transformation Wave hit, and the rest is history."

Back up a bit. How did the transformation go down? Can you describe it for our readers?

"Yeah, I suppose I should. I was lying on top of my boyfriend when suddenly my body just started weighing more and more: it was like I was being pumped full of energy, and that energy was converting to mass. I had to roll off of him before I crushed him, and soon the bed broke too! My skin turned grey, I grew my elephant trunk and my big elephant ears, and even my little grey tail, too. But the big change was that I became even, well, bigger. I have my enormous trunk-like legs and my massively wide hips, and my bust even became positively enormous, though I don't mind that so much: I was chubby before but still had small tits, which sucked. I ended up a seven-foot tall elephant woman who weighs . . . well, a lot, basically."

How did Stephen react to this?

"Well, that's the funny part. After panicking and making sure I was okay - I'd destroyed half the room, so the panic was well-earned - he actually stayed by me. Comforted me. He helped me get out into the living room. I was so embarrassed by my body, and terrified of being a freak, but then the news showed the Wave had affected millions of others world-wide, and in some ways I got off easy. That one guy got turned into that woman's womb, after all, and now they're both addicted to pregnancy. Must be hard on him! But I wasn't, like, that slim sexy zebra woman either, or a cute catgirl. I was a big elephant woman who causes shakes with every step. Not exactly the outcome I'd wanted, particularly given my dislike of being big and fat. I mean, I'm not actually fat now, since it's mostly muscle, but I felt fat at the time.

Evidently, that's not the case anymore, though. You're a model, aren't you?

"I am. It's pretty crazy. Stephen was a big help with that. He thought I was still beautiful -  more beautiful than ever, in fact. He'd always liked big, strong women, as well as women with full curves. He never liked that I complained about my body, but he absolutely worships my new one. Maybe because he's Indian there's a chance of God-worship there, because he certainly honours me! I thought for sure I would end up a lonely freak, but now he's my gorgeous fiance, and I can't wait to be his big, beautiful elephant bride."

And that gave you the confidence to model?

"Yeah, I guess it did. It was a random offer: I didn't take it seriously at first, but Stephen said to go for it. People like me need models for their larger sizings, and the fact is that I've come to love my body. I mean, sure, I can't exactly 'ride on top' when we have sex anymore, but Stephen doesn't care. He loves. my trunk, he loves my big ears, and he loves my curves. And now, thanks to his encouragement, I love them too. Besides, I can certainly dominate a conversation!"

Thank you for speaking with us Abigail.

"No problem. Happy to do so. I'm looking forward to seeing how Changed Magazine progresses."

Well, this won't go to print for a few months yet.

"Don't worry, I'll still read it! An elephant never forgets"

End of Interviews.  See next issue for other changed individuals from the Transformation Wave, including Marcus the Living Womb, Claire the Bee Queen, and the Livingston Gecko Family and their partners.


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