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Chris has always been the dominant friend to Derek, often teasing his friend about his love life in good fun. But when a sorceress overhears their conversation and thinks Chris is a misogynistic bully, the young man is turned into a busty redhead forced to be utterly devoted to Derek, as a punishment and present to them respectively. Of course, it doesn’t take long for Chris to also get pregnant, starting a race for the two of them as they try to find the witch to undo this undeserved curse!

First Part

Previous Part

Part 8: The Decision

The next day they organised a local check-up at a location further along their route. They continued to travel by car but had to stop at another hotel near the Californian coast, in order to let Christina relax for a bit. A week later Derek and his pregnant girlfriend walked into the maternity clinic. Women in their various stages of pregnancy, most older than Chriss, were all waiting in the clinic. Christina walked in awkwardly, waddling behind the weight of her large belly which she rubbed with one hand while the other was positioned at the small of her back. A number of eyes looked her way as she entered, not least because of what the curse was making her wear; a tight two-piece that left her belly almost entirely exposed. The thin material of her top had a deep v-neck, revealing the gorgeous cleavage of her full chest, and it draped down over her belly, only obscuring the top half. A set of short cotton pants were set around her wide hips, so that everyone could see her distended belly, including her out-turned belly button which still had a piercing fixed in place. Large earrings jangled from her ears, and her lips were full and pouty, with red lipstick. All in all she looked like a hot pregnant influencer model, unafraid of her body. That is, were it not for her actual it not for her actual insecurities at having to show it off.

They checked her in, then were directed to wait in the seating bay. Chriss remained tense, eyeing the rest of the pregnant women who all seemed excited to be bearing life. She gripped Derek’s hand tightly, gritted her eyes as she rubbed her stomach.

“Nervous?” Derek asked.

“Of course I’m fucking nervous,” she replied, doing her best to remain calm. “I need a goddamn drink.”

“I’d advise against that, babe. People wouldn’t take too kindly to that around here.”

She eyed him. “Well it’s that bitch’s fault for ensuring I’d get pregnant. Yours too. I just want this to be over with, and to be able to have a fucking beer again.” She rubbed her stomach again for emphasis.

“How’s the baby?”

“Sleeping, thank God. I swear it was doing somersaults in my womb last night. I better not be carrying multiples.”

Derek decided wisely not to tell her how turned on her being pregnant with twins, or even triplets, would make him. They largely sat in silence until Christina’s name was called, and he helped her up – Chriss became red-faced every time she needed help moving because of her belly – and they went into the clinic room. For the next thirty minutes, Chriss had to endure the strange indignity of having her very pregnant stomach exposed and massaged with gels for the scan. After several moments of waiting, the monitor showed the contents of her uterus; a baby in development, sleeping soundly in her womb. Chriss was entranced by the screen, marvelling at being able to see for the first time what she’d been forced to grow the last six and a half months.

“Congratulations,” the ultrasound tech said, “it’s a boy.”

“A boy . . .” Christina breathed. She slowly reached out and gripped her large, pregnant stomach, caressing it slightly, connecting with the son that was growing inside of her.

“Is this your first?” the tech asked. It was Chriss that answered.

“Yeah . . . but we’re going to make a lot more, aren’t we baby?”

Derek knew the second part of her statement was a result of the curse, but he wanted nothing more than that future to be true . . .

Christina gazed at her stomach the whole way back to the motel, a look of awe fixed to her perfect face.

“So . . . a son,” Derek said.

“Yeah,” she said, her mind in some faraway place.

“Any thoughts on that?”

She rose out of her stupor, and bit her lip in what Derek knew was now the telltale way his friend had for hiding her reflexive smile ever since she’d been transformed into his dream girl. She shimmied awkwardly in the passenger seat, adjusted her tight top so that her breasts wobbled before returning to their resting state on her rounded form.

“Well, first thing’s first, you’re going to have to start treating me more like a princess,” she responded.

“And why’s that?”

“Because bro, if I end up stuck like this it means I’m gonna be the only one in this family that doesn’t have a penis. As of today, I’m outnumbered.”

Derek had to chuckle. His formerly male friend had once spurned any attempt at chivalry and tried to desperately cling to what independence he – or rather she – could. Now that she was in her third trimester, she saw the world quite differently.

Wait, she said first thing’s first, Derek thought. “Fair enough Christina. I shall treat you like a princess, and massage those sore ankles whenever I can. But if that’s the first thing, what’s the second?”

She turned a shade of red, sheepishly grinning as she gripped her large chest, her fingers sinking deep into the large, jiggling flesh. “I forgot to pump this morning,” she replied as they pulled into their park, taking his hand and placing it firmly over her large breast. He could feel the warmth radiating from within, and her wet nipple becoming large and erect. “They’re starting to get sore . . . and throbbing . . . and super fucking horny. I need a big, handsome man to let me fuck him between my bit titties.”

Derek grinned in amazement at her bustline, despite her humiliation at the situation.

“I know it’s the curse making you say that Chrissy, but fuck you turn me on.”

She bit her lip.


Their road trip down the west coast continued in fits and spurts, stopping at motels and pit stops often, on account of Christina’s increasingly squished bladder, as well as their own inability to keep their hands off of each other. Something about Chrissy had changed since the ultrasound. A maternal instinct had apparently switched on, and Derek often caught her when she thought she was alone rubbing her swollen abdomen with a contented smile on her face, and giggling when their baby boy kicked from within. Her hormonal swings continued, with her occasionally crying or feeling ugly and useless, sometimes bemoaning her fate as a pregnant bimbo slut, other times making jokes about her pregnancy and how they were still ‘best friends, but now with benefits.’ She never said it out loud, but both of them knew that part of her was becoming attached to the life growing inside of her, as well as the lifestyle of a new mommy-to-be. Her maternity dresses were as bimbo-ish as ever, showing off her engorged cleavage and wrapping tightly around her large form, so that her still perfect legs showed off. Chriss was also increasingly responsible for cooking dinner for the two of them, something she complained about often; “I can barely even reach the hotel kitchen with this enormous belly in the way!” she once said.

But more than that, the fires of their old friendship which had died away since they were cursed was slowly rekindling. They began to chat as they used to, with Chriss even commenting on the ‘hotness rating’ of other women on the street, rating them no longer against an arbitrary scale but against herself, since she was, as she argued, ‘a natural eleven.’

“You’re not wrong there,” Derek mused, scanning his eyes over her fucking perfect curvaceous form. Her tits, even deep into pregnancy, were still perfect large teardrops in shape. “But I thought you were no longer attracted to women because of the hex?”

“I’m not,” she sighed, “I’ve only got eyes for your big dick, babe, but at least I can take a little pride in how much sexier I am than them, right?”

Their journey slowed as they started going out on get-togethers like old times (Chriss refused to call them dates, since just the word made her flush red or start automatically talking dirty). They watched a couple of action movies together, though Derek continued to stir Chriss for missing one of the big twists because she had to keep leaving the cinema to go relieve herself. And while all their nights always ended in bouts of lusty sex, Derek surprised Chriss one night by bringing a game console back to the motel, along with a science fiction multiplayer game they used to play together. Chriss was delighted, and they played for several hours, insulting one another and laughing, though she was a little embarrassed about how her insults at his playing style were often quite . . . sexual.

“You’re so crap at this,” she laughed, “you’re getting beaten by a girl, dude! All I have to do is flash these big juicy tits your way and you just fold. Maybe you’ll win if I promise to suck your dick dry and swallow if you succeed!”

That was enough to incentivise him and so In the end Chriss lost, which she attributed not to Derek’s  skill but rather her own pregnancy. “Your damn baby keeps shifting inside of me whenever I’m going for the kill. It’s a conspiracy. The two of you are working together! The two boys teaming up against the one girl!”

“Well,” Derek said, “it’s pretty fitting that you’ve got a pussy then, since you are being such a big one at the moment!”

“Is that anyway to talk to the mother of your child?”

“I don’t know. Is this anyway to talk to the daddy of your babies?”

The game was left unfinished, music still playing, as he hoisted her up in his arms and carried her to the bedroom. The next day they got a number of noise complaints.


It was a couple of days later that Derek finally made a decision. Perhaps it was a foolish one, especially considering his mate’s desire to be a man again, and not a heavily pregnant girlfriend hopelessly devoted to him. Nevertheless he felt a deep need to do this, in case of the worst, and in case of the best. He travelled out into town while Chriss was sleeping in. He couldn’t help but smile at his friend’s current form; her skin with that maternal glow, laying on her side and cradling her stomach, a contented smile upon her unconscious features as her child lightly moved within. Their son. The one they had made together. He realised then how much he desired to make his former friend his wife, to love her and make love to her for the rest of his life, and to get her pregnant with the large family he always wanted, so that she always know what it was like to help make a perfect family.

He understood his friend wanted to change back . . . but wasn’t he really happier now? He had been a douchebag frat bro before, and now he was the most gorgeous, seductive woman ever imaginable, with a chest that drew every guy’s eye, and an hourglass figure most girls would kill for. More than that, they had each other; she was literally his fantasy girl! And in their many couplings, which he knew Chrissy enjoyed, he had knocked her up. Likely in the first coupling, in fact. And as she’s swollen up with his baby, she’d become even lovelier and downright sexier with her growing, gravid form. She was motherhood personified, and Derek was certain that if she changed back there would always be part of her missing that would make her regret it.

Still, he hesitated at the boundary of the jewellery store. It was true, he had long ago just lied back and started accepting his new situation; happily smacking her bottom as she walked past, complimenting her perfect tits and calling her sexy when she mounted him in the morning. The curse always made Chriss respond sensually which only turned him on all the more, but he knew she was forced to go along with it. But then again, wasn’t he forced as well? He had to have sex with her each time, and that wasn’t something he could help; she was his fantasy woman! So they were in the same boat. Both changed, his friend just a lot more so. But they were still together. Closer than ever, but together.

He stepped into the jewellery store. Juliana had said that Chris would become his perfect girlfriend, and in Derek’s mind, a perfect girlfriend would marry him. Not only that, but as his wife, she would cook and clean and keep the house tidy, and be willing to give him more babies. It was unavoidable. And while he knew that, if she stayed a woman, there were therefore plenty more pregnancies on the horizon, he couldn’t help but lust at the thought that even as his friend clenched her eyes and pushed their son from her womb in just two months, she could be doing so as his wife . . .

Chriss had always been a bit of a bully to him. He was a good friend, but he’d always overshadowed Derek. Now, the tables were turned, and Derek relished the idea of his former alpha male friend coming to accept a much more fruitful life as a woman. He didn’t want to humiliate Christina, but she was so much better than Chris in so many ways. She still blamed him from time to time, but much of her toxicity as a male could no longer find expression. She was, reluctantly or not, being remoulded to be his perfect partner.

A seller approached him  jolting him from his thoughts. “How can we help you today?”

Derek smiled, still thinking of that image. “I’d like to buy an engagement ring, thanks.”


It had taken them far too long, but they had finally reached the coastal breaches of California. Christina was eager to see Juliana again, though Derek could tell she was nervous again, particularly since her pregnancy was now so very, very pronounced. She still had two months to go until she reached her due date, and despite her continued fascination with their developing child – their son – the former man made no secret that she desperately wanted to avoid having to give birth. Derek strongly suspected that the remaining parts of Chriss’ male psyche could not handle it. Having repeated sex as a woman, taking his dick inside of her, giving blowjobs each day, getting very pregnant as a result of their daily couplings . . . all these were very female acts, conducted by a very female body that made no attempt to hide its buxom curves. But birth – delivering life from the womb – was in many ways the ultimate female act, one that no male could replicate. Well, no male until Christina came along and gave the wrong impression to the wrong witch.

Yet despite his friend’s need to switch back, Derek was becoming increasingly fixated on the opposite. Ever since seeing his developing son on the scan, he continued to daydream about the perfect life with Christina, of building a family with her as the magic had allowed them to do. The engagement ring he had purchased was constantly on his person, always at the ready for a perfect moment that never came. He often visualised their future; him the breadwinner, Christina the perfect stay-at-home wife and mother, her body always pert and perfect, her always wearing skimpy or slutty outfits that would drive him wild when he returned home. He could bury his face in the warm expanse of her enormous boobs, before sliding his length inside of her and knocking her up with another child, her begging for it the whole time.

He worshipped his friend’s feminine form, and was increasingly doing little to hide it, much to her annoyance. He couldn’t help himself; he had grown bolder with the purchase of the ring, and she was turning out to be a fantastic mommy-to-be. It was precisely for these reasons that he continued to delay out their possible meeting with Juliana. At first Chriss was agreeable; having travelled heavily pregnant across the country, she was happy to put up her swollen ankles and rest up. She was much more sleepy now, though also more easily woken when the baby kicked. But slowly she cottoned on to what he was doing.

“This visit to the beach is the last thing, then we see Juliana,” she demanded.

“We don’t even know if Juliana is at the resort, Christina.”

“And we never freakin’ will if we don’t! Fine, have it your way! Maybe the water will take some of the damn weight off of my back. How do women stand carrying all this weight in their stomach? They have to be insane to put themselves through this voluntarily!”

In truth Derek had already made inquiries, and was certain that Juliana was indeed at the resort still. He simply wanted to see his pregnant buddy on the beach in a vibrant blue bikini before they approached the possibility of changing him back to a he.

“Let’s just get this over with then,” she said in the morning as they were preparing for the beach day. She had covered herself in a long informal dress robe of sorts, but even fully covered her belly was large enough to give it a prominent slope. And in two other, higher spots as well.

“Be excited, Chriss. You always used to love going to the beach.”

She pouted, crossed her arms beneath her breasts and over her swollen abdomen. That was before I had to wear bikinis and became seven months pregnant.”

He smirked. She didn’t even realise it, but she was throwing off the robe to reveal her perfect form in the bikini, her belly sticking out prominently, her huge breasts like great, milk-filled domes sitting upon it.

“What? What’s so funny?” She crossed her arms, completely unaware of how she was adjusting her bikini top, letting more of her big boobs show, as well as getting her breasts to press together to make the most wonderfully deep curve of cleavage.

“Nothing, it’s just, I’ve seen you naked Chriss. Many times. What is it about appearing in a bikini that has you so embarrassed?”

“Because now I have to show off everything to an entire beach of people! It’s bad enough I have to always dress like a slut, but now everyone who sees me is gonna see a big, pregnant bimbo unless I cover up.”

He was openly struggling not to laugh now. “Well, I think it’s going to be a little hard to cover up buddy.”

She looked down and gasped. Her robe had been replaced with just a towel slung across her shoulder. Her bright blue bikini was on full display, her large cleavage open and enticing, her bottom contained within the thin material connected via hoops to show off even more skin. Her pregnant stomach bulged forward, naked and open to the air.

“Goddamnit, I was at least hoping to cover up until I hit the water. Dude’s will be staring at me.”

“Let them. Take pride in it.”

She blushed. “Weird, dude. But fine. I’ll try. At least I’ll still manage to be the hottest chick on the beach, right?”


And so it was that they spent a remarkably pleasant day at the beach. Despite herself, Christina clearly enjoyed the atmosphere and the warm sun. She even waded out into the water, which she found relaxing as it buoyed the heavy weight of the baby growing within. They kissed, throwing water at each other and teasing one another, until finally Derek held her, cradling her belly and feeling their son kick as she giggled like the bimbo she now was. It was deeply cathartic, and for a time she relaxed in the water, and when no one was watching, even pulled him forward to motorboat on his tits. It was the hex causing it, but it did make her laugh.

“God, how can something be so fucking tickling yet make me so fucking horny!”

If the sight of her hard nipples in her bikini top were any sign, it wasn’t a lie.

But after a brief time in the water she retreated to the beach recliners and lay there, her glowing body exposed to the sun, a hand relaxing on her belly and the other over her forehead, sunglasses shielding her eyes from the light. Derek joined her not too long after, taking the opportunity to rub her body and belly with lotion and fetch her water when required. He knew Chriss was just trying to resist in all the little ways, but in a way, derek was doing what any good boyfriend would do for his future babymama.

And as the sun began to set, and other beachgoers left, the two made lover on the recliners.

“Tomorrow,” Chriss said, holding on to him, still wearing nothing but her tight bikini, “tomorrow.”

Tomorrow, Derek thought, aware of the presence of the ring box in his pocket. Tomorrow.

To Be Continued . . .


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