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By FoxFaceStories

A Story Prompt Tier for Spacebanana

Humanity is under threat of alien invasion, not that they know it yet. But this alien invasion is not interested in exterminating humanity, but simply turning its dominant species into enormous alien broodmothers to further their galaxial conquests. Unfortunately for 21-year old Allen and his family, that means big changes are ahead, and ones they might never be able to fully adjust to.

First Part

Previous Part

Brood Planet, Part 7

The task of lifting up their bloated, overly pregnant bodies turned out to be less onerous than expected, at least. The disco balls, despite their tiny size, had a number of panels from which could extend little dishes. These dishes shot forth strange blue beams that made each of their mutated forms light as feathers, and so they were easily picked up by these anti-gravitic sensors.

“Woah! This is, like, too weird!” Sarah shouted out loud. She grunted as her ovipositor dangled a little. The act of being lifted must have frightened her into laying, because she proceeded to groan. ‘Oh no! Oh no, m-more coming!’

‘M-me t-toooo!’ Allen grunted in mental reply. He pushed, unable to help himself and not wanting to anyway. The pleasure of laying clutches was still ingrained in his mind, despite the burden of discomfort and slight pain. His rear lips parted even as he was lifted above the roof of his family home. For a moment he was terrified that the eggs would fall and smash on the ground below, but his new maternal instincts caused his antennae to flail about wildly. His psionic abilities, which already aided in mental communication and being able to lift his heavy egg sac, automatically reached out and arrested their fall.

‘Holy shit!’ he ‘said’ even as he moaned, pushing more out of him.

‘I kn-know, right?’ Sarah exclaimed back. He looked back up at her and nearly coughed up a litre of the pink goo they were always eating. She also was carrying several eggs psionically in the air, dragging them as if with an invisible net behind her. But his sister was also leaking. A lot. And somehow she was psionically dragging large puddles of her milk in the air beside and beneath her also. It looked like a spilled drink on the International Space Station, and it made Allen idly wonder if they too had become broodmothers.

‘S-so weird!’ Sarah managed. ‘You okay, bro?’

‘Y-yeah! Don’t like heights though!’

‘You’ll all be okay,’ Heather said in her reassuring tone. ‘I’m administering several others who are already closer to our destination. We won’t be too far apart. Stop screaming, Ethan. I’m trying to reassure our kids.’

But Ethan was having none of it. Even as they lifted hundreds of feet into the air and were carried forth to the city centre, he was crying and blubbering.

“Easy fo-for you to say!” he blubbered. “You’re n-not the one getting turned into a giant freak!”

There was zero response from the other three members of the family. Sarah, Allen, and Heather simply all pointed to themselves, their irritation at his idiocy apparent.

‘How did I ever marry you?’ Heather asked. ‘I’m starting to think this new life might be an upgrade.’

‘You know what I m-mean!’ he cried mentally, before catching himself and returning to ordinary speech. “You saw that image of what I’m turning into! A fucking ‘Storage Brooder’ that grows eggs over years and even decades! Eggs the size of houses that I have to push out! You stupid disco ball things, you bloody Zaar, you take me home and change me back!’

“Sorry, but we can’t be doing that!” one announced. “As a storage brooder, you are simply too valuable. Don’t worry though, given your long lifespan you’ll have plenty of time to understand the great honour of bearing such gigantic prized eggs! You will do much for the Galaxial Empire, my friend! And though your burden is greater, I’m sure they’ll be no greater satisfaction when you birth your first Titan breed! A two week labor will bring you the greatest reward!”

“Tw-two WEEKS!?”

The drone chirped happily as it continued to take them alongside its brethren. They were floating most certainly towards the city centre, but it looked different. Semi-organic alien technology and large platforms were spread all over it, almost like a hive in construction. Several buildings were linked together with large pads on top. Landing pads, perhaps? Allen got the sense that they would actually be birthing and living chambers for the ‘esteemed’ broodmothers, of which each of them were one.

“Oh, I know,” the drone continued. “Much too short a labour for such a noble creation! But fear not, some castes of our species, such as the terraformer-behemoth and egg-selector, take much longer! You will be in a most blessed labor for nearly a year with the former in particular!”

“I don’t want to be in labor at all! I don’t want tits! I don’t want eggs!”

“Sorry to hear that friend, but remember that your planet has been annexed and conquered. Your body and new breeder instincts will comply whether you wish to or not, so you might as well embrace it.”

‘Listen to them, Ethan,’ Heather said. ‘I’ll be able to keep in contact with you all and link us in mental ‘chatroom’ of sorts. We’ll still be a family, even if more separated. I’ll try to use my privileges so that we can occasionally visit one another. Wait, hold on, I just have to manage a small riot that broke out. It’ll take more concentration than usual, so I’ll just keep a private chat with you on the side, Ethan.’

The exasperated father was forced to keep chatting to his now-immensely intelligent, multitasking wife. She had birthed several eggs on the way, but whereas Allen and Sarah were simply dragging their eggs behind them, she was already advancing rapidly through the stages of psionic theory and actually juggling each egg with practised ease. It amazed Allen just to see it.

‘Are you seeing this?’ he asked Sarah.

His sister nodded. ‘Jesus, Mom is awesome. God, Allen I’m pretty fucking scared. I won’t have the control she has. At least Mom can communicate with all these people, and be, like, super smart and stuff. I’m just gonna be a big pile of milky tits feeding a bunch of aliens forever! It sucks!’

Allen felt for her, he really did. The ‘Nurse Mother’ role looked incredibly taxing. The notion that his sister, who just days ago chased social media sensation with her slim yet buxom body, would now be stuck forever as a bloated broodmother constantly sweating milk and pouring it from her many breasts, it was utterly unbelievable.

‘I’m sorry, sis,’ he said. ‘And for everything, too. I didn’t mean to be such a horrible big brother. I know we always fought, but I’m glad we’ll at least be together.’

She chuckled, cringing a little as more milk dribbled from her buxom front. She squeezed her nipples with her four arms in order to rid herself of some more.

‘S-sorry. So full. Wish this th-third pair of arms would hurry up and develop. I’m glad we’re be together too, Allen. I’m sorry you’re gonna be a superbreeder or whatever that is.’

‘Yeah, the idea of p-pushing out that many babies and eggs and stuff is pretty hard to swallow,’ he said. ‘I wonder if I’ll even be able to move.’

‘You will. It’s Dad who’ll be stuck. Poor guy, though he needs to calm down.’

They were closer to some of the immense pads now. A central one was clearly intended for Heather - Allen’s antenna picked up all sorts of signal equipment constructed into the platform atop the skyscraper. It was clearly designed to enhance her telepathic abilities.

‘Hey, so this is going to be really embarrassing for a few years, right?’

Allen turned to Sarah. ‘What do you mean?’

His sister smirked, even as she pushed out another egg. Of course, by the time she pushed out one, his larger and more fertile body had pushed out five, with a six squeezing through his sensitive lips at that very moment.

‘Well, we’re both siblings, but now we’re both naked, and we’re not getting clothes anytime soon.’

‘Oh yeah, that is weird. Sorry. I’m probably going to be seeing your boobs a lot.’

She rolled her eyes. ‘Gross pervert.’


‘I’m just joking. These Zaar, like, clearly don’t care about that kind of stuff, I guess. But I’ll be, like, literally nursing not just my kids, and other people’s kids, but your kids most of all, right?’

Allen froze, even as the drones began to float him and his sister slightly away from the family. ‘Oh. Oh shit. Yeah. I hadn’t even considered that. Oh God, that’s - that’s super weird, right?’

‘Super fucking weird. So I win.’


‘The ‘who has it worst’ award. I win.’

‘I think Ethan has that. Dad is literally gonna be in labor for like a year with that one titan or whatever it was.’

Sarah shrugged. ‘Well, I beat you at least.’

‘Don’t count on it. The drone said millions on eggs. Millions, Sarah. Those aren’t rookie numbers. From the image it looks like I’ll be constantly birthing, twenty-four seven. I’d say that’s worse.’

They shared a laugh together, one that was morose, tired, but also a return to the more fun rivalry of siblings, rather than the enmity it had become before the alien arrival.

‘Let’s call it a tie, then,’ she said.


Allen’s stomach rumbled. He was starting to feel very, very hungry again. His womb demanded more of the nutrients that helped fuel his production of eggs, but there was none in mid-air, obviously, and the drones weren’t offering.

‘Are you as hungry as I am?’ he asked.

‘Starting to get there,’ she whined. She was busy milking herself openly, no longer caring about embarrassment, at least while overflowing and engorged. He noticed several new breasts growing on the underside of her ovipositor, but didn’t mention them. Sarah probably already knew about them and was not looking forward to making yet more milk. She was right, this whole situation would be supremely awkward for the poor siblings. Especially, he realised, when their bodies fucked themselves back into pregnancy again and again. He shook his head, refusing to acknowledge that part for now.

“My wonderful specialist breeders and role-takers,” the drone announced, “it is now time for each of you to take your roles. Here in the city centre you will be acclimated to your new bodies and occupations, but this is only a temporary measure for a few weeks. Ethan, our Storage Brooder, will have to be relocated out into the country to contain his sheer size, naturally.”

“But I don’t want that! Give me another role!”

The drone simply continued. “And our lovely siblings here will be relocated to the immense hive we are making further down the city.” It shone a light to the enormous dome being constructed, only in its earliest stages. Just judging from its circumference, which stretched entire suburban blocks, it would be the largest building ever located on Earth pretty soon. “There they shall have a shared central chamber, so that Allen our Hyper Breeder and Sarah our Nurse Mother may collectively grow and swell the hive to magnificent proportions. Naturally, here in the tower our Hive Administrator, Heather, will remain to coordinate this entire seaboard and inland region. This continent will require only three such administrators in total, so I look forward to hearing how you get along with the others, Heather. Most administrators learn to love the company of their peers and the intellectual stimulation they bring, even if they never end up meeting ‘in person’ as you humans would say.”

It was Heather that spoke, taking the lead as she had continuously done. Her thorax pulsed, another egg ready to descend, but the bloated broodmare matriarch focused on the drones. ‘Will we be able to see each other again?’

The drone chirped. “The Zaar are not cruel, just pragmatic! Each of you will be supremely busy, especially our Hyper Breeder and Nurse Mother here, and our Storage Brooder will find it exceedingly difficult to move - literally impossible by just a year’s passing . . .”

Ethan groaned in frustration.

“. . . but yes, you will be able to meet. Only very rarely all at once, but family is very important to us Zaar, as you may have noticed. With the annexation of your world, you will have to come to terms with many of our traditions, but we will respect local custom where it is important. We promise you will see each other again. For now, however, I’m afraid it’s time to get you to your locations. Are there any last questions?’

Ethan gave his usual pleading to be changed back or even swapped with someone. He was thoroughly, immediately, and cheerfully denied by the drones.

‘Um, are our babies nice? Like, they’re not going to be cruel are they?’ Allen asked. He was equally worried about Sarah as much as himself. If their grubs or insectoid spawn were greedy, or jostled with one another to latch on Sarah, or otherwise viewed them as nothing more than broodmares, well, it would make everything harder.

“Not at all,” the drone reassured him. “All spawnlings love their broodmothers and nurse-feeders, and honour them greatly. Especially the princess future-queens that you as Hyper-Breeder may birth.’

“The what now?” Allen said, so startled that he spoke with his mouth.

But the drone was evidently finished with question time, because the drone fleet broke up into four smaller groups and began drawing them away from each other.

‘Sarah, Allen, be strong for one another, okay?’ Heather called. ‘You have each other now. I’ll do all I can for you. I’ll always be your mother, even if - nngh! - we’re all birthing our own babies now. You stay safe!’

‘We will!’ they both replied.

‘I love you Mom!’ Sarah added, and so did Allen after. ‘And you two, Dad!’

For all his cowardice and fear, Ethan did manage to get his mental communication back up and running. ‘I - oh God - I love you two! Please visit me! I’m scared!’

‘We will, Dad!’ Sarah responded. ‘We’ll find a way. Best of, uh, luck with it!’

He could only give a sad face in response. He was effectively going to exist as a living factory for heavy duty organic vehicles. Not that the rest of them didn’t have major burdens.

Heather took her place in the tower, and immediately the drones began working on constructing more around her. Her influence was across the whole region, and Allen was in awe of his mother, at how capable she was. He could only hope he could bring the same capability and pragmatism to his own role.

The siblings were pushed through the air, still birthing and leaking milk, until they reached their own place, in the centre of the only just-started hive. It would look amazing, once finished, that Allen knew. But they might not often appreciate that, given that they would be birthing and nursing within it. Still, the size of what would become their chamber looked utterly vast, at least five hundred feet wide. Hundreds of insectoid workers were building it, and Allen couldn’t help but wonder if his future progeny would look like this. Certainly, they looked to Sarah with some interest.

“Oh no!” she called out loud. “You’re not getting anywhere near my tits, thank you very much!”

The drones didn’t seem to care about her statements. Together they were lowered until they sat on the semi-organic, rather comfortably plush ground of the hive roughly fifty feet apart. Easily close enough to talk and still catch each other’s expressions also. Both were feeling overcome. Both were still developing. Both were needing to push more eggs out - Allen especially.

But most of all, both were feeling that rising, powerful arousal sweep over their alien forms once more.

‘I - oh G-God - I told you,’ Sarah managed. ‘S-super awkward, r-right?’

‘Super,’ he replied, grinning sheepishly. ‘I g-guess we better g-get used to it though, r-right?’

She laughed, only for that laugh to turn to a sudden groan of ecstasy. ‘J-just don’t b-be too loud, okay? It’s s-so fucking w-weird to hear my brother cumming.’

‘At least my voice has ch-changed. Yours is practically the s-same. That’s w-weirder!’

‘You’re such an asshole of a - oohhhh, God, yes! - of a big brother.’

‘And you’re - mmhmmh, fuck yes! - a terrible little sister!’

Another laugh, and then the pleasure continued, and talking was beyond them. Their bodies swelled with more eggs as they ejaculated inside themselves, and both could feel their chitin-covered bodies enlarge: Allen’s in the egg sac, and Sarah with all her engorged breasts. Various insectoid workers gathered around them, ready to help aid the movement of eggs and attending to the needs of the pair. Already, hoses of the wonderful pink goo were brought to them, and Allen guzzled down greedily as he strained in both laying a fresh clutch, and inseminating himself yet again with a new one. Sarah squeaked as a little grumbling - some other broodmare’s that had already hatched, was attached to her side. It began to suckle from her, and she moaned ever louder.

‘Ohhhhhh s-sweet relief! More! Bring me m-more! Get them on m-me noow! I didn’t realise I was so - ahhhh - full!’

The workers did just that, and soon she had over eight grublings sucking from her teats or licking at the milk she sweated down her egg sac. She and Allen exchanged a glance, one of disbelief, horror, pleasure, and perhaps even exasperated amusement. Neither could have suspected their sibling relationship would ever be repaired, let alone this way. But it had, and at least they would always have one another.

And so, they continued, birthing and nursing and self-impregnating, their first proper day on the job.

The Hyper Breeder and Nurse Mother had begun their codependent roles, and they would continue in them for years, decades, and centuries yet to come.

To Be Concluded . . .


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