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By FoxFaceStories

A Story Tier Prompt for TG Sorcerer

Sick of his toxic coworker Rick, Lance manages to acquire a magic ring that grants a limited number of wishes, intent on giving him a minor payback. But when Rick ends up with the ring instead, Lance and the rest of the office staff find to their horror that everyone’s least favourite work peer now has the power to warp their bodies and minds purely for the fun of it. And because he’s a poor listener, even he may not know the effects might become permanent . . .

First Part Here 

Wishing Chaos, Part 2

It was three years later, and to say the office had changed considerably would be perhaps the world’s biggest understatement. The ring was gone, and no amount of searching ever managed to track down the witch who had sold it to Lance. Instead, they were left in their monstrous, sexy, or otherwise just plain strange forms for the rest of their lives, with Rick seemingly the only major beneficiary. What’s more, the office was the only place many of them could still work: news about a massive outbreak of chaos magic tends to catch the evening news and even dominate it for over a week, and that leaves a strong impression. Of course, most of the population only believed in the religious kind of supernatural, so ‘magic’ in the media was generally framed more in the ‘outbreak’ or ‘pandemic’ sense of the word. It was something the corporation was very adamant in wanting to avoid, so instead of letting the insane revelations of what had gone down out into the world, they simply paid to have everyone relocated where possible to a new rural property where they could live and work together as a strange, changed community, each earning their keep by working for Syne-Tech.

But who was to be the beneficiary of this new rural farmstead, with its wonderful facilities to accommodate them all? Well, the answer was sadly obvious. With his last wish, Rick had forged himself into a handsome Hercules of a man, complete with a winning smile and shining charisma. More than that, he had inadvertently formed a magical binding upon all of them, particularly Lance, so that they were inextricably tied to him. After all, he had wished to be the kind of man that ‘satisfied them’, and that meant they had to be around him to be satisfied.

Lacey, formerly Lance, was deeply familiar with this concept, especially given she was at that very moment mounting her incredibly virile husband on their plush mega bed. She straddled him with her hips, lying atop him so that her sensitive breasts brushed against his manly, hairy chest. She was squeezing her ass, and it sent her into fits of pleasure, especially as he rubbed her up and down on his massive cock. Her pussy was always tight and wet and hungry for him - his wish had made it so, after all - and despite the fact she was forever angry at this man who had taken all her wishes and caused this strange nightmare of a future, she couldn’t help but be deeply, incredibly horny in his presence.

“Oohhhhhh,” she moaned. “You’ve g-got the spot, my love. You’ve f-found it.”

“Like always!” he exclaimed, chuckling before thrusting up a little. She was doing most of the work this time, clutching onto his massive, firm shoulders and occasionally kissing him dutifully, but she knew from three whole years of experience that he had more than enough energy: the other women in their expansive bedroom spoke to just that. Several others were already present: the gorgeous harem women who belonged to Rick continued to fan them, or wait in preparation to entertain him. The former pasty IT officemen were now Sabine the Persian, Nula the North African, and Shakantula the Indian. They were all utterly gorgeous, wearing a harem outfit, a tribal dancing outfit, and a revealing sari respectively. They used large leaves to fan the couple as they fucked, except for Sabine who danced in the corner, providing another arousing scene for Rick. They had come to inhabit their roles more comfortably than Lance, at least: when they weren’t pleasuring Rick in all manner of ways taken right from the Kama Sutra, they were able to game on their PCs and insult online adversaries to their heart's content. Nula was pregnant, of course, but Lacey doubted motherhood would stop her nerdery.

She ignored the sight of their servitude, and continued to hump Rick, letting his impressive girth part her sensitive walls, bringing her ever closer to orgasm. As she did so, she felt her skin change. She cooed sensually. She had been, up until this point, a lusty Japanese woman with silky hair and slim features. Now, as his interests changed, she altered. Her hair turned fiery red, and became a wild tangle of knots and curls. Her skin turned pale white, with freckles upon her chest, cheeks, and bridge of her nose. Her hips widened, becoming womanly and fertile, and her boobs grew in size until they were ample double-Ds.

“You’ve ch-changed me again, h-husband!” she cried, her voice now a gorgeous Scottish accent. “Wh-why?”

“Felt like fucking a ginger,” he said. “Besides, weren’t you a ginger when you got knocked up. Seems - ahhh - appropriate! Not that you’ll be a ginger when you give birth, my sexy submissive wife!”

She groaned, partly from pleasure but also from annoyance. Her stomach was only subtly expanded, but she was most certainly pregnant. It was not even her first pregnancy: she’d already born Rick a healthy daughter with rich caramel brown skin and frizzy hair: little Anita, who was due for a feed soon. Of course, she’d been a pale buxom blonde when that particular child had been squeezed from her nethers, but that was her life now. She imagined the baby would be ginger, but when it was conceived it could just as likely have an Iberian cast, given she’d been made a sexy senorita at that particular time as well. Still, her annoyance at baring this annoying man more babies intermingled with a deep instinctive satisfaction at playing the part of his wife. She moaned even louder, sliding up and down his pole in the hopes of achieving multiple orgasms soon.

It didn’t take long to achieve them. Lacey roared in orgasm, her voice now high and mighty. Rick spent himself inside her again and again: God, he produced so much semen in his new, magically enhanced body. She climbed off of him after what felt like minutes, and he gestured for her to lie against him.

“I have to go to work soon,” she reminded him.

“I know, I know,” he said. “Work never stops, right? Still, at least we’re together, and have much better coworkers, right? Still the same group, but much more humbled. I was right two years ago, wasn’t I? They all deserved it. And now we’re all much better off!”

“Yes, we are,” she said, lowering a hand down to rub her naked belly. It had just begun to swell, and the thought of being pregnant with her hated coworker’s child yet again made her sigh. But the magic ensured she would also feel excitement, and nurture and love the child, just like a good wife and mother, which the magic kept her railroaded on the path of being. “I better get up. Poor Cheryl is probably exploding now.”

“She’s always exploding since she had her calves,” Rick said, amused. “What a sight that was, out in the paddock! Ah well, I love you, my gorgeous wife. If you don’t mind, I might be a leisurely manager today. I figure my harem might pleasure me a few more times. Can you do that thing with your mouth again, Sabine?”

The Persian dancer nodded eagerly. Lacey rolled her eyes. She had it on good authority that the dancers were literally addicted to dancing for their master and sucking him on. Still, at least they were happy. She got up, took a shower, and tried to ignore the sounds of her husband - God, why did she even have to think of him like that? - being attended to by three women at once. The magic had made him so damn virile.

“Better see how the others are faring,” she said. “The company still wants its work done.”


Maggie was in the yard, hauling the plough. The enormous green-skinned woman waved at Lacey she passed.

“Hiya Lace! See that you’re a ginger today!”

“Just for the day I reckon, Maggie,” she called back. “Rick’s got a hankering for Asian woman at the moment. I reckon I’ll be ‘taking a flight’ to Mongolia soon, since he’s watching that new Ghengis Khan movie tonight. Still doing the plough by hand?”

The seven foot tall woman grinned, dropping it briefly to place her hands on her hips. She was massive, absolutely ripped, and her bust was more than impressive. Lacey sometimes wished that she’d been made a literal superheroine, but Maggie at least deserved it: she’d been old and geriatric and kind, and now she could work easily on a farm again as she had when she was a girl. In fact, Rick didn’t even have sex with her all that often. From what Lacey had been able to gather, when it did occur, it was all from Maggie: she liked to throw him a tough, buff, rough-love ‘thanks’ every so often.

But it wasn’t Maggie that she was moving to see. Lacey didn’t work in the cubicle much anymore. She was technically Rick’s assistant, which meant overseeing everyone doing their work for Syne-Tech, and also the production of the farm. Which meant, of course, seeing to poor Cheryl.

The cow-woman was mooing loudly, incapable of speaking until she was properly pumped. But thanks to her hoof-hands, she basically couldn’t work the pumps herself.

“M-M-MOOOOO!!!” she cried, waddling towards Lacey. She was gesturing with her hooves at her enormously full udder and her four sloshing breasts. They were so full they looked like filled-up balloons on her chest. “MOOOOO!!!”

Gabby the pig-girl - formerly Gary - and Gisele the golden goose egg-layer were beside her, trying to calm her down.

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” Lacey called, running over as fast as her early pregnancy would allow. “I came as fast as I could. Rick wanted me twice this morning.”

Gisele honked in annoyance. “He’s always - HONK - wanting someone. Except - HONK - me!”

“Don’t be jealous,” Gabby warned. She was naked as always, a bit of warm mud on her form. Her six bloated breasts leaked milk, though not nearly so much as Cheryl’s. “One litter was terrible enough. B-b-but he got me pregnant with a s-second! And a th-third!”

It was true. Evidently, Rick rather liked Gabby’s body after she had her first litter, because once she had weaned her piglets off her six teats, he’d visited her again for a ‘roll in the mud’ as he’d put it. He’d also said, “it just doesn’t feel right for you not to be fat, Gary. Or Gabby, whatever we call you. Maybe we should fatten you up with another litter. Keeps the farm productive, too!”

Gisele looked to her friend, honked loudly, and held her swollen, feathered belly. She strained to push another golden egg from her nethers. It was huge, and she honked loudly as it passed.

“Ugghhh, g-good point. This one is for the company, I think. He gets to k-keep ten percent.”

She handed it to Lacey, who put in the shoulder bag she covered just for this purpose. “Okay, let’s get down to it then, Cheryl. You’ll be speaking and only mooing a little in no time.”

The cow-woman nodded eagerly, and her movements didn’t even cause her huge breasts or swollen beachball of an udder to wobble one iota, they were so full. Lacey sympathised: after giving birth the first time, her own chest had been sorely full up until she nursed, or Rick drank from her. She helped Cheryl get the pumps attached, and then worked the machine. Poor Gabby’s fingers were similarly hoofed, and could not help.

The machine started, and Cheryl instantly moaned in exquisite release and milk was extracted from her udder and breasts in incredibly copious qualities.

“MOOOOO!!! YESSS! Oh G-God, thank you! Thank you, Lacey! Ever since I g-gave birth to my g-gorgeous little calves, my milk production has b-been out of control.”

“Where are your calves anyway?” Lacey asked. “I thought they’d be here helping, uh, relieve you?”

The cow woman sighed. There was so much milk flowing from her, and it made her tail sway in relief as it did. “I p-put them in d-daycare. Daisy and S-Sarah have them.”

It made sense. Daisy was permanently pregnant now, and because of the nature of Rick’s wish, she too had moved to the farm, though at least she got to keep her loyal husband. Apparently, he actually enjoyed her form, not that she liked the constant lethargy. It was easier for her to run the daycare with some of her kids in it. Sarah, on the other hand, had become a worker there by necessity: she’d literally given birth to Jasper, the man who’d been unbirthed into her as a new baby, though he was now called Jessica. Given the number of babies Rick was giving them all, it only made sense that some of the women ran such a service.

“I told you that you weren’t ready.”

“I - mooo! - know! I sh-should enrol them in a later c-class. I d-didn’t realise things were this b-bad!”

Sarah sighed. “I’ll go check on them. Hey, where’s Nancy?”

“Off fucking that Alsatian the next paddock over, I bet,” Gisele said. “She’s given him one litter already, right?”

“I thought that was a Sheffield?” Gabby said.

Sarah shook her head. “It was both. Dogs can do that. Poor woman.”

“Hey, at least she doesn’t have - moooo! - sex with Rick!” Cheryl chuckled.

Lacey sighed loudly. “Don’t remind me. When it happens, I can’t help but love it so much.”

“Well, you’re responsible. That damn ring came from you.”

“Don’t ever let me forget that, Gisele. I deserve to remember every day. If you guys are right out here, I’ll head over to the daycare. Do you need any more feed? Are your outdoor stations working?”

Gabby nodded. “I’ll start my archival notekeeping in half an hour.”

Gisele gritted her teeth. “One or t-two more eggs to squeeze out and then I’ll - HONK - get going on the s-spreadsheets.”

Sarah nodded, thanked them, and headed to the daycare.


“Redhead today, huh?” Sarah asked as she helped get out some toys for the chubby little cowgirls belonging to Cheryl. They were chubby, and half-cow, and utterly adorable. Well, udderly adorable, given they were both female.

“Yeah, Rick likes his Scots,” Lacey said in her new, broad accent. She pointed at Sarah’s well-developed E-cup chest. “How’s David going?”

The daycare worker who once took far too many holidays for Rick’s liking appeared to be in mental communication with her own chest. She always wore tight tops or dresses with a plunging neckline these days - Rick liked to be reminded of his former boss’s new position in life, after all. Sarah had once been a flat-chested woman, but now she had a sizeable set of E-cup knockers that were courtesy of the life essence of David, their former floor manager. He was literally a living pair of boobs, helpess but to jiggle and wobble and experience life passively. The fact that Rick loved to enjoy sucking on David’s sensitive nipples only made the experience more humiliating for the former man, and for Sarah. But like the rest, she found herself drawn to their master.

“He says he’s going okay,” Sarah said. “He asks if the Mongol movie is on tonight. He wants to see it, you know, through my eyes.”

“It’ll be a dumb action film, I’m afraid.”

“God, I know. But the one thing about having a living pair of boobs is that they complain a lot. And given that I’m still breastfeeding little Jessica, who has taken to being a baby girl surprisingly well, I figure I’ll cut him a break. Being full of milk all the time is bad enough as the woman, imagine that being your entire existence.”

Lacey winced. “Yeah, David was an ass, but being a pair of tits is probably too much.”

Sarah chuckled. “Well, at least I got to give birth. Check out Daisy over there.”

Daisy was trying to bend down to pick up some toys, and struggling. After all, she was stuck as nine months pregnant.

“Oh, stop that Daisy!” Sarah announced. “I’ll get it!”

She strode over. There were many kids, and she knew that one day her little daughter would be here, and the baby that was only just getting started in her belly. Rick was a total whiner in life, and she always thought he’d hate kids, but they shockingly seemed to be the one thing (other than sex and revenge and comfortable living) that really made him light up. Weirdly enough, he was probably going to be a not half-bad father.

“Can you do me a favour? If Cheryl brings the calves over again, make sure she’s pumped herself. She’s trying to be far too independent.”

The other two nodded.

“I’ll go see how the main office is going. Call me if you need anything. If I don’t answer-”

“It’ll be because you’re getting boned by Rick,” Sarah said flatly. “Don’t worry, we’re very aware. Most of us have been there. God, I’d love a holiday again. Where did Jessica go? It’s time for her feed. Yes David, we’re still feeding. You know that. Get over it. You’re literally full of milk! You’ll be begging for it soon!”

Lacey left the two-for-one person to sort it out with her sentient boobs.


Lacey walked through the office, checking on each of the workers. All of them were transformed, of course, including many she had not really known at all during their previous lives, but now knew very well. Rick had a long complaints list about all the ‘worthless, lazy, stuck up people’ that worked at their office, so no one really came out unscathed. There was a monkey woman eating a banana while she typed with her feet. There was a centauress with an athlete’s torso doing input as she ran along a specially made treadmill to deal with her energy levels. There were even several women - formerly men - wearing sentient dresses of all sorts of sexy make. The dresses had once been other workers, and now they were constantly pleasured by the act of being worn. Lacey had worn more than a few such articles to bed, since Rick liked it. Sarah and the harem girls too.

She checked on each and every one of them, keeping morale up and ensuring projects were being dealt with on time and that customer service was at a premium. Brent sat in the corner, luxuriating in the sun as he watched over the office. As a human HR head, he’d been ‘useless as a potted plant’, as Rick had said. But now that the wishing ring had turned him into a dryad-like female potted plant, she had become a remarkable overseer of the workforce, always inventing initiatives to keep them cheery, involved, and on the same page. As Bree, she’d had to develop a lot of patience, given that she was literally rooted to one spot at all times, and that helped when negotiating disputes between workers. Of course, she still had her embarrassments: Sarah carried over a pail to water her with.

“Everything good Bree?”

“Just flowery,” Bree replied, the petals around her face in full bloom. “Time for watering?”


“Okay, I’ll try not to be too loud.”

She was anyway. Being watered always made her orgasm, which was why Sarah liked to do it before Rick could get away with it. After all, just like the rest of the women, Bree couldn’t help but pleasure their new master when he came by, but to be spared the humiliation of orgasming in front of him was always appreciated.

“Th-thanks,” she managed. “I th-think Bianca wanted to see you about something.”

Sarah nodded, checked that the remaining workers were all on target, and headed to the reception area to the farm, where corporate visitors, family members, and others who were granted entry would pass through. Where before Bianca had sat at a desk, now the buxom and beautiful mermaid had a massive aquarium tank right inside the entrance. She swam back and forth, always wearing her shell bra, her free hair waving in the water. She was serene and beautiful, and brought herself up to the high surface to look down on Sarah as she came in.

“Hellooooo Sarahhhh, how are you going todaaaaaay?”

Her beautiful siren song was sweet music to the ears. She literally couldn’t not sing, after all. Rick was a big fan of Bianca, but she’d managed to keep him off her: her boyfriend was now her husband, and helplessly devoted to her. Rick grumbled, but respected the arrangement. Sarah suspected it was more to do with him needing to portray himself as the hero, the one better than everyone else. Besides, he had his fill of the rest of the women, especially Lacey who was his submissive wife, and total favourite.

“Okay, Bianca. Just a little different. Again.”

“I liiiike the hairrrrr.”

“Thanks. Bree said you had something for me?”

The mermaid nodded eagerly. She darted back down into the tank, swimming with impressive elegance. Sarah checked her time as she did. Rick would be coming in any minute, most likely. He still did shit all work, but as the new ‘manager’ he liked to ‘inspect the workers’ from time to time. What that usually meant was taking Lacey to a private office and fucking her for the third time that day while she moaned in reluctant ecstasy. And then probably having a nice hot coffee while Bianca massaged him: she couldn’t totally avoid some level of subservience, after all.

When Bianca came back up, she looked nervous. She peered left to right, up and even down, and positioned herself where the security camera wouldn’t show her. Then, she withdrew a waterproof package and tossed it down to Sarah.

“What is it?”

“Have a loooook. My Daniel found it for meeeeee, but I don’t dare use iiiiiiit! It took a lot of seeeearching. Lot of pawwwwwn shooooops. But it’s back together. you could use it Laaaacey, it’s yours after alllll!”

Lacey opened the package. Her eyes went wide as she beheld the contents. Inside was every fragment of the magical ring that had caused this chaos in the first place. Somehow, it had been fitted all back together, glued back so that most of it was present and it held together. Carefully, she withdrew it, inspecting it closely. The red ruby was there, and to her astonishment, it was glowing incredibly faintly.

“One final wish,” she said to herself. “It might not even go right . . . but I’d have one last wish.”

Bianca grinned, the mermaid looking utterly mischievous in her tank.

“Thank you, Bianca,” Sarah said. “I’ll - I’ll do what I can.

“Do what?” came a voice. Sarah turned. Rick was coming. His tall, Adonis-like figure loomed towards her, his smile confident. Evidently, he’d decided to get up a little early. “What have you got there, my gorgeous wife?”

Sarah panicked. Her submissive nature was rising. If he asked again she’d be forced to give it to him, and then everything might change. But she had no time to think of a foolproof wish, one to make them all normal again. To take away Cheryl’s udder, Nancy’s doghood and permanent heat, David’s existence as a pair of breasts, and so on.

“Sarah?” Rick said. “I don’t like secrets, remember? This office used to have all these gossipping secrets from people who thought they were better than me.”

Better than me. Those were the words that made her realise. There wasn’t time to fix everything. She couldn’t even throw the ring back to Bianca - the mermaid had retreated. But if she could make things better . . .

She slipped the faulty ring on, praying it would work. Then she held it out. Rick looked momentarily confused.

“Hey, what the fuck, is that -”

They weren’t all turning back. These were their new lives, and Rick was going to stay their collective lover, and her husband. She couldn’t think of a way to fix it all in time. But she could fix Rick.

“Rick,” she said. “I wish you were a good man, good enough that we actually want you in the office.”

The ring flashed.

The End


Hiros The great

Hey there. I wanted to say I absolutely love powertrip stories with a ton of weird tfs and you did an amazing job by creating one of my favorites of that kind. I hope you like these stories as much as I do and plan to create more of them in the future~

Fox Face

I certainly plan on some. Very glad you enjoyed it - thanks for the kind words.