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Chris has always been the dominant friend to Derek, often teasing his friend about his love life in good fun. But when a sorceress overhears their conversation and thinks Chris is a misogynistic bully, the young man is turned into a busty redhead forced to be utterly devoted to Derek, as a punishment and present to them respectively. Of course, it doesn’t take long for Chris to also get pregnant, starting a race for the two of them as they try to find the witch to undo this undeserved curse!

First Part

Previous Part

Part 7: The Argument

They set out the next morning. Not without delays; Chriss had woken him at the appropriate time with a morning blowjob, but after swallowing and licking him clean of semen, the plan was to have breakfast and leave. However, she experienced another bout of morning sickness and ended up clutching her bloated stomach while she vomited up what she’d just eaten . . . as well this morning’s earlier ‘dessert.’ Derek held her silky red hair as she expended herself.

“Ugh, morning sickness is the worst. It’s like this buxom preggo body doesn’t want us to leave,” Chriss complained, still speaking dirty just as Derek liked it. She looked so fertile and round that morning, especially dressed in nothing but her lacey thong, her large breasts bobbing gently with each movement. Her chest was now so ample that it could be seen from behind her when she lifted her arms. “Goddamnit, these big leaky tits are so full of milk. They’re filling up overnight now.”

She held them in her forearms so that they pushed together, forming a canyon of cleavage. Derek swore that even with her belly as pronounced and pregnant as it currently was, his friend’s tits still jutted out just as far. They were already late, and he was again getting turned on by his transformed friend’s dilemma. Her body, as they were both well-used to, reacted immediately.

“If only I had a big, strong man in my life who could milk me.”

His hands left out automatically to fondle her, and she moaned receptively at his touch. He tweaked one of her dark, taut nipples, and sure enough she leaked a little milk. Not as much as she was whining about, but enough that he was happy to suck her tits. Her body shuddered with pleasurable release. He tweaked the other, and her response grew. Half an hour later they were both naked and bathing in the afterglow of sex once more, though Christina’s breasts were at least no longer as full with milk.

“Are you empty?” he asked.

“For now,” Christina replied. “God, everything is a fucking turn on to you, isn’t it?”

“With a sexy redhead like you? Pregnant with my baby? Yeah, babe.”

She rolled her eyes, but kissed him anyway, and he didn’t fight it. He reached over and groped her breast lightly. His fingers sunk into the boobs, too much flesh to hold in simply one hand. She automatically sucked in a breath in response.

`“Besides, you don’t feel empty.”

“Shut up dude, you know I’m a fucking H-cup ever since your ex cursed me that second time. God, I miss my little triple-D’s.”

Derek nearly snorted. His friend’s idea of ‘little’ was still a whole lot bigger, perkier and bouncier than the overwhelming majority of petite women out there. He remembered that as a man Christina used to exclusively talk about how only women with ‘nice big racks’ were worth dating. He probably felt differently now that he was a she who was sporting one of the biggest, nicest racks there was.

“I mean, your boobs are still real warm.”

“They’re always warm now. If I’m not aching and overheating because I’m full it’s because this stupid sexy dirty body is producing milk straight away because I’ve just been . . . pumped.”

“You can feel it?”

“Yeah. It’s weird. It’s like a subtle little pinprick, and I can feel myself getting more full if I focus on it.”

“That must be weird for you.”

She rolled her eyes. “Everything is weird for me now, Derek. Everything. Including – oooh! – including this damned baby growing inside my nice, fertile womb who has just woken up. C’mon, we’re already late. Let’s have a shower and go.”

Two hours later than planned, the car was packed with their belongings and travel supplies, and they were ready to finally leave. Derek did most of the heavy lifting due to Christina’s ‘delicate condition’ - as he liked to joke with her - which ultimately culminated in another delay when she was forced to wear something sexy to show off that very condition. It was a tight green maternity dress that left little to the imagination and showed off how much her ass had also grown. It matched her emerald eyes perfectly. She spent the whole time eyeing him aggressively but unwilling to draw attention to her looks, leaving him to sort the groceries and their bags of clothing. After all, Derek liked a woman who was submissive and sexy, but he also liked the feeling of packing for his woman. Chriss had several bags, all filled with showy maternity wear and at least three bathing suits. Derek was most interested in seeing his friend in one of them if they ever stopped by the beach. The thought of his sexy redhead girlfriend in a tight bikini did things to him . . . he almost didn’t grab the bags from her, he was so distracted.

“Hurry up and take them dude, I’m super weak now, and I’m having trouble enough carrying my own fucking belly right now!”

In the end, he got in the car and put on his seatbelt, and waited for her to get in. After a pause, he saw his transformed, pregnant friend standing out the passenger door-side, one hand pitched at the small of her back and the other rubbing the underside of her prominent baby bump. Derek rolled down the window.

“What are you waiting for?”

She bent down slightly, and he saw that her cheeks were flushed with embarrassment, her eyes nervously looking away from him.

“I uh . . . I need some help Derek. Getting in, I mean.” She stroked her rotund form for emphasis, and a light switched on in Derek’s head. He left the car and rounded to her side, where she had become even redder with embarrassment as he opened her door and, taking her by her delicate hand and placing the other on her back, helped ease her into the vehicle. She slumped down, the furthest part of her belly swinging quickly with her movements. She adjusted her dress to better hold her breasts, exposing her deep cleavage, and went back to rubbing her stomach, which shifted slightly with the life within.

“Ngnh . . . thanks,” she muttered.

“Any time,” he responded, moving back around to the driver side and getting in. He placed a hand on her belly, where she was still trying to soothe her child – their child – back into sleeping in her swollen womb.

“Let’s go find Juliana,” he said, and hit the gas.


It was a long drive, and at times pretty boring. Christina mostly slept, and Derek let her; his friend’s pregnancy had reached the stage in the second trimester where it left her often quite lethargic at times, and tired. When they lay awake together at night, naked forms entangled, he could often feel the baby shifting in her gravid stomach, felt Chriss wince or tense in response to the movements. It was no secret that she had been losing some sleep as her condition advanced, but apart from some brief hormonal outbursts of emotional cry-sessions nudged along by her growing baby, neither of them talked about it much. It was too awkward a subject to broach with his former male friend, and he suspected the shame of being cursed to be her best friend’s preggo bimbo girlfriend was too much to overcome to have a healthy chat. At least, not yet.

So he let her sleep, and drove silently across the country. Occasionally she stirred, mumbling something.

“Uhh . . . yeah . . . pass me the drink dude. Some hot girls at this party . . .”

He looked at her with an odd look as she shifted.

“Nhhn . . . look at the tits on that one . . . I’d love to give her a good lay.”

Derek realised she was dreaming of the time when she’d been a man, probably hanging out at a bar and checking out all the hot chicks.

“Mm . . . nice big, bouncy tits.”

Her own impressive pair in real life jiggled continuously as they reached the old patch of highway road.

“Some nice wide, baby-making hips . . .”

He always loved to make that comment, Derek thought, and now she owned her own set. He took in her rounded form. Emphasis on baby-making. He left his friend to her dreams. At least that way Chriss could believe she was a man again and take a respite from being a burgeoning baby mamma.

Still, they eventually had to stop and grab a room at a highway motel. Derek helped a sleepy Chriss from the car; she was still recovering from her dream of being a man again, rubbing her baby belly with uncertainty, as if having to refamiliarise herself with it. It meant the hotel receptionist’s question took her off guard.

‘I’m sorry?’ said Christina.

“I asked when are you due?”

Her eyes went wide with shock. “Due? Um, I’m six months along now.”

The woman smiled. “About twenty six weeks or so huh? You look quite big for just six months, if you don’t mind me saying. Is it just the one baby?”

Derek could see the cold fear in Chriss’ eyes.

“We think so,” he improvised, “we haven’t been to a check-up yet.”

“Well whyever not!? It is a man’s duty to take care of his woman, young man. If she’s six months along then there is simply no excuse. You should take the poor thing to a clinic the first moment you have to see if the baby – or babies – are healthy.”

“He’s right honey,” Christina said automatically, placing a petite hand upon Derek’s chest, “we need to get checked up. I want to see our baby together.” She rubbed her belly for emphasis and tiptoed on her high-heels to kiss him on the cheek.

Their apartment was on the second floor, and there was no elevator, so Derek had to carry the luggage and help Christina ascend the stairs. As soon as they were inside the apartment she collapsed back onto the bed, belly cresting high, and exhaled deeply. Her boobs followed the weight of gravity and caused a squish of cleavage up near her collarbone.

“Great,” she said, “so now I’m promising to get my tight, wet pussy checked out by some creep doctor who makes it his business to do that for a living.”

Derek sat down on the end of the bed and began to rub her distended stomach. “Plenty of women go to the gynaecologist, Chriss. Probably all of them.”

“I’m not a woman Derek, you know that.”

“If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck. And you are one sexy, pregnant duck.”

She rolled her eyes. “Glad someone is enjoying this.”

“Still,” Derek said, “I think it’s a good idea. If only for your health. And we can find out if we’re having a son or a daughter.”

“What we’re having? We’re not having anything! The whole reason we’re on this road trip is to find Juliana and get her to change us back.”

“Hey, I’m not changing back! I’m keeping my big dick, and the muscles! And we still don’t even know if Juliana can or wants to change you back.”

Chriss struggled out of the bed, her breasts wobbling in her v-neck top. She stood up facing Derek, still not much taller than him sitting down on the bed. Her belly bulged out near his face. Looking down her cleavage, both her hands planted firmly at the small of her back to ease the strain of their child’s weight, Chriss eyed him angrily. It was a sexier image than she’d intended, but then, everything she did was sexy.

“I’m not going to spend the rest of my life as your preggo bimbo slut, dude. I don’t want my life accomplishment to be having my best friend shoot his hot, tasty cum into my nice, fertile womb for the rest of my life, just so I can keep getting big and knocked up with his kids like a perfect submissive housewifey.”

She was trying to say it authoritatively, but instead her voice was a sweet sensual soprano that made her sound like she was relishing that particular future.

Perhaps that was the encouragement Derek needed, because it was then that he finally said what he’d been thinking about the last few months.

“Would that be so bad, Chriss?”

Her jaw dropped, and the tension in the air could be cut with a knife.

“What are you saying?”

“I’m saying . . . I’m saying . . . what I mean to say is . . .”

“Please just spit it out.” He could tell from her features she was doing everything possible not to freak out on him.

“I’m saying would it really be all that bad? You and me, together? I mean, look at you Chriss, you’re six months pregnant with my kid! Our son or daughter. Do you really want to lose that? And look at you, you’re fucking gorgeous! You’ve become the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen, with a body that drives me wild. Even with a baby in you men still turn their heads to look at you. I know it’s not the same as being a man, but there must be something to enjoy there right? You’re absolutely stacked and you’ve got a perfect ass, and your face . . . you’ve got the most beautiful face now. You may as well show it off and enjoy it; didn’t you do that as a buff gym dude? It’s the same as a woman, you’re just showing off a different look, but there’s just as much to be proud of. Even more, really. And I’m not being creepy by saying this; we’ve been together over six months now. We’ve explored every part of each other’s bodies. The curse may be forcing us to have sex, but I know those orgasms are real. And you’ve been getting more and more as time passes. We’ve had more sex with each other than we would have had with all our previous partners combined, easily!”

He stood, and cradled her face in one hand while stroking her belly with the other. She gasped at his touch.

“I know the curse has made you a woman, I know it forces us together by making you my fantasy girlfriend, but would that life really be so bad? You as my wife, me as your husband, the two of us with a set of beautiful kids running around our ankles? Let’s face it, you could be a lousy friend at times, always pushing me over and prioritising yourself, but I think you’ll make an amazing wife and a super mom. And we’d be having amazing sex every day for the rest of our lives together. Don’t tell me you wouldn’t enjoy having me cum in your every day, because you’re fucking addicted to it. It could be a wonderful life if you swallowed your pride. What do you say?”

His cheek burned before he even recognised the slap was coming. Christina looked at him with a look of absolute fury Fortunately for the both of them, it was as far as the curse let her go. She still glared, but instead placed a hand on his bicep.

“I’m getting some fresh air, babe.”

She retreated to the outside balcony, cradling her pregnant belly in her other hand and gazing out into the horizon. He couldn’t imagine how furious Chriss was to hit him like that. It hadn’t hurt - she was indeed weak as a slender woman now - but it was surprising.

Just then Derek’s phone buzzed with a message. It was from Brad; Ella the pregnant stripper’s husband. He’d sent a text attached to an image and video, and Derek took some time to look at them. He smiled to himself.

He stepped out onto the balcony, where Chriss was gazing out across the horizon, breathing softly. She looked a vision in her maternity dress, wonderfully full with child, her perfect red hair waving gently in the breeze, making her appear vulnerable.

“I just got word from Brad. Our stripper friend Ella went into labor at six in the morning. She only just finished giving birth to her three babies, but she looks happy, see?”

He showed her the video Brad had sent. In it, Ella lay completely naked except for the pair of white panties stretches tightly around her large hips. She was laying on a large soft blanket on her side, her stomach deflated a great deal, and two hungry mouths each attached to her heavily engorged breasts. Her third baby was also in her arms, perched on her belly, squirming blindly like a pup for his or her turn. Ella grunted involuntarily in both discomfort and pleasure.

“How does it feel to be a mummy, Ella?”

“I feel – “ She gave a sharp intake of breath in response to one of the children’s suckling – “Good. I feel good,” she repeated. She gave a sheepish grin and looked to him with a contented smile on her face, petting one of her recently birthed triplets. “And nice to have something to drain all this damn milk I’m making.” The camera shook with Brad’s laughter, and she laughed with him.

“Well, you look beautiful honey.”

She gave a tired smile. “Awww, you really mean that, don’t you Brad? I certainly feel a lot less heavy now. And I can take a short break from dancing, at least. First day in literal years since I didn’t have to do it.”

“Any words of wisdom you would like to share with our friends Derek and Christina?”

Ella seemed to think on this for a moment. “You’re going to be a great mom Chrissy. I know it takes some getting used to, especially since I don’t imagine you ever thought you could get pregnant, but there’s nothing quite like bringing new life into the world, trust me. You take care, dear. I hope we see you again, maybe even with a little one in your arms!”

The video ended.

“Something to think about maybe,” Derek said. He rubbed her belly with his hands, then went down to his knees so he could plant a firm kiss upon it. “I’m going to bed, Chrissy. You stay out here as long as you want. Please just think about what I said.”

He hadn’t shared with her the next message Brad had sent to him. The one that said: Can’t wait to see her dancing again once she recovers. Definitely going to have more kids when she’s ready. She’s too beautiful not to knock up, haha. I know you feel the same about your girl!

“I just need time to think,” Christina said. She parted her red hair, and gave him a look that said she wanted to be alone. He wasn’t sure what effect, if any, the video had had upon her, but he was glad he showed it.

“Hey man,” he said as he went to go back inside, “I just want to say I really love you. You can take that as you want. Romantic, or friendly, whatever. You can be a real ass sometimes, but we’ve always been there for each other. So I love you, man. I love you as a friend, and maybe . . . maybe we can learn to love each other in other ways, too. Food for thought.”

He retreated back inside, leaving her to mull over it all.


It was hours later that Derek was woken by a naked figure trying to carefully manoeuvre into bed. She pressed her warm form against his, her large belly pressing up against his stomach and one of her hands resting over it.

“The baby’s moving again,” she whispered. “Feel.”

She drew his hand around over her bulging stomach, and once more he savoured that amazing feeling of her taut skin rippling and distending with the baby’s movements. He felt a foot or hand press against her skin which was itself pressed against his own stomach, and was amazing at how intimate the contact was. He, his best friend, and the baby they had made together, all in the same bed.

“Do you ever get used to it?” he asked.

She shook her head. “No way. It’s like having a little alien inside me or something. But . . . it’s not bad all the time. I can see why some women are into the whole motherhood thing. It’s a pretty cool feeling . . . sometimes, I guess. Sometimes the baby kicks too hard though.”


“Shut up. You’re not the one carrying all these extra pounds of baby on you. You couldn’t let me go one damn month struggling as a regular woman. You had to go straight to me getting knocked the hell up with your baby.”

They shared a genuine laugh together, followed by a length of silence between them. It was Chriss that broke it.

“Hey, so do you think Ella will actually be happy her triplets? And having to strip and dance forever to supposer them?”

“I can’t see why she’d lie about it. She seemed pretty at peace with what Juliana had done to her. I suppose when you’re given a hand like that, you’ve just got to deal.”

Chriss snorted, not too differently from how Ella had done.  “And that’s what you want me to do; just deal. Is that right bro?”

Derek grimaced. “I just want you to consider that this may be your life now, Christina; as my hot girlfriend. I know it’s not fair, but it may just be we can’t make you a man again, and you are just destined to be my perfect mate from now on. If that’s the case, maybe you need to start enjoying life as is. And that includes trying to enjoy this.” He rubbed her stomach, fingers brushing against her inverted bellybutton.”

“Even if you’re right, baby,” she said, the curse still forcing her to look demure and sultry and affectionate, “I’ve got no idea how to be a mommy. I didn’t even plan on having kids till I was in my thirties, dude! And that was when I thought I’d be doing the dad part, not getting ready to lie back and push a kid out of my tight pussy!”

Her cheeks were flushed in response to the conversation, and possibly just with the changes of pregnancy. If Derek knew one thing about his friend’s current female predicament, it’s that giving birth in front of him would be even more humiliating and degrading than the daily sex they shared together.

“Plenty of women aren’t prepared for motherhood and they do fine. You know I’ll be a great daddy for your - for our babies. The hex will help I’m sure, and there’s still plenty of time to get used to it after you give birth. Especially since you’ll be getting pregnant like this more than once. I’m sorry dude, but I’ve always been liked the idea of having a big family, so as my perfect woman you’ll probably have to be bearing a good number of them.”

“Yippee,” she moaned in irritation. “This is so fucked. Just eight months ago I was a dude who just wanted to pick up chicks. Now I’m a submissive, naughty little slut with big milky tits, and I’m so fucking fertile you have no idea.” That was definitely dirty talk, but judging from her pained expression, there was that eternal seed of truth to what she’d said.

“I’m not giving up, you know that. Still . . . I’m glad it’s been you, and not someone else, I’ve had to be with. Even if this is all your fault - Nghh!!!”

She cringed, and Derek felt their baby kicking out violently against his stomach, due to his being pressed against hers.

“That was a big one,” he remarked.

She pouted her already perfectly pouty lips. “And that’s just at six months. Imagine what it’ll be like when I’m about to pop. Damn that bitch for making me your preggo bitch.”

Derek was getting aroused, and Christina quickly noticed that his long erection was pressing hard against her rounded abdomen. She arched a perfect eyebrow. “Just my luck to become the ideal mate of a dude with a pregnancy fetish.”

She rotated automatically but awkwardly so that her backside faced his, and spread her cheeks to allow access. She moaned as his enormous prick plumbed deep into the depths of her perfect ass.

He clutched her stomach for support as he slammed deep into her backside, accompanied by her pleasurable moans.

“You like that, don’t you? Don’t you?” he said.

“Mmmmhmm yessss.”

He shifted his grip to one of her large breasts, and dug his other hand hard into her rounded hip to probe her depths even further. “You want me to cun in your perfect ass don’t you?”

“Yeessssss,” she moaned.

“Beg me!”

“Please – oh! – cum– in – aahh – my – aaAASSSSSSS!!!”

The last word turned to an orgasmic shriek as he did just that, unloading jets of semen into her rear hole. It was a long time before they managed to get up to clean themselves up. Chriss complained about his encouragement of the dirty talk.

“Sorry Christina, you just drive me wild, babe.”

“Yeah, that wasn’t obvious.”

They slipped into their natural sleeping position, him spooning her gently, her perfect butt pressed up against his crotch, and one of his arms draped around her bulging stomach.

“We’ll go do a check up,” she said, “then to Palm Shades.” And that was that.

They fell asleep together, though Christina still had to get up in the night for her regular pee breaks.

To Be Continued . . .


Day Dreamer

I am enjoying the adventure and eroticism of this well-written story, even though it's hard to watch somebody suffer with a forced transformation...