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As voted on by you, my lovely Deluxe tier patrons!

Original Story (summary below)

Original Story Premise: A group of college roommates find themselves gradually transforming into an idealised family, courtesy of a strange omen concerning their residence. Rocker rebel-type Mark finds himself becoming more female and submissive, all while his girlfriend Hayley and his best friend David start becoming younger and quite different. And David’s little sister, who has been crushing on Mark for a long time, finds herself thrust into the role of manly breadwinner of this new family.

Voted-On Epilogue: Harvey, thinking he can trust his new girlfriend, tells her the truth about his family. She is astonished at the truth, and the family have an earnest conversation of how much things changed for them, leaving the new girlfriend shocked and wanting to understand more.

Full PDF with new epilogue attached below.

Wholesome Family, Epilogue: The Secret Comes Out

Patrick had taken the latter half of the day off to help his wife prepare. He knew she was nervous - they all were, in their own way, but she was especially - and he wanted to make her feel supported, especially since she was in such an emotional state lately. Of course, the attractive couple ended up falling prey to said mutual former attraction, especially since Dorothy was at kindergarten and little Tiffany was sound asleep in her crib.

“Ohhhh, yes, I n-needed this!” Maybel moaned as Patrick thrust slowly into her from behind. Her hair parted over back, spilling down in long honey-blonde curtains. She was wearing a classical housewife’s dress right out of the sixties, complete with white dots on its blue surface, and something about her devotion to being a traditional mother and wife turned on Patrick all the more.

“I knew you - ahh - did,” he grunted, gripping her impressively wide hips. He extended one long, well-muscled arm so that he could squeeze one of her hanging F-cup tits. They had never gone down from her first pregnancy, and he thanks whatever higher power there was every day for that particular blessing, especially given how sensitive they were for her. She cooed, pleased by his ministrations.

“W-we should m-move to the bed. We shouldn’t here - not in the k-kitchen! Nghh!!”

But Patrick simply established dominance, slide his cock deep into her womanhood again, pressing her more firmly against the kitchen table.

“You love it here, my gorgeous wife,” he whispered. “You love all of this.”

He extended his other hand to rub her belly, which made her whimper. She couldn’t help but love when he did that: it made her feel so possessed, so protected. Especially since she was four months pregnant again with her fourth child. Of course, it was only the second one she’d actually been pregnant with, and would give birth to.

“Mmhm! You’re r-right!” she stammered. “You’re always right! T-take me! I’m so c-close! Take me now!”

He did so, and she wailed in pleasure. Several more thrusts and she lost control. She had to bite her cheek to stop from waking their little two year old toddler Tiffany, but Patrick’s grunting was enough to turn her on again, sending another shockwave of orgasm through her form.

“Ohhhhh . . . oh, that was good. You really know how to please a woman, my love.”

“I should hope so,” he said, helping lower her dress as they moved to the shower to clean up. “I was one, after all. And you sure know your way around my cock.”

“Since I used to be a man,” she said, grinning.

The former young man had been a mid-thirties housewife for six years now. Both she and Patrick were thirty eight, and she was more than used to being his submissive, glamorous, and deeply loving wife. She had spread her legs for her successful husband more times than she could count, and the time had long passed when it had stopped being novel. She knew that Patrick had once been her best friend’s little sister, a waifish girl that had a crush on Mark, but now as Maybel, she couldn’t imagine being anything other than a housewife to Patrick, nor her husband ever being that shy young girl again. Just as she couldn’t imagine her best friend David returning to his gym bro body and personality. He had become her and Patrick’s adorable daughter Dorothy, now six years old and obsessed with fairy castles and ponies. Nor could she possibly consider her son Harvey to be anything but her now-twenty year old son, despite the fact that he had once been Mark’s gorgeous redhead girlfriend.

No, life had equalised, and the strange had become the norm, and she was now a woman experiencing pregnancy at thirty eight, in what would likely be her last experience growing a child. At least this one and Tiffany wouldn’t have a whole past as another person!

“You’re distracted by something,” Patrick said as they washed off in the shower together. “Morning sickness?”

“No, that’s passed for now,” she said. “I’m thinking about tonight. With Sarah.”

Pat nodded. He placed a hand at her cheek, something which always soothed her - how demure she’d become!

“I know, dear. If it were up to me, I wouldn’t have a word of this get out. We’d all move on with our lives. But even when he was Hayley, Harvey was always pretty prone to going her own way, and he’s no different now. If he wants to tell Sarah the truth, we should support him.”

Maybel nodded. “I guess it’s just embarrassing. You know I used to be a man, so do Harvey and even our little Dorothy. I swear she remembers more than she lets on. But for someone outside the family to know that I’m this pregnant cow of a housewife-”

“Not a cow.”

“You know what I mean! I’m proud of who and what I am now. I wouldn’t go back for the world. I want this baby growing in me, and I think we both heard how much you make me wail when we have sex.”


“But I guess a small part of me still thinks the idea of someone else knowing . . . they won’t look at me the same. Or little Dor.”

Pat nodded. He gave his wife a little kiss after turning off the water. “I know dear. We just have to do our best. Puff up our chest and take it - though I can see you’ve already done that.”

He quickly grabbed her swollen tits, squeezing them just enough to make her giggle.

“You are utterly incorrigible!” she announced before kissing him. It was a deep, passionate kiss, the result of six years of unexpected but totally trusting marriage.

“How about another round?” she said. “My preggo hormones are driving me wild.”

“Oh, that sounds good. Very happy to make my wife pleased when she’s -”

But Maybel shushed him. “Listen,” she said.

Sure enough, her super maternal instincts had caught what he hadn’t - a crying toddler waking from her afternoon nap.

“A mother’s duty is never done,” she complained. “I’ll get her.”

“I’ll get a snack ready. And I’ll set up the ingredients tonight.”


Dorothy was ecstatic to be picked up by her Dad. At six years old, she really felt like a big girl, especially since she could sit in the front of the car now, and didn’t always need the booster seat either. Kindergarten and Prep had been pretty hard challenges to take on, but as a huge girlie girl into horses and ponies and bright colours and art, she had made friends her own age pretty quickly. It was almost enough for her to forget that she had once been a man, or that the father picking her up had in fact been her own little sister back when they’d been Paige and David. But now, he was simply her Dad, even if they did have their occasional private jokes together.

“How did we go today, ‘big bro’?” her father teased she pulled the seatbelt over and he helped lock it in.

Dorothy giggled. “Um, it was okay. We learned about the planets, and Sarah pulled my hair but it was only an accident . . . ‘little sis’.”

She giggled again, particularly as her father smirked. Her ruffled her hair slightly, making her squeal. “Stop it! No! Nooo!”

He rolled his eyes and pulled his hand back. “Well, I certainly can’t fight against that level of screaming. Ready to head home?”

She nodded. “Uh-huh. Is Sarah coming over tonight?”

“Yep. You remember that tonight is a special night, right?”

She nodded again. “She’s, um, going to be, uh, told every thing right, including that you and Mom used to be girl and boy instead, and that I was also boy, and Harvey was girl, and we weren’t a family except sort of we were and stuff?”

Patrick smiled privately to himself as he drove. Dorothy was definitely entering that adorable yet frustrating stage of development where run-on sentences and ‘ums’ and ‘ahs’ were a frequent article in her speech.

“That’s true, little one.”

“But Tiffany was always a girl, isn’t that right, Dad? And the baby in Mom’s belly is also just a baby and didn’t used to be, um, like, didn’t used to be anyone else but the baby, because she - or he! - came after, isn’t that right?”

Another smirk. She was also at that age where she liked saying obvious things to ‘prove’ how smart she was. Dorothy was at least somewhat aware of it: she blushed as she realised what she was doing. She knew her Mom’s baby was in her uterus, and that she’d give birth out her vagina, and even how the baby was made. But it was sort of like background information easily forgotten, belonging more to her previous life as David than her current one as an adorable little girl. Still, it occasionally made her say things like “Gross!” when she realised that she might someday date boys and get pregnant and have babies . . . even as she loved the idea of having babies at the same time.

Being a former adult man was weird for the six year old at times. Thankfully, her father pulled her from this momentary contemplation.

“Are you okay with sharing with Sarah? You know, that you used to be David?”

Dorothy was briefly distracted by a passing building with a cute picture of a horse on it, and so had to be asked again. This time, she nodded eagerly.

“Mm-hm. Sarah is going to be the best sister ever when she marries Harvey. I really really like her. I want her to know everything!”

“Glad you’re enthusiastic!” Patrick laughed. “But what about Tiffany? I thought she was your favourite sister?”

Dorothy thought about this deeply, as only a child could. “Tiffany and Sarah are both the best sisters. They’re equal.”

“And what if Mommy is having another girl?”

“Then I’ll have three best sisters. Duh!”

Patrick laughed. “Well, glad this is solved then! And that makes one of us whose brave about this whole thing! Dad and Mom will have to learn a lot from you.”

“Well, I did used to be the tough one,” she said, giggling at the strange thought of it.

“You still are, peach,” Pat said, pinching her cheek briefly before turning his attention back to the road. “You still are.”


Harvey was lost in thought as his gorgeous girlfriend Sarah approached him. He was outside her workplace to pick her up and take her to dinner with his family, something she enjoyed greatly each week. After all, they had already accepted her as part of the family in the two years she’d known them, and Harvey’s own mother was none too subtle about when he was going to propose to this gorgeous redheaded vixen. His father was even more pushy on the matter, though half of it was just plain teasing as well. He knew that was simply because he used to be Hayley, Maybel’s girlfriend back when she’d been Mark. So now her former boyfriend was her mother, and the woman who had always wanted to be Mark’s partner was happily her husband, Patrick. It still did Harvey’s head in sometimes, but the long and short of it was that Patrick occasionally teased his son that he’d been the ‘victor’ in this little tug-of-war for Mark/Maybel’s heart.

It didn’t matter. Harvey had found his own love. Becoming a teenager again was a strange experience, especially since he’d developed a huge coincidental fetish for women with fiery red hair and curvaceous figures just like he’d originally possessed. But Sarah was more than just a sexy body, though she certainly had that. She was kind, and gentle, but had a mischievous streak that always made him laugh. She could be just as competitive as him, even when it came to sports - he was forever embarrassed by her absolutely annihilating him at golf a year ago, despite the fact that he considered himself a real sports pro now.

Yes, it was love alright. The kind of love his young heart wanted to hold onto forever. The only problem was, Sarah knew him too well. She sensed he was holding some secret or grand truth back from her, and it clearly chipped at the edges of their relationship. He refused to lie to her, or make up something, and so the only recourse was to tell her the truth. And tonight was the night.

“Looking very pensive, are we?” she said with a grin, her nose wrinkled in its cute way. “Or are you just not happy to see me?”

“I’m always happy to see you,” he said, and just to prove it he kissed her deeply and longingly, his tongue flickering across hers. In return, she pressed her body against him, her C-cup chest flattening against his. It was young, excitable love alright.

“Ready to head for dinner?” he said as they parted.

“You betcha! Any special occasion, or just the usual weekly.”

“Well, we - well, I - decided it was time you learned the truth. The thing you say is always bothering you. It’s time to come clean.”

Sarah paused for a moment. She put her hand on her hip, set her mouth to one side in that cute manner she always did. “This isn’t a joke, right?”

“It isn’t, I promise. I want you to know how serious I am about this. About us. And you always say I’m keeping something from you. It’s time you found out.”

“You can’t tell me now?”

He shook his head. A bead of sweat rolled down his temple. Already, he was nervous. “Not unless everyone is present. You’ll understand then. I’ll warn you, it’s pretty weird.”

“It better be,” she chirped, “to be worth all this fuss!”

“Trust me, it’s really fucking weird. Please, when we get there, just act normal. Everyone knows it’s coming out. But we’ll have dinner first.”

She nodded, a little confused. “Okay. I trust you.”


Dorothy ran into Sarah’s arms, and the other woman lifted her up and spun her around. Afterwards, Dorothy told her all about her day, not even realising that Sarah was trying to say hello to Maybel and Patrick, and inquire as to how the former was going with her pregnancy.

“Oh, easier than the first one! At least this time I know what to expect!”

“I mean, you were pregnant twice before that, right?”

“Uh, yes, of course. But this one is less separated from little Tiffany.”

Said Tiffany was hiding behind her mother’s legs, shy as ever. But when Sarah went down to one knee, she toddled forward.

“Cuddle!” she cried, and embraced Sarah.

“See?” Patrick said. “Already a member of the family. It’s good to see you, Sarah.”

“It’s great to be here, Pat. Thanks as always for having me around.”

“Please, my house is your house. And my wife’s cooking belongs to the world.”

“Oh, you!” she said, nudging him lovingly. “Which reminds me, I better finish it up. I hope everyone likes a good duck roast. Honey, are you right to watch Tiff? I know Dorothy will help!”

“I will! Best helper ever!”

There was a collective good-natured laugh as Maybel returned to the kitchen. Still, despite the happy cheer, there was an icy undercurrent, an awkward atmosphere of odd pauses and distracted glances created by the collective awareness that something was about to spill out. Sarah politely waited it out, despite the very clear anxiousness of her boyfriend. Maybel served the duck roast - delicious, as every meal of hers was - and the group did their collective best to entertain themselves with talks of Dorothy’s progress at school, of Tiff’s latest habits and word use, and several of them took turns entertaining the toddler. Patrick tried to discuss politics, but Maybel shut it right down. The dinner table was, after all, one area she held domain over, and so the conversation switched to music, and to a new piano composition she’d created. Everyone was thankful for anything else to talk about.

Finally, the dinner was cleared, and Tiffany changed and put to bed after a short lullaby from her loving mother. Maybel returned as Patrick was setting out a simple dessert: sticky-date pudding.

“Thank goodness I can eat this one,” she said, rubbing her currently-small pregnant belly. “I had the worst craving for soft cheese earlier, and I couldn’t find anything to replace it.”

“And after we eat, Mom,” Harvey said, “then we can all talk. And Sarah can know.”

Maybel gave a slow, somewhat anxious nod. Pat’s nod was more eager. Dorothy simply yawned. It was past her own bed time, but she wanted to be present for this. For the sake of her old self.

So the family ate, and enjoyed their dessert, but the tension in the room reduced its impact somewhat. When it was all done, Harvey coughed, trying to put the words he’d recited to his tongue.

“Okay, well. Uh, this is going to be strange to explain, Sarah. I promise you on my life, and the lives of my family, that it’s true. And they’ll all say the same, even little Dorothy.”

She gave him a funny expression, almost as if he were about to joke. But the rest of the family was deadpan, even Dorothy. It made for a somewhat creepy sight.

“Okay,” she said. “This should be interesting.”

The explanation took the better part of an hour. Maybel and Patrick and even Dorothy chipped in, giving their own accounts, backing up what Harvey was saying. Sarah went from thinking the whole thing was a bizarre prank to simply being confused, then frustrated, then in awe at the level of detail that was being discussed. She looked at Dorothy in particular with shock: it was like the little six year old girl was summoning every reserve of this supposed ‘David’ she used to be, and channelling it into her speech and mannerisms in a way that was simply uncanny. They talked of the people they used to be, how their lives had switched around, the awkwardness of having a girlfriend become your son, or your friend’s sister becoming your husband, of having your best friend becoming your daughter. They talked about their new orientations and compulsions, how Patrick became a take-charge guy, while Maybe became more submissive. How Harvey was even like Sarah used to be, though he stressed that his love for her was genuine, and went beyond appearances. Dorothy spoke at length, without umming and ahhing, at what it was like to suddenly become a baby again, and the war between her two minds that occasionally reared up, though the girl in her always won.

And after a time, Sarah lapsed into silence, and simply let the story unfurl, right through Maybel’s pregnancy, and her second, current pregnancy, through Dorothy entering elementary school, and Harvey getting his own apartment and joining the football team at college. To their first meeting as well, and how he’d felt knowing he’d found ‘the one’ after privately mourning his old relationship with Mark, who was now his own mother.

She then began to ask questions. To try to understand. To catch them out. But everything was answered, everything was accounted for, and Dorothy remained unusually placid, able to recall events in a way no six year old should.

“My God,” she finally said. “It’s . . . true, isn’t it?”

“You believe me?” Harvey said.

“I do. Holy shit - sorry Dor - I do, though. I can’t quite put it into words, but it explains so much. There were all these tiny clues in your family dynamic, little things about Dor’s behaviour, and inconsistencies in what you say. Maybel, just earlier you said this was your second pregnancy. You’ve said before that Tiffany was your first, and I thought it was strange back then, too.”

Maybel blushed. She had the memories of her new self, but that didn’t mean they always overrode the old ones. In fact, having two sets of memories was a sure way to make it difficult to keep them all consistent. And Sarah was smart enough to spot such inconsistencies.

“And Patrick, you’ve said a lot of things that just seem to completely understand women. You’ve even called a few of my outfits cute, and recognised the material straight away. I know it sounds flimsy, but no guy like you should be able to do that.”

“Guilty as charged,” he said with a smirk. “I still have my feminine sense of style, at least stored away in here.” He tapped his head.

“And Dorothy, you’re just the best, but how the hell did you know how to improve my workout routine when you were not even five years old! That freaked me out then, but I just sort of pushed it to the side.”

She grinned, giggling. “I told you I’m a super smart girl. I just, um, cheat a bit because I used to be a gym boy.”

“And Harv, I know you most of all. There are things you’ve said, things you’ve shown me . . . I just thought you were really in touch with your feminine side at times, but when you went out and bought me some, er, protection,” she side-eyed Dorothy, who obviously knew what she was talking about, but was still on some level too young for all the details, “you knew exactly what to get, including what period medication would work best for me. Without even knowing what I usually buy! And what you did get was even better!”

“I, uh, also used to have pretty heavy flow,” Harvey admitted. “It’s one thing I definitely don’t miss.”

“Amen, son,” Patrick said.

“I just get the occasional nine month break,” Maybel grumbled. “Something to look forward to, Dor.”

“Ewwww, gross!” she said. “I’m gonna go play with my toys in the playroom. I’ve said my bit!”

She was excused from the table, leaving only the adults. Harvey was bewildered; it was like ripping a band-aid off, only to find the wound was never there. But he still felt nervous: Sarah hadn’t said how he actually felt about all of this.

“It’s just so crazy,” Sarah said.

“We thought so too,” Patrick replied, indicating himself, “but we had to get used to it.”

“And we’ve come to love it,” Maybel added, rubbing her sloping stomach.

“You prefer life this way?”

“We do, love. I know it sounds crazy, Sarah, but I want to remain Harvey. And I’m not going back anyway. The curse - or blessing - of the house has ensured that. We’re all a family now, and it’s for the better, even if it was a rude shock.”

Sarah gave a nervous laugh. “I can’t even imagine you looking like me!”

“You’re cuter, trust me.”

“Well, that’s nice to hear. It’s just insane. But it must be true. I believe it. And you, Maybel, you went through pregnancy! How was that?”

Maybe gave a tired grin. “Exhausting. Strange. Alien. Foreign. And the most wonderful thing I’ve done. Plus, Pat here treats me like a queen when I’m carrying his child.”

“You are a queen, my love.”

“Oh, you.”

Sarah chuckled. “I guess it all worked out then. And Dorothy prefers her life?”

“She fought hardest,” Maybel said, “but when she was a baby in my arms, and I fed her, it was like we were still so close, only it was different. She accepted that I was her mother, and she was my baby. I think, even when she becomes a teenager and then an adult woman in her own right, she’ll still be my best friend. We’ll just be mother and daughter too.”

“Plus, she was a bit of a prick as a man,” Pat said.

Maybel gave him a slap on his shoulder. “Patrick, how dare you!”

“What? She used to be my big brother, I can have a little joke!”

Sarah shook her head, trying to keep all the details straight. It was at that point that Harvey slipped his hand into hers. To his joy, she held it tight, and lovingly at that. She gave him a warm smile, as if to reassure his anxieties.

“So I guess this means I have a boyfriend who really does get women, huh?”

“You do indeed, if you’ll still have me after this.”

It was at that point that she broke into laughter, surprising him. “Are you kidding? I mean, it’s very different, and I have so, so many questions, but I’m a woman lucky enough to have the love of her life completely understand the female experience. It’s like finding a needle in a haystack! It’s like finding a gold nugget in my backyard!”

His shoulders sagged with relief. “You don’t mind?”

“Of course I mind! I mind every detail because I’m bursting with questions, just like I said! But it doesn’t change how I feel about you, Harv, or any of you here. You’re my family. A totally different family than what I expected, I guess, but my family nonetheless.”

“You really mean that?” he said.

She kissed him, much to the joy of Harvey’s parents on the other side of the table.

“Yes, I do,” she whispered to him. “I really do, Harv. I still love you.”

“Well, if that’s the case then . . . Mom, Dad, do you mind leaving the room for a moment?”

Patrick and Maybel had never moved so fast, despite her being pregnant. In moments, the eating area was theirs entirely, leaving Sarah confused once more.

“I was going to do this in such a better romantic spot, Sarah, but I think I’ll burst if I don’t do it now. I wanted to come clean to you because I love you, and I didn’t want any lies between us. I wanted you to understand me completely. And I’m in awe that you accept me still.”

“Um, Harv, what are you doing?’

He went down on one knee, and removed the small box from his back pocket. Sarah gasped as he opened it, revealing the sparkling engagement ring within.

“Sarah Buckley, will you do me the honour of being my wife? Of joining my whacky, wholesome family?”

Sarah was momentarily shocked. Then, she beamed.

“Harvey, I can imagine no greater honour. Yes! Of course I’ll marry you!”

The young man leapt to his feet to embrace his new fiancee. They kissed. And then kissed. And then kissed again. He was a good kisser - he’d been on both sides of the aisle after all. Then he slipped the ring on her index finger; it was a perfect size. Another benefit of being formerly female was being good at guessing ring sizes.

“It’s beautiful,” she said.

“Just like you.”

“And like you were.”

“Hey, I’m still beautiful.”

She giggled, wiped some stray tears, and kissed him again. “Oh my God, we have to tell your family.”

“They already know, don’t worry. Mom and Dad are probably listening right now. But what they don’t know, is that we’re going back to your place. To celebrate a little more . . . personally.”

She kissed him again, this time more sensually. “Are you sure? They’ll want to talk to me.”

“They can do so tomorrow. For now, I want to show you how much I appreciate you accepting me, despite all that magical weirdness.”

“Oh, it’s not that weird,” she said, smiling mischievously as she put her arms around his neck. “After all, when we get back to my place you can prove just how well you know a woman’s pleasure, my gorgeous fiance.”

With ease, Harvey picked his fiance up, cradling her in his arms and kissing her once more. “It’s a big benefit of having been a girl. There’s a few perks like that, and I’ll make sure to show you all of them now. Let’s get going, babe.”

On the other side of the door, Maybel and Patrick embraced.

“Welcome to the family,” Maybel said, wiping tears from her eyes.


Less than an hour later, Sarah moaned in ecstasy as Harvey thrust into her. She hugged him with her thighs, her legs gripping his waist so that he couldn’t pull out of her even if he wanted to. Harvey rubbed her breasts and pinched her nipples lightly as he continued to pump his big cock into his fiancee. She wailed, her voice high and sensual, honey sweet. They were fucking like there was no tomorrow, and he realised as he approached his climax that it was the best damn sex they’d ever had. It was like in telling her the truth, and she accepting it, that they both knew each other and trusted each other on a much more intimate level, and that was currently translating to a level of arousal and lust he’d never experienced before.

“God, I love you!” he cried, right as the damn burst and began to cum.

Sarah moaned. “M-me too! I can’t wait to marry you, Harv! I can’t wait to join your c-crazy, wonderful family!”

They both shuddered as he poured his seed into her in a great torrent, orgasming intensely. It was only after minutes that he managed to lift his head off of her wonderful chest and roll to the side. They hadn’t even used protection, and somehow that seemed right too.

“You already are part of the family, Sarah,” he said. “Craziness and all.”

“Good,” she replied, nearly breathless. “Because I have so, so many questions, but right now they’re all about what magnificent sex your girl-past is going to give us.”

Harvey grinned, drawing on his old experiences as a woman, making love to Mark.

“I’ve got a few ideas.”

The End



Loved this story, especially the humiliation the baby had to go through .