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Summary: When Tim learns that his lonely dad is making him move away from his beloved hometown in hopes of finding a family elsewhere, he makes a wish upon a strange stone that his best friends David and Matthew could always remain part of ‘his family.’ Soon, all three are shocked when the metaphor of the wish becomes literal and David and Matthew find themselves becoming Tim’s hot older sister Naomi and MILFy new Asian tiger mom Amy. Now all three must navigate their strange new relationships to one another.

First Part

Previous Part 

Part Three: Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes

Matthew felt weird. Really, really weird. He groaned, staggering back and nearly tripping on the couch before regaining his balance. Seeing the photo of Tim’s mom had done something to him, and the same for David, who was also shifting about, grunting awkwardly. It was like their insides were churning, and the sensation was followed by strange pressures and tensions that ran all across their bodies.

Tim was in a panic. “Guys? Guys! Your skin! Look at your skin!”

Matthew did so, regaining control of his flailing body in order to assess what was happening. He almost wished he didn’t though, when he saw what Tim was referring to. His light olive skin was turning dark. It itched terribly, and was strangely warm, as if it were being baked beneath the sun in fast forward. His numerous freckles became mere faded outlines, discernible but near-invisible. His skin darkened, becoming something like a mid-tone olive that was most certainly not in the realm of Caucasian anymore unless he’d developed latent Greek-Italian heritage he wasn’t aware of somehow.

Holy shit, I seriously look like I’m from a different race or - ughh!!

He twisted, squirming in response to new, even stranger sensations. His nipples throbbed, and there was a pressure in his hips also. Across the room David was going through the same thing, albeit unlike Matthew, he was talking a mile a minute, cataloguing his changes as they occurred as if simply saying them aloud would make him able to diagnose and treat them.

“Skin darkening, almost brown in tone, definitely not natural. Nnghh - oh God. Uh, tension in the waist. Spine also. It - ahhh - f-feels almost like g-getting taller! UGh!!”

He was exactly on the mark. His vertebrae grew and extended. He was only a mere 5’6, a scrawny little thing, but he grew an inch in mere moments, ending easily at 5’7, perhaps even close to 5’8.

Tim watched helplessly as his friends changed. Matthew’s hips widened, cracking audibly. His shoulders slimmed, and while David grew, his other friend was equally shocked to be shrinking. Matthew was a very impressive 6’1 in height, but he quickly descended, his body buckling down to 5’9. Still the tallest person in the room, but not the impressive specimen he had been.

Holy shit, what are they even becoming? And their skin, it almost looks . . . soft.

Matt was making that same realisation. The hairs on his arms simply withdrew, and the same was true for his legs. He was wearing jeans, but he could feel each of the hundreds of hairs there pull back into his body and dissolve completely.

“Ah! Ahhh! Ah! That f-feels weird!” he exclaimed. “Why the shit am I losing hair? Am I going to lose it here, too?”

He clutched his head with his hands, even as those shrunk a little too, but instead of becoming bald on top, he instead gained hair. It trickled outwards, spooling forth and gaining a subtle thickness. The astonished man spluttered as his hair - previously wiry and bright red - became an almost-brown colour as it flattened a little, trickling to just below his ears.

David’s hair similarly grew out, and also became brown. He stopped monologuing and ‘recording’ his changes, too overwhelmed by the strange pressures and odd discomfort of it all. His nipples tensed, and he had the urge to rub them. Matthew did the same, and both men found their nipples to feel larger, fuller, more sensitive. They almost drooled in response to that sensitivity. With a shared glance, they seemingly agreed not to say a thing about that particular change, even as the changes wound down.

David’s hips widened, his waist gained some too. He no longer looked scrawny, and there was muscle on his arms, though they had lost what minute male hair they had. The slight scruff he’d been trying to grow on his lip was similarly gone. Instead, his lip had swollen to positively feminine proportions. Matt's were thinner, but didn't exactly give off an impression of maleness either.

The changes settled, both men grunting as the last little tremors finished their final flourishes. But those grunts seemed a little . . . softer than usual, a fact that was not missed by any of them.

“Holy fuck,” Matt said. “I mean, holy moly, or whatever.”

Wait, since when do I not swear?

His thought was interrupted by David. “We’ve changed. We look feminine! Tim, do we look feminine? Am I going crazy?”

Tim tensed, not knowing how to break the news to them. They definitely look feminine. “You, uh, do look a little womanly, yeah. Softer. And your shoulders are shrunk. And you have longer hair. Your lips are a bit, well  . . . yeah.”

David began hyperventilating. Not possible, not possible, not possible, he thought in a circulating loop. Matthew, on the other hand, had fallen back on the couch as he looked over his changes.

“This is crazy. Why are we starting to look like chicks? I get starting to look - you know - a bit Asian or whatever. But why did I lose my fu-freakin’ body here, dude!?”

Tim had no answer. None at all. And before he could even think of one, his father climbed back up the stairs and entered the living room.

“Well, look at the three of you! You look like you’ve seen a ghost. Sorry it took me a while to find this. It was buried under my old barbecue. Made me nostalgic for some of the good cook ups I used to do. Might do a nice one someday.”

No one said anything. Matthew was awkwardly trying to hide his half-feminised form. David was busy inspecting his, his cheeks blushing red (though not as red as when he had been clearly Caucasian).  Tony gave an awkward, lop-sided grin.

“Uh, did I walk into anything, son?”

Does he not notice? Does he really not notice?

“Hey Dad, do you, um, notice anything different about any of us? Matt and David in particular?”

“You’re not up to trouble again, are you?” he said. “Matt, have you scraped your knees off again riding down that steep turn off of Edmunds’ Street?”

Again, that awkward silence.

He really doesn’t know. David’s hair is twice as long and both of them nearly have the same skin tone as me, and to Dad nothing has changed. This is really magic.

Matthew and David were thinking just the same thing, and were very overwhelmed and more than understandably worried about it. To their shared credit, the two troublemakers managed to sit calmly.

“No, nothing that bad, Mr Johnson,” Matthew said. “Just worried we look banged up after we crashed our bikes earlier.”

“Well, you look fine, Matt. And please, call me Tony.”

“Sure, Tony,” Matt said automatically. Why am I calling Tim’s Dad by his first name?

“Anyway, are we looking through this stuff or not?” Tony said, bringing forth a box of old folders and newspaper clippings. “There’s a bit to get through, but I definitely remember looking up all the old wishing stone legends. Who’s up for a dig through it all?”

“Me!” Matthew and David said, both a little too enthusiastically.


An hour of investigation followed, the three of them pouring over information while Tony marvelled at their seemingly new obsession.

“I’ll be damned, you kids really are interested in this, huh?”

They gave sheepish grins, though Matthew’s was more nervous than the others. There was something about Tony’s presence he couldn’t explain. David, on the other hand, was oddly confident. Still analytical, but he was at least dealing with what was going on, and being more confident in his handling of the situation. He was scanning through the various documents, writings, and interesting snippets from books and interviews, even as Tony explained what he remembered.

“Well, the wishing stone is said to lie in wait for a wisher, though accounts differ on this as I recall. But the history of Birch Haven is littered with mentions of these rainbow coloured stones that were thrown into the lake and never to be seen again. Supposedly, they made quite the light show.”

“You don’t say,” Matthew muttered, his voice cracking slightly.

“I do indeed,” Tony said, grinning. It was strange for Tim to see his Dad grin. He seems . . . happier, for some reason. Hasn’t even mentioned the move once since coming up. Maybe he’s just avoiding it.

“Anyway,” Tony continued, running a hand through his brown hair, “there’s a few cautionary tales. People who were careless wishers and the like. But also people whose lives were transformed for the better, even ones who became rich or popular. Supposedly the old coal mine in the west bank - the one I know you tried to explore last year, by the way Matthew - only came about because a man named Alan Taldrick wished to be a prosperous industrialist to help the town.”

“Is there any information on how to find one?” David asked, moving through the paper and reading over the clippings. His reading pace seemed to have dropped from its usual standard, and he was getting oddly tired going through it all, but he assumed that was just his tiredness from the insanity of the day.

“Not that I know of,” Tony said. “According to legend, you - wait, here! This is my old file. I can read it straight to you!”

He took a file from David’s hands and opened it. After flickering through a number of local legends he happened upon the one he wanted. “Here we go, yeah, I was right. According to the various myths about the wishing stone, one who interacts with it can expect to never see its like again. Whether the wishing stone has its own intelligence is unknown, and often presumed not to be the case, but whatever magic surrounds it does not return to its handlers in their lifetimes, without exception.”

“Fu-frick,” Matthew said. Damn, he thought. Why can’t I swear? It just feels all . . . wrong.

“Fuck,” David said, adding to the intent.

Tony raised an eyebrow. “You boys not telling me something?”

“No, we just thought we saw one,” Tim said hurriedly. “But then we lost track of it by the lake, and I guess we were just maybe hoping to get it back.”

“Well, magic isn’t real, son, so I wouldn’t worry. Anyway, it’s nearly midday, which means my Sunday hours are about to start and I need to get the store ready. You three right by yourselves?”

“S-sure,” David said.

“Wonderful. You’re always welcome to help me out today, Matthew. I know I haven’t got you shifted on, but I could use an extra hand today.”

“S-sure,” he said again. “Yeah, I can do that Mr . . . Tony.”

“Great!” he said. “Do you mind if I talk to Tim for a moment?”

The other two boys left to go outside by their bikes. They were still not used to their changed bodies, particularly their altered heights and changed pigmentation. Matthew was annoyed that his muscled frame had reduced so heavily, leaving him looking almost slim. David, on the other hand, had somehow gained some bulk, despite looking more feminine.

I hope they’re okay, Tim thought. I didn’t mean for this to happen.

He waited to hear what terrible news his Dad was going to give him, only to be shocked speechless when Tony put his hand on his shoulder and gave a warm smile.

“Tim, I’ve been thinking. You were right. I need to take care of myself, but running isn’t the way. I’ve cancelled the plans to move.”

It was like the relief after a terrible flood. Things were still bad, but the sun was momentarily shining through.

“Do you mean it?”

“Of course, son. I don’t know what came over me. I’m so lucky to have you, and that’s what counts. You and your friends.”

Tim wrapped his father in a huge.

Wait, me and my friends? This better not be a sign. Oh God, this is not a good sign.


There was no easy solution, but there was also a strange lack of difficulty in the week that followed. Despite looking totally different, only small parts of Matthew and David’s lives had really changed. Reality remembered the pair as if they’d always been like this. Even photos had been changed to reflect their new appearance, even if it didn’t make any sense. For instance, David most certainly didn’t look descended from his shithead abusive father at all, nor his deceased mother, but that didn’t stop the world - and said father - from viewing them as family. Matthew found the same of his parents. Though they didn’t always get along due to his mischief, he chose to drop in on them, feeling the urge to ensure that they really did recognise him. And they did: even their old videos of his appearance showed him to be exactly how he looked now, albeit younger: olive skin and slimmer, somewhat girlish figure, along with womanly lips and widened hips.

It didn’t make sense, at least logically. But all of them now knew that the wishing stone was behind this. There was no doubt left in any of their minds, and if there was, it was only because they were in denial. Matthew in particular found it difficult: he had to go to work at the hardware store for Tony, and endure the man’s gentle conversation and calming presence, two features that Matt had never really expected from Anthony, though he’d always gotten along with Tim’s Dad. David, on the other hand, found himself struggling with his studies. There was no university or college at Birch Haven, but he preferred to take online courses anyway, since he planned to become a ranger for the region come hell or high water. Only he found his studies difficult to pursue at times. It was like a faint fog had descended over his brain, leaving him frustrated. More than usual, he took his bike across town, up over the forest tracks, and spent his time on more physical activities. To his surprise, he was able to endure these more than before, his slightly increased muscle mass allowing him to climb and jump and leap through the air somewhat excitedly. He didn’t share this with his two friends, feeling sheepish about it, but when he was alone he liked to leap and kick his legs out as if he truly were dancing. He didn’t need his inhaler once, nor his glasses.

Tim, on the other hand, had to return to high school. Birch Haven wasn’t particularly big, so the school was the only one in the mountain region, and only possessed two hundred and twenty students. David had left the previous year, leaving Tim somewhat alone and bereft of close friends. What followed was a lonely week of always trying to check on them and hope that they were okay, Matthew in particular. He knew his friend was often by the lake, practically doing a slow combover of the entire lake rim, desperate to find another wishing stone. He thought a few times about recruiting a fellow senior student to help him find a wishing stone. After all, he might not be able to find another one, but perhaps someone else might? But he discarded this opinion. Who could he even trust? Besides, as much as his friends had helped him come out of his shell, he was still a shy young man by nature, and found it difficult to approach others. So he spent his lunches trying to puzzle out how to help his friends, and occasionally looking over at his high school crush, a cute girl with dark skin and cute cornrows named Sasha. She was pretty popular, and was in the same computing class as him. She’d even asked for his help with her computer problems once, and had been really nice. Everyone liked Sasha. Which also meant that everyone stood out more than he did.

Maybe one day I’ll work up the courage to actually talk to her. I don’t care if I can’t go out with her, I just wish I had the courage to say hi.

It once more made him hope that Matthew in particular could go back to normal. Matt was the ladies man of the group, and among them was the only one to really be able to claim he’d lost his virginity, and more than once at that. He was nineteen years old, and had had several girlfriends, some more serious than others, though his hijinks often ended the relationships after a spell (he definitely should not have walked out on a date night so he could set off illegal fireworks just because ‘the weather was perfect for explosions’, for instance). But in his own way, he knew women. Not really how to keep them, and perhaps not respecting their time, but he knew how to get their attention, how to make them feel special (until he got a bit too chaotic), and how to show them a good time. Tim relied on that kind of advice. There was a reason he joked that Matthew was the ‘group dad.’

Maybe when this insanity is over - if it is ever over - he can help me catch a girl.

A dark thought slipped into his mind. If Matthew and David really were turning into his sisters, then perhaps they would be able to play a very successful wingwomen for him.

Okay, that train of thought is just too weird. No way is Matt ending up my sister.


Finally, the weekend rolled around. Matthew felt absolutely tired. His body wasn’t as strong as it had been, and while he had gotten around to quickly cutting his hair, it also looked damn stupid now. He had spent every hour he wasn’t working, sleeping, eating, or catching up with his friends down at the lake, turning over stones, and was currently by the lake again in the early morning, hoping that a head start might improve his chances.

The legend can’t be real. There has to be one present. I’m not turning into a woman. No way am I becoming Tim’s sister. He’s a brother to me, but that doesn’t mean I want to be a damned actual part of his family, particularly a woman.

He rubbed his swollen nipples idly. They were often sore, and they stiffened randomly at times, and when they got cold. They had a small areola around each one, and it made him very self-conscious when he had a shower. It was already awkward enough having an altered gate thanks to his widened hips, or having a voice that cracked and squeaked at times.

Fuck this, I’m turning in for the day. I feel so damn weak to how I’m meant to be.

He washed his hands off in the lake and ascended up the bank to the walking path. A woman with a stroller passed him on his way back to his bicycle. She was in her early thirties, and there was a single, very adorable child in the pram that just made his heart melt.

Awwww, so cute! I hope she’s so proud.

Matt’s eyes widened. He couldn’t believe he was having that thought. He was meant to be enjoying sport and living on the wild side, not gaping at a cute mother walking her child. But gape he did. As with the photo, he felt entranced by her somehow, fixed by the womanly perfection of it all. The maternal aspect that warmed his heart.

“Why am I staring at this?” he said, even as she moved into the distance.

He got his answer just a moment later, when the pressures began anew, and another wave of changes followed soon after.


David was also out. He was taking a trek, hoping that if he expanded the search beyond the lake, that a wishing stone might be found. Unlike Matt, he hadn’t cut his hair, nor tried to look rugged. It wasn’t like there was much rugged in him to look it anyway. He biked across the forest path, intent on going farther than he had before. He couldn’t explain it, but it was like there was a drive in him to physically excel more than he ever had. His frame was not so wiry now, and while his nipples felt odd, his genitals a little seemed a bit smaller, and his face far too soft, he still managed to muster up excitement at the prospect. He was more athletic, and that could only be a good thing for becoming a ranger, right?

Just need to follow this track, grab my backup bag, and then head further north until I hit . . .

His thoughts trailed off as he beheld the sight off the bike trail. Due to the mountain slope in the north, he had a magnificent view of the town of Birch Haven stretching into the distance. Not too far from him was Jarris Stadium, where the town’s minor football teams played. It wasn’t really a stadium, just a set of lined fields with bleachers, appropriate for their mountain town aesthetic, but everyone liked to call it a stadium. On the green, two teams were gearing up for a midday playoff. Before they went, the two squads of cheerleaders paraded themselves in their classic bright skirt and midriff-baring top combo. David had always found cheerleaders attractive, even if their clothing was utterly ridiculous. It wasn’t a profession he ever respected though, simply found titillating.

But now, something else was going on.

They look so powerful, even from up here. Sleek. Well-muscled and athletic. Highly coordinated. How could I not have seen this before? They’re like scientific specimens at the greatest apex of evolution . . . or something.

Or something. Or something. He’d been saying and thinking words like that more than usual. He’d attributed it to simply being puzzled and terrified of changing, but perhaps it ran deeper than that.

But it hasn’t stopped me from seeing how amazing they are, he marvelled.

Just then, there was a ripple in his body, a change in his temperature. David had just enough time to tear his eyes away from the lovely scene far below and take in his body as it began to change for the third time.


Tim was at the lake. They’d all agreed on shifts, of a loose sort. When one of them had business, or needed a break, one of the others would search for the wishing stone. It only made sense: they needed to find it. Still, he wasn’t looking as hard as he should have. It wasn’t like he expected to find one again if the legends, which had proved correct so far, were indeed true.

And while I know it’s very, very wrong to think this way, Dad suddenly doesn’t want us to move. I don’t think he even fully knows why yet, but is it because Matt and David might be turning into part of the family? Like, step-siblings or siblings or something?

He kicked a rock idly, feeling like a fool for even thinking it. He’d happily move - well, unhappily but still decisively move - if it meant his friends didn’t have to endure losing their bodies to his ill-worded wish.

“Maybe there’s another way,” he said aloud, kicking another rock.

Suddenly, there was a strange warble in the air. Tim spun, only to see a bright shimmer cascade through the air, a rainbow collage of colours spiralling out from the lake and over the entire town of Birch Haven. He flinched, but the ripple did not affect him. No, he had a pretty good idea of who it might affect.

“Shit. It’s not finished yet.”

His phone lit up with urgent messages just a minute later.

To Be Continued . . .


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