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An alternative end to the final third chapter of the story (new bit begins halfway down and runs roughly 5k words).

Original synopsis:

Eric is a gangly waterboy and poolboy both, serving the Varsity swimming team who see him as a sad figure to be largely ignored. One day, Eric gets the confidence to ask the team leaders - the jockish Sean and loyal Tyrone - to come to his house to try his experimental new drug, hoping it will make him popular enough to be in with their popularity. But things go in unexpected directions when an accidental misstep is made . . .

The proposed alternative ending:

What if in the final struggle between Sean and Tyrone, the gender changing pill wasn't the only pill forced down their throats? Maybe Tina ends up with an even more exaggerated figure? Shauna ends up as Eric and Tina's fun loving pet bimbo?

I have also attached the PDF to the full alternative ending story with all three chapters below. Hope you enjoy!

The Waterboy's Woman, Part 3

“Oh God, oh fuck! This feels sooooo damn goooooood!”

Tina cried out in joy as Eric took her from behind. The nerdy waterboy couldn’t believe that he was actually having sex with this gorgeous, round-hipped woman. Nor could he believe that this dark-skinned beauty with a large appetite for dick was actually Tyrone Johnson, second-in-command of the varsity swim team. He thrust into her, holding her wide hips as she bent over his living room table, allowing him to take her from behind. Her tits juggled, and she fondled them with one hand while moving her hips in time with his.

“Keep going dude, keep going, I’m nearly there!” she yelled.

Eric thrusted wordlessly, too turned on to speak. She looked back at him, and he was caught again by her beauty. Both of them locked eyes, neither believing fully what they were doing together.

And then she smiled. That gorgeous, full-lipped smile that seemed to take up half her face.  And Eric couldn’t help but say something.

“You’re. So. Fucking. Beautiful!” he declared, and thrust into her tightness a final time, his balls unable to take the strain anymore of the cum that bursting to be released. He groaned heavily as he ejaculated into his condom, and as pressed himself ever deeper insider her, Tina’s eyes rolled back, and the smile turned into a pleasurable grin as her body shook and quaked, large ass wobbling against his hips. She cried out, collapsing forwards and moaning, sending the cups on the table launching onto the carpet with a thud. They stayed in that position, both of them gasping, until finally he pulled out, and she moaned sensually at the retreat.

The two of them looked at the chaos they had created, then back to each other. There was quite a bit of chaos. For a moment, Eric saw regret and horror on her face, until the woman that had been Tyrone erupted into a great belly laugh. He couldn’t help himself, he began to laugh too.


“Damn dude, sex as a woman is the absolute bomb.”

Eric chuckled as Tina laid back in bed with him.

“No dude, I’m serious. That was hella righteous. I couldn’t even walk after you boned me. My legs were made of damn jelly.”

“It . . . it was good then?”

For that, he received a punch on the shoulder. “Good? Good!? I’m pretty sure my folks on the other side of town hear me cry out. Not that they’d recognise me now. I haven’t had an afro in over six years.”

Eric laughed. He couldn’t believe he’d ever thought Sean and Tyrone were one and the same. The two of them were once again watching an episode of Justice Star, and occasionally he commented on a piece of canon or lore that he recalled. She. She recalled.

“So . . . what happens when you turn back?”

She looked at him, and his heart skipped a beat at the sight of her beautiful dark eyes, her wider nose and full lips, all soft and perfectly formed. He could tell straight away from her searching expression that she had no idea, and was trying not to think about it.

“Fuck man, I dunno. Just four days ago I was perfectly happy being a big black stud, now I’m letting your white ass fuck mine! And the thing is I like it. And I like you too, Eric. You’re an absolute dork, but I think maybe I’ve been denying I am too, you know. I mean, ya’ll got an absolute nerd cave here, and it’s awesome.”

She looked away.

“Let’s just enjoy it while it lasts, man. Nothing wrong with that. We’ll stay here till I turn back, and . . . I don’t know.”

She pressed closer to Eric, kissed him on the cheek.

“What was that for?”

She smiled, all white teeth showing. “It’s not just about sex, dumbass. You’re pretty cool, Eric. Don’t let Sean or anyone call you waterboy again. I’m . . . I’m sorry that I did, dude.”

Eric breathed in, content, as she nestled against him. She was right; the moment was perfect. Why worry about the future? Just by having made the pill, he’d already set off a change of events that had made him more confident in himself.

He was about to drift asleep when Tina’s hand took his, and placed it around on her rounded behind. She pressed her fingers on his, allowing him to sample the supple flesh of her peachy behind.

“Enjoy it while it lasts, big boy,” she said.

He did.

Oh lord, he did.


They were both awoken in the morning by a banging upon the door. Both stirred awake simultaneously, and Eric didn’t need his glasses to see that Tyrone had not emerged; Tina was still very much a woman.

“Hmm,” Tina groaned, her frizzy hair tousling, “I still got tits. What time is it?”

The banging continued, and a high-pitched voice echoed down into the basement.


Both were fully awake by now, and Eric launched from the bed, Tina not far behind. The latter didn’t exactly have much in the way of clothes to wear, so she took one of Eric’s shirters and hoped that it was long enough to cover her ass. Eric got dressed in a hurry, grabbed his glasses, and vaulted up to the front door.

On the other side stood Sean. Shauna. And she was quite a sight to see. The former alpha male was adorned in a tight yellow cocktail that hugged her curves and pushed her generous assets up higher, creating two mountains and a deep, alluring line of cleavage. Her brown hair was not exactly styled, and her makeup was . . . interesting, to say the least, but it was undeniable that Sean’s womanly side was an absolute smokeshow, even if she did look like a mess. Unfortunately, she didn’t look exactly pleased.

“Waterboy, what the actual goddamned fuck has happened to me?”

She grabbed him with her small hands, and he was surprised at the strength and tenacity that she still possessed.

“What?” he blurted. She pushed him back into his house, slamming the door behind her as she entered. “What’s gone wrong? Didn’t you want this?”

“I did! Just once!” she yelled. “Because of your stupid addictive pills. I went out to party last night and ended up letting some stranger fuck me in my damn pussy because this body can’t control itself.”

Eric coughed. Tina was coming up the stairs, and was very obviously wearing a shirt with a large Darth Vader print on it. She was also very obviously not wearing any pants.

“Sean. Shauna. What’s going on, man?”

Shauna stared, her brain putting the pieces together until her already-angry expression turned to a sneer.

“Oh, this is just pathetic. You two? Tyrone, don’t you have any standards left at all?”

Tina stepped between Eric and Shauna, and jabbed a finger right in the brunette’s rounded boob. “Standards? You want to talk about standards, bitch? How about the fact that you still have a bit of something on the edge of your mouth, huh?”

Suddenly, Shauna turned pale. Eric hadn’t noticed it, but she did indeed appear to have evidence of dry semen in the corner of her mouth.

“At least Eric and I just fucked the usual way, ya’ll had to go and wear the slutty dress and blow a dude to kingdom come!”

Shauna was shaking in fury and embarrassment. Her fists were balled, and Eric thought a catfight was about to start.

“Look, uh, ladies. Gents. Whatever, I’m sure that -”

“Shut it, waterboy!”

Tina balled her fists, and stepped right up to Shauna. Eric hadn’t realised till now, nor had any of them, but Tina was taller than Shauna, and appeared to have retained more of her muscle mass.

“His name. Is. Eric. Got it?”

The tense situation lasted what felt like hours, but was in reality no more than ten seconds. Slowly, Shauna backed down.

“Eric. Sure, whatever. If you two lovebirds think of it that way. I don’t care either way; I’ve held you up this long Tyrone, it’s your choice if you want to drop back to bottom. We have bigger problems anyway, like the fact that neither of us have turned back.

That was enough to get all their attention.

“But, it’s still morning,” Tina spluttered.

Shauna held up her phone. It had a selfie of Sean with some popular girl on it, and the contrast between the man on the phone and the busty bombshell in front of them could not be more clear. She had bigger boobs than the already ‘talented’ woman in the photo.

“It’s nearly midday, you fucking morons. Or were you too busy screwing each other to notice?”

Tina turned to Eric, her eyes lit up with fear. Eric’s brow creased.

“It can’t be permanent. The levels don’t make sense. Not unless you took more.”

“I didn’t,” Tina said. Shauna didn’t say anything at all, but the other two didn’t notice: Eric was now all business.

“I’ll need a blood sample from both of you, again.”


The two former males sighed in relief when the news was given. The effect was still only temporary. It was just that taking another dose so soon had caused the body to continue manufacturing the chemical balance that maintained their form. In layman’s terms: the more often they took the pills, the longer the change would last.

“But that’s okay. It just means you two need to lay off the pills, and everything will be fine. In fact, you’ll probably be turning back any second now.”

Even as he said it, Tina groaned. She clutched her gut, and looked to Eric.

“Uggh, good timing dude. I’m definitely changing again. God, it’s a trip, alright.”

They both watched as Tina changed back to Tyrone: her C-cup breasts deflated, her ass became toned and flat, her muscles inflated, and hair shrunk back to become a short buzz-cut. Soon, he was uncomfortably in a shirt too small for him, and a large penis was hanging rather openly.

“Damn, almost forgot what it’s like to be hanging dong like that. Jealous, Shauna?”

She gave him a glare. “We can compare sizes when I change back, nerdfucker.”

“Eric fucker, thank you very much.”

And so they waited. And waited. Even as Tyrone refitted himself back into his clothing, Shauna failed to turn back. She was beginning to whine, always having to bite back insults as Tyrone pushed back against her. But she didn’t turn back.

“What the fuck is wrong with this stupid body? Why can’t I get rid of these?” She gripped her large breasts and grabbed them for emphasis.

“Can you, uh, not do that?” Eric asked.

“Or what, you’re fuck me too? You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

“Hey, leave him alone, man.”

“No Tina - I mean, Tyrone - let me handle it this time.” Eric stood up. “You know what, Shauna, you’d like that, wouldn’t you? We’ve already had sex, remember? And as I recall, you went longer and more times than Tina did! I mean Tyrone, whatever. And you got dressed up to party last night and ended up doing a one night stand. You’re enjoying this more than you care to admit, and you came to me wanting the pill, so don’t complain when you have to wait for its effects to wear off.”

Shauna was stunned and silent. So was Tyrone. Neither of them had ever seen Eric stand up to himself like that. The waterboy looked to Tyrone, who simply grinned and gave a thumbs up. It was odd, but Eric could still see Tina there, in that wide grin and those playful eyes. It was enough that his heart seemed to flutter for a moment.

“The only explanation is that you accidentally took more than one pill, Shauna.”

“I’m not a dumbass, waterb - I mean, Eric.”

“Then maybe it’s just random, I don’t know. The only explanation I can think of is if you double-dosed.

Shauna was trying to figure out another way to lie, when she was forced to clutch her gut and double over.

“Fucking finally,” she groaned, as the changes began. Soon Sean stood there, looking exceedingly out of place in a yellow dress that was threatening to come apart at the seams. He moved to grab his clothes, and seemed almost about to start something, until he shook his head, and instead said “this better not happen again. This ‘waiting around to change’ thing.”

“It shouldn’t,” Eric said, glad the tension was dissipating. “It’ll only be the case if you keep taking the pills a few days apart. You should be fine to try them again - if you like - in about a month’s time, I’d guess. The blood samples should bear that out, but the evidence I’ve already got from them give every indication that this is the case.”

“A month!?” Sean spat, only to realise how it sounded. “Yeah, a month should be easy. Right Tyrone?”

Tyrone just nodded.

“Well, you coming Tyrone?”

Tyrone shook his head. “I’ll catch you in the pool.”

“Don’t forget that.” Sean gathered the rest of his things, taking the yellow dress in a bag, and stormed out, leaving Tyrone and Eric together.

“So . . . I got no idea what to do next,” the dark-skinned athlete said.

“Me either,” the white-skinned geek replied. “I mean, you could always come and play games or watch stuff with me when you’re not a girl?”

Tyrone considered this. “I just might, dude. I just might. See you at the pool, anyway. You take care of yourself, alright.”

“You too, Tina.”

“Yeah, yeah, Tina Johnson. Has a nice ring to it, I won’t be denying. Oh, and good job standing up to Sean. That was real badass, bro.”

Eric smiled as he left, still uncertain how to feel. Little did he know Tyrone, looking cool as a cucumber, felt the exact same way. He felt the pull to take the pill as he left, to be Tina again. To feel the things she did, and to be totally open and at ease with Eric once more.

And if Tyrone felt it that strongly, Sean was already trembling at the thought of becoming a woman again. As the pro-athlete drove home, images of having a curvaceous form, of placing a big hard dick in her mouth and sucking its generous length, continued to fill his mind.

“Gotta be strong. Don’t take the pill,” he muttered, as he drove away.


Over the next two days, the need only grew. Both men side-eyed the other. Something in their friendship had broken, and neither was sure if it could be repaired. Sean continued to swim obsessively, outpacing even his old records, and generally remained disgruntled and distant. The memory of being Shauna was still with him, and though he recognised the addiction, he secretly still longed to be her. The damn pills! If he’d never taken them, he’d never have ended up sleeping with another man - twice! - and subjecting himself to being such a pussy. At least, that was how he thought of it. On the other hand he couldn’t help but think on the fact that had he not taken them, he also would not have known the bliss of being a beautiful woman, lusted after and thrusted into. It made him bite his lip, and he increasingly found himself turning down dates with women and instead retreating to the privacy of a bathroom or his own bedroom, and masturbating to the experiences of the female form. Tyrone too was having similar issues, but mixed with that, he found himself distracted often; waving to Eric, smiling in his presence, and generally pushing the other swimmers to treat him as one of the team.

And so the two young men swam, trained, competed, and generally tried to avoid the nagging addiction in the back of their heads. It would prove to be a lot harder this time around.

Eric could see that something was distracting the two of them, and part of him secretly hoped that Tyrone would change again. Just as they had discussed, the swimmer had indeed come over to Eric’s house in the days that followed, and the two found genuine enjoyment in each other’s company, not only discussing their geeky passions, but also the upcoming swimming competitions, and where they saw the future lie.

“Chemistry. It’s my passion. Once I get a pill to work - one that can pass the testing stages - I’d like to sell it and make a profit. But I need better equipment for that, and to be fully certified.”

Tyrone nodded. “Dude, you made a gender changing pill before you’ve even graduated. I’m sure you’ll be on a cakewalk.”

Eric blushed, and took another slice of their shared pizza. “What about yourself Ty?”

Tyrone shrugged. “Don’t really get much say. Parents got the whole future mapped. Star swimmer, sports scholarship until my college years are done, go to work as a junior partner in my Dad’s car dealership.”

“Sounds nice.”

“Nah, man, it’s on the rails. I don’t got any choice in what I get to do. My folks want me to be a real big man, destined for great things and all that shit. I won’t lie, I’m almost jealous you get your own crib to do what you want in and follow your dreams.”

Eric went quiet. “I was always jealous of you, Tyrone. You and Sean. Half of what I’ve done is a pathetic attempt to be popular. I don’t really have many people around me that care for me.”

Tyrone punched him lightly on the shoulder. “Hell dude, I care about you! You reminded me of what I love, and you’re not ashamed of it. Don’t listen to Sean, he tries to make everyone into a meathead. I’m starting to think that dude has some issues.”

The two lapsed into silence as they competed yet again in their two-player video game. Eric was astonished that Tyrone won again. The man had game, but he seemed a little on edge. At the conclusion, he yipped in success, and as he placed the controller down, his hand brushed against Eric’s. Both pulled away.

Tyrone avoided his gaze for a moment, then coughed. “Hey man, speaking of issues, I’m just gonna come right out and say it. I wanna be a chick again. I wanna be Tina.”

Eric looked up at him. “Um, okay. I think it’ll be about four days before you should try again. Probably five if you want to play it safe.”

Tyrone shook his head. “What if I don’t want to play it safe, Eric? What if I want to be Tina, now?”

The other man stood up, astonished. “That’s not a good idea Ty. This stuff is addictive, it’s the addiction talking.”

“Oh, I’m addicted alright.” He gave that wide grin that he shared with his Tina form. “But it’s more than that, dude. It feels right. All that responsibility bullshit with my parents, with Sean? That all goes away. Look, my folks are away for the weekend. It’s Friday now. I don’t care if I’m a woman for a few days. And you can admit it, dog: neither do you.”

Eric was taken aback, particularly since it was the truth.

“I thought we were just hanging out?”

Tyrone smirked. “Me too. But being here, with you, and knowing all the stuff we did? Tell you don’t want some more of that. I know Tina does.”

“Are . . . are you sure?”

“Bet my black ass I am. And you like that ass, don’t you?”

He very much did. Eric reached for the cabinet, looking back one more time at his new and only friend. Was he really doing this? Wasn’t this a bad call? But Ty seemed genuine, and there was far more than a simple biological need behind the pill. It was an escape, and not in the same way a common drug was. It was a chance to be free. Eric opened the cabinet, surprised that he must have left it unlocked, and took out the container of Gender Bender pills. It felt lighter than it should have been; he’d need to keep making more pills for testing anyway.

“Okay, then.”

Tyrone swallowed the pill, and quicker than last time, his body warped. His generous C-cup breasts filled in, his hips and ass rounded out, his hair erupting out in a mop of loose black curls. Ty moaned in delight as his waist pinched in, his hips flared out, and his skin lost its hair, becoming smooth and unblemished. Soon, standing once more Eric, was the gorgeous Tina. She smiled, and it lit up his world.

“So, are we going to . . ?”

He left the statement up in the air, but Tina just shook her head, still smiling.

“Oh no, not that easily, big boy. Yeah, that’s right dude, I called you big boy; I can’t believe you’d been hiding that monster between your legs. But you’re gonna have to keep it contained, because we’re not staying here, oh no.”

Eric was confused. “Um, then where are we going?”

She grabbed his hand, already pulling him to the door.

“We’re going shopping man. If Shauna gets to wear a cocktail dress, then we’re finding something that shows off this hella great ass of mine. After all, I’ll need it for when you take me out on a date tonight.”

“A date?”

“A damned date, dude.”


As Eric left with Tina, elated at what was happening, and more than a little overwhelmed, he failed to notice the figure outside the house, lurking in the bushes. Shauna - not Sean but Shauna - was terrified of being caught. It had taken effort to break into the waterboy’s house, and a lot of searching while Eric was out getting groceries to find the key to the pill cabinet. And now she was here, busty and female again, and it was like coming home. Just three little pills - there was no harm in that right? Just one more than last time? She could hit the town, enjoy a little female funtime, and by the end of the weekend, no one would be the wiser.

No one could know.


The night, the weekend that followed was one of bliss for all three figures, though in very different ways indeed. Eric and Tina indeed went shopping, and Tina quickly found there was a lot about being female she had to learn, and fast, if she was going to be convincing. For one, women’s clothing was a lot more variable, and finding a set of jeans to match the contours of her hips and behind was more difficult than expected. She struggled getting a bra on, and enjoyed teasing Eric by getting him to help her until she’d slowly mastered it. She even picked a black pushup bra to emphasise her upper body ‘assets’. She grabbed other things as well; some makeup, which she was terrible at applying; skincare products, just to see what they were like; and hair products too, as she had decided to let some professionals style her hair.

All the time, Eric was by her side, astonished at just how heavily Tyrone was leaning into the role, and furthermore how much he was turned on by it. She clearly recognised that fact, as she continually teased him about it, allowing him to watch her wobbling ass as she bent over or walked ahead, hips sashaying sensually from side to side.

That night, they shared a dinner at a nice midrange restaurant, her in a cute black dress that absolutely emphasised her best features.

“They’re all looking at me,” she said, referring to numerous male patrons in the room. “So this is how it feels on the other side. I gotta say, I kinda don’t mind it. The catcalling earlier sucked, but this, I could get used to. It’s like being cheered on for swimming, only I don’t have to be near a pool at all.”

“You deserve it,” Eric ventured, “you look absolutely stunning.”

She reached out a hand and took his. “Dude, you got game. Now let’s get the check so you can take me back to your place and I can fuck your brains out.”

No man had ever called for a check faster, and that night, the two budding lovebirds continued to experiment with her new body. They spend the weekend enjoying one another’s company, beyond just sex. Eric helped Tina re-engage with Tyrone’s old nerdy interests, leading to some spirited debate on comic canon, and Tina - still being an impressively fit woman - decided to repay the favour by starting Eric on a fitness workout.

“I’m glad you decided to be Tina again,” Eric said.

“Me too,” she said, as she allowed him to spoon her gently. “Tomorrow I’ll be Tyrone again. It’s been a damn good weekend. Crazy, but damn good. I dunno how Sean stayed a dude. I guess he’s always been dedicated. Man is crazy.”

In fact, Sean’s reality was quite different. Tina’s need to be filled, to have a man’s touch, paled in comparison to Shauna’s. The hot brunette refused to let anyone know her secret, especially that damn waterboy. Instead, she operated secretly, doing her best to enjoy one-night stands and dates, showing off her delectable cleavage and svelte form. She was a vamp, not some meek and submissive beauty but an aggressive and horny dominator who hunted her targets as eagerly as she pursued her medals. She had thought the victory in the pool had been ecstasy, but that was nothing compared to flirting aggressively with a man in a club, grabbing him by his collar, and demanding that he let her fuck his brains out.

Riding on top was her favourite position. Some vestige of her alpha male personality was able to retain itself in this act of domination. Just as Sean had been a slayer of women, Shauna was a slayer of men, able to command them with the suggestive flicker of a finger, a seductive bit of the lip, a rake of her nails upon a man’s back.

“Fuck me,” she’d command, “and you better do your best work, because I want a good fuck so fucking bad, and there’s a line of men waiting to get this bod in their bedroom if you fail to make me orgasm.”

“Uh, yes ma’am,” one of these men replied. She could only lick her lips and leap at him, pushing him back and playing at his cock until he was about to burst, and only once the condom was on would she get him off, and herself as well.

It was an addiction, and it only got worse when the pills wore off, and she became male once more. Tyrone had already turned back a day earlier, and Sean had to text in sick just to make an excuse. The changes were lasting longer, and that should have scared him, but instead it only made her more adamant to embrace her femininity while it lasted: Shauna got her ears pierced with golden earrings, her hair done professionally, and began to hand closer and closer around her teammates, as soon as she was certain Tyrone would not see her.

The change back eventually came, and Sean couldn’t remove his earrings, his feminine dress, and his other feminine additions soon enough. It horrified him, what he was turning into, and he blamed Eric. The damned waterboy was laughing at him! And yet, he had invented something that had changed everything for the former Varsity swim star. There had to be some way to keep turning female, as often as he liked, but without the damned addiction. If he wasn’t careful, he could end up being Shauna permanently, and that terrified him.

“It’s just a phase, dammit,” he repeated to himself in the mirror, still feeling the pull. “It’s just a phase. It’s just a fucking phase!”


The pattern had continued for several more weeks, when Eric opened the door. After several days since the last change-back, he suspected who it would likely be. Tina had existed for a full week last time, and it was getting harder for her to conceal herself. People were beginning to ask questions, and it was only Sean’s illness preventing him from coming to school that stopped the secret from breaking.

Sure enough, it was Tyrone.

“Hey Tyrone, how’s it going? I hope it’s not weird after . . . well, all that happened on the weekend.”

Tyrone shook his head. “Not at all dude. In fact, it made things clear for me. Can I come in?” His demeanour was calm, almost zen, as if he was totally sure of himself. Eric knew both Tyrone and Tina long enough now that he could see when they felt under pressure. This was the first time the male half had seemed so utterly without anxiety. Eric beckoned him in.

“What’s up? I’ve been keeping the routine up. My arms feel like hell, but you’re right, it gets easier.”

“That’s real cool man, seriously. But that’s not why I dropped by.”

Eric raised an eyebrow. “Anything wrong?”

“That’s just it man, there’s nothing wrong! I woke up this morning feeling better than I ever have as Tyrone, because I made a decision: I’ve decided to become Tina.”

The other man shook his head. “Can’t do Ty. It was a stupid risk last time. Your change could last weeks at this point; it grows exponentially. Hell, if you took too many pills, the change could become permanent!”

“You don’t get it, Eric. I’m not saying I want to be Tina for a day, or a week, or a year. I wanna be Tina, full stop. Permanent. Exactly what you’re saying.”

His face was genuine, his eyes almost fanatical. Eric had to take a moment; Tyrone had actually thought about this. It was no sudden decision. He truly believed it.

“Ty . . .”

“Listen man, how long has it been since I became a woman that first time? It’s been a month. And it’s been the best damn month of my life, dude. I don’t wanna be the person my folks want me to be anymore. I don’t want to be the person Sean wants me to be anymore. I wanna be my own man. My own woman. I want to be Tina, for the rest of my life. And I want to be with you Eric.”

“You . . . with me?”

“Yes, stupid. Goddamnit, why is this so hard.” Tyrone punched Eric lightly on the shoulder. “Do I have to say it out loud, I - “

“You prefer being that way,” Eric blurted. “It makes you feel free. Like you’re finally your own person, and can be who you want.”

Tyrone was shocked now, but recovered with an enormous grin. He reached forward and grabbed the smaller man, enveloping him in his strong grip.

“I knew you’d get it, you dork. So you understand, I’m not gonna let you talk me out of this. As Tyrone, I know I love you. But as Tina, I feel it, ya know?”

Eric nodded. “I think I understand. Are you sure about this?”

“It’s the one thing I am sure of. That, and about you.”

“I’ll . . . I’ll go unlock the cabinet. I don’t think I could stop you anyway.”

The two made their way to the basement, Eric’s nervousness growing. Was this really the right decision? He wasn’t sure what to think, except that things were about to change, potentially forever. But while Tyrone needed the pill, Eric had his own addiction. He couldn’t get Tina out of his mind. He wanted her, and the selfish, and selfless, part of his brain wanted to be happy, and for his love to be happy too. Was that so wrong?

He brought the container from the cabinet, still feeling lighter than it should have been - had he lost a few pills? - and placed it in Tyrone’s hands.

“I won’t stop you,” he said, and took a step back.

Tyrone eyed the packed. He knew he was giving up so much - how to even explain it to the people he knew? To his teammates? Hell, to Sean?

But before he could commit, the door upstairs slammed opened, and a familiar voice called out: “ERIC! ERIIIIIIIC!? WHERE ARE YOU, YOU DAMNED WATERBOY?”

Sean practically leapt down the stairs, a madness in his eyes. There were dark circles beneath them, and his hair was ragged.

“Sean, what the hell happened to you man?”

“He did!” Sean yelled, jabbing a finger at Eric. “Him and his fucking gender pills! I can’t stop thinking about them - even when I go to sleep I dream about them. It’s all I can think about, and it’s all his fault!”

He reached forward and grabbed Eric by the collar. “Give them to me, waterboy! I need to flush them down the toilet, I need to get rid of all of them!”

“I’m sorry Sean, we’re using them.”

Sean sneered at Tyrone, whose own face was set in a dark crease.

“Oh, I should have suspected. You and the nerd boy, together again. I should have realised you were too weak to make the cut, Tyrone. Too caught up in nerdy shit and being a pussy to be a real man.”

Tyrone crossed his arms, stepping forward to place a hand on Eric’s shoulder. “Be a real man, huh? Like you were when you became Shauna? When you got dressed up to show off those big tits of yours, Sean? Real man like that?”

Sean pushed Eric forward and staggered back, clutching his head like a madman. “Shut up! SHUT UP! That’s not me! That was never me! It was all him. That fucking waterboy and his experiments. I’m going to flush that shit down the toilet, so it never sees the light again.”

Eric hesitated. “Sean . . . you’re addicted. You have to resist. I’m sorry this happened to you and I feel responsible, but you haven’t had a pill in several weeks, you should be nearly over it.”

Sean laughed, and it was a manic laugh that chilled Tyrone and Eric to the core.

“Haven’t had a pill? Haven’t had a pill!? You know, for a smart kid, you really are as dumb as Tyrone here. I’ve been breaking in to your house for weeks to get those damn pills of yours. I’ve been stuck turning into Shauna for fucking WEEKS!”

The revelation stunned the other two into silence. It explained Sean’s seemingly mad countenance; he’d spent far more time as Shauna as Sean since that first mishap of a night, and it was clear he was fighting a losing battle.

And he was going full scorched earth to win.

“Now. Give. Me. Those. Damn. Pills.”

“Okay, as soon as we’re done -”


Sean leapt forward, knocking Eric to the ground and shoving Tyrone aside with an almost superhuman strength. He reached the cabinet and flung it open, tossing aside container after container as the other two stood, all the while muttering insanely to himself.

“It’s not here, where have you put it? WHERE?”

He locked eyes with Eric, who subconsciously looked to Tyrone. Sean smiled, and it was not a kind smile. There, still clutched in Tyrone’s hand, was the pill box.

“Back down, Sean.”

But Sean was beyond words now. He shoulder charged Tyrone, knocking both to the floor, and scattering tabletop figurines all over the floor. Pills rolled all over the floor, and the two men rolled over them as Sean delivered punch after punch at Tyrone, who was blocking to the best of his ability.

“I’m going to get rid of those damn pills for good! And then, I’m gonna get the waterboy too, just so they never come back!”

But even as he said it, Tyrone got a shot in, and Eric managed to tackle Sean from the side before he could return. The three bodies scattered on the ground, upending another table. Sean swivelled, took in the mismatched situation, and changed tactics. He grabbed as many pills as he could with one hand and, without regard for his own defence, grabbed Tyrone by the face, trying to ram as many of the pills down his former friend’s throat as possible. Tyrone only just managed to duck away, pushing Sean back in an attempt to take another swing at him. But Sean was quicker, and his anger gave him superhumanly strong reflexes. He batted aside the pills, pulled back from Tyrone’s blow.

“You’re not getting me that easy! I’LL DESTROY THIS ENTIRE FUCKING LAB IF THAT’S WHAT IT TAKES!!!”

His vocal chords strained as he screamed, but in his rage Tyrone took to his feet and smashed Sean backwards. The two fell against the stock of numerous pills. With an almighty crack, the containers began to fall everywhere, and pills spilled like multi-colored marbles and jellybeans upon the ground. The pair slipped, and tousled upon the ground. Sean was on top, and he was grabbing pulls and pressing them against Tyrone’s face in revenge, cackling with near-insanity. Eric worked up the courage to intervene - the man, the future woman that he loved was being slammed and kicked and punched by the mad dog that was Sean. He’d seen what Tyrone had tried to do, and so he leapt at Sean. The rabid star swimmer saw Eric coming, but he misjudged Eric’s ploy. He went to bat him aside but at the last second Eric ducked to the ground, grabbed a handful of random pills that looked to be from his experimental batch, and pressed them against Sean’s face. The roaring maniac tried to bite down on his hand, and Eric only withdrew it just in time.

Time enough to see Sean cough and splutter as a number of pills went down his gullet.

“You f-fucking NERD! I’ll k-kill you for that!”

He coughed up a couple of pills, but he must have swallowed three times that number at least. He managed to push Tyrone away just long enough to kick Eric in the stomach. For all the young man’s new physical bravery, his bully had the greater strength. Wind rushed out of his lungs as he sank down.

“Eric!” Tyrone called. “You fucker, that’s my beautiful boyfriend!”

As if given superhuman strength by the sight of Eric being injured, Tyrone roared, pushing Sean off of him. He managed to roll out, pulling Eric away from Sean, who rose, red in the face.

“Th-thanks,” Eric said.

“D-don’t thank me y-yet,” Tyrone stammered. He spluttered, and a couple of pills fell from his mouth also. With a smirk, he said, “Sean got a few in me as w-well. I feel kinda - oohhhh . . .”

Eric scrambled to stop Tyrone from falling forwards. The man was overcome with dizziness, and it was clear he was on the cusp of changing once more into Tina. Sure enough, he let loose an almost orgasmic moan as his muscle mass shrank away. His breasts formed, his hips cracked outward. His manhood pulled back into his body for what would prove to be the last time, leaving him with a permanent vagina. His hair extended, becoming the curly mop that Eric so loved.

“M-miss me,” Tina said with a pained grin. “Ughh . . .”

Eric’s eyes widened. It wasn’t over. Something was wrong.

“Oh shit, the experimental pills . . .”

Tina arched her back as her generous C-cup breasts, already pressing against her male shirt, became even larger. Sean laughed, giggling obnoxiously as they grew and grew and grew, swelling to become D-cups equal to Shauna’s in size, then swelling beyond to E-cups, F-cups, and to letters far beyond. Tina was in fits of unwanted ecstasy as she held her breasts. They overwhelmed her hands, expanding to become enormous globes that were each the size of her head and then half that again. Eric remembered an enormously busty model he used to masturbate to who had massive HH-cup melons.

Tina’s were bigger.

“Ohhhhh! S-so big!” she wailed. “S-sooooo b-biiiiiig!!”

It wasn’t all that was growing and changing. Her hips cracked yet wider again, until they were a set of fertile babymakers that caused her pants to split along the sides. She reached around and groped her ass as it too expanded. Her waist thickened, leaving her with a devastatingly curvaceous figure without being unhealthy. Her hair expanded, becoming a great mass of impressive curls, a loose afro that fell to her shoulders.

“I c-can’t fight it, Eric!” she moaned. “It f-feels toooo gooood! AIIIEEE!!!”

She shook, and to Eric’s shock, her top ripped open, falling to shreds to the floor alongside her pants, which similarly ripped. Not even her male briefs survived. There was simply the panting, naked black woman who looked like a walking embodiment of a fertility idol.

“Holy shit,” he said.

She gave him a weak smile, still clearly horny as all hell. With a loving hand, she cupped the side of his face. “It’s o-okay. Not quite like I p-planned - fuck, I’m so horny right now - but I’m s-still Tina, right?”

“Yeah,” he said, taking her hand in his. “You are.”

They were interrupted by another peal of maddened laughter. Sean was chuckling, still male, still angry, still wild from his addiction and dangerous unpredictable.

“You shitty excuse of a man!” he roared. He wiped some blood from his nose. “You’re not gonna be able to take me on now, pussy.”

Tina stepped forward, uncaring about her nakedness. “Haven’t you heard, Shauna? Pussies are tougher than a pair of balls. But you’d know that, wouldn’t you? You’ve felt just how tough a pussy is when it’s wrapped around a big cock.”

Her comment wiped the smile straight off Sean’s face. “Bitch. You were always a bitch, Tyrone. Now I’ll show you just what a little bitch you are.”

He readied his fists. Eric stepped forward, still pained, but raised his own meagre fists too.

“Stay back,” Tina said. “I don’t want you getting hurt, Eric.”

“Too bad, Tina. I’m manning up. It’s you and me.”

She nodded, and the love in her eyes gave him the strength to stand up against Sean, even knowing the madman could beat him into a living pulp.

“Well, this is gonna be fun,” Sean said. “Now I get to beat up two puss- . . . puss- . . . pussugh! Agh! Oh God, oh f-fuck. What’s happening?”

Both Tina and Eric dropped their fists as the man before them writhed and twisted, gripping his chest and moaning deliriously.

“N-no! The pills didn’t do anything! Wh-what’s happening?”

“If I had to guess,” Eric said, “I’d say the ones I shoved in your mouth were a delayed effect.”

Sean glared, readied a fist again, but even as he did the muscled deflated like air rushing out of a balloon. He shrieked, raised his other arm, but the process repeated itself.

“No! No, this can’t be happening! I’m not becoming Shauna! I’m not! You fucking waterboy! Change me back!”

But there was no changing back, and all of them knew it. His body was already becoming Shauna’s, albeit an even more exaggerated one, though not nearly to Tina’s new extent. Instead, her body became a perfect hourglass once more, and two now E-cup breasts pushed out from her chest. Long brunette hair cascaded down her shoulders, only to shift and become platinum blonde. Shauna’s eyes become a bright, innocent sky blue, while her ass and legs became the kind that any man would linger his gaze on. With a girlish squeak, her penis withdrew into her body, leaving her fully a woman, for good.

A woman that now looked like the stereotypical blonde bimbo, complete with a set of puffy lips that were like an advertisement for giving blowjobs. It only made her expression all the more amusing when her jaw dropped - she looked positively empty-headed. She swayed on her feet, rubbing her temples, moaning incoherently.

“Looks like you’ll be joining me in permanent womanhood, Shauna,” Tina said with a boast. She placed her hands on her hips, then placed them a little further out - her hips had really widened thanks to the experimental pull.

Shauna went red in the cheeks. She clutched her temples, moaning, seemingly also overcome with reluctant ecstasy. She whimpered softly, and her eyes twitched with an unnatural flicker, as if she were struggling against delirium.

“No! This can’t, like, be!” she squealed, her voice so high-pitched and sweet she was almost a cartoon character. Even as she spoke, her voice sounded more and more like that of a valley girl’s, her speech sounding like it was bleeding intelligence. “It’s, like, messing with my head and stuff you guys! I can feel it! It feels like I’m forgetting shit. Like I’m getting super dumb! This is totally not fair!”

“Holy shit, that was a discontinued batch,” Eric said. “She swallowed one of the discontinued pills.”

“A what?” his naked girlfriend breathed. It was hard not to look at her gargantuan chest. “What kind of batch?”

“It was one I made that I stopped because it had the potential for nasty side effects, like hormonal increase . . .”

Shauna began to whimper and cry. Her cheeks were going redder, and she was struggling out of her clothes so she so obviously overheated by the rush of new hormones.

“And intelligence decrease . . .”

“Like, what is even happening to me? You have to totally make me a man again! I don’t want big, soft titties, or to be a cock hungry slut and stuff!”

She bit her lip, trying to make her sentences sensical, but it was obvious that she was struggling.

“And a massive boost to libido . . .”

“Ohhhhhh, but I f-feel so warm. This isn’t right, you guys. Waterboy, change me back before I, like, fuck you!”

Without even realising it, she was circling her fingers over her delectable pink nipples. She shuddered, swaying her hips back and forth, even forward and backward slightly, as if urging to be thrusting against something.

“And even dulling of the initiative centres of the brain, resulting in natural submissive qualities.”

Shauna whimpered. “Please, I’ll do anything! I need someone to tell me what to do! I need a strong, tough man! Eric, you have to stop this!”

In just a couple of minutes, Sean had altered from a confident, rage-filled alpha male - albeit one addicted to gender changing pills - to a blubbering blonde bimbo crying her eyes out in confusion. It was almost enough to pity her.

“Wait, you said she’s totally submissive?”

Eric shrugged. “I think she might be. I only tested it on myself briefly a few days ago, just to see what it would be like.” He blushed for a moment. “Let’s just say I was very glad to have only taken a ten minute dose. It made me, uh, quite voracious. But also in need of someone to tell me what to do.”

“That’s, like, what I need!” Shauna cried. She was by this point sitting on the carpet, her large breasts dangling from her chest, though not nearly so large as Tina’s now. Eric’s girlfriend was busy marvelling out her own strange changes; she had by far the most exaggerated, fertile-looking body Eric had ever seen, and it was clear that she was fairly flush with her own heat, given her steady, yet aroused breathing, along with her stiff, thimble-sized nipples.

“Shauna, you just tried to kill us,” Eric said.

“I’m sorry! I don’t, like, know what came over me! I’m not meant to be a woman. I was just so, soooo angry. I still totally am, but I’m also really, really fucking horny. You’ve got to do something!”

Eric’s manhood stiffened. Even with all the adrenaline pumping through his system, the sight of this gorgeous, cock-hungry slut begging him to help her was enough to get him going. He knew he shouldn’t feel this way, particularly about his tormentor, but it was a base chemical reaction.

“Um, I think you better go, Shauna. I’ve got some clothes you can wear for now, and I know you’ve got some stuff for your body.”

“My bras aren’t b-big enough anymore!” she whimpered. “Please, I don’t know what to do. I’m so angry, I fucking, like, hate you. But I need you. I can’t explain it. Oh, gawd, it’s so fucking wrong, but I totes need you Eric. I need a strong man who dominated me. The pill is making me want this!”

She burst into tears, even as she began rubbing her crotch. Eric was about to calmly get her some clothes and get her out onto the street when Tina suddenly put her hand on his shoulder. She looked like a goddess, with her large pile of perfect black hair, her incredibly voluptuous and curvaceous body, and the oil-like sheen of sweat over her.

“Shauna, Eric and I have to confer on something.”

“C-confer?” she stammered. “What does that, like, mean? It’s sooo fucked, because I knew it like five minutes ago or whatever! Ugh!”

“It means wait here while I talk with Tina,” Eric said.

“Yes, okay! I will!” she said, perhaps a little too eagerly. She looked surprised at her own readiness to obey when ordered, biting her lip in embarrassment. But she still nodded enthusiastically.

“We can’t just send her out,” Tina said.

Eric was astonished. “Are you sure? She literally just tried to kill us!”

“But look at her, Eric! She’s utterly helpless, dumb, and submissive as all hell.”

“Sean is still in there, and he’s angry.”

“I know, but it’s not like she’s a threat, and if what you say is true, then she’s going to need our help. She’s literally formed some weird submissive bond with you. It’s your pill, and so it’s your responsibility.”

Eric sighed. “You’re not wrong, damn it.”

Tina chuckled. “Don’t act too disappointed, my love, I see how hard your cock gets at the sight of her.”

She lowered her hand down to rub at his crotch, causing him to let out an aroused grunt. “Oh God, don’t do that now, Tina! Have you seen yourself? You look like an actual goddess?”

“I know. It’s - wow - it’s a lot to take in, dude. Seriously, ya’ll had some crazy pills in there. My tits are fucking massive now.”

Eric sheepishly grinned.

“But I think I can learn to live with ‘em, especially since I know my man likes ‘em. And these babymakers don’t lie, neither.”

They really didn’t. She looked more mesmerising than he’d ever seen her. He wanted to be enveloped in those curves. His semi-erection became a fully inflamed throbbing hard-on, and it made her smile to see it straining against his pants.

“Well, both of ya’ll seem to agree.”

“Both? Oh, yeah. Me and mini-me.”

“Not so mini, hot stuff. But don’t get too distracted. We need to consider Shauna.”

Eric looked over at the whimpering new bimbo. She was rubbing her vulva, moaning in humiliation and frustration.

“N-not enough,” she was whining in a mad mantra. “Like, what the actual fuck? I’m mean to be a hunky man but I totes need Eric’s cock in meeeee!”

Eric turned back, gave a heavy sigh. “Tina, you realise if we keep her around, she’s going to want to be all over me, right?”

Tina looked over at Shauna, who looked away deferentially. “Nice b-big black titties,” she mumbled. “Wanna stick my face all in them.”

“Uh, I don’t think she’ll be over just you, Eric. I think our horny little former asshole is batting for both sides now.”

Eric had no idea what to think of that, but clearly Tina did. She waggled her eyebrows. “Could be fun.”

“Could be . . . oh. Oh! Wait, are you serious?”

Tina shrugged. “Maybe it’s because I’ve got a fuckton of hormones running through my system dude, or maybe your pill made me all mega compassionate and shit, or maybe I took enough lessons from Star Trek and stuff to actually try to help people who go through changes instead of rejecting them, but I feel like we gotta take care of her, man. I mean, she’s hot as all fuck, and she’s more than ready to throw down in a way sexier way now.”

“Not the best reasoning to keep Shauna around,” Eric mused.

“Yeah, but look at her, Eric. Does she look like the kind person that can take care of herself? She’s literally bonded to us now. What the fuck will that do to her brain if we push her out - she’s stuck like this for life now!”

Eric considered this. God, he was fucking aroused. Sandwiched between two gorgeous women, both of whom wanted him. Just like that first night.

“Fine,” he said. He moved over to Shauna, who stared up at him with big blue eyes, fearful and embarrassed and hopeful all at the same time. “Shauna, you can stay with us.”

“Ohhhhh, thank you! This is s-so wrong, but I need it! Oh God, I need it!”

“But there’s some ground rules. We take care of you, and you follow what we say. If you try to bully us, or do anything to us again, you’re on your own, okay?”

She nodded eagerly. She was pinching her nipples, moaning a little. It was very, very distracting. “Anything else?”

Eric looked to Tina. “Anything else, love?”

She folded her arms across her magnificent melons, causing them to spill over and under her forearms. “Yeah. If she’s gonna be addicted to fucking you, then she’s gotta fuck me too. Whatever was in that pill has made me horny as fuuuuuck, dude.”

Eric frowned. “Wait, I didn’t say anything about her fucking m-MMMPHH!!”

But it was too late. Like a tightly wound coil, the former bully sprung at Eric, kissing his lips deeply and pressing her perfect naked body against his. He was overwhelmed, nearly toppling backwards, only arrested by Tina, who giggled and helped correct him. But then she was pressing her own naked flesh against his back, and groping his ass while reaching to rub his incredibly hard cock.

“Ohhhhhh,” Shauna moaned. “I don’t want to, like, do this. It’s soooo fucked. You’re meant to be, like, a total dweeb. But I want you soooo much more! I need your cock in me! I need you to suck these big titties! Gawd, this is, like, supes embarrassing!”

“But super hot, right?” Tina teased, pulling Eric’s face to the side to kiss him as well. He was sandwiched now literally between the two busty women, and it was overwhelming.

“Mhmmm, it is! Fuck this shit, but it is! I need this! I NEED IT!”

“And Eric needs it too, don’t you, sexy?”

“What? I - uhhhh . . .”

Without even meaning to, he’d ended up with both women in front of him, their tits against him and each other, their white and black forms pressing against his as they teased at his clothing. Shauna was submissive and desperate, while Tina had an almost maternal domineering side that had clearly come with her latest change.

“Admit it, Eric. You want this. And man, that crazy mad science pill has made me want it too. I’ve got huge tits for life and a fucking ass like a mountain slope. I look like one of the covers on a superhero comic book - one of the female superheroes. Why not enjoy it? I wanted to stay a woman, so here I am. I can decide if I like girls too, anyway, right?”

“Yeah, I guess so.”

“Then I can also decide that I love you, but also want a bit of experimental fun, right?”


She blushed. “Good, ‘cause I do love you, man. Awkward as hell to say, but I do. And Shauna may not love you, but she loves your cock right now, right?”

Shauna nodded eagerly. Her gaze upon his throbbing cock, just then being released as she unbuckled his pants, was practically hungry. “I love it. Fuck, I love it SO MUCH!”

“Goddamn,” Eric said.

“So admit it, Eric. You love me, but you also love this.”

Tina gestured to the three of them, now naked but for his underwear, and all incredibly aroused. It was enough to finally make him break.

“God, I do. Holy shit, this is crazy, but yeah.”

“Then let’s have fun, man. I’ve been in a threesome on the other side, you know, and so has Shauna. Let’s teach your new Master how to go about it, Shauna.”

She salivated. “Yes! Yes! YES, MASTER!”

Eric recalled a dinosaur film he loved, when one of the supporting heroes was pounced upon by a pair of raptors and overwhelmed. As the two women pushed and cuddled and groped and caressed and encouraged him to the bed once more, he had the distinct impression of being in the same position.

Only much, much better.

The two incredibly buxom women were all over him, and he was helpless to their advances, and happily so. It was impossible to believe that the same figure who had just tried to kill or seriously hurt him was now licking his cock, moaning in ecstasy as she lapped at it.

“Your cock, it’s like, sooooo tasty!” she cried. “I’m sooo fucking addicted already!”

Eric’s breathing quickened, as did his heart rate. Tina positioned herself over him from the side, allowing her big beautiful boobs to dangle in his face.

“I need some loving too, dude. Seriously, those pills have me horny as hell. I need you to suck on these big titties.”

Eric did so without further urging. He sank his fingers into their tender brown flesh, and sucked on her left nipple. Tina whimpered, clearly overcome with delirious bliss. It wasn’t long before she was shoving her entire bust deep into his face, even as Shauna began to suck his cock.

“I - can’t - believe - I’m - like - doing - this!” she wailed as she came up for air, but soon those perfect dick-sucking lips were clamped down on his member. Tina took his hand and lowered it to her vulva, and soon he was rubbing her wet snatch even as he motorboated her breasts. It was all too much pleasure, particularly once Tina used her other hand to stimulate Shauna’s pussy. All three of them were moaning, grunting, groaning, and on the precipice of ultimate joy.

Finally, Eric climaxed. He grabbed Shauna’s hair at the last second, establishing a sort of dominance over her that only made her more wild. She sucked one last time on his cock, then he erupted into her mouth. With a great tremble that set her breasts wobbling against each other, she climaxed too. All of it was enough to set of Tina, the last remaining domino.

“Ohhhhh yes, Eric! Yes, Shauna! This worked out fucking weeeeeeeellll!!!”

Eric didn’t say a word at all. He was too overwhelmed by the bliss of these two beautiful women: one his true love, the other his submissive bimbo.

He never could have imagined life would turn out this way.


The next day confirmed the trio’s new reality, something that startled and terrified the new blonde bimbo Shauna as she grappled with her new buxom body. She was desperate to be a man, but her reduced intelligence, incredibly heightened libido, and complete submissiveness and need to please both Eric and Tina meant that she was effectively attached to them, likely for the rest of their lives. Not that either minded, as they got used to her presence in the coming weeks. It was, after the initial excitement and huge binge of sexual activity, ultimately a humdrum time that followed. There was much paperwork to sort out, along with family drama. As Tina, Tyrone had finally found the self-respect she’d always wanted, and a huge sense of freedom. Her family were very disappointed though, and for a time didn’t speak to her. Not that Tina cared: so long as she had Eric, and remained a woman, then she was happy.

Still, her exaggerated proportions did take a lot getting used to. She attracted stares everywhere she went, and her enormous boobs were so active that it was impossible to hide them in anything. Eric found them hard not to stare out himself, a fact that both annoyed and enticed her, depending on the context. Certainly, when they played video games together, she was more than happy to use them - or her magnificent ass - as distraction devices in order to win. Eric didn’t even mind losing if that was the side benefit. Nevertheless, it took time for her to find a good wardrobe for her figure, and to build up confidence around college. Her teammates alternated between avoiding her and hitting on her, or making jobs about her ‘terrific black melons.’ She liked having Eric nearby in those instances, just so she could shove said melons right into his face while she kissed him on the head. It more than made them jealous.

Once the paperwork and like was sorted, she moved into Eric’s very quickly. She had to, after all: Shauna was having a hard time going between the two of them. The former misogynistic asshole of a bully was now thoroughly tamed and, after Tina’s little revenge suggestion, couldn’t help but call them ‘Master’ and ‘Mistress’ whenever she addressed them. Try as she might to fight her new nature, the fact was that she was hopelessly addicted to being fucked by Eric and Tina both, and most of all the pair of them at the same time. So the notion that she had to travel to and fro to their respective apartments not only confused her, but made her far too emotional and needy.

No, better for them to live all together, and that way everyone was happy. It also meant that Tina and Shauna could learn more about being women together. Tina took it slow, wanting to retain part of her maleness, even though she was getting more confident in her knockout body. Shauna, on the other hand, simply couldn’t fight her new instincts: she threw herself into wearing tight pink minidresses, wearing jewellery and golden hoop earrings, and learning how to do her makeup all sexy in order to entice her lovers. She had become their pet bimbo, and it was their responsibility to take care of their needs. And while it wasn’t the most conventional of relationships, it soon began to feel normal. If Tina was out and Eric was horny, Shauna was right there to service that need. And if Shauna really wanted it bad but Eric wasn’t up to it, well, there was always the highly aroused Tina for some lesbian sex, which was its own turn on, really.

It wasn’t at all what Eric had ever expected. But the shy, introverted, yet deeply kind and patient man had changed and grown. He’d cracked out of his shell, becoming more confident, particularly in his sexual prowess, and that translated to a growth in other areas too: he was certainly bulking up - even if not massively - under Tina’s tutelage. She too had grown, and not just in her massive chest either. As a woman, she began gaining female friends, and was shocked at how wonderful it felt to open up emotionally to others. She indulged in fun watches of classic Galaxy War films and got back into her comics. The busty black woman was able to be herself, ironically only once her body was no longer her original one.

The three continued in their unconventional arrangement, getting more used to each other’s bodies. Shauna even became quite the cook, though she occasionally burnt the food. Her frustration at her life slowly waned, buried beneath the weight of her bimbo nature and the wonderful rush of pleasure that came with giving Eric blowjobs and letting Tina peg her from behind.

It was six whole months after that crazy day of change when Shauna - her hair done up in a sexy ponytail - cried out in pleasure as Eric fucked her.

“OOhhh! Yes, Master! I like this soooo much! I’m sooo fucking close! So close! Yes, Master! YESSSS!!”

She wailed, crying out as he shot his load inside of her. She loved the feel of Eric’s seed entering her. It was the one thing she was not submissive on, which was also why Tina and Eric had been insistent she get a device inserted to stop her getting pregnant. After a time, Eric rolled off of her, onto his back. He panted alongside his former bully, a smile upon his face. She simply hummed contentedly as she often did, pleased to have served her Master.

It was at that point that Tina walked in, having gotten home from work.

“Well,” she said, as she peeled off her work top, letting her enormous chest wobble in her big black bra, “looks like I was a little too late getting to you. Someone’s squeezed you dry.”

It was at that point that Eric grinned. He reached over and took a pill, one that he’d only just recently invented, but from testing worked like a treat.

“Not entirely,” he said. “This little fella will mean I can go any time you want.”

She raised an eyebrow. “Dude, that’s fucking awesome as shit. Really?”

“Yep! I just need some fluids to go with it.”

Tina laughed, cackled even. Eric was confused by the response, and she was still cackling as she returned with a tall glass of water, which he took and drank down alongside the pill.

“What’s so funny?” he asked.

“Oh, nothing. Just that I’m fetching water for the waterboy. Seems appropriate, right Shauna?”

Shauna giggled, though she didn’t quite get the joke. But already the pill was working. Eric grunted as his cock stiffened, his body quickly creating new sperm to fill his balls. His manhood became firm and erect, ready to go a second round a mere minute after his last one.

“Hot damn, dude, that’s impressive as fuck.”

“Pretty neat huh?”

“Fucking A. What do you think Shauna?”

“Soooooo hot,” she moaned, licking her lips at the sight of it.”

“Good,” Tina said, drawing closer so that her boobs were almost in Eric’s face. “Because I think we should celebrate this pill with all three of us. I want to test its limits.”

She kissed Eric, stripping off her clothes to fuck him properly. With a gleeful shriek of insatiable need, Shauna joined in on the fun. And then the moans of pleasure began all over again. The waterboy now had his woman.

Both of them.

The End


Nathan Racher

Good, but the original ending is better .