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By FoxFaceStories

A Story Prompt Tier for Spacebanana

Humanity is under threat of alien invasion, not that they know it yet. But this alien invasion is not interested in exterminating humanity, but simply turning its dominant species into enormous alien broodmothers to further their galaxial conquests. Unfortunately for 21-year old Allen and his family, that means big changes are ahead, and ones they might never be able to fully adjust to.

First Part

Previous Part

Brood Planet, Part 6

The inspection came several hours later. During that time, Allen had continued to push more and more eggs out. Sarah, the sibling with whom he had warred with far too often in life, could only rub his ovipositor and whisper sympathies to her new ‘sister’. Allen wasn’t quite sure he liked that descriptor, but it was true, really; he was more female than male, especially given how goddamned pregnant he was.

“I’m sorry, brother, for everything,” she said.

“It’s - ahh! - okay. Guess this is p-punishment for being - oohhhhh! - such a dick of a big brother!”

“Well - nngh - this is my punishment for being a vapid s-sister,” she moaned, milk seeping down her chest. It was odd to see his own sister with six enormous, near-basketball sized breasts, each leaking green milk. But then again, it was probably awkward for Sarah to see him incredibly pregnant, straining as he pushed egg after egg from his rear vaginal lips. They certainly made an odd pair of siblings, now.

Still, both comforted one another while their parents were off by themselves. Their mother was only getting larger, her crest extending further. It was beginning to look magnificent, and the entire family were able to see the radio signals she was putting out and receiving. Soon, she wasn’t just talking to the neighbourhood, but several neighbourhoods, and helping organise supply issues, shelter, comforting various individuals, working to get disparate families and partners reunited, and so on. It was magnificent to see, especially since her growing intellect and multi-tasking talents meant that she could also keep her focus on her family as well, all while occasionally pushing out new eggs.

Their father Ethan, on the other hand, was having a lot less success in his own coping of the situation. His egg sac continued to bloat, but the rest of him didn’t, unlike the rest. His tits were mercifully small compared to everyone else, and his humanoid belly was only bloated a little. More than that, his antennae were shrunken, and he didn’t have extra arms like Sarah was developing. Even his legs were more feeble. But what he lacked there seemed to be going entirely to his ovipositor.

“Something’s gone wrong!” they heard him yell. When he was agitated, he didn’t use the mental network, preferring to yell far too loudly. “Why are the rest of you able to move!? I can’t move! I need bigger antennae - I can’t live my damn ass!”

“Calm down, dear,” Heather said, though she switched to mentally communicate to her children secretly. ‘Your father is agitated. I think his mutation is different. Already I can analyse and see through various parts of his body. I suspect he is an incubator for something, though I can’t tell what yet. Don’t inform him; it will only make your father more insufferable.’

‘Got it,’ they replied. They didn’t have time for Ethan and his super-sized egg sac anyway: they were too busy birthing their eggs, or working out how to milk Sarah. She whined as her over-full breasts had no outlet, and Heather was organising with some of the smaller, less changed individuals across the city to secure some milk pumps for her.

But before that could arrive, a series of strange machines did instead. They flew down from a hovering mothership, little disco-ball like devices with a number of what looked to be cameras set inside them, as well as dangling scanning equipment attached to bionic tentacles. Allen was a little disappointed.

“I’d hoped to at least - ngh! - see a real alien,” he complained.

Sarah chuckled. “We - f-fuck! Too much milk! - we are real aliens now, bro.”

He had to concede the point. There was little human about them now except their memories. Even their instincts had changed: it seemed ‘right’ somehow to be laying so many eggs, despite the continual pressure and discomfort. And while Sarah continued to complain about her breasts (and the fact that a fourth pair was apparently forming below her belly button, and growing quickly at that), it was undeniable that from the way she caressed her chest, willing her boobs to grow, that she got a dopamine rush from becoming a milk machine. Only Ethan seemed fully able to fight his changes completely, but his body was so useless that it made sense: only his egg sac was growing by this point. It was over two metres high and six metres long, and expanding. He hadn’t laid a single egg in hours. They were only growing, exhausting him.

The disco balls zipped around the neighbourhood, scanning and talking to various individuals. With their heightened hearing and overall senses, the family were able to ‘hear’ snippets of conversation, as well as understand the psionic component of the machine messengers.

“The Zaar welcomes you to our hive! How are you coping with your egg production? Any mutations that seem aberrant compared to other members of your new species?”

“F-fuck you! Change us - ahh - back! I don’t want to push out all these eggs!”

“Don’t worry, you’ll get used to that! You’ll only be more productive in the years to come, besides. We Zaar live long cycles, and our broodmothers especially so!”


The balls zipped around to a different family.

“How are you taking the changes, ma’am? It seems everything has worked out fine in terms of your transformation into a broodmother.”

“I’m no m-ma’am! I’m a guy! Please, you’ve got to - ohhhh! Why does it f-feel so good!?”

“Don’t worry, I can assure you that you are a female member of our species now. And that good feeling will be one you can learn to enjoy. After all, a good broodmother relishes the experience of laying her large clutches!”

“Oh God! But I wish it didn’t feel so - NGNHH!!”

“Hello ma’am, do you have a concern?”

“I don’t want to be this, but if I have to b-be, I’ll endure. But - nngh! - what about my baby? She’s just a year old!”

“Fear not, ma’am. With your psionic powers, you’ll easily be able to take care of her. We will supply you with all the materials you need to raise her, and when she reaches her adult stage at twenty years old, she too can look forward to the blessing of becoming a broodmother like yourself! All hail the Zaar and their merciful brilliance!”

This didn’t seem to fully satisfy the woman, though she was clearly glad the children would be taken care of in some fashion. These conversations continued throughout the neighbourhood. Allen’s own family simply had to wait their turn, made all the worse by the fact that there was seemingly no clear pattern to the disco-balls’ trajectory. They visited the Hendersons next door, took in the facts of their changes as completely within expected parameters, and then shot off diagonally to another neighbourhood, only to return further up the street. It baffled Allen, and he could only idly amused himself between his laying of eggs by drinking up the pink goo and gazing at the radio patterns in the sky where the alien machines had flown. They looked like webs before they faded away. He blinked all four of his dark eyes, and bore down again. Sarah did the same, while also pulling at her nipples to expend as much milk as possible.

By the time the disco-balls finally visited them, it was an embarrassing moment to do so. Both Sarah and Allen were loudly orgasming, their internal penises thrusting into their internal passages, once more self-impregnating them.

“Ohhhhh God!’ Allen cried. ‘It’s a lot, isn’t it?’

Sarah gave him a humiliated grin, even as she felt at her tits with all three arms, the third pair having grown over the last couple of hours.

‘Yeah, supes embarrassing t-too. Fuck, at least you d-don’t have all these damn tits to deal with!’

‘Mine are p-pretty big! And when I f-fucking orgasm I push out a heap of eggs each time. It s-sucks!’

‘At least we c-can complain together,’ Sarah added.

They shared a sibling moment of shared frustration. Over across their front yard, their mother was also pushing out several eggs, though not as many. In fact, she was broadcasting kind words to everyone currently in the act, or being self-impregnated, helping them come to terms with it. Her voice had changed, becoming more powerful and queenly and authoritative, and while they had always tried to obey their parent, both Allen and Sarah now found themselves doing so instinctively, as if Heather was not just their mother but their leader.

It was at this moment that the disco-balls arrived.

“My, my!” one said in a shrill voice, while the other scanned and took photos of them. “This family is unique! Sorry to have caught you at a bad time, but at least we can bear witness to the joys of pleasure that come from self-fertilisation among Zaar broodmares!”

The entire family shot them nasty looks. Allen could see that Ethan was especially furious, but unable to speak as his own self-fucking continued. He still wasn’t laying, but his ovipositor was now twice the size of Allen’s own, and still growing.

“H-hehlp m-meaaeeaa!!” he managed, the father’s words utterly malformed by his discomfort.

“Naturally we will help!” one of the balls chirped. “But first we must scan you and see what marvels we have! Such magnificent mutations and variations to aid the Zaar Galaxial Hive!”

The balls whirled about, spinning around the family, scanning them with every possible kind of device from their hanging metal tentacles. They conferred after a moment, and judging from their flashing lights and bouncing mid-air manner, they were quite excited.

“What’s happening?” Sarah demanded. But as her milk leaked again, she switched to a mental voice that all could hear. ‘Why are we different? Why do I have six - oh shit, eight - tits!? Why is our dad like blowing up into a huge monster?’

‘Hey!’ Ethan mentally called.

‘And why am I so intelligent?’ Heather asked. ‘And my son - daughter now, I suppose - Allen, laying so many more eggs than the rest of us combined?’

The disco-ball drew near, spinning a little in excitement.

“Oh, I can answer that! Yes, I can! This is all very exciting. There must be some gene in this family that has allowed you to ascend to even higher levels than much of the rest of your species. There is only a few of your kind per million of your people, and so it is a great blessing to be the machine that has diagnosed you. Allow me to explain!”

A small hatch opened in the side of the little robot - if it even was a robot - and a smaller disco ball emerged. This one drifted into the space in the centre of the lawn, in the centre of the family grouping as well. It flashed, and suddenly it projected an image that display Heather. No, that wasn’t Heather, Allen realised. But an image of the creature she would become. Its crest was massive, its humanoid half easily four or five metres tall, easily looming over others of its kind. It had a large ovipositor and was clearly pregnant, but not horrifically so as he was. Instead, its greatest development were the satellite-like crest upon its head, as well as the little glowing receptors along its back, which served a purpose he had no idea of.

“We shall start with you, the one called Heather! This is what you are destined to be: a Hive Administrator. While you will still produce the necessary eggs for our hive, your main role will be in ensuring that the local hive operates at greatest efficiency. You will regulate the production centres of this planet, ensure the proper allocation of resources, and communicate mentally across hundreds of miles, linking in a network with other administrators. When necessary, you can also use the receptor growths upon your back to enhance the fertility or other features of a particular specimen, in order to maintain their productiveness within the hive.”

‘Oh, oh my,’ Heather managed. ‘That is . . . a lot.’

“No doubt you will be up to the task! Your job will be difficult, but your enhanced intelligence will make you more than up to the task, and you will have much greater privileges and powers, too!”

Allen could see his mother smirk, just a little. She had developed a small set of mandibles at the corner of her mouth - they all had - and they clicked with just a little contentedness. This would be, in some strange way, a step up for her.

The disco-ball - the smaller one - flashed again, and this time it displayed something that was difficult to determine at first. For a moment, Allen thought he was looking at a gigantic weather balloon that had crashed into a field, until he realised it was actually a Zaar broodmare whose egg sac was so incredibly large that its humanoid ‘half’ was barely a pimple upon it. It was pushing out something enormous; an egg that must have been the size of an entire eighteen-wheeler lorry, if not larger, and it was straining slowly to do so, as if the effort was taking not just minutes or hours, but days. Or weeks. The talking disco-ball floated to Ethan, who had a look of horror.

“Th-that’s m-me!?” he stammered, looking back on his already-too large egg sac. The one in the image looked to be over forty metres in length, if not more, and half as many high. It looked almost impossible to exist.

The robot paid his panic no heed, or perhaps didn’t recognise it. “Congratulations, friend Ethan!” it said. “You are just as blessed as your partner Heather, albeit in quite a different way! You are set to evolve into an Evolved Brooder, an even rarer role! There is less than one of your kind per one hundred million of our kind, which speaks to your magnificent rarity! There are many castes to the hive, and normal broodmothers are not always sufficient to birth the largest members of the caste. The great Brain-Thinkers of the empire, the spaceborne Amoeba Dwellers, and the powerful Broodguard Titans all require much larger eggs, some incredibly large indeed, and much longer growth time. As such, you shall experience the great blessing of growing the largest of the eggs by far, and pushing them out over a matter of weeks in some cases! Glory to you, Ethan, for your fortune! You will be coveted in the empire, and will birth our future leaders!”

Ethan was not consoled by this. In fact, he merely whimpered, overwhelmed.

“But I don’t want to!”

“Nonsense, don’t be modest! This is a great honour! And any pain will be worth it for the glory!”

As annoying as their father had become, and as selfish as he had revealed himself to be, even Allen had to feel sympathy for him. The creature in the image looked totally immobile, a slave to their enormous ovipositor as it very, very slowly pushed out its massive egg. Ethan seemed to go into shutdown mode, while the hologram changed once more with a flash to display what could only be his sister Sarah’s future. The family gasped at the sight, all except for Sarah, who gave a long, exaggerated groan of exasperation.

“SERIOUSLY!?” she yelled. “That thing is more tits than bug!”

She wasn’t far from the truth. The creature in the hologram was still obviously shaped like a broodmare, but instead of simply having one set of large breasts, followed by all the rest of the vaguely insectoid body shape, instead she had a long row of gigantic breasts that went from her humanoid chest all the way to the underside of her egg sac, by which point the rows were no longer two breasts ‘abreast’ but four, then six! The sides of her big ovipositor also had breasts, and it looked like her large glands sweated milk also. Numerous young were attached to her many breasts, which look positively overburdened with milk

“My goodness, you are lucky! You will be the most loved of all broodmothers, dear Sarah! No child loves a Zaar more than the one that feeds them with endless supplies of milk. You have gained the Nurse Mother gene, allowing you to continuously produce vast quantities of milk. The amount of breasts you will grow could be anywhere between fifty to well over a hundred!”

“A - a hundred!?” she said, unbelieving what she was hearing.

“I know! We can only hope for that many!”

Allen used his psionic powers to shift his heavy body over to her side and pat his sister on the shoulder. She was still aghast, and frankly so was he. The thought that his sister would go from being a social media figure showing off her body to a gigantic nursemaid constantly producing milk for hundreds of young, if not thousands, was almost impossible to believe. He could only cringe at what fate beheld him: it was enough for him to groan, squat, and experience the mingled pain and pressure and pleasure of pushing out three more huge eggs.

“UUGGHHHH!!” he moaned.

Somehow, it managed to get Sarah laughing.

‘What?’ he said mentally, because he was still groaning from the effort of exertion.

‘Sorry!’ she replied, laughing out loud while she psionically ‘talked.’ ‘It’s just, this is insane!’

‘I’m just waiting to hear what horror show awaits me.’

And, as if to emphasise that very horror, one of the disco-ball machines hovered around him, clicking and whirring and buzzing with excitement.

“Oh my, what a fortunate family! First a Hive Administrator, then an Evolved Brooder and a Nurse Mother, and now a Hyper Breeder!’

Allen took a heavy breath, causing his milky breasts to bounce on his chest. ‘A hyper what now?’

“A hyper breeder! You are very lucky, young Allen. You are almost as rare as your father’s new kind. Hyper Breeder’s produce eggs at an immensely accelerated rate. Observe!”

The hologram flashed, revealing Allen’s future alien state. The image showed exactly what he expected: a broodmother surrounded by other, much smaller broodmothers. Their piles of eggs were already prodigious, but the broodmother in the centre had an immense egg sac, with eggs continuously flowing from it like a river, ever being pushed out and replaced. She was suckling upon nourishment supplied by common workers, and she was perpetually gravid.

‘That’s my future?’ he said mentally, bewildered.

‘I’m so sorry, son,’ Heather said comfortingly. ‘We’ll make you as comfortable as we can. As a Hive Administrator, perhaps I can organise us to stay together as a family?’

‘I’m sorry bro. That sucks. At least you don’t have loads of milk?’

The disco-ball nearest them hummed. “Ah, but you two will stay together! Hyper Breeder needs a Nurse Mother to feed her millions of children - yes, millions! - and this will mean that the Nurse Mother’s own productive glands will increase in size and number to account for this!”

The two siblings looked at each other, not knowing what to think. Did they even want to stay together? Allen wasn’t sure . . . but he was seeing a different side of his sister lately, and perhaps it would not be so bad. But the thought of pushing out eggs in that amount for his entire life . . . it was staggering!

It was enough to cause his egg sac to tremble, and him to bear down, grit his teeth, and groan as he orgasmed, another two eggs pushing through his rear lips. They touched the ground softly, guided by his automatic psionic power. Silence followed for a moment as the family took in all that had been said about them.

“Well,” the robot said, “we have no time to lose and an empire to contribute to! It’s time we got you lot into your new allocated roles!”

The revelation sent Ethan begging all over again, pleading to be changed back. For once, his complaints were very, very agreeable to the family.

To Be Continued . . .


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