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Big chapter today! 5700 words!

Chris has always been the dominant friend to Derek, often teasing his friend about his love life in good fun. But when a sorceress overhears their conversation and thinks Chris is a misogynistic bully, the young man is turned into a busty redhead forced to be utterly devoted to Derek, as a punishment and present to them respectively. Of course, it doesn’t take long for Chris to also get pregnant, starting a race for the two of them as they try to find the witch to undo this undeserved curse!

First Part

Previous Part

Part 6: Growing Pains

Chriss was furious when she realised that they’d have to travel across the country to find Juliana, and even more so when Derek told her that they didn’t have the funds for it. They’d basically spent all of their spare money, even much of their fuel funds, on trying to track down Juliana with private investigators and bogus internet sleuths. They had bills coming up on Derek’s house, and he couldn’t afford to skip them. Besides, he argued, it would be irresponsible for them to do anything too drastic on a faint lead, when there was a very real chance they’d have to pay for a baby soon. He was making good money: he just needed time for them to recoup some savings. Between fuel expenses, food and water, accommodation and the cost simply to enter the Californian resort, they’d have to.

“Fucking unfair,” she decried. “Always looking for excuses! What, are you trying to keep me as your sexy submissive slut girl?”

“No!” he said, ignoring the sexy dirty talk she was forced to say. “I’m just being practical, Christina. Chriss. We have to be smart about this.”

“Can’t we call ahead? At least see if she’s there?”

“And spook her? Alert her that we might be coming?”

She folded her arms underneath her generous bustline and sighed. “Fuck. You’re right. Goddamnit! This better not be too long! I’m already huge!”

She wasn’t, at only four months along. In fact, Derek was kind of excited to see her huge. It was a bit of a turn on. But that was just a side benefit to the plan. It came of financial necessity. Unfortunately, it also meant time waiting and time wasting. Time for Chriss to grow more and more pregnant with their baby while he increased his work hours to raise funds for their trip and set aside money for the upcoming rates bill. Chriss herself was adamant to try and find some work, but found it difficult enough being a pregnant woman without a job, let alone one with. She was rebuffed several times, and gave up the attempt altogether when the last interviewer began to ogle her cleavage and make lewd comments about her ‘delicate condition.’

“It’s not like the curse will even let me work anyway,” she whined, pressing her sexy body against him reluctantly. His cock got harder just at her touch, and the way her big breasts were encasing his arm in their cleavage. “Even just going for an interview feels all wrong, like the way I have to clean up your damn house and cook you breakfast after giving you a sexy blowjob. It’s like this damn hex is making me be your future submissive housewife ready to make as many babies as you want.”

Naturally, her dirty talk was too hot. He ended up comforting her disappointment at her failed job prospects the way he often did these days: by fucking her brains out. Of course, she thanked him later by diving into the housemaid part of her duties that the magic made her do, by dressing up as a sexy pregnant French maid.

“Zis is fucking ridiculous,” she said in a fake French accent that drove him wild. She bent over, allowing her garters to be shown off, and her crotchless panties. “Why don’t you fix my plumbing while I fix zese cobwebs, mon ami?”

And so, once again, he was thrusting his huge cock into her wet depths, filling her completely and causing her to shudder in orgasm. She even spoke in part-French as she came multiple times. It was such a sexy dress up that it was added to the repertoire of other cosplays he liked to see her in, much to her annoyance. He apologised, but it was simply too appealing to fuck her from behind while she was pretending to clean the bookshelves, and the way she groaned as her pussy clamped down on his cock was too much for him to resist.

It was after another morning blowjob, this time with her dressing as Poison Ivy once more, her green leaf outfit stretched to its limits by her belly, that Derek went to work thinking of ways to cheer her up. They hadn’t played video games much lately, and with her stuck at home all day, he knew she missed their gaming sessions. They could also go on more walks and just talk about life. Despite her hating her new lot in life, it had at least brought them closer together in some ways. They certainly talked about their hopes and dreams more often than they ever did when Chriss was a dude. He just hoped she wasn’t going to be snappy and standoffish again when he got home. It was the aspect of his friend he’d never liked, and increasingly he was more willing to stand up to it and not be trodden on. Especially since she was so easily made the submissive one in the relationship.

When Derel returned from his work, having had a successful day, he found Chriss not full of anger or even anticipation, but instead ‘their’ bed, weeping. She was wearing nothing but a pair of thin panties and a maternity singlet that left part of her baby bump hanging out the bottom, and her full tits nearly pulling free from the top. His friend tried to cover up her obvious emotional turmoil but the damp trails down her perfect face were obvious, and tears were still pooling in her eyes.

“Chriss, babe, what’s wrong?”

The ‘babe’ was an accident, but not one he minded saying, nor one she noticed.

His friend-turned-lover sniffed, wiped another tear away. “What’s wrong? What’s wrong!? What’s wrong is I’m pregnant Derek, with your baby! I’m trapped as a woman and this thing is growing inside of me every day. My ankles are starting to get sore and my tits are always aching like they’re about to start making milk early, and I still get nauseous in the morning, and . . . and . . . and I don’t deserve this!

“Why me? I don’t want to be pregnant; I feel so emotional all the time with these damn preggo hormones. I feel so big, and I’m only half-way! I’m gonna have to give birth and be a damn mommy, dude! And even after I go through the humiliation of having to push your baby out of this stupid vagina Juliana’s given me, and breastfeed it with all this milk these big perfect round tits are making, and get my body back to its sexy usual self, then just as I’m finally getting used to some sleep again, a month or two later you’re just going to knock me up and I’m gonna have to go through it all over again, and again, and again, and again for as long as it turns you on to keep me as your slutty preggo girlfriend. I want to be a man again, and for us to be friends like we used to be.”

“I’m sorry, Chriss, I’m –”

More tears. “But you’re not sorry enough! Not nearly enough, because you still get turned on by this, and you still . . . you still –”

For a moment he thought she was going to start throwing pillows or blaming him all over again to make herself feel betty. He braced for that, the bullying part of his friend that he had once written off as mere ‘playfulness.’ But then he saw that his friend was slowly lowering her hand down to her distended belly. Her eyes had gone wide.

“Chriss, are you okay?”

She caressed her swollen stomach, looked at him with an expression of shock, then looked back down again. “It . . . it moved.”

“The baby?”

She nodded without looking up, still marvelling at the sensations within. “It stirred within me, I could feel it – ooh!! It kicked again!” She wiped her eyes. “Wow, this feels so weird dude. I can feel it shifting position inside of me. What the fuck, right?”

Derek sat down on the bed. “Is this the first time you’ve felt it move?”

She nodded vigorously, still not looking at him. Whatever was going on in Chris’ mind trapped in Christina’s body, it was entirely preoccupied with the contents of her very female womb. Derek chose not to say it, but his friend looked dazzlingly beautiful in that moment, her long red hair framing her perfect green eyes and pouting lips, her shapely legs curled beneath her, her full breasts sagging just slightly in the absence of a bra, her large nipples poking through the singlet material. Even sexier to him, her once-petite stomach was now round with child as she stroked its taut surface with a dainty hand. She looked every bit a gorgeous full-figured young mother-to-be, and Derek couldn’t help but think of Brad’s words, and how if he too had a button that would magically turn Christina back into Chriss, he doubted he could bring himself to press it. Not when it meant taking away his perfect mate and his child growing inside of her, the one that they had made together.

In all that time Chriss hadn’t even looked up, still regarding the shifting foetus within.

“Can I feel?” asked Derek.

She looked up then, no longer crying.

“Yeah,” she said after a pause, “sure, I guess.”

He moved to her side and let his former friend guide his hand over the spot where their child was kicking. They waited together for several silent seconds, her hand over his over her pregnant stomach, his other hand holding her round her waist. Despite four-plus months of sex, blowjobs, falling asleep together and sharing meals, this was easily the most genuinely intimate, perhaps even romantically close moment they had shared since the change. He smiled genuinely, drawing himself closer against her form, and found she didn’t stiffen with resistance. Maybe it was the curse, or maybe something more, but there was no time to think, as he then faintly felt the disturbance beneath the surface of her skin.

“Oooh! That was a big one. Did you feel it?”

“Just,” he said.

Her eyes narrowed. “Just!? That one was an absolute wallop on me, man.”

Derek chuckled. “I suspect you’re going to feel it a lot more than I can. The baby is growing inside you after all, mate.”

Derek shot him a quick glare. He supposed she didn’t want to be reminded of just how different their experiences were going to be in life from now on.

“Sorry,” he said meekly.

“It’s okay,” she mumbled, but she pushed his hand away. “Can’t believe that’s our kid in there, growing inside me. I knew I was pregnant, but this is the first time I feel like it’s actually hit me, y’know?”

“I do,” said Derek, who actually didn’t, but felt it was the right thing to say. She gave a low moan in response to another movement.

“Oh God, now it can’t stop moving, and I’m only four months along! We need to get to that hotel and find Juliana before my belly button pops and I have to start waddling around.”

The thought of his friend being full to bursting with his babies was turning him on. His member began to harden against Chriss’ back as he held her, and he automatically began kissing her soft neck. She cooed in response, delicate arms rising from her belly to reach around his neck as she turned her face to his and enveloped his lips with hers.

“God, this turns me on Derek,” she said in her sensual voice, “being preggo with your baby. Getting to have big, milk-filled tits in the future. I need you in me. I need some hot, pregnant sex.”

He knew it was the curse talking but he no longer cared. He removed her singlet top with little resistance, and her ample chest wobbled in response, dark nipples throbbing with need. He caressed her gravid form, pinched her nipples. It made her gasp in response. Pregnancy was only making his former best friend more alluring and sexy, just like Brad had said. Soon he was fingering her moist depths as she moaned in agonising pleasure, and not long later she was planted on all fours, belly off of the bed as he slid his immense girth into her feminine folds.

“Oooohhhhh yyeesssssss . . . I just loovvvvve being your – aahhgh – babymama Derek!”

He shot his load inside of her, and they collapsed together, him spooning her and caressing her swollen stomach. Neither of them spoke, though she did give a sharp intake of breath a couple of times after their child shifted in her womb. After several minutes she had rolled over so they were face to face, her large tits slightly veiny and wonderfully round, forming perfect teardrip shapes. He had no choice but to suckle at her, making her moan in delight.

“Mmmhm, that’s right baby, drink it all – mmmmhhm – drink it all up.”

She wasn’t making milk yet, but her curse-induced words were clearly readying them for some fun play down the line. There was no use fighting their mandated pleasure sessions, and Derek no longer had any incentive to. His friend had only become more sexy as her fertility showed, and he found himself mesmerised by her enhanced curves and bustline. He couldn’t wait to see her when she was about to pop.

After several minutes of thinking about this, his dick was becoming hard again. Chriss’ lips ensured it was completely erect as she once more gave him a terrific blowjob. Her eyes locked with his, and he wondered what his best friend was thinking, trapped behind those perfect, alluring emerald eyes. Was he frightened of what was happening? Unhappy but resigned to his fate? Or was a small part of him secretly excited at the changes that pregnancy was bringing to his body, however small that part might be? Certainly, the feeling of the child they had created together stirring inside of her had triggered some strange emotions. He decided not to press further just yet, and instead just see where life would take them. After all, there was a good chance they would be spending the rest of their lives together, and that was time enough to discuss it later.

After all, he needed to blow a load down her throat first, and it wouldn’t take long either. Chriss gave the best blowjobs, whether she wanted to or not.


Derek continued to work as software engineer, but also found himself keeping a regular physical regime at the local gym as well. Every day his muscles developed more and more, something the curse made Christina comment on as she admired his form. She even found herself pinching his powerful biceps and abdomen muscles, leaving him with the impression that while the curse was making her do that, the magic had definitely left her attracted to his body. Or perhaps just attracted to it by association after months of being pleasured by it.It made him appreciate how unfair his own expectations on women had been. He’d always tried to be a gentleman, and his bad luck was mainly due to shyness before, but he’d certainly set his hopes and dreams far too high in terms of women he wanted, even if he hadn’t known it. Now, he was forced to put in the hard work to stay in shape, but to his surprise, he found he actually liked working out. When Chriss wasn’t under the effect of the curse she simply pouted with those big ruby lips of hers and complained that she could never be that buff again, not with her trim figure.

“I’m sorry dude, I know you took pride in being athletic,” Derek said one day, “but you’re still pretty fucking fit for a woman. God knows you’ve got stamina in the bedroom.”

“Fuck you, dude. That is not what I meant. I’m meant to have big muscles and shit!”

“I’m just saying, at least you didn’t end up fat or anything. I mean, the fat and excess muscle from your old body just got shifted to go to your boobs and ass, which is at least better than your stomach.”

“Oh, shut up,” she said. “It’s not like it took long for you to make sure I’d end up with a big stomach again anyway.” She gestured to her pregnant belly, which pressed tight against her maternity dress. He couldn’t claim she didn’t have a point.

While he trained and saved up money for their trip, Christina’s life slowly became more maternal, partly out of necessity, partly due to the magic. Now that she was unmistakably a pregnant woman, her outfits were practically all maternity wear - usually tight dresses that showed off her growing bump and left her cleavage in full display - but maternity wear nonetheless. She cooked and cleaned regularly now, acting as if she were already a housewife, and when Derek got home after a long day she was sure to grab him a beer, set him a comfortable spot on the couch, and give him a blowjob as he got ready to do some gaming. Of course, other times they went on walks together, and she found herself clinging to him, occasionally drawing his hand to cup her belly.

“It’s the curse,” she would always explain. “But you might as well feel the damn kicking you’re putting me through.”

“Wow, that was a big one.”

“Now imagine how it feels for me. God, at least it feels nice to get outside.”

“Yeah, I’m glad we have these regular walks. Even if they’re a bit slower than usual.”

“Oh, screw you!” she said, punching his arm lightly. But it elicited a giggle from her, instead of anger that time. As much as she sometimes still ran roughshod over him, they were still best of friends, and were doing well to maintain their friendship. They spent those walks talking about movies and games they were excited for, as well as which team was obviously going to win the next game: he even planned to take her to the game with a maternity sports jersey ready. It was a small expense, after all. They could stretch the budget, and it would cheer her immensely.

What he didn’t expect was for her to break down crying when he revealed the tickets to her, and again when he took her.

“F-fucking hormones! I’m just h-happy. But now I’m female and pregnant I’m h-happy crying, I guess! Fuck, this is embarrassing as all hell!”

He comforted her, and they had a great game. By the end she was whooping and cheering for her team, which just managed to win, much to Derek’s annoyance. She bounced and jumped as much as a quite pregnant woman with a bust like hers could, attracting the attention of a number of male onlookers.

“Haha, screw you dude! My side won! You can kiss my pregnant ass!”

Of course, later that night, he did exactly that.

“You may have won the game, but I win in the bedroom,” he said, mocking her.

“Sh-shut up, dude. Just f-fuck me already. God, I need it sooo bad! I want your cum inside me more than ever because of my horny hormones!”

The pregnancy was certainly affecting those more and more. One morning, just a simple sniff of her morning coffee had set her nausea off, and within moments she was speeding to the toilet to vomit up the breakfast she’d just eaten. Derek found her crying in the bathroom, drying her eyes out with tissues in response to her bona fide morning sickness. In many ways the former male had become an emotional wreck, crying at sad moments in movies, or for no reason at all, and giggling at the slightest things. It was as if she was constantly shifting between depression and schoolgirl euphoria.

Christina had also started developing cravings, which she had tried to keep hidden from her friend by indulging when he wasn’t present or sneaking out while he was still asleep. That was, until Derek finished up early one day and entered the apartment to find her lustily downing handfuls of grapes. She turned as bright red as her gorgeous hair when she realised she’d been made. But once the gig was up, she started making demands for her pregnancy cravings, for everything from salty anchovies to caramel slices, with the same constant excuse: “it’s your responsibility to indulge these stupid cravings, Derek. After all, you’re the one who got me turned into a woman and then knocked up with this baby in the first place.”

But any little joys were short-lived. By the time Chriss entered her sixth month she was bigger than ever, and her engorged breasts were finally preparing to produce in anticipation of her coming child, though it was only little leaks for now. She was past the half-way point, and becoming both impatient and anxious. What’s more, her ankles were becoming sore, and Derek had taken to massaging them, which her poor pregnant body was too tired to be embarrassed about any more. After all, she was obviously an expectant mother, and the world was intent on treating her as such.

“I’m sick of random weirdos just rubbing my stupid baby belly without permission,” she complained one evening as she lay on her back. She was wearing a thin tube top across her pendulous breasts and a pair of daisy dukes with the button undone to make room for her swelling stomach. It was a damned sexy look, with a kind of slutty edge to it that turned Derek on. Her legs were folded over Derek’s, who sat upright, massaging her sore feet and listening patiently to his pregnant friend-turned-lover’s woes.

“Just today I went out to pick up some milk and grapes - for these damned cravings - and some old bag came right up to me and said ‘congratulations by the way, when are you due dear?’”

Derek chuckled. “Did you tell her to fuck right off because you’re a man in a pregnant woman’s body and don’t want to be reminded of the baby growing within you?”

She shot him a glare, but remained calm.

“Of course not, baby,” she said, wincing as she was forced to use an affectionate term for him, “this damned curse made me say 'twenty five weeks tomorrow! The little one’s growing so fast!’ in a cheery voice. And then she reached out and rubbed my belly like it was a fucking good luck charm and wished me good luck for the birth! Fah! Like I’m ever going to give birth. We’re running out of time, Derek. We need to get to California. I’m sick of waiting around getting more and more pregnant with your baby while Juliana is out there with the ability to change me back. I already have to have pee breaks every five minutes. Oh, and my belly button popped today. See?”

She craned her neck while lying down and jabbed a pointed finger to where her belly button was. Derek wondered if she could even see it, with her gigantic chest pillows in the way, but her belly had only just begun to really outstrip her boobs in size when she hit the fifth month, so perhaps she could. And indeed she was right, for her belly button, which normally sported a sexy piercing, was now both without the piercing and turned inside out, making an outward indentation.

“Well, will you look at that,” Derek said in a marvel. He rubbed his hand over her taut dome and felt at the outtie, which seemed almost thimble-like against the rest of her perfectly clear skin.

“Ah! Stop, that tickles!”

He pulled his hand away, but then decided to have some fun and played with it again.

“Ah! Ooh! Not fair dude! I’m – ah, haha – stop! I can’t even move to stop you!”

She wriggled on her back, her large tits jiggling heavily without her bra, forming a large crevasse of cleavage which sunk back to her clavicle. She giggled and snorted as he tickled her. “Ah, fuck you! Oh my God that tickles, stop! I can’t sit up with this belly, this isn’t fair! I’m – oooh!”

She clutched her stomach, and he immediately stopped. “Oh great, now you’ve woken the baby. The damn thing had only just gone to sleep, it hasn’t stopped moving all day, Derek!”

He gave a sheepish grin of apology, and to his surprise his formerly-male friend returned a smile of her own, before biting her lip as was her habit, as if she was embarrassed to be happy while stuck in the body of a woman. It had been quite a tender, almost homely moment between the two.

He reached over and felt the swell of her pregnant form. Sure enough, his child was kicking within, just lightly, but in only a few months it would be much stronger. He could only imagine how much more powerful the sensations were for his friend who was forced to carry it. And who knows how many more Christina would have to become pregnant with in the future, unless they managed to reverse the curse . . .

“This Saturday then,” Derek said, finally deciding. Part of him wanted to keep delaying, keep holding off the date until it was too late, so that Chriss could finally give birth and become a mommy, whether she wanted it or not. But that would be a betrayal of his friend, who had never asked for this. “We’ll squeeze the budget a bit, and make do.”

Her eyes widened. “Do you mean it? Really?”

“I do.”

She shifted, holding her swollen womb with one hand as she struggled to manoeuvre into a sitting position, until Derek helped her.

“Damn belly. Don’t have stomach muscles anymore. Sitting up is - ugh! - hard.”

She hugged him tightly, her belly pressing against his side.

“Thank you,” she said, and soon the tears were rolling. “Shit, it’s the hormones, Derek. God, this pregnancy has me crying every day now. I feel like such a pussy.”

“You’re not Christina. I can’t imagine what it’s like to be stuck in your position, especially with a baby growing inside of you. We’ll work it out, I promise babe.”

She sniffled, and gave a small smile. “God, being pregnant is so weird, bro. It’s weird enough being a woman and having to have your big sexy cock inside me, but this is something else. I’m getting heavier and heavier each day, and these things keep bloating up.” She indicated her very, very large chest. They had gone well past E-cups now. “My back is starting to hurt, and my ankles are always sore now. And – and . . . I’ve got to pee again, goddammit. Can you help me stand, please?”

He did so, and she pecked a kiss on his cheek automatically, before moving down the hall to reach the bathroom. “So fucking sick of this!” she called back behind her. Derek couldn’t help but notice that she had developed a slight waddle as she walked. She was already pretty big, he could only imagine how much bigger she could get when she was about to drop her in her ninth month.

That was an interesting sight to imagine. Chris, former sexist bro turned sexy babymama, gasping with contractions as she laid back with her legs spread, the vagina she’d had for only the last nine months slowly tensing and widening, dilating in preparation for birth. The once-male mommy-to-be would be forced to groan in pain, clenching her best friend’s hand as she began to push, push and push the baby they’d made together through her narrow passageway, until finally a newborn son or daughter entered the world from out of her body. She would lay there exhausted and overwhelmed and still unbelieving that nine months ago she had been a fit, handsome player of a man, and now she was a new mommy with a kid to take care of, a kid that was already hungry for the milk her breasts were constantly making.

How would Chris feel, lying there, giving birth? He – or rather she – would be in pain, that much was certain. But how else?

Humiliated, at having to lie down and endure the pain while exposing her female genitalia to the world? Outraged, for having to undergo the most supreme feminine act and bring new life into the world? Perhaps she would feel just the ordinary red-cheeked flavour of embarrassment that came with knowing this was her life now? Perhaps she would undergo all five stages of acceptance in one go, denial that her water had broken, anger at Derek for impregnating her, pleading with a vacant Juliana to change her back before it was too late, a hollow sadness as the painful waiting went on and on and the contractions became greater, before finally reaching acceptance as she was called to push the fruit of her womb out into the world.

Just imagining that future was unexpectedly arousing. His penis was rock hard by that point.

“Seriously!?” Christina called down from the hall, her body already proceeding on autopilot. She gestured to her pregnant form in her singlet and panties. “This manages to turn you on?”

“Yes,” he replied. “So, so much. I fucking love how gorgeous you are while pregnant with my baby.”

And before she could even call him pervert she was on all fours with her panties pulled down, and he was fucking his increasingly pregnant girlfriend from behind as she moaned in pleasure, large breasts jiggling as they hung down from her chest. Her body rocked with orgasms as his seed exploded inside of her already fertilised womb. And as was tradition, they lay together until he grew hard again, and he began fingering her depths.

“Mmmhmmm Derek, you know how to turn me on so gooooood!”

She tried to reposition herself but her gravid form made it difficult, so she turned to him with innocent green eyes and a playful pout. “The baby’s getting in the way Derek, but I sooo want to thank you . . . with my mouth.”

He wondered what his friend was actually thinking about the prospect, but then she’d been forced to give Derek blowjobs daily for six months now, so maybe she was just used to it. And she had accidentally told him that his semen tasted delicious . . .

Regardless, the curse wouldn’t let him act otherwise to what was happening, and he frankly wanted to continue anyway. He stroked her pregnant belly, kissing her deeply. They repositioned for a sixty nine, him snaking his tongue across her clit, she licking the head of his rock-hard penis, fondling his balls with her free hand while she stroked his shaft with the other. They kept up the rhythm, her letting his cock slip just out of her mouth before taking in his entire girth again. She spoke in faltering sentences, hazarding a word only between long sucks of his enormous member.

“God I . . . love the . . . taste of . . . your cock . . . so much Derek!”

Her thick and perfect thighs wrapped around his head, holding him in place as she went from moist to positively dripping in response to his ministrations. Her large mammaries leaked excess milk against his stomach. She was close, he could sense it, and he wanted to hold off his pleasure until her own body was rocked with orgasms that would leave her squealing, even with his immense cock down her throat. He rested a spare hand against her firm belly, where their child was growing. It kicked against his hand, and Chriss moaned, pausing her blowjob for just a second in response to feeling. It turned him on all the more, to know he was the one who’d gotten her this way, and he only managed to get a few more playful licks against her throbbing clit before he reached his orgasm. He groaned, and then his testes began pumping load after load of semen down her throat. But it must have been enough, since she gripped him tightly, body shaking, moaning endlessly as she was rocked by multiple orgasms. She placed a hand over his, both of them resting against her pregnant dome. Finally, they collapsed, and his penis slipped from her mouth, no longer hard but still spurting slight bubbles of semen. She lapped them up with her feverish tongue, moaning at the taste.

With the last remains of his energy, he rolled off of her. Derek moved himself to her side so that they lay on the carpeted floor together, breathing deeply, her heavy, tear-shaped breasts sticking proudly from her chest as she laid on her back, small rivulets of milk flowing down her sides.

“Mhhhhmmm,” was all she could say, laying her eyes on him. Her heavy chest rose and fell with her breathing, and she stroked her naked, gravid stomach lightly as she savoured the afterglow of their coitus.

“Good?” he asked his friend-turned-babymama.

“Mm-hmm,” was all she could answer. Her lips were still sticky with his seed, her other hand too. She licked her lips in the most astonishingly sensual way, finishing up all remaining traces of his issue, and then proceeding to suck what was left from each of her fingers, one by one. It was one of the most sexy things Derek had ever seen, and would only be sexier if she dressed up for him while doing it, perhaps in a sexy nurse costume. She rested her head back when she was done and clenched her eyes shut.

“Ohhhh, I can’t believe how much you’re turned on by this dirty preggo bod of mine. Baby is definitely awake again. She better fall back to sleep before I have to. We’ve got a long journey tomorrow.”

Derek nearly let the comment slip by.

“Wait, did you say she?”

Christina flushed red across her cute freckled cheeks. She turned her head away from him. “Whatever dude, he or she. But it better be a she. If I have to give birth and stay a woman - which I won’t - but in case I do, then there’s no way I’m letting myself get outnumbered by two boys.

Derek snorted at that. His friend was right though, there was a very real possibility that very soon she’d be the only woman in the family. Wow, he realised to himself. If she didn’t change back, he was about to have a family.

He’d always wanted a family.

He fell asleep spooning her curvy body, stroking her stomach lovingly.

To Be Continued . . .


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