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Top two most popular choices will be written and posted this coming month!

Epilogue Choices:

Camp Queenlay: John finally becomes a ruling alien broodqueen in his own right.

Mutated!: Chopper ends up going into the desert & transforming, ending up with Braka's tribe.

Good Girl:  We follow Kade, who's super sperm has hyper-impregnated Polly and his annoyed ex-girlfriend Lizzie, who may be in for more pregnancy than expected!

The Clownfish Gene: We check in on Quinn a few years later, now that her twitch stream has taken off to become a massive, sexy online celebrity.

Salon Girl: Continuation straight from the original, where Li discovered what it's like to be made fully a woman, courtesy of a hunky man.

Always Knocking Me Up: An extension to the recent mini-story, where our main character finds out what that third wish might entail . . . (suggestions welcome!)

Perfect Body (Man to Woman TG): Again! This time, housewife Chase - now with kids! - manages to get revenge by turning his former girlfriend into a man via the vial. But perhaps this plan backfires unexpectedly . . .

Take Responsibility: We check in on poor Mary, still endlessly pregnant with babies courtesy of her sister's own libidinous lifestyle.

Wholesome Family: Harvey, thinking he can trust his new girlfriend, tells her the truth about his family. She is astonished at the truth, and the family have an earnest conversation of how much things changed for them, leaving the new girlfriend shocked and wanting to understand more.

Game Changer: What happens when there is a new entrant to the game? How do the original trio of girls welcome this busty, formerly male newcomer? Or perhaps even a formerly female newcomer who now looks very attractive . . .

Alternative Ending Choices:

Henry 2 Haruko: Henry doesn't regain his personality, & Haruko remains in charge.

Mutated!: Chopper follows Braka into the desert, and they mutate into a single merged individual with two competing minds!

Alien Assumptions (Woman to Cow TF): Monica is turned last second into an anthro cow instead of a regular cow. How does her life turn out like that?

The Waterboy's Woman: What if in the final struggle between Sean and Tyrone, the gender changing pill wasn't the only pill forced down their throats? Maybe Tina ends up with an even more exaggerated figure? Shauna ends up as Eric and Tina's fun loving pet bimbo?

Other: name below! If I don't follow up on it this month, I may do so next month instead!



I would honestly like to see a Take Responsibility epilogue where Pauline realizes that she CAN'T ever have her own kids, that she will never be a mother, and that she cut herself off from the family she would have had.