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Chris has always been the dominant friend to Derek, often teasing his friend about his love life in good fun. But when a sorceress overhears their conversation and thinks Chris is a misogynistic bully, the young man is turned into a busty redhead forced to be utterly devoted to Derek, as a punishment and present to them respectively. Of course, it doesn’t take long for Chris to also get pregnant, starting a race for the two of them as they try to find the witch to undo this undeserved curse!

First Part

Previous Part

Part 5: Ella & Brad

They took separate cars, which gave time for Derek and Christina to speculate about just what exactly Juliana had done to Ella. Christina also took the time to adjust her makeup in the car window.

“Don’t say a fucking thing. It needs adjusting, and after four months I’ve learned a thing or too, okay.”

Derek said not a word, but he did smile at the fact that his friend was actually learning some feminine arts.

Finally, they arrived at a house on the edge of town, a nice little place that wasn’t particularly fancy, but didn’t seem too run-down either. Older, but renovated well. They exited, and followed the waddling figure in front them, supported by her much more stick-figured husband. He waved to them, but focused on aiding her inside into a small but comfortable living room, placing her on the couch. She lay back in it, breathing heavily, and clearly happy to be out of heels and back in casual comfort.

“I’m Bradley,” the man said, adjusting his glasses. “Honey, do they know the full story yet?”

“They don’t. But they will. Derek, Chrissy, take a seat. Both of you. Don’t be alarmed at what you see.”

They did so opposite her. She seemed ready to say something, when suddenly the pregnant stripper gasped.

“Mmmmmnnoooohhhh,” she moaned, “ah-ah-ah, settle, settle.”

Her husband continued to rub her stomach in a soothing manner, which seemed to calm her a little. “As you can – aahghh – as you can see Christina, you have n-nothing to worry about, compared to meeeeahhh!” She gave a little squeal in response to a particularly strong jolt from one of her young.

“S-sorry,” she said, “they’re very active today.”

“They?” Christina shuddered. Derek noticed that her hand was resting around her own pregnant stomach.

Ella gave a grim nod as her husband massaged her bloated mound. Inside it, her children wriggled against the taut surface of her strained stomach. “I told you before, remember? I’m having damned triplets.”

“Three beautiful children,” Brad said offhand.

Ella snorted in response. “Hah, easy for you to say. You don’t have to carry them, or – euugh! – or birth them. You’ll have to excuse my husband, he’s a bit of a fetishist for, well, this.” She indicated to her form and bulging breasts beneath her bathrobe. “But I can’t afford to be too picky these days with who I end up with, not since Juliana.”

Derek cut in. “That’s what we’re here to talk about. What – how did she do this?”

“I can tell you we went through high school together,” Ella continued. “Juliana, as you know, is quite the smokeshow. But back then she was a total stick-figure. She was always hoping to flower from an ugly duckling into a beautiful swan, but puberty just does some people no favours. I, on the other hand, ended up looking quite the beauty. I was the envy of every girl and desire of every boy in the yard. Of course, I had no ambitions of being a fucking stripper, least of all a preggo one.

“Anyway, the point I’m making is that she was stick thin back in the day. So naturally, I bullied her. Myself and a few of the other top clique. ‘Wafer Chest’ we called her. Not very clever, but it stuck. A boyish little figure playing at being a girl. It made us feel better about ourselves, I think. When you’re pretty, it’s like you’re playing life on easy mode. I realise that – eugh – now. And it’s easier to see other people as not important, particularly those that aren’t pretty like you. So I often made fun of her, and she would often cry. Until one day she didn’t, and instead she smiled. She told me that she’d found out something about herself the previous month, that she was a witch, with special powers. I laughed and called her crazy, but she persisted, telling me that she had spent all the last week working on a spell that would make me into the ‘low-class bitch’ I really am.”

Ella stopped speaking for a moment as her stomach went wild.

“Ah, ah, ah, ah, s-sorry about that,” Ella said, “I’m just so f-full at the moment. Everything’s f-full nw s. That’s something you’ll have to experience in a couple of months Christina.”

“I already have to put up with sore boobs,” she whined in her high soprano, “you’re telling me I’m going to have big tits full of milk too?”

Ella laughed. “Of course, you silly woman. What did you think you were gonna feed your baby with? But you already knew that, it’s just easier to deny it. If you’re as productive as me, you’ll have to pump them as well. Anyway, back to the story. I called her crazy, but then she started saying these strange words in a weird language I’d never heard, and before I knew it this strange cloud of energy coiled out from her fingers and settled over me.”

“That’s what happened to me!”

“Yeah, I thought it might have been similar. Suddenly I felt really sick, and when I went to push her over, you know, pull her hair and stuff, I started dancing. Like, stripper dancing. Even my clothes changed, and I felt this instant compulsion to drop my university degree and go work at a strip club. Not only that, but she gave me huge boobs and stripper hair, see?”

She pulled back her brunette hair to reveal it was surprisingly a wig. Beneath was, impossibly, bright blue hair that looked so real it couldn’t have been dyed.

“Yeah, I perform like that too, but sometimes I can pull it back a bit. But the hair is all natural. Drives guys wild.”

“That it does,” Bradley pitched in.

“I’m used to it now, but it scared the shit out of me at the time, particularly since my body started changing. I ran straight out of college as the changes kept happening, and managed to resist the urge to go strip and show off my body. By the time I’d reached home I was so horny I just had to masturbate, and I had this weird fucking desire to do it in front of other people, too.

“Juliana appeared not too long after while I was having a crying fit in my one-girl apartment. I tried to attack her, kill her. She punished me by increasing the spell’s effects; instead of just having to work as a stripper for a month, she cursed me so that I would be compelled to work as a stripper for the rest of my life. Or at least while I had a body worth performing, which she told me I would have even when I reach, like, my sixties or seventies. She even made my hair super long and widened my hips, forcing me to specialise in belly dancing. And then she threatened to turn me mute if I ever tried to talk to her again.

“So this has been me for the last four years, from prom-queen to obsessive stripper. I left college, obviously, and have been working ever since. I literally can’t not strip every day, and on days I can’t work, I have to strip for someone. I started searching for men on chatsites and camsites to strip for when I got the urge while off-shift, which is how Brad and I met.” She cast him a loving glance. “Turns out some people don’t mind being with a magically-induced stripper.”

Brad moved up and kissed her deeply on her puffy lips. Derek exchanged a glance with Christina. In some ways, despite feeling sorry for his friend, he realised she had gotten off comparatively light.

“Did her curse force you to have kids too?” Chriss cut in.

Ella and Brad seemed to shift back to reality. “Oh, nah. This is all our doing. Well, I think her magic might have put a bit more, er, potency to it, given I’m having fucking t-triplets right out of the bat. Or maybe we just got unlucky. Or lucky. Who knows.” She grimaced, and ran her hands down her bloated body. Derek could picture the scene of her struggling and giving birth to three babies at once. The scene changed in his mind to Christina, laying back in a chair, their first child latched on to her large, supple breasts and drinking the milk she was producing. She would be mortified, yet forced by Juliana’s curse to let her children access her milk, and a small part of her would even enjoy the soothing sensation of breastfeeding.

“But we live, and we move on,” Ella finished, and Derek realised he had missed the last twenty seconds or so of conversation. Crhiss was looking agitated, perhaps needing to stretch her legs or maybe seeing the same future vision as he had and was busy worrying about it.

“But . . . aren’t you going to do anything?” Chriss finally said in the awkward silence. She stood, her buxom chest wobbling in her low-cut top, and rested her hands on her wide, babymaking hips. “What about changing back?”

Ella made the great effort to stand herself, her bathrobe spreading to expose her enormous, heavy pregnant stomach. Her large tits pressed against the fabric, tenting the material. Her belly button was well and truly popped. She went to speak, paused as her young kicked and pushed against her overly-stretched womb.

“Haven’t you – oooohh – haven’t you h-heard a single thing I’ve been telling you? If I come face to face with Juliana again, I . . . ohhh. I’ll be turned into a mute, obedient stripper, instead of just a preggo onel. Don’t you get it? I accept this, Christina. It’s taken . . . . it’s taken me a long time to accept that this will be my body and profession for the rest of my life, but I’m finally there, and just in time to have these babies of mine.” She rubbed her enormous pregnant belly. Her hands came nowhere close to being about to meet each other across the bump. “You’ll get there too.”

Chriss’ mouth hung open, as if she were looking at a crazy person. “You mean . . . you’re just going to live like that for the rest of your life?”

Ella smiled, gave a loving glance to her husband, who took her hand. “Yeah, I am. Because I have no other choice, except to be happy.”

Christina crossed her bare arms across the crook between her ample chest and her gravid belly. “Well I’m not giving up that easily! We agreed to meet so you could tell us where to find Juliana so she can change me back. So can you tell us or not?”

Ella sighed. “Since it seems I can’t persuade you, I suppose you’ll have to find out for yourself. I suppose I can’t blame these feelings you have, I – mmhm – I felt very similarly when I was first transformed. But remember, my body was changed even m-more when - ah – when I confronted her about it. So try to be diplomatic.”

Derek gave her an affirming nod. Slowly and awkwardly, waddling as only an obscenely pregnant woman could, Ella made her way to the writing desk across the room. Brad held her as support. She wrote something on a slip of paper and handed it to Chriss, who took it eagerly.

“It’s an address,” she said to Derek. “The place is called Palm Shades. Is that where she lives?”

Ella shook her head. “No, but it’s where she goes sometimes. Down in California. It’s a resort. It’s where she went after she changed me, to go have some relaxation.” Ella snorted, perhaps in jealousy. “I’m sorry, but it’s the only lead I have. She may not even go there anymore, but from the way she talked to me about it after I was transformed, it seemed to be a regular stop for her.”

But Chriss’ bright blue eyes were already hungrily eyeing the address. “But it’s a start. A way for me to change back.”

Derek opened his mouth to remind her that the pregnancy might be a complication - they had no idea how magic was in reality but most fiction they had researched suggested that ending the life of an unborn child was an impossibility. But he decided not to mention that just yet. Right now, his friend needed something to keep him – her – hopeful. She sprung to Ella, her breasts heaving in her top, and hugged her tightly. Their breasts pressed up against one another, their pregnant bellies touching. Ella was surprised, but patted Chriss on the back.

“Best of luck,” she said.

Chriss was in the car waiting when Brad asked Derek a moment of his time before he left. He’d been so quiet back in the room it came as a bit of a surprise.

“You’ll need to take care of her,” Brad said, nodding to the car where Christina now sat, doing her makeup again by habit and trying to pull her top up so it didn’t show so much cleavage, to no avail. Derek turned to him.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean there’s a good chance your friend will be stuck as a woman for the rest of her life, and she’ll need someone there to support her when she finally realises that. She has to accept the inevitable just like my Ella did. It’s taken her a long road, but she’s finally happy.”

“She seems a bit overwhelmed by what she’s carrying.”

Brad smirked. “We both are, but she’s doing a damn fine job of it. It frightened us both, becoming parents, especially since she’s still got to strip, and will likely be back at it as soon as she can after birth. That’ll be difficult to sort out, since she’ll be stripping for life, pregnant or not. She’s my wife, and for me there’s no prettier woman in the world.”

Derek regarded him, and thought on how Juliana had made Chriss into his own perfect woman. His ideal girlfriend. “I’m pretty nervous about becoming a dad myself.”

“Something tells me you’ll do alright. I never met Juliana, but while she sounds scary, I don’t think she’s totally vicious. She just likes to right wrongs. I love my wife, but she used to be a piece of work. She really regrets how she used to be.” He chuckled. “Especially when she had to give a belly dance to the crowd at her own wedding, ha! But clearly Juliana made a mistake with you guys. Still, your friend still gets some enjoyment in his form, I imagine?”

He elbowed Derek slightly, grinning at the gorgeous woman in the car. And he wasn’t wrong. Despite her claims that she wouldn’t become comfortable as a woman, Christina was experiencing a lot more orgasms these days. And being a woman, that meant multiples each time. It was something she refused to talk about, despite the very real evidence that she was reluctantly more and more pleasured by sex as they did it more often.

“A bit, yeah.”

“Then perhaps she won’t be too bad a mother either. Especially since it sounds like you two will be breeding like rabbits for some years to come.”

Derek grimaced. “That’s the curse.”

“Yeah, it is. But I don’t think you’re one to object too much either, am I right?”

Derek shot him an accusing look, and Brad put up his hands in a placating manner. “I’m just saying that you and I are pretty alike. If someone offered me a magic solution to change Ella back to her old self again, much as I love her I honestly don’t know that I could. She’s just too perfect the way she is, and I know it sounds bad, but I get so turned on by how she dances in front of other men with her big pregnant belly. I won’t lie, it’s a pretty big kink for me, to know she’s all mine but has to perform for other jealous men. Call me weird, but like she said, I accept her for all that. And I do so love her dancing.” He shrugged. “Food for thought anyway. Keep in touch, Derek, you’re always welcome round here. And we’ll help anyway we can. Maybe even babysitting one day?”

He patted Derek on the shoulder and entered back into the house. Before the door closed, Derek could briefly hear the sound of Ella moaning gently in response to her overpopulated womb. He turned, saw Christina motioning angrily for him to hurry up. He sighed. Of course; she wasn’t able to drive while he was present.

On the way back to the house, Derek thought about what Brad had told him. On one level, the man was a creep who fetishized Ella’s stripper life and was happy to keep her like that. Yet on the other he clearly loved her, and what’s more Derek couldn’t exactly claim he was too different. He wasn’t sure he would be entirely happy if Christina – the beautiful, buxom, bosomy redhead girlfriend who pleasured him everyday and was carrying his child – found a way to become Chiss again – alpha male who had been his friend for so long, but had often ridden roughshod over him. He - she - was so much sexier stuck as a big-titted slut with red hair who was addicted to his cock.

When they arrived home, he was already so turned on by these thoughts that Crhiss was already stripping unwillingly out of her clothes and he from his. He laid on his back as she manoeuvred his large cock into her moist depths, and he held her swollen stomach as she rode him. Her round bottom wobbled and her large  breasts bounced as they fucked, until both of them climaxed together. They fell asleep not long after, him spooning her, one hand clasped around a generous boob, the other around her swelling waist.

He continued to think of what Brad had told him.

To Be Continued . . .


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