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As voted upon by you wonderful patrons last month! Hope you enjoy.

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Premise for Epilogue: What happens when a young female and male pair of delinquents damage the statue and decide to carry a piece of it in their pockets, and even fall asleep near the fragments? How pregnant will they become?

Epilogue: Fertility Square

George and Myeong were up to no good and proud of it. They were twenty years old, but far from learning to be adults at that age, they were still acting like high school rebels. For George, part of that was how he’d been raised. His parents were largely absent in his upbringing, and had little interest in his education. As such, acting out had always been part of his M.O in order to get attention. The blonde-haired young man quickly became a class clown, getting his kicks from playing pranks on teachers and figures of adult responsibility, and wagging school if he ever got into real trouble. He became known around the city mall for lurking at the edges of shops and generally being a loud nuisance, always wearing his hoodies and loose track pants like a stereotypical delinquent who never grew up.

His partner in crime was Myeong. Unlike George, she had no excuse for her behaviour. She was a Korean-American woman, third-generation, with silky black hair and a cute look that made her appear younger than she was, a fact the young Asian woman exploited more than once to avoid getting into trouble. Despite all the advantages in the world growing up with her well-to-do, hard-working parents, she’d chosen to fall in with a bad crowd, and when they grew up, she befriended George instead, and worsened his already-bad tendencies. She similarly wore dark hoodies to conceal her face, though with a dark skirt instead, and she had a red streak in her hair that was an act of rebellion against her parents. In the end, after being caught shoplifting for the dozenth time, she was finally kicked out of her home. She didn’t care: she quickly moved in with George, and the duo became a couple for real.

After all, they were a match made in heaven: both liked to party and drink, to have wild sex, and to not have anyone tell them what to do. They were wild about each other, and just as much about disobeying authority. Neither had a real job beyond their shoplifting and scamming, the latter of which George was very proficient in. And they would have continued on this sad, trouble-making trajectory, were it not for an act of vandalism that would change their lives forever.

It all began with the fertility statue in the centre of town.


It was night, and the pair were sneaking like thieves towards the statue, evading the many cameras and making sure their faces were covered.

“Why are we doing this again?” George asked. “My hands are fucking freezing. Winter sucks balls.”

Myeong chuckled. “We’re doing this because my father loves this stupid statue. He claims ‘it’s good luck, Myeong. We came and touched it when we were having trouble conceiving, and then you came along shortly after!’ I hate that dumb story, and the statue is fucking dumb too, so I wanna wreck it.”

George shrugged. It was a good enough reason for him. Besides, he liked smashing stuff, and the statue was pretty famous among the locals. It would gain a bit of notoriety in the news, and that excited him.

“It is a weird fucking statue,” he remarked.

“Yeah, who wants a naked preggo lady on display in the centre of town? A bunch of perverts, I’d say.”

The statue certainly was odd. It was human-sized, and in the shape of a gorgeous woman with full breasts and a round stomach that indicated she was only days or hours away from going into labor with one, maybe even two babies. She held her stomach, a look of almost orgasmic joy and peaceful bliss upon her face. She was the very image of a fertility goddess, and everyone knew the rumours that if you were wishing to get pregnant you should stop by the statue. George repeated that very fact.

“It’s all bullshit,” said Myeong disdainfully. “It’s just one of those tall tales idiot couples tell each other. And when they do finally get knocked up, they say ‘hey, it was the statue’, when they were probably fucking only on the days they went and saw the thing.”

George nodded. It made sense. “I also hear that if you have sex near the statue, like in one of the nearby hotels or houses or dorm rooms, you have waaaay bigger orgasms. And the pregnancy thing too.”

“Again, total bullshit, George.”

“Well, it could be slightly true, right? I mean, there’s no snow near it, and it’s freezing everywhere else.”

Myeong did notice that, and it was weird. “Eh, there’s probably some kind of fucking city fund to keep it this way. Good for tourists and assholes who believe this shit.”

George nodded once more. It made more sense than magic, after all. Still, he felt a slight eeriness looking at the statue, at that beautiful female face that was eternally locked in an expression of serene pleasure. He could have sworn there was a slight thrum of energy in the air, emanating from its presence. Myeong felt it too, but chalked it up to just some kind of shiver, like when someone mentioned spiders and you could feel them crawling over you, even when they weren’t there. George was about to make a suggestion they try a different statue, but under the light of a nearby lamp he noticed that Myeong looked pretty damn cute tonight. He knew that when they got away with a crime, it got Myeong all hot and ready.

“What are you looking at?” she asked as he grinned at her.

“I was just thinking that after we do this we should totally fuck.”

She rolled her eyes. “Men, always thinking with their dicks.”

“You’re not into it?”

She grabbed him by his hoodie and pulled him almost violently forward, kissing him animalistically on the lips. “Oh, I am all for it. I’m going to ride you, tiger. I want to fuck you like there’s no tomorrow if you can get me a couple of bits for that statue.”

George was turned on enough to do just about anything for his girl. Hell, he’d rob a fucking bank if he could for her. She had the power to wind him up like that. Other girls sometimes mocked Myeong for her flat chest and thin look, but he knew she was a wild child in bed, more than making up for her stick figure. She loved sucking cock too, and she’d practically trained him to fuck her doggie style when she wanted it too. It was another form of acting out for the pair of them.

“Which bits do you want me to take?”

“Hmmm, let’s take her titties. That bitch Bianca made fun of me for only having itty bitty ones, so why don’t we take some nice big ones of the statue’s chest there and hurl them at her tomorrow? I bet she won’t make fun of my tits then.”

George cackled. “And I’ll take her pussy! Hard to be a fertility statue without a fucking pussy, right?”

It was the kind of ridiculous half-drunken hijinks they loved. He moved closer to the statue with Myeong, and once more that thrum was in the air. But this time he ignored it, bolstered by the presence of his partner in crime. They took out their hammers and chisels from his backpack and moved towards the statue.


Gisele was furious. The living statue had been enjoying a moment of serene meditation. She had been, after all, in this form for nearly a thousand years. Once, she had been an ordinary human mayor - a male one at that - but after making a strange and foolish bargain with a wizard to help save her town from a fertility crisis, she’d literally become a fertility statue in the centre of town. And while these two delinquents mocked her rumoured powers, she knew that each of those rumours and more were true. Her aura extended wide around the central square, giving a great fertility boost to those who entered it and for a short while after. She even had the power to directly impregnate someone with their partner or lover’s seed in her presence, or instil two or even more individuals to utter lust until the women were pregnant. Rarely, and often only as a last resort to save herself from destruction, she could rapidly cause a woman to bloat up with numerous babies to near full-term. For men, she had the potent power to alter their gender entirely, leaving them far along in pregnancy as a fertile woman, and sometimes forever craving that pregnant feeling for the rest of their lives.

However, Gisele was not a malicious deity. She accepted the responsibility she had been cursed and blessed with quite seriously. Most of the time, she simply desired to exist in her meditative state, allowing her inanimate body to be rocked by orgasms that occurred whenever someone was impregnated within her wide aura, or even gave birth. It was a wondrous feeling, particularly since it meant she was always giving pleasure as well, even if people did not know it, or only partially believed the rumours about her. She still had a few worshippers, though mainly they were those she had blessed with fecundity, usually infertile women. In one case, it had been a trans woman, and that had been a special day indeed to bestow the gift of fertility.

So it annoyed her greatly to see that two young delinquents were coming to damage her. Sure, she would be repaired in time - she always was - but the damage they did would hurt, and perhaps open the possibility of others damaging her as well. Still, she had experienced such dangers many times before in her long, long existence, and always she had overcome them. It was time to teach these criminals some manners, and force them to be responsible.

She summoned her fertility magic from the deep wells within her inanimate marble form. Gisele spent a moment deciding, as George and Myeong readied the hammers and chisel, whether she would simply overcome with them lust and have them conduct babymaking intercourse that would leave them otherwise busy, or whether it was not just worth impregnating the both of them and overwhelming them with orgasms until they fled the massive stimulation.

In the end, she didn’t get a chance.

To her shock, a totally unique event just happened to occur at that moment. Two couples, one to her far left on the third tier balcony, and another on the ground floor of the dorm rooms just a block away to her rear, both managed to conceive around the same time. She was flooded with ecstasy, her inanimate state betraying her inner joy as new life was created in her presence. One would be twins. She could feel it, and so her double pleasure was tripled. She moaned, at least in her mind, but that distraction quickly led to horror, as she was unable to exercise her powers while so unexpectedly overcome. With a vicious smile on both their faces, the chisels were positioned at the sides of her large stone breasts, and the hammers smashed against their butts.

The fertility goddess was overcome with pain and humiliation as her pendulous, motherly breasts were removed. By the time she’d recovered and was ready to vent her anger upon the pair, filling them each up with triplets, they were already beyond her range, cackling madly into the night.

She could only hope they would get what was coming to them, and that she would be repaired soon also. Little did Gisele know just how much her hopes would come true. Well, not with her repairs. They would sadly take a few weeks. But the fates of the two criminals would soon be sealed, and it would be even more drastic than she had imagined. For as much as Gisele knew a great deal about her own powers, having come far from the male human she once was, she could still be surprised on occasion by some of the arcane abilities the wizard Veerband had given her.

And that would be the case with these two wrongdoers.


“Well, George, what do you think of my titties now? A lot bigger, huh?”

Myeong’s lover chuckled as she paraded naked on the bed, holding up the marble breasts over her own flat chest.

“Oooh, very sexy babe!” he sniggered. “I’d get a real big hard-on, but I’m feeling a little flat today. Any idea why?”

He gestured to the marble vagina he’d crudely chipped out from the statue and placed over his crotch. Myeong giggled.

“Well, you better get rid of it, hot stuff, because I want you to fuck me from behind.”

“Geez, you really love it doggie-style.”

“Dad thinks it’s gross behaviour, so I just love doing it.”

“Christ, I fucking love your daddy issues sometimes.”

They began kissing, and after some making out and further crude jokes about the parts they’d stolen, she positioned herself on all fours with him behind her. Myeong moaned in pleasure as George thrust his cock inside her. Something felt a little different, however.

“Are y-you wearing a condom?” she asked.

“No, it felt sorta wrong. Don’t know why.”

“I - ahhh - know what you mean. I want you to fuck me raw, babe. Besides, I’m on the pill. You’re not getting me preggo, even with these fertility statue bits here.”

George grunted in pleasure as he thrust again. He felt more virile than usual, and Myeong in turn felt strangely warm and receptive, as if she didn’t just want to fuck George, but actively craved his seed inside her. Neither had ever felt that way before, but they embraced it, and soon the pair were moaning in pleasure.

“I w-want your cum ins-side meeeeee!” Myeong cried.

“M-me too! I’m about to - I’m about to - NGNHHH!!”


They were hit with an immense wave of ecstasy, more powerful than ever before in their frequent intercourse. George’s dick pumped and pumped his sperm inside Myeong.

“Soooooo much!” he moaned.

“I love it! Give me more!” she cried. Myeong had never wanted to be so full of cum before. She needed it. George too needed to cum immensely. It was like he was being utterly drained. For just a moment that strange thrum of energy returned, but he ignored it. All that mattered was getting rid of all his cum.

Neither knew it, but a change was already starting in the pair of them, one that would change their lives forever. Only half of George’s issue made it to Myeong, which was impressive, given how much of it there was. The other half lingered, pumped up into his belly, nestled in a pocket of flesh that was rapidly developing into an entirely new organ. As they pulled away from one another to rest up on their bed, both pulled the broken shards of the fertility statue they had taken towards themselves, almost protectively. Myeong had no idea why, but it just felt right to hold the large stone breasts against herself, and likewise George held the marble vagina against his member. The two of them went to sleep, the changes already beginning.


In the middle of the night, Gisele felt a connection to her old parts suddenly flare into being. She was still furious at the indignity she’d been reduced to by the young criminals, and had been musing on ways to get even with them, despite her immobile status. They were merely flights of fancy, but as her magic radiated from her broken breasts and feminine mound, she realised that no effort on her part was needed.

Something was already happening.

As George and Myeong slept, Gisele could already sense the strange changes occurring in their bodies. The two held the parts of her they had taken against their own naked bodies, and slowly those parts were actually absorbed into their flesh. Myeong and George grunted in pleasure, their dreams turning oddly sensual as this happened. Gisele could sense those dreams as soon as her parts became one with them: they were having vibrant sexual fantasies about each other, but as her magic scattered into them, those sexual fantasies altered. George began to dream of himself as a woman, and not only that but a deeply pregnant one. Myeong dreamed of her meagre breasts becoming gigantic, sitting atop a similarly pregnant belly and lactating rivulets of milk down over her form.

As if guided by these dreams - or perhaps the cause of them - their physical bodies changed. George grunted while asleep, his voice cracking higher. His facial features softened, and his lips plumped up. His acne disappeared, as did his Adam’s apple. His facial hair regressed, replaced by smooth, feminine skin. Another grunt, and this feminisation carried over to the rest of his body. His nipples expanded, blooming a wide set of areola, and turning a little darker in skin tone. His waist contracted just slightly, while his hips flared, cracking audibly enough to almost wake him. Thankfully, not wide enough.

Gisele ‘watched’ with joy as his legs became shapely and smooth, all of his body hair falling out before winking out of existence. His ass rounded out, and slowly a pair of breasts pushed from his naked chest. They rose and rose like a pair of souffles, until he had a very respectable pair of E-cups, each nearly half the size of his own head, and jiggling slightly. He whimpered in unconscious bliss and began to rub his new boobs, unaware of just how much his life was changing.

But the biggest two changes were yet to come. His crotch withdrew, his penis sliding back into his body, consumed and ‘eaten’ by a vertical set of feminine lips. A tunnel opened up to swallow his penis and testes, and it was this that caused him to moan in a high, sexy voice that had turned far sweeter than his usually coarse tone. He was now fully female, albeit with a cute pixie cut that matched his male hairstyle.

“Mmhm . . . g-grow,” he moaned, dreaming of making babies. Dreaming of being filled. “B-bigger.”

As if in answer, his stomach creaked. It began to expand, the skin growing tighter until it had a slight dome, but only growing more and more from that point. His own reserve of semen raced towards his new eggs. Gisele sensed that his male issue was still stored inside him for the long term in a small side-organ just above his womb, one that would allow his body to continually re-impregnate.

Good, she thought. He can learn some responsibility.

His breasts expanded a little more to full EE-cups, heavy and flushed and round, and a slight sheen of sweat came over his skin as his belly grew larger and larger and larger until he looked to be full with not just one baby or twins or even triplets, but actual quadruplets.

But you have more than that growing in you, don’t you George? Gisele thought. She had a connection to the man now, and knew him utterly. Not that he could be called a ‘man’ any longer. He in fact looked, and was, a deeply fertile pregnant woman who was rubbing her swollen stomach, dreaming of what it was like to be pregnant without knowing that’s exactly what she now was.

At the same time as George was changing, so was Myeong. The rail thin young woman suddenly gained curves she never could have dreamed off. Her flat rear became deliciously round, and her hips creaked wider, just as George's had. She moaned softly in her sleep, and Gisele was able to see the contents of these dreams thanks to magical marble breasts that had been absorbed into Myeong's chest. The ardent rebel's sex dreams with George suddenly had him suckling from her breasts, which grew in size enormously to meet his intake. She gasped and groaned in rapturous delight as he drained her, only for her chest to grow ever larger and fill with ever more milk. She felt like a fertility goddess, not unlike the one in the park, except perhaps even more traditional in style, like the ones you saw in Mezo-American cultures, with the great fat breasts that could contain gallons of milk.

“N-nice big titties,” she mumbled in sleep, “need b-big milk-filled tits.”

Gisele giggled mentally as he request was granted. Sure enough, the woman’s chest slowly expanded, swelling more and more from the itty-bitty A-cups she had to modest B’s, to C-cups which were now ample enough to be a palm-full. But this was not enough. The woman caressed her expanding boobs even in unconsciousness, urging them to grow bigger and bigger. They did so, though she lowered one hand to trace circles on her belly. It responded by becoming taut much as George’s had, and likewise expanding. Soon she was swelling up much like her boyfriend, only while he had very generous EE-cups, hers were quickly surpassing his, until they were bigger than even basketballs in size, each easily surpassing the size of her head. Any head, really. They were like immense sacks of flour, great pumpkins that were full and flushed with enormous dark nipples. Already milk was flowing into them, a production that would never cease until her way-off dying day. She gurgled, reached around to tweak her nipples, and then gasped in sleeping bliss as the first droplets of milk began to flow, forming tiny rivers.

That will teach her to take my breasts, I suppose. I had no idea this would be the outcome, though! I shall see if I can understand it.

Gisele focused her attention on the swelling womb of the girl, which was now also immense. It was bigger than her breasts, though probably equal to their combined mass, but it was clear that she also contained more than one baby, though not as many as George’s. Other changes occurred, however, that were different from the now former male’s. Myeong’s hair grew out. It previously went down just to her chin, but now it grew longer and silkier until it likely went almost to her ankles. Her ass also rounded out further, and her hips spread just a little more. Her lips became full and luscious, and her face fattened up, so that she glowed like a woman in her ninth month of pregnancy, with all the lovely baby fat one could expect on her figure at that stage. Her thighs thickened dramatically, and soon her image as a fertility goddess of the ancient world was complete.

This will be interesting to see once they wake, thought Gisele. It almost makes it worth it.


Georgie woke feeling utterly full and bloated, unbelievably so, in fact. She couldn’t understand it. She reached to rub her belly, which must have been full of alcohol from last night or something, only to be suddenly alarmed at the sheer, impossible side of the weight crushing down upon her spine. She was on her back, and this was a bad decision, because as she opened her eyes she got a full view of the sheer immensity of the orb now attached to her, as well as two other heavy orbs that were weighing on her chest like a couple of sandbags.

“What the actual FUCK!?”

She tried to sit up out of shock, only to realise it was impossible. Instead, she flopped back, causing her large breasts to wobble on her naked chest. Her nipples were huge and sensitive, and the sensation of them made her gasp.

“My voice? Why do I sound like a chick!?”

It sounded quite sexual, in fact. The kind of voice that would ordinarily give her a hard-on. Only now he was a her, and worse, she was actually thinking of herself as a woman.

“No, no, no, this can’t be real. I can’t be a chick!”

She tried to reach for her manhood, but it was literally impossible due to the size of her massive stomach. But she could certainly notice its absence. There was no flopping of her penis, no sensation of her testes hanging. Just . . . emptiness. And an opening.

“Oh fuck, I am a chick! What the fuck, this can’t be real!”

She went to pinch herself, only for the contents of her double-beachball-sized belly to tremble with a colossal amount of movement.


Her belly strained as numerous kicks, punches, and little movements rippled through it. She felt so full it was unbelievable, as if her stomach was totally packed with living contents. Just like a . . . just like a pregnant woman!

“MMhmhmmph! S-stop moving! G-GOD STOP IT! OHHHHH . . .”

Myeong woke at that very moment. She was in the bed, lying on her side facing a woman she had never seen before. Something was weird about her own body, the weight distribution was all off, and she felt way bigger. Bloated. Massively so, in fact. But for now, the young woman’s focus was entirely on the strange, hugely pregnant woman lying on her back and clutching her belly, tears filling her eyes. She looked like she could have been George’s sister, if he had one that was, only if that sister was pregnant with octuplets or more.

“What the fuck? Who the hell are you? Where’s George!?”

There was something wrong with her voice. It sounded older, more mature. Georgie moaned, rubbing her stomach. There was so much movement, but she couldn’t even soothe it; her now-outie belly button was literally out of reach!

“It’s m-me! Georgie! I mean, Georgie! I can’t say m-my name! I’ve turned into a f-fucking pregnant lady! NGHHH! They won’t s-stop moving!”

“What!? No way, you’re some crazy bitch who - who - holy fuck!”

That was when Myeong realised her own form was incredibly changed. Like the other woman, she too had a very pregnant belly, though not nearly as big it still looked near full-term with twins. But her body shape had changed, with incredibly wide hips, thick thighs, and an ass that felt huge when she touched it. But it was her breasts which were unbelievably big, easily the size of full pumpkins, the kind that won those country county fairs. They were massive, and incredibly warm. Worse, they were leaking. Milk was pouring slowly from her aching nipples, trickling onto the bed where a large pool had soaked into the sheets. It was unbearable, and yet simultaneously a slow relief. Hesitantly, she reached out and tugged one of her nipples, still not believing this was her body. In response, a huge spray of milk ejected in a long stream, pouring over the other woman’s pregnant belly.

“OOhhhhhhh,” she moaned. “Wh-what!? HOW!?”

It felt like a huge relief, but then she realised how incredibly full her new jugs were. She needed to relieve them. She needed to drain them.

“Oh fuck, it is you, isn’t it George? How did this fucking happen? We’re freaks!”

Georgie realised for the first time that Myeong had changed. “Jesus Meyong, your tits! And your face has changed! You look like a goddamn fertility goddess like that statue!”

Both their eyes widened at the accidental epiphany.

“No! It can’t be. Magic isn’t real!”

“NNghh . . . look at us, Myeong! I’ve got tits! I think I have a damned pussy! I’ve got a heap of b-babies in m-meee! God, they won’t stop fucking kicking! Uughhh!!”

But Myeong couldn’t believe it. Even as she instinctively tugged her nipples, and ejected more milk, causing a miniature orgasm. She groaned, and it set off a flurry of kicks in her own belly.


Because you sabotaged me. Chiselled off my breasts and my vulva, and mocked me for no reason other than your own foolish gratification. And now you have paid the price for it.

Both of them heard the voice, commanding like a goddess. It was in their minds, and neither needed to question who it was that was speaking.

“I’m sorry!” Georgie pleaded. “I just wanted to impress - ahhh - my girlfriend. Please t-turn us back!”

“Yeah, you b-bitch! I don’t want gigantic, milk-filled tits! I don’t w-want to be knocked up! Fuck you and change us b-back!”

I wouldn’t even if I could. This is incidental magic, a set of changes I couldn’t predict. You two have been blessed, or cursed, depending on how you choose to see it. My statue form will soon be mended, but the shards of me you stole are now within you both. You carry some of the power of my fertility.

"What the hell d-does that mean," Georgie cried as she rubbed her extraordinary mound.

It means you, Georgie, will have a fecundity unmatched by any other on the planet. Your body will now always be full with life, and you will constantly make more children, drawing from the essence of any man around you to fertilise your eggs, including your own vestigial essence.

Georgie groaned. "N-no way! I'm not g-gonna be stuck as some freak babymaker!"

I am sorry, but it is too late. I cannot change you back, and if you come near me, I promise I will only exaggerate your conditions further. I do not wish to see either of you again. So you will have to get used to being constantly pregnant, and giving birth several times a month.

“A month!? A fucking MONTH!? Ngnhh . . . no w-way. I’ll dump the kids!”

You won’t be able to. Neither of you will. You now have the instincts of mothers, though you know it not just yet. You will be compelled to love and raise your many, many children.

“I d-don’t want to always give birth!” Myeong whined. “I hate this already!”

Do not fear, Myeong, you will not constantly give birth like your boyfriend. Well, former boyfriend. Instead, your pregnancies will be more normal, though you will still give birth once a year, twice on occasion. But your breasts, appropriately given that is what you stole, will always be ripe with produce enough to raise your immense families. It is a blessing and a burden, but one you will have no choice but to take seriously.

“No goddamn way!” she spat. “I ain’t a mother. Change me back!”

"Yeah, you need to turn us back now!"

I cannot. It is beyond my power, young ones. You will be perpetually pregnant, and serve unique but interconnecting roles. I will guide you on some of the path, but that is as far as I can take you.

And then the voice vanished, leaving the two terrified, full, their wombs churning.

“Oh God,” Georgie moaned.

“What now!?” Myeong snapped.

The new woman looked at her fellow trouble-maker. “I f-felt something trickle out of m-me. My b-belly is even tighter. It f-feels like - Oh God! I think I’m going into fucking labor!”

Myeong could only watch as her lover struggled as the first contractions rolled through her form, the first of over a dozen children in her womb preparing to come into the world. The Asian woman’s enormous breasts increased production just at that prospect, causing her to groan in discomfort.

It had begun.


For the rest of their lives, Georgie and Myeong were ‘blessed’ with the magical power of Gisele, the fertility statue. Georgie was destined to remain a woman for the rest of her life, and a massively pregnant one at that. Her body would never stop generating children, and she went into labor at least twice a month, having to endure the agony of childbirth in its totality. She would spread her legs, gasp and groan and wish she had never damaged that statue, all the while knowing this was her role in life now: to birth and birth and birth baby after baby after baby into the world, sometimes several at once. One of the only respites she had was when she absorbed the essence of a nearby man, and became pregnant with his child. It was humiliating, particularly when it happened in public, but it made her orgasm terrifically. Still, as pleasurable as it was to feel such impregnation, it still came with the cumbersome and bitter knowledge that it meant another fetus was growing inside her, and that in nine months she would be spreading her thighs and straining to push it into the world. If there were no men present, as she tried to achieve several times, her body simply impregnated itself with its own sac of remaining sperm, causing her to orgasm anyway.

Myeong was let off a little lighter in some ways, and not in others. The Asian woman was also perpetually pregnant, and always with multiples, but she was not pregnant with the immense amount of litters Georgie was constantly birthing. Nor did she have babies operating on different timers, and so had to birth them monthly as her once-lover did. Instead, she bore twins and triplets and occasionally quadruplets every nine months. Like Georgie, she absorbed the essence of nearby men to become impregnated with their young, and just like her former boyfriend, if there were no males nearby, her body kept a reserve of thousands of Georgie’s sperm to do the job instead.

But while she still had to put up with pushing out her multiple babies in nine month cycles, she did have another duty that never, ever ended: lactating and breastfeeding. Myeong’s enormous pumpkin-sized breasts never stopped filling up with milk. Always, she was lactating, storing up milk, draining it, pumping it, or otherwise squealing in discomfort when she became overly-full, during which time her breasts would double in size to become like beachballs themselves. The only relief she had was in constantly feeding the babies she birthed, as well as the babies Georgie birthed, as well as numerous other babies that were brought to her. After all, her breast milk literally had astonishing properties that made her like an actual fertility goddess: it could heal minor injuries, restore broken bones, eliminate disease, and remove nasty physical conditions of newborns. It also made them healthy and strong.

The two new fertility goddesses struggled in their new lives, so at odds with their criminal, trouble-making natures. But they had to grow up fast, as they were expected in their new roles to raise their many, many sons and daughters. Georgie had to birth constantly - sometimes even up to four or five times a month if she had been impregnated repeatedly in a short period - and there were so many questions about their status, even their legal status now that they no longer resembled themselves. Couple with the several children they had in those first few months, they were terrified of what to do, particularly since they were now instinctively compelled to raise their babies together.

Thankfully, Gisele was not totally unsympathetic. She could still mentally communicate with them, and so guided them down to South America, far beyond the reach of modern civilisation. Several of her worshippers aided Georgie and Myeong in their travel, and also in aiding the birth of more of Georgie’s children. The shocked, pregnant pair were transported to an ancient tribe of people who had long-worshipped gods of fertility and rebirth, and themselves were going through a fertility crisis not unlike the one Gisele had helped overcome all those centuries ago. The tribal people welcomed the arrival of the two goddesses in the flesh, immediately coming to worship them and tend to their needs. In return, Georgie continually birthed babies to swell the tribe’s numbers, growing gravid with the seed of the men. Occasionally, she even gave into her instincts, and allowed some of the men to make love to her, an even of great honour to them, as they impregnated her directly, and often with multiples, much to her embarrassment. Myeong was similarly occasionally impregnated directly, but she was more mobile than her former boyfriend. She was constantly breastfeeding, and not just her own babies, but those of the tribespeople. It gave them good health and fortune, and soon even grown members of the tribe fed from her. It was humiliating to literally have grown men and women drink from her, but she needed constant draining, and the act was so damn pleasurable to her that when it did happen she could only moan in pleasure.

It was not the kind of life that Myeong and Georgie ever wanted, but it would have to do. They slowly adopted the tribal dress, showing off their gravid bellies and wearing little. Pregnancy was now their permanent state, one that would last longer than they knew. Only Gisele was aware of this, but chose to not tell them as one last little punishment. Not only had their bodies changed, but the essence of Gisele’s magic had extended their lifespans by hundreds of years. For all intents and purposes, the pair were fertility goddesses, with bodies that would always remain young and remarkably fertile. Georgie would end up straining and pushing out babies numbering in the tens of thousands, while Myeong would feed just as many, if not more with her milky breasts, all while having several thousand babies herself.

And while they didn’t know all of that yet, they were both very aware that they certainly shouldn’t have vandalised the fertility statue, because now they were endlessly fertile themselves.

The End


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