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The epilogue to the story you wonderful Deluxe Tier patrons voted for. Enjoy this final little look at Chase Argyle's fate - but who knows? Perhaps you guys will want to check in on her again. Feel free to comment if you'd like that, and I'll throw it up on the next Deluxe Tier poll.

Chase Argyle has little to complain about. He’s pretty good looking, reasonably fit, makes solid money working as a banking manager, and has a highly intelligent girlfriend in Jennifer Hayes. But the world is not enough for Chase, who likes to secretly indulge in other women on the side. But when he decides to inject himself with a chemical his scientist girlfriend has developed, one that promises the ‘perfect body’, he quickly finds his body changing in ways he could not have imagined, and always in response to arousal at the sight of the women around him.

Perfect Body: Epilogue

I was a man. A tall, well-muscled man with slightly curly hair and an impressive cock. Not even a ten out of ten hunk or anything, just the me that I used to be, with a variety of side chicks to enjoy ploughing said cock into. In the dream, I was manly, dominant, powerful, in control. The world was mine, and women were there to be enjoyed. And the best woman of all, an absolute goddess of a babe, was before me. She had enormous G-cup titties that barely sagged at all, instead riding high on her chest like a set of perfect golden globes. Well, olive-toned globes at least, one that jiggled and bounced perfectly with each sultry step. Her body was wild: itty bitty waist with wide babymakers for hips, and an ass you could launch a penny to the moon off of. Her lips were full, the kind that were perfect for sucking cock, and her hair was full and lush and dark, spilling over her shoulders like she’d just had sex and her pussy was dripping for more.

Zat wasn’t enough for me,” she said. “I want to go another round. I want to go down on you and drink your cum like a good wife.”

I was fucking hard as hell. This woman was literally the hottest thing I’d ever seen. Sex on legs, and what gorgeous legs they were, especially since her tight black cocktail dress showed them off so spectacularly. I wrapped an arm around her, groped her sweet behind even as I ripped open her dress to unleash those massive melons. She moaned in that sweet, high voice of hers.

“T-take me, Ben! Take me! Make me your wife! Fill me up with your babies!”

“What? Babies? What the hell are you talking about?”

She smiled, and those gorgeous green-tinged eyes stared deep into me with a knowing recognition. “That’s my job, honey. I’m horny and sexy and all yours. I literally can’t stop being zis submissive wife who needs her husband to cum inside of her every day. To cook and clean for him, and have all ze adorable babies my man wants. Isn’t that right, Ben?”

I backed away from this crazy woman. “What the hell are you talking about? I’m not Ben! I’m Celine! I mean, I’m Celine! Fuck, why can’t I say my name?”

I blinked, and suddenly the woman was no longer in front of me. Instead, a tall handsome man in a smart shirt and a dashing haircut was looking down at me. My body felt all different. It felt soft. Curvy. Feminine. And he looked so very, very attractive, particularly his wide shoulders, his toned body, and his piercing eyes.

“You look gorgeous honey,” the man said, and in that moment I knew this was who Ben was. “It’s been a long day. Why don’t we go to the living room and have some fun together? I want to hear you moan my name.”

My heart beat in a panic. I looked down and shrieked. Somehow, my skin had become olive. And what’s more, I had a pair of tits now! Big ones! ‘Size of my head’ kind of big! They jiggled as I moved, and I felt my ass jostle as well. I was wearing a tight pink dress, and my voice had become that of a gorgeous woman’s.

Zis makes no sense!” I cried in a sexy French accent. “Zis is not how things are meant to be!”

“Sure it is, my darling wife,” the figure said, drawing close to encircle me in his arms. My body stiffened, my nipples suddenly on fire with arousal, and my pussy too. God, I had a pussy! “You’re mine, and always will be. This is what you wanted, wasn’t it? The perfect body?”

He drew my face up for a passionate kiss, and I could only return it, fear and arousal mingling together all at once. And in the distance, I could hear a woman laughing.

It sounded like Jennifer.


I woke in bed from that ghastly dream, into an equally ghastly reality. Ben was snoring, still asleep, and my perfect female body was nestled up against me. I’d had the dream again. The one where I was a man, and the world was my oyster, only for it all to fall away. And now I was back again, curled against this man who was now my freakin’ husband, my body annoyingly aroused just from his presence. My heavy breasts - heavier lately - were pressed against his side, and my soft, always hairless legs were entangled around his. One of his hands rested on my ass, his fingers sinking slightly into the flesh. When he snored, his fingers groped a little firmer, and it made me whimper quietly from pleasure. He looked so fucking cute when he was asleep, and I could admire his manly jaw and light stubble. God, he fucking turned me on, no matter how much I tried to avoid it. Even moving away was impossible: the truth was that his chest, his legs, his arm draped over my impressive hip, were simply too warm and comfortable. Besides, my own form yielded to his thanks to the instincts Jen had trained into me over a year ago.

Jesus, it had been a year, nearly to the day in fact. It had gone by so quickly and so slowly at the same time. In just the span of a single day, my attempt to use a vial of my then-girlfriend Jennifer’s biological research to attain the most glorious male body - the kind that could fuck supermodels on yachts whenever I wanted - had backfired so spectacularly that I had not stopped thinking of it ever since. My body had altered itself whenever I was aroused by a physical or even mental aspect of a woman. It was small at first - longer hair and full, luscious lips - but thanks to my vengeful ex Gabriella I soon gained a more womanly form with wide hips. I inherited a great ass from my friend’s girlfriend Gemma. I got these damned chest bazookas courtesy of Eliza, whose big black boobs were something I missed being able to suck on all the time. I’d gotten her pregnant, apparently. She gave birth just a few months ago to my baby. Normally I would have been fighting every paternity suit thrown my way, but now . . .

Well, I didn’t want to dwell on that yet. In the end, even my race had changed. A sexy olive-skinned Latina walking past had that effect on me, and Jen’s partner Juliet had an attractive French accent that I accidentally stole. But as humiliating as those changes were, including the one that made me always move like a deeply sensual woman, the worst was delivered by Jen herself when she found out about my betrayal. I’d hoped for forgiveness and aid in turning back, but instead she ensured my transformation was complete. I had become a full woman, pussy and all, but she reminded me how aroused I got for women who were totally submissive and always loyal and dutiful to their man. We’d done roleplay scenarios like that several times, and she knew just how to describe the ultimate submissive, needy woman who would be totally dependent on her man, and unable to tell him the truth of her past.

And now that was me. The perfect wife-to-be, and with her brother visiting she made sure to pair me up toot-sweet. He was this tall, dark, handsome doctor who had a thing for women that wanted to be more ‘traditional’: read as ‘submissive, sexy, and willing to be a hot housewife.’ And thanks to my traitorous girlfriend, that was now me.

We were fucking in his car before I'd even seen his bedroom. Not that it took long to see his damned bedroom: this body is goddamned libidinous, and ever since I've become very, very acquainted with that particular room. I couldn't help myself: I had literally the perfect woman's body, and it insisted on being unbelievably attracted to Jen's brother. After that first night, during which he ploughed me with his big cock on three separate occasions, I woke with the unbearable itch to give him a blowjob. Try as I might, my male will was superseded, and soon I was licking and sucking on his cock like a whore until he blew a load down my throat. I couldn't even spit: every submissive instinct told me to swallow. Because it was the sort of thing that Chase fucking Argyle found sexy, and now it was applied to me as Celine.

Naturally, Ben wanted more dates. Why would he not? I was a damned busty, curvy, horny smokeshow with tits nearly the size of his head. And unnaturally, I was compelled to agree. To my former girlfriend-turned-tormentor's delight, soon we were going steady. I was attending high-class restaurants in tight, sexy dresses that showed off my curves, all while hanging off my new boyfriend's arm like a piece of candy. Eyes were always drifting to my damned cleavage, something which hasn't changed. And no matter whether we were watching a movie, eating dinner, going golfing (every swing made these tits jiggle), or just jogging (even more bouncing, on my ass too), our dates always ended with this stupid buxom horny body jumping his bones and taking his cock into its hungry pussy.

He was enamoured with me, and I couldn’t even blame the asshole. I was everything a man like him could want in a woman - hell, a man like me could want in a woman - and to all appearances I was totally head-over-heels in love with him, enough so that I was constantly spreading my legs and moaning like I was begging for it as he fucked me. It didn’t take long for him to be so completely in love with me too that he took me to the beach on a date. I was compelled to dress in a sexy blue red bikini that left little to the imagination. My prodigious rear swayed back and forth as we walked along the beach, drawing the eye of every man with a damned pulse in what felt like a one mile radius. My boobs were an even bigger draw, jostling with each step, my enormous cleavage on display like I was a storefront window. Ben could barely keep his eyes off of my glistening bronze skin, until finally we stopped, and he went down on one knee, much to my horror.

“Celine, I’ve loved you from the first date we had, and I’ve only fallen in love with you more ever since. I know we’ve only been together a little over two months, but would you do me the greatest pleasure by becoming my perfect wife?”

I wanted to freak out. To scream. To punch his lights out. Except a much stronger desire was already rising in me, a well of emotion that filled me with pleasant endorphins and excitement.

“Yes! Oh my God, yes Ben! Yes! I’ll be your wife!”

He lifted me up with his strong arms - a strength I used to have - and we kissed so deeply and passionately that one would think we were about to fuck on the beach right there.

Naturally, we were married only a few months later. Jennifer was utterly amused, as was Juliet. I was infuriated to learn that she had a new boyfriend, some guy called Todd, who she claimed treated her much better than her ‘ex’, when she damn well knew I was right in front of her, putting on a wedding dress with her help. She had helped organise the entire wedding, and much to my humiliation, she had ensured that Juliet and Gabriella and Eliza were both bridesmaids, with her as the Maid of Honour. All of them knew who I was, and all were very smug about who I’d become.

“My Celine, you have hips that look a lot like mine,” Gabriella said, grinning. “So glad you ended up a gorgeous latina like me, though I imagine those must be very heavy.”

She gestured at my tits, which made Eliza laugh.

“Well, trust me, Celine, they could become even heavier, if you end up like me.”

Eliza was particularly angry, since I’d knocked her up while male, leaving the bust black woman as a single mom-to-be. She was already five months along, and her tits were even bigger than mine.”

Zis is sick!” I whined in my weak way. “I’m not getting pregnant. You may have turned me into zis weak-willed housewife, but zat is too much!”

But Juliet and Jennifer just chuckled, helping me with my dress, which outlined my luscious curves perfectly and made the female part of my brain light up with unwanted joy.

“I wouldn’t count on that, Chase,” Jen said, smirking. “After all, my brother wants a big family. Trust me, we’ve always been close and this has been something he’s always wanted. And given how submissive and super fertile your body is, I wouldn’t be surprised if he knocks you up tonight. I can’t wait to see my asshole ex stuck giving birth to my brother’s babies. None of us can, right girls?”

And to my endless despair, they all agreed. I was married to Ben later that very day, and had to smile and cry and show off my pretty dress, and the worst part was that I actually felt happy and pretty, thanks to the hormones running through me. We danced our first dance, cut the cake, had the speeches and everything, and then when it was all over Ben took me to a fancy hotel room and fucked me into orgasm after orgasm, consummating our marriage.

Ever since then, I’ve been his gorgeous housewife. Always making myself look pretty. Always wearing sexy makeup. Always in tight dresses that show off all my womanly curves, particularly my cleavage. Always cooking and cleaning and learning how to do all sorts of women’s jobs around his impressive house, and welcoming him home with massages and fucking whenever he feels like it. And always, goddamn always I actually enjoy it while the dopamine trickles through my brain, only to realise I’m smiling sweetly and pull myself to a stop.

It’s that exact dopamine that ran through my mind as I felt him breathe next to me. I can’t help it. He just turns me on too damn much, even five months after being stuck as his submissive housewife. It’s part of the reason I’m in this damn situation.

Carefully, despite my desire to not give in, I lowered my hand down to his cock and began to lightly massage it. Ben has such a great cock. Big and manly, just as I wanted mine to be. I lightly stroked it, nestling closer against him as much as I am able to. Then, I lowered further to massage his balls. Fuck, he has such great balls. I had no idea before I became one that women could have such a thing about balls, but feeling them just makes my nipples go rock hard with arousal, as they did so at that very moment.

Finally, after far too long teasing him, Ben woke. I shuddered a little as his eyes opened, he took the vision of me against him in, and then smiled.

“God, Celine, you are one horny woman, aren’t you?”

“Mm-hmm,” I moaned. “I just want you so bad. I want to suck your big, manly cock, husband.”

He beamed, shifting slightly. His breath was already fast with arousal. “Wow, it’s already nine-thirty. We have to meet my sister and your friends soon.”

“Please,” I begged. “I need you in my mouth. I’ll go crazy if zis doesn’t happen, mon ami.”

He lowered a hand to rub my stomach, which was now noticeably swollen. It felt heavy, though I knew it would get a lot heavier, goddamnit.

“Pregnancy hormones?”

I smiled sweetly. “Maybe.”

“God, you’re so hot with a baby in you.”

“Mhmm, we’ll just have to make plenty of them,” I replied, lowering myself down to his cock. I didn’t even want this baby, but the prospect of him knocking me up and me bearing a heap of his children had my womanly engine revving, and there was no stopping it. I began licking the head of his cock. It tasted delicious, but not nearly as much, I knew from experience, as what would come out of it soon. I was a fucking expert in blowjobs now. I stroked his huge shaft as I caressed his penishead with my tongue, taking him deep inside me so that I was practically deep throating him. It was the ultimate humiliation every time, like a total display of my absolute submission to this man and his wife.

My pussy was fucking soaked at how horny that submissiveness made me.

After several minutes of lapping at his dick and playing with his wonderful balls, my husband’s hands gripped my hair in that possessive way that drove me wild. His cock throbbed, and he bucked it even further down my throat. I knew it was coming. I always knew it was coming. Yet for a moment each time, dread and excitement intermingled as one.

And then he ejaculated, his hot streams of semen filling my mouth and throat and tasting like a condiment that I just couldn’t get enough of. My eyes rolled to the back of my head - I couldn’t stop doing that if I tried, since I knew it turned him on - and my entire body shuddered in miniature orgasm at pleasuring him.

“MMhmmmmmmm,” I moaned, as he spurt again and again.

I swallowed every last drop of his cum, as I had since we were first dating. As Jen had instructed me to be. Finally, when my husband was fully satisfied, I crawled up on the bed beside him and lay on the side facing him. He kissed me, took a moment to rub my full breasts, and then stroked my stomach a little more.

“God, you are magnificent,” he marvelled.

“Mhmmm,” I moaned again, unable to even speak.

“We better get showered and changed. I want to see you in something sexy that shows off that bump. I’m sure your girlfriends will all go gaga over it. I know my sister will.”

I sighed. “Zat she will, husband. Zat I know she will.”


We were late. I was so horny, and Ben turned on by me, that in the end I’d gotten on all fours on the bed and let him fuck me from behind while he squeezed my heavy titties. It was heaven and hell at the same time, and I came at least four times when he ejaculated inside me. Jen and the others practically squealed as they saw Ben and I approach the outdoor setting. It was a wonderful park, one not too far from our house, and even I had to admit that walks were pretty nice here, even if I did them as a piece of sexy eye candy hanging off my husband’s arm. But today I was dreading it, since it was the first time in a while since I had seen Jennifer, as well as the other girls. She had been away collecting major awards with Juliet for their major success in advancing genetic engineering. Their ‘perfect body’ serum would not be ready for some time, and even then the FDA approval would take perhaps a decade to go through with the hyper-expensive treatment, but a majorly watered-down version was truly helping people with skin conditions, mismatched body parts, saggy skin, and so forth. But now, after their tour, they were back.

And Jennifer was throwing a park party to celebrate that I was pregnant, all thanks to her efforts, not that Ben knew it. She had received the good news while away, but my ex clearly wanted to see the fruits of her labour and my misdeeds in person. Which was why I was wearing a cute eggplant purple dress that worked wonders with my skin tone. It had the classic cleavage dip - what article of clothing did I even own that didn’t have that? - and was cut nicely short to show off my legs. It pulled tight against my big bustline and even more so against my pregnant belly, which I kept trying not to cradle, only to do so anyway. I’d even done my hair up to look fresh: I couldn’t deny that I did indeed have ‘the glow’, not that I actually wanted it.

“Oh my God, Celine, you look utterly gorgeous!”

“Th-thanks,” I said sweetly. “You look good too, Jen. Better than good.”

She beamed, gesturing to herself. ‘Good’ was an understatement. She’d managed to apply some of her treatment to herself, and now she was far more towards the kind of woman I’d always wanted her to be. She had impressive double-D breasts, though they were mere pimples to mine, and a much more hourglass figure. Her red hair was longer, and her freckles cuter, and she was even a little taller. Her boyfriend, Todd, was at the barbecue preparing the meat, and it made me wish I’d stuck it out with her. She was a knockout now.

“You’re too kind, Celine. I guess we’ve both changed so much. Doesn’t she just look amazing, little brother?”

Ben chuckled. He held me lovingly, cradling my belly. Jen could see me blush, as could Eliza, Juliet, and Gabriella

“She’s perfect. I still can’t thank you enough for getting us together, Jen.”

“Oh, that was all her doing, trust me.”

Some of the girls giggled.

“I helped a little with zis!” Juliet said.

“Me too!” Eliza added, patting her big bust, where her son - my son, really - was feeding from. “Baby will be pleased, trust me!”

“And I think she’ll be thanking me when it comes to birthing,” Gabriella finished, running her hands over her wide hips.

Ben continued to hold me, so I couldn’t see his obviously confused expression. Instead he rubbed my belly, making me feel all soft and protected.

“You ladies and your in-jokes. I’ll go see how Todd and Miguel are doing at the barbecue. You take care, honey.”
He placed his hands on my hips, turning me to face him. My big tits pressed against his firm chest as I stood on my toes to kiss him. God, I even raised one foot in a dainty feminine manner as he kissed me. I could have fucked him right there with this stupid horny preggo body.

“Calm down, you two!” Gabriella called. “We want to talk to our favourite mamacita before you both run off to a room again.”

I blushed crimson. God, I hated Gabriella. She’d been the first to fuck me over, and she loooooved reminding me of it. Ben kissed me again, stroked my belly one last time, and walked over to his male friends. It left me smiling like I had goddamn butterflies in my stomach.

Jen drew closer. “Well, now that my little brother is out of the conversation, how are you feeling, Chase? Still enjoying the life of a perfect housewife?”

I folded my arms, accidentally emphasising my huge chest. “You know zat zis is not the case. I still want to be a fucking man again.”

“Oh, boo hoo,” Eliza said. “I didn’t want to be a single mother, either.”

“You have a man now!” I exclaimed. “He has your baby right now.”

I gestured to the admittedly handsome Mediterranean man cradling the little boy who shared half of Chase Argyle’s DNA.

Our baby,” Eliza corrected. “But no one would believe that now, honey. Of course, you’re about to know just how not-fun labor can be.”

I rolled my eyes. “God, I don’t want to give birth.”

Gabriella chuckled. “At least you have my hips.”

“Thanks for zat,” I said dryly. “Look, can I at least have a seat while you mock me? I’m four months pregnant here, and ze baby is kicking.”

Far from warding my tormentors off, instead it only made them pile around me as Juliet fetched a seat.

“Now you’ve set them off,” she said in her same accent as I lowered myself down. She wasn’t lying: Jen, Eliza, and Gabriella all had their paws on my belly, feeling for kicks. I was helpless to it too: my natural state of submission made it impossible to go against Jen, so all I could do was take their hands and plant them on the left side of my belly.

“Here,” I said, sighing. “Zis has been going on for half an hour now.”

“They’ll get harder, those kicks,” Eliza chuckled.

“Great. Just great.”

Another stirring inside my womb, this one larger than the others. I groaned, trying to look exasperated. My boobs still stuck out more than my belly, but the latter wasn’t far from overtaking them. Ben was hoping I’d look real big and fertile, he had a total breeder kink. Still, those little kicks somehow meant everything to me. I’d never, ever admit it to Jen, at least as much as the male me could resist, but I just lit up when I felt the baby squirm about inside me. I was carrying a little boy, and Ben couldn’t be prouder. At times, it even made me proud. God knows it was the only chance I'd have of making anything male from now on.

"Well, it's so good to see my brother so happy, Celine," Jen said. "You have no idea how happy you've made him."

"I have a pretty good idea," I replied, gesturing to my pregnant belly. It felt big already. What would it feel like at nine months along? Hell, what would giving birth feel like? Fucking hell, I imagined.

“Oh, of course,” Jen said, looking satisfied. “After all, you’ve been a woman for about a year now. I bet you’re very much used to it all. Ben tells me you’re a wonderful cook.”

“Is that so?” Gabriella said. “You never cooked for me when we were dating.”

“You said you couldn’t cook at all!” Eliza exclaimed.

“Well, Celine has changed,” Juliet remarked. “And I still love your accent. Good to have another friend from the home country . . . sort of.”

I just sat there and took it. There wasn’t much else I could do. I was too meek to talk back much, and their various reminders about all the body parts I’d taken from them, and mental alterations they’d done to me, were a constant reminder of how my misdeeds had backfired epically. Even Ben’s baby seemed to agree: it was small, but a little thunk against my spine was no joke.

“Okay, okay, enough girls,” Juliet said. “I think zat it is time that we let the two former lovers talk, yes? Let’s go grab a bite to eat. Don’t worry, Celine, we will save you some. After all, you’re eating for two now.”

“Don’t remind me,” I said, rubbing my stomach. Damn it! I was trying not to do that all the time, it made me look - and feel - way too maternal. Still, Gabriella and Eliza and Juliet made their way from the table, though Eliza did shoot me one last smug glance. She raised her tits and let them bounce in her tight top.

‘Nice big titties!’ she mouthed, emphasising her chest. ‘I bet Ben likes ‘em!’

I could only nod submissively. God, he did. No one had any idea how strange it was to go from a guy with nothing but hard muscle on his chest to these heavy sandbags, or to suddenly have another guy sucking and licking your sensitive nipples until you cried out in pleasure. Even after a year, the notion that I had breasts - big, head-sized ones - that Ben couldn’t stop groping was just crazy to believe.

Jen seemed to sense that lack of belief, because her expression actually softened a little as the others walked away. We were just at an ordinary picnic table, but my round ass was enough for a cushion. Still, her look made me uneasy.

“Wh-why am I here?” I stuttered.

“I wanted to invite you,” she said.

“To humiliate me. To see me fat and pregnant with your brother’s baby.”

“Yes, true,” she mused. “And also so you can see me in my new looks. What do you think?”

She really was cute. Of course, thanks to her, and my own damned stupidity, I wasn’t attracted to women anymore. I was almost jealous of her double-Ds. They were full and ripe on her chest, looking great in her summer dress, but they weren’t my colossal HH-cups. That is to say, she could definitely cover them up if she wanted. I didn’t have that luxury. It was the first thing most people noticed about me, unless they were behind me. Then it was my ass.

“You look great, Jen,” I said, actually honest. “Really beautiful. I mean it.”

“You really do, don’t you?” she said. “That’s nice to hear. Maybe being a woman for a year, living as the kind of lady you always dreamed of, has even humbled you?”

“It has,” I admitted. I rubbed my stomach. Ah, what was the point of ignoring it by this point? It felt too natural to caress my swollen middle. God knows it’d be getting a whole lot bigger. “I feel like an idiot, all the time. I had zis notion that I could be having sex with ze most beautiful women, and now your brother fucks me every day, even now that I’m knocked up.”

She chuckled. “For some women, that’d be a dream come true. He’s quite a catch.”

“He is very handsome. I hate how much his body turns zis one on.”

Another chuckle. “Well, that’s not going away anytime soon.”

“It’s still permanent?”

“Oh yeah.”

I sagged a little, causing my boobs to wobble. They were always doing that. “I had hoped zere might be something . . .”

“No chance, Celine. I’m sorry.”

“You’re not.”

“You’re right, I’m not. But I’m not angry with you either, not anymore. You’re right, I did invite you here so I could show off how I look. I’m pretty happy with the results, and I won’t lie Celine, I’m very glad you’re not Chase anymore, or else you’d be undeservedly enjoying them instead of Todd over there.”

She waved to Todd, who waved back. God, I bet he was packing too, by the looks of him. It made me want Ben to come over just so I could feel better about my man. But then I always got stupid catty thoughts like that when I was angry these days.

“I know, I suck. And now I’m zis big-boobed, curvy latina who jumps your brother’s bones all ze time.”

She beamed. “I can’t take all the credit, as you well know, you have the lion’s share of it. And yes, I did want to see you in person, all pregnant. I imagine you’re going to have quite a fruitful life. My brother is throwing around potential baby numbers in the double digits.”

I groaned.

“And you’re likely to meet them, given how you two obviously go at it, and how fertile your own mind made your body.”

“Ughhh, don’t remind me. Just one baby is too many. Especially since Ben really likes ze idea of me having a ‘natural’ birth with no fucking painkillers. God . . .”

She gave a sympathetic expression. “Yeah, well, you kind of deserve that too. But as I was saying, I was expecting to just laugh and tease you, and keep humiliating you. And it was fun. I mean, seriously Celine, those knockers are the size of my brother’s head. If I know my brother, you’ll have to fight him just so the baby can get access.”

I rolled my eyes. It was true. It was also unbelievably erotic when he suckled at my nipples. “Yeah, he likes them. A lot.”

“And there’s everything else, which is fun for me. A nice payback. But . . . you’re also carrying my brother’s little boy. My nephew. And I can’t wait to meet the little tyke. And now that I have Todd, I think I’ve healed a little too. I don’t think you’re some amazing person suddenly - as far as I’m concerned you absolutely deserve to be stuck as a sexy housewife and stay-at-home MILF for the rest of your life - but I don’t hate you anymore. In fact, you’re my sister now, really.”

I’d never really thought of it that way, but it was true. She was my sister-in-law, crazy as that fact was.

“You forgive me?” I said, tears welling in my eyes. Goddamned pregnancy hormones.

She shifted to the seat beside me, and extended it to rub my belly softly. It was surprisingly calming.

“I think I do. Doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten, but you’ll be living your punishment, so why waste it on hate? I can’t do righteous anger like Juliet, and certainly not like Gabriella. I don’t think Eliza will come around to you for a while, maybe ever, but she’ll be happy to know you’ll be popping out babies, at least. But me? I think I’m ready to start treating you as my sister, and help you out a little. Maybe even throw you a baby shower.”

“That’s still pretty feminine.”

She smirked. “Well, you are feminine now. I didn’t say I wouldn’t tease at all. But I want to get along with my brother’s wife, since he’s so dear to me, and I want to get along with all the many nephews and nieces you’ll be giving me.”

Fuck, the thought of it turned this ridiculous body on too much.

“So, what do you say?” she asked. “Want to try and start new? Not as boyfriend and girlfriend, but as sisters?”

I sighed. It really was an olive branch. It wasn’t an end to the humiliation, not by a long shot. It wouldn’t save me from spreading my legs and crying out in my womanly voice as I pushed a baby out of my cooch. It wouldn’t get me my dick back, or stop me from taking Ben’s dick in my wet pussy. It wouldn’t make me not submissive, or able to avoid wearing cute maternity outfits, or give me smaller boobs, or hips that swayed less. No, I’d have all of that and more for life, and there was nothing that would stop me from giving birth to all the little babies Ben wanted from his sexy Latina wife.

But it would be something. A new start.

“Deal,” I said. I shook her hand. “I’ll try to be Celine, then. God knows I don’t have much of a choice. Maybe you can help me a little with zat.”

“I’d love to,” she said. For once her expression wasn’t one of amusement at my fate, but rather something more encouraging. She really did want me to resign myself to being Celine. To accept it. Whether I would succeed would be another matter, but it didn’t hurt to try. After all, my perfect body wouldn’t give me a choice anyway.

“But we can resume this conversation another time,” Jen said. “My brother is coming this way. He looks happy to see you.”

I turned. Sure enough, my attractive husband was heading this way. My nipples stiffened a little as he approached, and as if sensing him, his baby kicked in my womb. As always, I couldn’t help but feel a surge of affection and lust for the man who had made me his wife, no matter how much my male self tried to fight it down.

Maybe it was time to stop fighting it.

“Jen! How have you been, sis?”

“Just fantastic, little brother. I’ve been telling your gorgeous wife how excited I am to meet my nephew when he arrives.”

“The first of many,” he said, smiling as he rubbed my belly. “Isn’t that right, honey?”

There were so many things Chase Argyle would have said. But even if I could have said them, I wouldn’t now. Maybe Jen was right. Goddamnit, maybe I just had to accept that I was going to be stuck being this man’s sexy housewife and mother to his children for life. Maybe I’d just have to make my mind fit this so-called ‘perfect body’ and just deal with the shit luck life had handed me. That I had handed myself.

“So very right, my love,” I said sweetly, accepting his kiss.

He caressed my belly lovingly, and just for a moment, I felt a little of that love too. Humiliation, yes, but love too. He whispered in my ear.

“There’s a wonderful hidden grove with soft grass further along the river bank. We could go there and . . .”

I smirked. I whispered back. “And fuck my brains out? Good, my tits are aching for you, Ben.”

He took my hand, excusing me from Jen. She gave an understanding wink: she knew exactly what was happening. But I no longer cared, at least for the moment. I was Ben’s submissive wife, and my body needed him. I was craving the sensation of his dick plunging into my tight, wet pussy. I needed to play the part of his horny, pregnant wife. I could already picture what tonight would hold for me: I would cook him a nice casserole just like he enjoyed, all while wearing a cute dress that revealed my curves and a ‘Kiss the Cook’ apron for good measure. And he would untie that apron and hurl it aside. Reach past me to turn off the oven for a moment. Kiss me on my tender neck the way this body just loved. And then my Ben would lift up my dress, lower my thong, and slide himself deep inside me, and bang me hard against the kitchen top, feeling my swollen stomach and huge milkers until I cried out in ecstasy as he came inside me. I was his wife, after all.

And maybe, just maybe, I could learn to enjoy that.

I had the perfect body for it, right?

The End


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