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Chad is an alpha male future football star stuck rooming with the nerdy Derek at college. However, after mocking Derek and hurling one of his scientific finds in the bin, Chad finds that he has accidentally activated a recovered alien artefact . . . one that is slowly turning him into an attractive female alien. The changing jock and his nerdy roommate must travel across country to the original crash site in the hopes of changing her back . . . before her new lust for a human mate becomes too overpowering.

First Part

Previous Part

Part 10: The Interview

Serellis’ alien senses lit up like a Christmas tree. Her heart beat continuously, still on the right side of her chest now. The lights from the government forces blinded the alien woman’s vision, though only for a few moments. After that, her third eye took over, and suddenly she could see through the light, to the people and equipment behind.

It didn’t make her feel any better.

Surrounding them were what appeared to be dozens of agents, all with scoped weaponry, all trained on their position. Her enhanced hearing just barely managed to pick up a helicopter that was moving towards the crater, and a fleet of heavy motor vehicles as well. Furthest from them was a white-haired man in a crisp black and white suit, standing alongside a younger woman with the same getup. He held the megaphone.


The two looked at one another. Derek was clearly frightened. She was too.

“Chad - Serellis - what do we do?”

“I don’t know,” she admitted. She felt foolish. She was still naked, and Derek only had his underwear on. Her three large breasts were on obvious display, sitting a little lower thanks to her lack of bra, and her alien tail flickered back and forth, frustrated with her lack of options. She had extra speed, she knew that, though she hadn’t tested its limits yet. And her antennae were trying to tell her something, some kind of way she could possibly escape. But if there was one, she couldn’t figure it out, and the transformation had finished: there were no more red and green flashes from her ‘benefactors’ anymore. Just her.

And Derek.


She couldn’t put him at risk, even if she could dart and dive and wall-crawl out of this situation. God, to think that just a week or so ago, she would have left this cute, dorky, wonderful nerd in the dust, and not given a thought to what happened to him. Well, that wasn’t true, but she would have buried the guilt, and let it add interest across the years. But talking about Horace, unburdening herself to Derek, she knew she could never let anything else like that happen again.

Especially not to someone she cared for.

Perhaps someone she even loved.

“What do we do?” Derek asked.

“Put your hands up, dork,” she said, summoning that old jock stubbornness. “They’ve got the better of us.”

“No! I won’t. Not the feds. I promised that I’d never -”

“Put your fucking hands up!” she spat. “I don’t want to fucking lose you, okay? You’re my - my mate, alright. And I mean that in every sense of the goddamn word, got it? I wouldn’t have got this far without you.”

“They’ll put you in a cage, Serellis.”


She gave a little smirk, looking at this man she’d had sex with, given herself over to. Her tail curled protectively around him a little, before she made it back off to avoid alarming the agents around the ridge, some of whom had lowered themselves and were advancing slowly, still a while away.

“Derek, I’ve been in a cage my whole life. This crazy experience, man, it’s set me free. I’ve been turned into a goddamn green-skinned alien woman, and I feel free. They won’t cage me for long. But I refuse to see you get hurt. If you don’t put your hands up now, I promise I will beat you up like I was still a big hairy jock, okay?”

Derek gave a bitter, sad smile, and slowly raised his hands. She turned back to look at the advancing forces. The white-haired man was still far away on the ridge, but the more heavily armed and armoured agents came within thirty feet, guns still trained. Serellis could have laughed. All this way, and now to be locked away by the Man. It would feel like an appropriate judgement for all the shit she’d done as Chad, all the bullying and contempt and self-hatred she’d visited on others. But Derek was beside her, and he deserved none of it. So instead of crying (God forbid, she wasn’t that much of a woman yet, was she?) or screaming, or cursing them out, she simply put on her biggest, goofiest grin, and held her tail in the air like it was another hand.

“I come in peace!” she declared.

The soldiers that grabbed her, cuffed her, and hauled her towards the landing chopper clearly didn’t find it that funny.


Another blinding light. Another cage. This one was a lot more literal than the one her father had slowly built around Chad, however. It was metallic, with dark walls, one of which was all glass and clearly contained an entire team that was looking in on her. It made her wonder if the President of the United States had been informed of what was going on. Mind, judging from the lack of recognisable lettering on the agents’ uniforms, it made her wonder if these guys were even answerable to the President of the United States. They certainly seemed to be insistent on keeping her at their base, which apparently was indeed near Roswell, though whether it was the Roswell base people thought of she wasn’t yet certain.

It didn’t really matter. What mattered was that her hands were cuffed to the cold metal table, and her tail cuffed to: a welded new ring on the table had been prepared just to contain it. It irritated her a lot more than the wrist situation, since that particular limb had a mind of its own, and reflected her mood like that of a cat’s tail. Which meant it was continually writhing against the cuff that constrained it, much to her annoyance. At least they had allowed her some dress, though they didn’t have a bra that fit her - why would they? - and seemingly had taken the one she wore well away. She was dressed instead in a white singlet that fit her three boobs a little too snugly, and a pair of orange prisoner’s shorts that had a hole cut out the back of them for said tail to slip through. It wasn’t the comfiest arrangement, and she was fast learning a woman’s embarrassment at having her nipples poking through the fabric of her top, but it was something, at least. Her feet were bare, and her hair was untouched, thankfully. She’d grown surprisingly fond of her long, dark hair with its subtle green tint. Perhaps it was because Derek liked it.

That was the other thing she thought of often, as she waited alone in the room. Derek. They’d been separated at the crater: he’d been taken by van from what she’d been able to see using her x-ray vision. The blindfold they'd used didn't have any special properties to block said vision, which made her think they didn't fully understand her new biology. Of course, they would in time. She rotated her arm to see the many spots they drawn blood and tissue from. It had been a long medical examination, one that still had a number of monitors attached to her, and every so often armed agents entered to remove her from the cell and take her blindfolded to another laboratory, for another scan, another test, another urine sample, another reflex test, and so on. She did these dutifully only because Derek was also held by them, otherwise she'd drawn on her old strength and beat the everloving shit out of them, guns and security be damned. Still, she showed attitude.

"Hey asshole, eyes are up here!" she spat at an agent whose gaze wandered to her double cleavage.

"Yeah, they're tits. I'm still getting used to them, so I don't like old perverts touching them, so back off." That was to one of the scientists feeling over her body, testing her muscle responses.

"It's got a mind of its own, don't mind it," is what she said about her tail when it smacked an agent lightly on the back of his head.

"Can an alien girl get some fucking dinner here? You spooks have heard of food right?"

She was given good, and a team observed her eating a chicken roast as if they were watching a football game.

"Pack of fucking dorks," she said to them as she ate. "And not the awesome kind, like Derek is."

But for all her zest, her comments, her attempt to act casual and human to disarm them, they still maintained an overall silent treatment towards her. Afraid of her. Perhaps even a few hated her for what she was. It concerned her, but she refused to lose her pride. She was finally unafraid of herself. No longer hating herself. Funny that it took getting green skin, three tits, a vagina and a tail to achieve that. And besides, that one guard had struggled not to laugh at her attitude, so perhaps the treatment wouldn't be all bad.

That was what she thought, at least, while she waited in her cell, almost longing for the next appointment just to end the boredom. Not that she'd lost any focus, either. But the oppressive state of the facility, the high security of its interior, and the way in which she was being treated was certainly making her afraid. As much as she tried to puff out her substantial chest, there was no denying that she was filled with a dread anxiety. A fear she might never leave this place.

"Hey asswipes!" she yelled in her otherwise compelling female voice, "when are you going to let me see my mate? My friend? Whatever and however you want to put it! Where is Derek? He better be okay or I'll fucking laser you with my sci-fi nerd bullshit, okay?"

There was a long silence, during which Serellis sagged back down in her seat, heart beating with anxiety for her lover. And then the thick metal door opened, and in walked the white-haired man. He was in his early fifties, but he looked spry. Keen. His eyes were blue and cold, betraying nothing. He took a seat facing Serellis, and had the light dim slightly so her regular eyes could just barely see his outline. Evidently, they didn't know about her third eye's capabilities.

"You can understand me?" he said.

"I'm not saying shit till I know Derek is okay."

"I'll take that as a yes," he said. He laid out some reference documents for himself. She could make out some scans of her body on them.

"Where's Derek?"

"I would like to know your name first. It's clearly not Chad Penwick, though such a cover was successful for a long time."

"It's Serellis," she said, sticking out her full chest a little proudly.

"And how long have you been on our planet, Serellis?"

She paused, all three eyes widening. No way, they didn't really think . . .

"I've been here all my life, dude. I was born here."

The man frowned, looked at her arm monitors as if to check they were applied right. A little screen to his side was feeding him information.

"You were . . . born here?"

"Yeah, dude. I was Chad before I was Serellis. I'm a fucking US citizen."

"How many others of your kind were born here?"

"Listen, asshole, I have no idea. I'm probably the only one of 'my kind.' I wasn't even an alien until that funky UFO device went off in front of me like two weeks or so ago. I was Chad Penwick. I wasn't pretending to be him, hiding all this under his skin. I was human until recently. This is all an accident!"

The man typed something on the screen.

"Where's Derek?" she asked.

"Do you mean to tell me that you are not a natural born extra-terrestrial entity?"

"Dude, I was born at 11 Mayer Avenue when Mom couldn't make it to the hospital in time. How is this hard to understand? This tail? These three tits and three eyes? The green skin? This is pretty fucking new and weird to me too, okay?"

More typing.

"Where's Derek?"

"He's safe," the man answered.

"I want to know more than that."

"He's in our care."

"You've got him locked up."

"He's in a secure containment cell, yes."

"Release him. You don't want him."

"He's been in contact with an alien, or apparently alien-engineered life form, if we believe your story. He has dangerous knowledge, and he has trespassed on military ground, stolen equipment that belonged to the Government of the United States of America, and generally cultivated anti-American sentiment. You can bet we want him. How he’s treated will depend upon your cooperation.”

She went to fold her arms, realised she couldn’t, and slumped instead. Her antennae shifted in irritation. They could pick up the other man’s own frustration, but he was hiding it well. He was a professional.

“Fine. But if he’s hurt, I’m using my laser vision to toast you fuckers.”

He was very good. Her antennae could tell that he knew she was lying, but his silence humoured her. Instead, he shuffled his papers, tinkered with the little recording device on the table, and was silent for longer than necessary.

“Tell us the entire story of how you came to be like this, then,” he said.

Serellis sighed, but decided to do so. From start to finish, she told the tale of how the strange device had been activated by her bullying carelessness, and how it had slowly warped her body to become female. Green. Alien. Three-breasted and with a tail to boot. About the strange messages she received from the alien intelligence in her mind, and how it changed her very perception of herself. She held back that it made her see Derek as her mate, and how those feelings had gone from mere compulsions to true and genuine over the course of their travel together. She didn’t tell him that she’d experienced wonderful interspecies sex in her new form, either. She did, however, let on that her new identity was female, and her name Serellis, and that her hope was to change back by finding some other alien tech to signal the extraterrestrial race and make her human again.

She didn’t share that she had some hesitation over this. That was something she was hiding more than a little from even herself.

The white-haired man said little except asking for clarifying details over the course of the story. When it was done, he asked for it to be told again. Then again. Then again. This time, it was an interrogation. Every detail was teased out, every opportunity they’d taken to evade the authorities, every conversation they’d had. She could only hope Derek was avoiding the same topics, because soon her antennae were doing heavy lifting keeping her from getting a headache.

Hours passed in that small, cramped, dark room with its single bright light. Even her third eye got tired from staring straight into it. The air was filled with a surprising amount of dust, which made her happy that she had a much flatter nose than ordinary humans. Even with her pointed, enhanced ears, she couldn’t make out anything beyond the walls. Her x-ray vision gave little penetration either: the walls were thick. She could make out some white hallways and the occasional passerby. And, of course, there was always the crowd of analysts on the other side of the one-war glass.

“Tell me of your arrival over state lines again,” the man said.

But she’d had it by this point. Not even the most brutal coach in her sports career as a man had pushed her this hard.

“Not until you show me evidence Derek is okay. And give me some damned water and food too. I eat human stuff; you know, ‘cause I actually am human. Sort of.”

The man touched his earpiece, and her ears could just make out what was being said: We’ll give her some time. We can press her on the signals later.

“What signals?” she said.

That managed to jolt the man.

“You’ve got good hearing,” he said, recomposing himself.

“Damn good hearing,” she said with a smirk. “And that’s just the start. It’s fucking weird, I can tell you that.”

“Tell me about these other senses.”

“No, you tell me about these signals. From aliens? The people who changed me? Are they actually out there?”

He creased his brow. “You’ll have one hour’s rest. Your water and some basic food will be arriving soon.”

He began to stand, and her right-sided heart beat in her chest rapidly. “Wait! Just - just give me evidence that Derek is okay. Please. Just show me footage of him, or something.”

Another earpiece notification, this one quieter. She could still make it out.

We can show her. It might gain some trust. The signal is increasing, and if we can use her to locate it . . .

The man sighed. He picked up the tablet he’d been tapping on and held it out to her. The screen showed Derek, looking a little banged up and miserable, in a similar cell to her own, though not with nearly as great security. He was lolling his head against the table, clearly overcome with boredom. Serellis’ heart leapt with joy to see him.

“Derek,” she whispered. Her antennae lowered, willing to touch the screen. He was her mate, and not just by instinct anymore. She felt a sense of love well up inside her that she couldn’t deny: tears pooled in all three eyes, and it was impossible to wipe them due to her handcuffed position.

But she had to act on her idea. It was only the rough sketch of a plan, but perhaps it could work. She focused her eyes and her antennae upon the tablet, and was able to see the electrical signal of the feed. It formed a direct line upwards and to her left. She gazed up, readied her third eye for a coming bout of exhaustion, and concentrated her x-ray vision as she never had before.


Just faintly, just faintly, she could see him. He was two stories up, and several rooms over. He was breathing, and he was okay.

She slumped against the table, breathing heavily. She tried to make it appear as if from relief.

“Thank you,” she said.

“You’re welcome,” the intimidating man said. “He’ll be alright so long as you cooperate. Refreshments will arrive shortly. You will keep receiving them while you work with us. If you refuse, we have to resort to more . . . extreme measures. Do you understand?”

“Do you intend to kill me?”

The man gave a somewhat sinister smile. He shut the light off, and for a moment there was a frightening black hole where he once was in her vision, until her eyes adjusted.

“We can learn much more from a living specimen than a dead one, Serellis,” he said. “But don’t think we won’t kill you if we have to. Every organism has a limit to its usefulness. Try to stay useful.”

He stood and made his way to the door. She gulped, trying to stave off the fear he’d just so successfully put into her in this dark, claustrophobic space.

“Wait! One last thing!”

He halted at the door for just a moment, not turning to face her.

“The signals. Did they increase after the device was activated? After I was turned into this?”

“They did,” the man said. “And you’re the key to finding out what they want with us. But if we suspect their intentions are not good, or that you’ve brought something with your presence, we will not hesitate to snuff out your life. Do you understand? So when the time is right, you’ll tell us everything you know about your alien friends.”

“They’re not my friends. But I don’t think they’re hostile.”

“Oh? What makes you think that?”

She gestured to herself as best as she could. “Because they made me into this. A half-alien girl. I’m pretty shit with history, but when the settlers came they didn’t exactly go native, did they? They fucking exterminated people who got in their way. As far as an idiot jock like me sees it, I might be some kind of living contract.”

“A contract for what?”

“That, I have no fucking idea.”

The man eyed Serellis for a long time, then he opened the door and left. The alien woman spent a long time taking in everything he had said to her, as well as their current situation. Could she even escape? Should she?

She had to. Derek was being held captive, and there was no way she was leaving her mate behind. Ever. She needed to find that signal with him. It was their only chance, not just at having her turned back - if she even wanted that - but at getting the government off of their backs. She refused to die in some padded cell or be cut open and inspected on some secret government base.

She looked up, used her special vision to see where Derek was. Her tail pulled at the handcuff that held it awkwardly against the table.

“What to even do?” she whispered to herself.

The room was under observation. The room was bugged. Food and drink would be arriving soon - it might be her only chance to even get out in time. Her antennae wriggled on her forehead, trying to tell her something. They were feeding her information, something her body could do that she didn’t even realise yet. She pulled at the cuff with her tail, and to her surprise, it gave a little. She tried to keep her cool, and look out of her peripheral vision at it. The flesh of her ‘tail hand’ was a lot more flexible and rubbery, and even their scans must have underestimated how much so. If she could just get it out . . .

But then what? What could she even do?

Another sharp signal from her antennae. God, they could be so annoying! More information fed through them, and for the first time in a while, that alien voice rang through her mind.

#$^@%^!$# CLOAKING $%$@##$% ESCAPE DIRECTIVE $%$%^%^%^% FREE MATE FOR PROSPERING #$%@#$@#

Her eyes bulged. Cloaking?

Serellis gave a grim smile.

“I’m coming for you, Derek. My mate.”

To Be Continued . . .


Day Dreamer

Wild developments! Superb storytelling!